Apple Messages for Business
Personalized experience.
In Messages for Business your customers can answer on their own time, whether that is instantly, a few hours or even weeks later. Built-in features like Apple Pay, authentication, visual lists and scheduling templates make the experience convenient for both your customers and your representatives.
Apple Pay
Frictionless checkout.
Apple Pay in Message for Business provides your customers an easy and secure way to pay for goods and services. Users can quickly and securely provide their payment, shipping, and contact information to check out with just one touch or glance.
iMessage apps
Built-in Authentication.
Create a custom experience for your customers with iMessage apps or the built-in authentication for Messages for Business. If your customer does not yet have your app, they can download it directly from within the conversation.
Presenting, selecting & scheduling
A channel for qualified business.
Messages for Business makes interacting with your business simple. Easily schedule appointments and deliveries with your customers. Let customers easily order and pay through Messages for Business anywhere anytime.
Use your current messaging service provider to get connected.
With Messages for Business, your team can be more productive using the tools they already know.
As a brand, I want to connect with my customers in the Messages app.
Also available

EHR Gateways

Empower your patients with Health Records on iPhone.

Places on Maps

Add or update your business information in Apple Maps.

Indoor Maps

Add indoor maps and positioning in Apple Maps and your app.