Samsung Researcher named to Vice-Chair position of IEEE 802.15.4ab UWB Task Group

Samsung Research is pleased to announce that one of its researchers has been named as vice-chair to help lead the next-generation ultra-wideband (UWB) standards at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.

Clint Chaplin, at Samsung Research America, was named as vice-chair of the IEEE 802.15.4ab Task Group, specifically tasked with keeping the Task Group on schedule and on track. The IEEE 802.15.4ab Task Group is chartered to further develop the UWB specifications currently in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Clint has more than 20 years of experience in connectivity standards, and has shown strong leadership as chairman or Board member in many standards organizations such as FiRa Consortium, Wi-Fi Alliance, WiMedia Alliance, NFC Forum, and so on.

Samsung has been actively participating in IEEE 802.15 standards development for over 15 years, helping in the development of the 802.15.6 Body Area Network standard, the 802.15.7 Visible Light Communication standard, and the 802.15.4z secure locationing standard amendment.
