Fotografie principală pentru Bioeuro


Servicii IT și consultanță IT

Cluj Napoca, Cluj 34 adepți

Strategic business development

Despre noi

Bioeuro is a Romanian consulting company acting in software, FMCG, importing and exporting, offering consultancy for foreign companies aiming to expand their sales among Romanian and emergent markets. We can represent your company here in buiding start-ups, opening the market for yur products, building your specific marketing campaigns, positioning your products, offering both commercial and legal consultancy. We are here to find the right occasion and the right partners for your deals. Romanian language, English, French, Italian, are the languages known by us. At demand we can help you in German, Hungarian or other East European languages. We have expertise in representing various companies like Sodexho, Wolters Kluwer, Mansoft, Nesplora, Neptune Motor Parts, Artel, Rusal, Henschel etc from different part of world.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Servicii IT și consultanță IT
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
Cluj Napoca, Cluj
Companie privată
Consultancy, Sales, Marketing, Strategy, Online Marketing, FMCG, Translation, Services, Legal Advisory, Start Ups, Matchmaking și Reporting


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