

Tehnologie, informații și internet

Empowering women, decentralizing success.

Despre noi

fem3.space, the first community for women in the Web3 space in Romania, invites women working in the Web3 space or who want to educate themselves about this industry to join! fem3.space has reached 70 members in just one month since its launch, and the community includes women working in various, different fields, from lawyers, accountants specializing in crypto & NFTs, to metaverse architects, creators of virtual fashion, NFTs, digital experiences, Blockchain PhDs, Artificial Intelligence PhDs, PR & Marketing specialists and more. The rise of the Web3 space coincides with a growing interest of women who are active or interested in the decentralized nature of this technology. The vision of fem3.space is to create a Web3 community that promotes diversity, equity and innovation, where all voices are heard and valued. Diverse teams, with their unique perspectives and experiences, can generate the best products and services that meet the evolving needs of the global community. The community promotes and supports women in the community to ensure that their voices are represented and their contributions are recognized. The project is also committed to encouraging and inspiring the next generation of women in technology by providing visible role models. fem3.space paves the way for more women to join the industry and leave their mark.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Tehnologie, informații și internet
Dimensiunea companiei
51-200 de angajați
blockchain, artificial intelligence, web3, NFTs, Metaverse, trading, cryptocurrency, development, graphic design, marketing, social media și PR


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    Vezi profilul pentru Anna Mera, grafic

    Business Development, Web3.

    Excited to represent Chainlink Labs as a speaker at the AI Horizonz event on October 24th, hosted at the Universitatea Româno-Americană din București organised by fem3.space. AI HORIZONS will bring together leading industry experts, innovators, and tech enthusiasts to explore the latest advancements in AI and blockchain and how these technologies are transforming sectors such as healthcare, finance, education, and music. RVSP: https://lu.ma/2zz0wmuq See you there 🦾

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    🚀 Save the date: 24 October 2024! fem3.space, Romania’s first and largest community of women in Web3, is teaming up with the Universitatea Româno-Americană din București for "AI Horizons", a groundbreaking conference dedicated to emerging technologies. The event will feature discussions on AI’s role across industries, the impact of AI on future generations, women in Web3, and even AI-driven music production. 🎶🤖 Take a look at our panels: 🔀Cross-Industries Panels – Discussing the diverse applications of AI across various sectors and how it’s transforming industries. 🧑🧑🧒Transgenerational Panel – Exploring how AI impacts different generations, from Gen Z to Baby Boomers, and how it shapes their interaction with technology. 👩💼Women in Web3 – Highlighting the role of women in shaping the future of web3 technologies, fostering innovation, and breaking down barriers in the tech space. 🎵AI in Music Technology – Featuring Revocalize, the innovative project by Marius Moga and Sebastian Dobrincu, this panel will delve into how AI is revolutionizing music production and creativity. 👩⚖️AI Lawyer: Lawren – Introducing Lawren, an AI-powered legal assistant and discussing the future of AI in the legal field. Register here: https://lu.ma/2zz0wmuq #aihorizons #fem3space

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    Vezi profilul pentru Mirela Munteanu, grafic

    Founder RNA Agency/ Talent Manager

    De-a lungul timpului, baza de fani a reprezentat o sursă de venit esențială pentru artiști. Fanii cumpără bilete la concerte, achiziționează albume, produse derivate și contribuie prin diverse modalități la succesul financiar al acestora. Cu toate acestea, evoluția tehnologică din ultimele decenii a deschis noi oportunități pentru a revoluționa această relație tradițională. În prezent, tehnologia NFT (non-fungible tokens) și expansiunea domeniului digital oferă o platformă inovatoare pentru crearea unui nou ecosistem economic, benefic atât pentru artiști, cât și pentru fani. NFT-urile permit artiștilor să emită opere de artă digitale unice, care pot fi cumpărate, vândute și deținute de fani. Aceste tokenuri digitale pot reprezenta orice, de la melodii și albume, la ilustrații, bilete VIP pentru concerte sau chiar experiențe personalizate. Această inovație aduce o schimbare semnificativă în modul în care fanii pot sprijini și interacționa cu artiștii lor preferați. În loc să fie doar consumatori pasivi, fanii au acum oportunitatea de a investi activ în carierele artiștilor. Deținând NFT-uri, fanii pot beneficia financiar de pe urma succesului artiștilor pe care îi susțin. Valoarea unui NFT poate crește în timp, oferind astfel fanilor posibilitatea de a obține câștiguri din investițiile lor. Acest model creează un ecosistem reciproc avantajos: artiștii obțin finanțare directă de la fani pentru proiectele lor, iar fanii devin parteneri în succesul acestora. În plus, transparența și securitatea oferite de tehnologia blockchain, pe care se bazează NFT-urile, asigură un nivel ridicat de încredere și autenticitate în tranzacțiile digitale. Pe măsură ce tehnologia continuă să avanseze, acest nou ecosistem poate transforma fundamental industria muzicală și artistică, democratizând accesul la resurse și oferind oportunități fără precedent atât pentru artiști, cât și pentru fani. Este un moment oportun pentru a explora și a adopta aceste inovații, contribuind la dezvoltarea unei relații mai strânse și mai profitabile între artiști și comunitatea lor de susținători.

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    We’re very excited to announce our partnership with LEADERS Foundation for this awesome mentorship programme. Join THE Leadership School, 7 days: an intense learning experience through a journey of profound self-discovery, it will be hard, it will be crazy, it will be exhausting. It will test your limits: mentally, physically, and emotionally. If you think you are X-traordinary, don’t miss out on this one! Find more details about the program & scholarships: https://ldrs.me/tls

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    In their paper A Practical Deep Learning-Based Acoustic Side Channel Attack on Keyboards (full PDF), UK researchers Joshua Harrison, Ehsan Toreini, and Marhyam Mehrnezhad have revealed a startling discovery: a potential security threat that could compromise your privacy during Zoom calls! 👀🔍 AI experts claim an alarming 93% accuracy in detecting keystrokes over Zoom audio, using deep learning models. This means your confidential information might be at risk, especially in public places like coffee shops or libraries. 🤯 What you need to know: 🔐 The threat involves recording keystrokes through sound profiles of individual keys during Zoom calls. 🎙️ Laptops, especially in quiet public areas, are more susceptible to these attacks. 💻 Most laptops have uniform, non-modular keyboards, making them easier targets. 📱 The researchers achieved over 93% accuracy in their tests, emphasizing the urgency of addressing this issue. 🛡️ Defense Strategies: 1.Change Your Typing Style: Altering your typing technique, especially touch typing, can make it harder for attackers to recognize your keystrokes. 2.Use Randomized Passwords: Employ passwords with multiple cases to confuse attackers trying to identify the "release peak" of a shift key. 3.Randomly Generated False Keystrokes: Consider adding false keystrokes to your transmitted audio during video calls, though this might affect usability. 4.Biometric Tools: Opt for biometric authentication like fingerprint or face scanning instead of typed passwords. 🤔 Food for thought: The researchers found that the position of a key played a crucial role in determining its audio profile. False classifications tended to be only one or two keys away, indicating a potential for correction by a second machine-bolstered system. 🛑 Stay Vigilant and Secure! In an era where digital privacy is paramount, it's crucial to be aware of emerging threats. Consider adopting the suggested defense strategies to protect your sensitive information. Share this post to spread awareness and empower others to secure their online interactions! 🌐🔒 #cybersecurity #PrivacyMatters #aialert #fem3space

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    Are you ready to level up your thinking gear? 🚀🧠 Just when you thought you've seen it all in the world of AI, Neurable steps in with their innovative over-ear headphones! These neurohacking marvels use AI to read your brain signals, helping you stay sharp and focused throughout the day. Dr. Ramses Alcaide, CEO of Neurable, spilled the beans at VivaTech in Paris, revealing that these headphones are designed to detect your mental state. Whether you're in a deep focus or your concentration is slipping, Neurable has got your back! But how does it work? 🤔 The silver bands on the headphones are electrodes that record brain activity around your ears. Thanks to Neurable's AI magic, they amplify the signals, especially from the frontal lobe associated with focus. It's like having a personal coach for your brain! Concerned about brain-hacking? 😱 The headphones aim to empower users by providing insights into their mental fatigue, helping prevent burnout. However, some worry about potential misuse in the workplace. Dr. Alcaide reassures that it's not about control but about improving well-being. The Mayo Clinic even backed up the benefits! 🏥 Taking timely breaks can reduce end-of-day stress by 20% and increase happiness by a whopping 70%. The headphones gently remind you to take a breather, allowing you to decide when and where. Not just a pipe dream! 🌈 Neurable's technology is already making waves, with a major headphone brand set to launch a product later this year. Imagine a headphone version of the Apple Watch, letting you track your cognitive health on the go! #neurable #aiheadphones #TechInnovation #Focusonfocus #fem3space

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    🌐 Explore CANVA Magic Studio Now! ✨ Jump in and start creating magic – your creative journey awaits! Experience the power of AI like never before. 🚀 Magic Design™: Watch Your Thoughts Take Shape Tired of the blank page struggle? Magic Design turns your ideas into stunning designs in an instant! From written prompts to media uploads, it creates sophisticated, curated designs personalized just for you. Excitingly, Magic Design for Video makes professional videos a breeze – from content creation to music selection, all in seconds! 💫 Magic Switch™: Transform and Localize in a Flash Say goodbye to tedious formatting! Magic Switch transforms your designs with a click – switch formats, translate languages, and instantly scale your content. Effortlessly turn a whiteboard of ideas into emails, presentations into blog posts, or ads into posters – all saved and ready to share. 🌈 Easy AI-powered Image Editing: Magic Grab, Magic Expand, Magic Morph, Magic Edit Experience a new level of image editing! Magic Grab makes any image editable, Magic Expand goes beyond borders, Magic Morph adds creative effects, and Magic Edit allows quick and easy changes. No more hours of editing – just the magic touch your designs need! 🎨 Magic Media™: Access the Perfect Visual Asset Dream it up, and let Magic Media bring it to life! Generate images, 3D art, and short videos effortlessly with AI. Access top AI image-generation apps like DALL·E and Imagen right inside Canva. Perfect and remix with Canva's Photo Editor for the finishing touch. ✨ Magic Animate: Bring Designs to Life Transform your designs with a single click! Magic Animate adds life to your creations with animations and transitions. Say goodbye to manual adjustments – Magic Animate does it all for you, ensuring a captivating design every time. 📝 Magic Write™ – In Your Brand Voice Upgrade your writing game with Magic Write! Generate first drafts, summaries, or expansions with a simple prompt. New brand voice features ensure your writing aligns with your brand's tone for impactful communication. 🚀 AI-powered Apps: Elevate Your Creativity Explore a world of AI-powered apps in the Canva marketplace! From high-quality music to talking avatars, streamline workflows with apps from Google, OpenAI, Murf AI, Soundraw, Heygen, D-ID, Mojo AI, and more. 🛡️ Canva Shield: Safe and Responsible AI Your safety matters! Canva Shield introduces robust safety, privacy, and security controls. Role-based permissions let you manage your team's access, ensuring AI is both safe and fair. Plus, we're committing $200 million to competitive content and AI royalties for our creator community over the next three years. 🌐 Explore Magic Studio Now! 🚀✨ Jump in and start creating magic with Magic Studio! Your creative journey awaits – experience the power of AI like never before with Canva #MagicStudio #AIDesign #CreativityUnleashed #CanvaMagic #fem3space

  • fem3.space a distribuit aceasta

    Vezi profilul pentru Mirela Munteanu, grafic

    Founder RNA Agency/ Talent Manager

    Momentele acestea pe care la trăim sunt unele ce scriu istorie. Suntem parte dintr-o schimbare radicală a modului în care artiștii își gestionează creațiile și interacționează cu publicul lor. NFT-urile au devenit un catalizator al acestei schimbări, oferind o modalitate nouă și inovatoare de a monetiza arta și de a construi conexiuni autentice cu fani. În industria muzicală din România este nevoie de o înțelegere clară a posibilitățile pe care le oferă NFT-urile ca modalitate de a spori implicarea fanilor și de a revoluționa modalitățile tradiționale de generare de venituri. Blockchain-ul, coloana vertebrală a NFT-urilor, aduce o transparență și securitate fără precedent în acest ecosistem. Contractele inteligente asigură o compensație echitabilă pentru artiști, garantându-le acestora o distribuție corectă și rapidă a veniturilor. Această descentralizare a tranzacțiilor financiare elimină barierele și conferă artiștilor români, și nu numai, o șansă mai mare de a prosperă într-un mediu mai echitabil. La nivel internațional s-au creionat deja câteva proiecte pioniere în această direcție care vor deschide ușile spre cum se pot schimbă în bine ecosistemele de revenue atât pentru artiști, autori, dar și pentru investitori. Și țin să menționez asta pentru că îmi displace când oamenii se poziționează că fiind primii care au inventat proiecte care există deja, deși este mai puțîn important în era această cine este primul, dacă proiectul nu este unul eficient și care aduce real o plusvaloare. Proiectul la care lucrez în prezent nu este primul pe piața internatională, dar sper să fie unul cât mai bun și eficient și să deschidă porțile spre o îmbunătățire, decentralizate și totodată democratizare în zona artistică. #mirelamoonteanu #inov #music

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