🔹 Recepția de Anul Nou AHK România 2025 – O seară dedicată excelenței în business! 🔹 Echipa noastră, reprezentată de Cristina Petrescu, Sorana Cernea, Daniela Zar și Claudia Stanciu Stănciulescu Stanciu, a participat la Recepția de Anul Nou AHK România 2025, un eveniment de referință pentru comunitatea de afaceri germano-română, găzduit la Palatul Parlamentului. Tema ediției din acest an – „People. Skills. Competitiveness.” – a evidențiat importanța dezvoltării continue a competențelor și a capitalului uman în succesul unei companii. Suntem mândri să facem parte din această comunitate și să contribuim activ la dezvoltarea unui mediu de afaceri dinamic și sustenabil în România. 👏 Felicitări organizatorilor pentru o seară de excepție! #AHKRomania #Networking #BusinessExcellence #StrongerTogether
Despre noi
TPA is one of the leading tax, accounting and audit companies in Austria and Central and South Eastern Europe. The TPA Group currently has 30 offices in Central and South Eastern Europe. More than 2,050 TPA employees work at 30 tax & Audit offices in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. TPA Romania currently has 9 partners and employs over 150 professionals including certified auditors, chartered and certified accountants, financial analysts, legal and fiscal advisors. Our services include tax advisory, accounting, auditing, advising and legal services. Highest quality, on-going development of our know-how, and a particular understanding of the situation and needs of our clients are important features of our work. Our current clients list in Romania includes over 300 international companies, mainly active in the fields of services, manufacturing, distribution, and real estate. TPA Romania also works for international institutions and non-profit organizations. The TPA Group is an independent member of Baker Tilly Europe Alliance and is thus able to provide to its clients a worldwide network of tax advisors, auditors, and business consultants.
- Site web
Link extern pentru TPA Romania
- Sector de activitate
- Servicii financiare
- Dimensiunea companiei
- 51-200 de angajați
- Sediu
- Bucharest, Romania
- Tip
- Parteneriat
- Înființată
- 1998
- Specializări
- Accounting, payroll & tax compliance, Tax Consulting, Audit & Assurance Services, Legal services through our affiliated law offices și Advisory
48 Iancu de Hunedoara Blvd.
2nd floor. Sector 1
Bucharest, Romania, 011745, RO
Str. Ploieşti, nr. 17-19 A,
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca 400157, RO
Angajați la TPA Romania
📝 The Latest TPA Tax & Legal Newsletter is Here! 📌 Key topics în our January edition: ✅ Amendments to the Fiscal Code regarding the dividend tax, microenterprise regime threshold, personal income tax and social contributions and construction tax. ✅ Amendments to the Procedure for the Guidance and Assistance of Taxpayers – The Ministry of Finance has optimized the process for professional bodies to submit requests regarding general tax application matters while enhancing transparency through publication and distribution to members. ✅ The obligation on companies to employ people with disabilities – Order no. 28/2025 entered into force on 28 January 2025. ✅ The first concrete obligations on entities using AI – The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act, which came into force on 2 February 2025, introduces the first concrete obligations on entities involved in the use of AI, the most important of which being the AI literacy obligation. Don't miss these key insights! #TPARomania #TaxNewsletter #LegalUpdates #StayInformed
📌 Did you know that SAF-T is an international standard for the electronic exchange of accounting, tax, and management data between taxpayers and tax authorities, designed by the OECD in 2005? SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax) has been gradually implemented in Romania: ✅ Since 2022, large taxpayers have been required to report. ✅ Since 2023, medium-sized taxpayers have joined. ✅ Starting in 2025, small taxpayers – micro-enterprises, associations, non-profit foundations, and owners' associations using double-entry accounting, as well as non-residents registered for VAT purposes in Romania – will also have to comply. Please find out more about SAF-T in our article: https://lnkd.in/dcC45N4a Do you have questions about SAF-T? Leave us a comment! #TPARomania #SAFT #ConformitateFiscală #RaportareCorectă
The complexity and high implementation cost of SAF-T reporting. A major challenge for small businesses | www.tpa-group.ro
📢 Nu rata ocazia de a o asculta pe colega noastră Sorana Cernea, Managing Partner, la TaxEU Forum Timișoara 2025! Cu peste 25 de ani de experiență și expertiză în consultanță fiscală și financiară, Sorana va oferi perspective valoroase despre provocările și soluțiile din domeniu. 📅 5 martie | Hotel Timișoara 🔗Rezervă-ți locul acum: www.taxeu.ro/timisoara
🎙️ Meet the Speakers Sorana Cernea este Managing Partner al TPA Romania si partener fondator al biroului TPA din Cluj, iar pe 5 martie va vorbi la conferinta TaxEU Forum Timisoara 2025. Sorana are peste 25 de ani de experienta si a participat la proiecte complexe de consultanta, inclusiv transnationala, due diligence fiscal si financiar, asistand clienti in litigii fiscale, proiecte de M&A, mobilitate internationala, joint ventures, si nu numai. 💡 Vino sa o asculti pe 5 martie, la Hotel Timisoara! 👉 www.taxeu.ro/timisoara #taxeu25 #evensysconferences
🗓️ Pe 13 februarie, colega noastră Daniela Zar (Partener | FCCA | Consultant Fiscal) îți aduce informații esențiale despre regimul fiscal în fuziuni, achiziții și reorganizări, pe scena TaxEU Forum București 2025. 🎤 Descoperă soluții practice pentru a gestiona riscurile fiscale! 📌 Asigură-ți locul acum: 👉 www.taxeu.ro/bucuresti #TaxEU25 #EvencyConferences #TPARomania
🗣️ Pe 13 februarie, Daniela Zar (Partener | FCCA | Consultant Fiscal | TPA Romania) urca pe scena conferintei TaxEU Forum Bucuresti 2025, pentru a oferi informatii-cheie privind regimul fiscal in cazul fuziunilor, achizitiilor si reorganizarilor. Vino sa o asculti si gaseste solutii utile pentru gestionarea riscurilor fiscale. Asigura-ti locul chiar acum! 👉 www.taxeu.ro/bucuresti 📖 Afla detalii despre companie: www.taxeu.ro/tpa-romania #taxeu25 #evensysconferences
🌟 **Webinar on the RO e-Transport System: Updates for 2025** 🌟 Thank you to ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Romania for the opportunity to present the recent webinar on the RO e-Transport System. Our colleague, Sorana Cernea, Managing Partner, delivered an engaging presentation that highlighted the key aspects of the RO e-Transport system. We look forward to supporting businesses through these changes in 2025. #Webinar #ROeTransport #TPA #ADVANTAGEAUSTRIA
📢 ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Romania and TPA Romania organized a webinar on the RO e-Transport System: Status Quo & News for 2025. Christoph Grabmayr, Head of ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Romania, opened the event by highlighting our activity in Romania and future events. Sorana Cernea, Managing Partner TPA Romania, provided valuable insights on the RO e-Transport system, including among others: 💡 Reporting obligation for all international road freight transport 💡 Receipt of the UIT code 💡 GPS - the obligation to provide real-time location data 💡 Fines - when and how much? #Webinar #ROeTransport #TPA #ADVANTAGEAUSTRIA
🌟 ✨ BEROCC New Year Reception 2025 ✨ Our colleagues Cristina Petrescu and Claudia Stanciu Stănciulescu enjoyed participating in the BEROCC New Year Reception on January 16, 2024. Organized by the Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce (BEROCC) and graciously hosted at the residence of H.E. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, the event brought together business leaders and professionals to celebrate collaboration and support impactful social initiatives across Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania, and Moldova. The evening was an inspiring start to the new year, highlighting the power of collaboration in driving positive change. Congratulations to BEROCC for organizing such a remarkable event! #BEROCC #networking #socialimpact #collaboration #newyear2025
💡 Fii cu un pas înainte în fiscalitate! 🧮 Te așteptăm pe 14 februarie la TaxEU Forum București 2025, unde echipa TPA Romania va aborda cele mai noi reglementări internaționale și impactul lor asupra fiscalității locale. Un eveniment esențial pentru profesioniștii care doresc să înțeleagă provocările și să găsească soluții la noile reguli fiscale! 🔍✍️ 📌 Rezervă-ți locul și descoperă răspunsuri la întrebările cheie din domeniu! 👉 Mai multe detalii: www.taxeu.ro/tpa-romania 👉 Înscrieri: www.taxeu.ro/bucuresti #taxeu25 #evensysconferences #TPARomania #fiscalitate
✍️ Reglementarile internationale si influenta lor asupra fiscalitatii locale: noi reguli, noi provocari. Aspecte fiscale specifice proiectelor care implica detasarea de personal in Romania. Pe 14 februarie, te invitam sa participi la seminarul sustinut de TPA Romania la TaxEU Forum Bucuresti 2025, unde vei putea invata despre: ✒️ Provocarile generate de implementarea cerintelor Public CbC; ✒️ Directiva de preturi de transfer: Standardizare si uniformizare in materie de preturi de transfer; ✒️ Pilonul I, Suma B: Simplificarea regimului de preturi de transfer pentru activitatile de marketing si distributie de baza; ✒️ Pilonul II in Romania: Impactul fiscal pentru societatile locale si provocarile implementarii; ✒️ Riscul societatii nerezidente de a genera un sediu permanent si/ sau fix in Romania, in sensul impozitului pe profit si TVA; ✒️ Tratamentul TVA aplicabil livrarilor de bunuri cu instalare in Romania si criteriile pentru stabilirea operatiunii accesorii; ✒️ Implicatiile fiscale privind detasarile pe termen scurt sau lung in Romania. Subiectele vor fi prezentate in cadrul seminarului de: • Daniela Zar (Partener | FCCA | Consultant Fiscal | TPA Romania) • Diana Cioriceanu (Transfer Pricing Manager, Membru CCF, TPA Romania) • Raluca-Daniela Dana (Tax Manager, Membru CCF, TPA Romania) • Cristina Dumitru (Senior Tax Manager, Membru CCF, Membru CECCAR, TPA Romania) • Ana Maria Ghiță (Senior Tax Consultant, TPA Romania) 📣 Afla mai multe detalii despre TPA Romania: www.taxeu.ro/tpa-romania 🎫 Inscrie-te la seminarele TaxEU Forum Bucuresti pe www.taxeu.ro/bucuresti! #taxeu25 #evensysconferences
Join Us for the Webinar on RO e-Transport – Updates & Current Status At the invitation of ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Romania, our colleague Sorana Cernea, Managing Partner, will host an insightful webinar tailored to the Romanian-Austrian business community. 📅 When: Thursday, January 16, 2025 | 11:00 – 12:00 (Romanian Time) 🗣 Language: German 🔄 Interactive Q&A: Ask your questions live and receive expert insights! 📌 Participation: Free of charge ➡️ Register now: https://lnkd.in/d6GXcRD9 This is your chance to gain valuable insights into the RO e-Transport system and understand its implications for the business environment. #AdvantageAustria #Webinar #ROeTransport #BusinessCommunity
🎄✨This year’s journey came together in a night of elegance and celebration on the red carpet. We’re grateful for the milestones, memories, and shared successes that brought us here. Wishing everyone a 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 and a 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓 filled with inspiration and growth! 🌟 #RedCarpetMagic #HolidayCheer #Together #TPAteam