V7 Startup Studio

V7 Startup Studio

Acționari majoritari capital de risc și capital privat

București, București - sector 1 553 adepți

💛We’re a boutique coworking in the hearts of Bucharest & Iași. We support remarkable people who work on dope projects.

Despre noi

💛 V7 Startup Studio is a boutique coworking space in the hearts of two beautiful cities - Bucharest & Iași. 🎯 On site, we connect companies, investors, financiers, leading influencers, NGOs, and freelancers to build relationships & projects that matter. 🦾 Our aim is to foster the best workplace recipe for professionals to contribute to a better world through their work, be it for a company or for their own, independent project. 🚀 We empower people to be their best version at work, by changing the workplace narrative from stressful and dull to growth-driven and fun. 😎 Your workdays can be your best days, too!

Site web
Sector de activitate
Acționari majoritari capital de risc și capital privat
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
București, București - sector 1
Companie privată
Coworking, Community Oragnization, Event Spaces, Investments, Networking, Accelerator și Startup immersion


Angajați la V7 Startup Studio


  • Locul in care inovatia poate sa se dezvolte este, de regula, locul pe care nu il asociem cu nimic din ziua noastra obisnuita ce se desfasoara pe pilot automat. De aceea, intalnirile si evenimentele care se fac in afara spatiului obisnuit inregistreaza spiritul contributiv si creativ al participantilor aproape intotdeauna. Focusul se regleaza automat in jurul evenimentului si outcome-ului acestuia. Inovatia este at its best astfel cu Digital Innovation Zone EDIH si consortiul exceptional din care face parte, de data aceasta intr-un efort ambitios de a sustine intru sustenabilitate si inovare ecosistemul antreprenorial din regiunile cu potential mai mare de dezvoltare din Europa. 🫠

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    1.405 urmăritori

    🇷🇴 Start SustainX! Conferința oficială de lansare a proiectului SustainX va fi realizată în colaborare cu partenerii noștri de la ADV Romania - ecosistemul economiei sociale. Evenimentul marchează începutul unei inițiative ambițioase care vizează sprijinirea inovației și dezvoltării sustenabile în regiunile mai puțin dezvoltate din Europa. Consorțiul programului este format din Digital Innovation Zone EDIH (liderul consorțiului) împreună cu Applied Research and Communications Fund (Bulgaria), Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași (România), Fundación Santa Cruz Sostenible (Spania - Insulele Canare), iED - Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Grecia), IMP³ROVE – European Innovation Management Academy EWIV (Germania) și Latvijas Tehnoloģiskais centrs  (Letonia). 📅 Când: 22.01.2025 ⏰ Ora: 11-13 📍 Unde: V7 Startup Studio Iasi Conferința oferă oportunitatea comunității locale să afle mai multe despre obiectivele programului: • Creșterea capacităților IMM-urilor pentru tranziția verde și digitală. • Crearea unui model de sprijin inovator, accesibil și sustenabil. • Promovarea colaborării interregionale pentru soluționarea provocărilor regionale. 🔗 Participați pentru a afla cum SUSTAINX transformă provocările locale în oportunități globale! Link înscriere: https://lnkd.in/di8mwbKr Programul SustainX se adresează susținerii IMM-urilor inovatoare și este susținut prin instrumentul I3 al Comisiei Europene. #SUSTAINX #LaunchConference #ADVRomania #Innovation #GreenTransition ----- 🇬🇧: Start SustainX! The official launch conference of the SustainX project will be held in collaboration with our partners at ADV Romania - the social economy ecosystem. The event marks the start of an ambitious initiative aimed at supporting innovation and sustainable development in less developed regions in Europe. The program consortium is formed by Digital Innovation Zone EDIH (consortium leader) together with Applied Research and Communications Fund, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași, Fundación Santa Cruz Sostenible, iED - Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, IMP³ROVE – European Innovation Management Academy EWIV and Latvijas Tehnoloģiskais centrs. 📅 When: 22.01.2025 ⏰ Time: 11am - 1pm 📍 Where: V7 Startup Studio Iasi The conference offers the opportunity for the local community to learn more about the program's objectives: • Increasing the capacities of SMEs for the green and digital transition. • Creating an innovative, accessible and sustainable support model. • Promoting interregional collaboration to solve regional challenges. 🔗 Join us to learn how SUSTAINX turns local challenges into global opportunities! Reserve your spot: https://lnkd.in/di8mwbKr The SustainX program is aimed at supporting innovative SMEs and is supported by the European Commission's I3 instrument.

  • V7 Startup Studio a distribuit aceasta

    Vezi profilul pentru Mihaela Munteanu, grafic

    [Healing Leadership Owner], [Leadership Coach & Trainer], [Author], [Coach & Therapist]

    O seară de decembrie așa cum ne-am dorit…cu zâmbete, povești care inspiră, îmbrățișări, conexiuni, emoții, decizii și motivație pentru un 2025 altfel. 💫 În atmosfera de poveste de la V7 Startup Studio am împărtășit povești de viață și lecții despre motivație, puterea minții, conectare, armonie și multe altele. Ne revedem în ianuarie pentru ediția a II-a! 🫶🤗 RCBB Gruppe Heart Clinic Iaşi LifeSpot Juice Agile Learning Radio VIVA FM Andrei Daniel Simion - Atelierul de speaking Paula Dron

  • 🫶🏻

    Vezi profilul pentru Mihaela Munteanu, grafic

    [Healing Leadership Owner], [Leadership Coach & Trainer], [Author], [Coach & Therapist]

    Luni seara, ne vedem la Palas, clădirea UBC3, la V7 Startup Studio, gazda și parteneriatul evenimentului, dedicat celor care vor să învețe cum pot să evite situațiile emoționale de criză și ce tehnici simple de gestionare a stresului se pot aplica de către oricine acasă, sau la muncă. Multumesc totodată tuturor partenerilor acestui proiect! 🙏🏻 Agile Learning Radio VIVA FM Heart Clinic RCBB Gruppe LifeSpot Juice Andrei Daniel Simion - Atelierul de speaking Vă așteaptăm cu drag! 😊

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  • De ziua Romaniei, nu e nimic mai nimerit decat o postare a rezidentilor nostri. O postare mandra, despre tare democratica in care si-au construit o afacere cu sens si impact pozitiv in societatea noastra. V7 Startup Studio se afla la confluenta tuturor valorilor ce fac posibile antreprenoriatul, dezvoltarea civica si sociala, responsabilitatea in afaceri si prosperitatea oamenilor cu temeraritatea de a face proiecte indraznete, demonstrand ca imposibilul este posibil si setand astfel repere stabile si sanatoase pentru generatiile viitoare in materie de educatie, reusita, rabdare, generozitatea de a oferi ceva inapoi. M2O Project presupune construirea si reabilitarea de cladiri, din postura echipei sale de project manageri, si arhitecti. Toate entitatile/proiectele cu care ne mandrim la V7 Startup Studio in Bucuresti si la Iasi (de la companii minuscule de IT la comanii de tehnologie gigantice, cu ITisti brilianti, la organizatii non-profit care apara comunitatile locale, democratia si mediul inconjurator, la ingineri devotati sa contribuie la modernizarea strategiei energetice a Romaniei, constructori privati si publici ce ne fac mandri de fiecare data cand vedem proiectele lor ambitioase, la antreprenori tineri care creeaza sansa copiilor sa studieze in strainatate chiar daca nu provin din familii extra instarite, oameni de PR si branding exceptionali ce, fara sa lucreze in multinationale, sunt solicitati de companii reputabile sa le construiasca strategiile etc.) contribuie in feluri subtile si totodata esentiale la o societate mai buna, prin oamenii pe care ii formeaza spre excelenta, colaborare si contributivitate in comunitatile locale si in tara noastra cu totul. Suntem mandri sa fim o afacere romaneasca, nascuta aici, de romani, si gestionata de romani, ce gazduieste in armonie proiecte romanesti si straine, romani si expati de toate felurile, profesionisti din multe sfere foarte variate, caractere frumoase si exemple pentru generatiile viitoare! La multi ani din inimile Capitalei si Iașului, de unde si votam! 🇷🇴💛🇷🇴

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    535 urmăritori

    🇷🇴 Today, Romania celebrates its National Day—a time to honor unity, resilience, and progress. This special day reminds us of the importance of coming together to build a brighter future, laying the foundation for shared success and innovation across the nation. At M2O Project, we are proud to contribute to this vision through our commitment to excellence in Design and Construction Project Management. Together, we can shape a stronger, united future. La Multi Ani, Romania! #LaMultiAniRomania #M2OProject #ConstructionManagement #Romania

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  • We’ve been shortlisted by Remarkable Awards in the “Coworking” category for our Bucharest extension. The very casting of votes to us is a prize in itself & we thank those who voted! Below, a more to-the-point description of what characterizes our place, in & out. “The space was designed to preserve natural light and offer it in equal portions to all residents, regardless of their type of subscription. Compartmenting of private offices and meeting rooms was designed so that coworking continues to live at the centre or the space, being the main attraction point of the space, in opposition with the general trend where coworking is almost always sought to be an appendix to private/serviced offices. Natural light is present within all the space, we wanted to use as little artificial light as possible. The flooring is a special one, it can be reused if the beneficiary moves to another space. The finishes used are a mix between the existing ones, the exposed concrete walls and ceilings and the proposed simple plasters. Mango wood for the tops of the meeting rooms tables, the fabric of the chairs, the exposed concrete, the plaster, the wood flooring, and the colourful art inserts maintain a balance between warm and sober, friendly, and responsible.” In the words of Carmen Orzea, our talented go-to architect. Miriam Constantin goes on saying “Decorative objects and collectionable books, coupled with the roughness of some construction elements intentionally created are meant to indicate both the sophistication of the place, and its authentical feature of being a work in progress, a small business supporting with due care and services remarkable, startup-like, lean, and witty projects.” The overall goal to foster interactions is achieved by people who gather around art, that sprouts the first interactions between residents or visitors. We have four areas with art exhibitions, instrumental in facilitating the first interactions between residents or visitors, and inducing time for breaks and recreation, around the meaningful topics sprung from the contemporary art pieces at hand. Cc: Andreea Boangher Edo Roman #coworking #coworkingdesign #coworkinglife #remarkableawards

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  • V7 Startup Studio a distribuit aceasta

    Vezi profilul pentru Miriam Constantin, grafic

    Entrepreneur | Co[ol]working & public procurement are my cups of tea

    I have clearly only sharpened my appetite with this article to talk about coworking, a topic that not only I am engaged with, business-wise at V7 Startup Studio, but I am also passionate about, both as a social phenomenon and as a business. In the attempt to let out some ideas I feel are, unjustly, not debated enough, as well as to bring some clarity to coworking clients on a quest to understand their benefits, pricing and some other stuff, I wrote quite a lengthy piece I hope proves useful to all, including and mostly to the industry. I believe a more educated approach towards coworking on all sides, alongside effective co-creation with relevant stakeholders make way for a better offering to our clients and a healthier value proposition in terms of office space in the long run. Or, maybe the funniness and sassy tone below encourage you enough to embark on this perilous journey of getting hooked on reading about coworking, in ways you never though before. :) 🖖🏼 #coworking #coworkinglife #coworkingplace #coworkingcommunity #coworkingexplained #wfh #workfromanywhere #v7startupstudio P.S.: As the very article reads, the picture is of me in my coworking - V7 Startup Studio - and it clearly serves as a click bait only. 🎣

    Coworking — what you get is NOT what you see

    Coworking — what you get is NOT what you see


  • V7 Startup Studio a distribuit aceasta

    We want to express our gratitude to everybody that made Future of AI a great event! From cutting-edge breakthroughs in machine learning to discussions on ethical AI, this event brought together visionaries, business representatives, and students and innovators. We explored the possibilities AI offers in transforming industries like healthcare, agriculture and education! Missed it? Follow us for more interesting opportunities! The future is AI, and it’s happening now! 🚀 Special thanks to V7 Startup Studio for hosting us! #FutureOfAI #AIRevolution #TechInnovation

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  • V7 Startup Studio a distribuit aceasta

    Vezi profilul pentru Miriam Constantin, grafic

    Entrepreneur | Co[ol]working & public procurement are my cups of tea

    On November 13-14, Coworking Europe will set the scene for debates around the most instrumental and pressing topics in the flex industry. With the facilitation of the incredibly witty and passionate, Pauline Roussel, I am super happy to share my views, as shaped with V7 Startup Studio, alongside remarkable panelists from almost all European countries, on how to best serve a local ecosystem of startups and entrepreneurs. Looking fwd to also attend all the other panels during the 2 days conference in Sofia. Coworking Europe is the largest community of coworking and flexible office stakeholders worldwide. With over 3,500 attendees from various European cities, the conference explores the multi-dimensional nature of coworking as both a thriving industry and a cultural movement reshaping the workplace concept. Coworking Europe brings together experts and practitioners to share insights and ideas as a unique networking event, fostering discussions that envision a future marked by happier individuals, better city management, and peer-to-peer learning. Both as a coworking stakeholder and as a business actor who inevitably has to deal with the concept of flex, the conference might be just right for you, for the future looks pretty flex. You can book your tickets on the conferenece website down below, &, if you need to navigate a tailored offer, just DM me 👇🏼 https://lnkd.in/diZN2vNr Also, if you care to understand just how big, refined & pivotal the coworking industry has gotten and continues to do so, subscribing to Coworking Europe’s newsletter might wow you with every move on the European market they swiftly and thoroughly report.

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  • Innovation + passionate professionals + us = 💛

    Ieri am organizat primul atelier regional al proiectului IaaS4DR Interreg DTP, prin care ne propunem, într-un cadru partenerial, să îmbunătățim și să integrăm serviciile de sprijin pentru inovare regională. Am avut alături reprezentanți ai Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding - UEFISCDI, Rubik Hub, Digital Innovation Zone EDIH, Cafeneaua de Inovare , BrainMap, EERTIS și Ministerul Cercetarii, Inovarii si Digitalizarii. Împreună, am identificat arii privind expertiza noastră în inovare și potențialul pentru furnizarea de servicii suport pentru inovare la nivel regional. Beneficii pentru regiune: 👉 Creșterea competenței de sprijin pentru inovare; 👉 Îmbunătățirea integrării între furnizorii de servicii de inovare; 👉 Facilitarea accesului la servicii de inovare avansate, la cerere. Mulțumim Digital Innovation Zone EDIH și V7 Startup Studio pentru găzduire, receptivitate și cooperare!

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