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The Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia

The Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia


AI technologies designed to respond to the future.

About us

We have brought together AI enthusiasts from around the world - scientists, researchers, and industry experts - dedicated to the research of AI and its application in various fields. Our expertise can be applied wherever you may need it: automotive industry, medical diagnostics, financial technologies, increasing business efficiency, and even in the discovery of new drugs and materials. On our R&D journey, we use a strong multidisciplinary approach and collaboration with scientific institutions and the industry through JOINT PROJECTS. With a vision of becoming a "foundry" of future AI leaders, our institute has a inventor-focused IP policy, as we intend to patent and help our partners and staff commercialise much of what we learn and invent. The Institute was established in March 2021 by the Government of Serbia. We have offices in science and technology parks throughout Serbia.

Company size
11-50 employees
Novi Sad
Public Company
Cooperation with the industry and Cooperation with start-ups/spin-offs


Employees at The Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia


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    📢 Još uvek se ste niste prijavili za naš događaj? 𝗦𝗮𝗱𝗮 𝗷𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗶 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗮𝗸! Događaj će se održati u četvrtak 𝟮𝟳. 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗮 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱. 𝗴𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗲, od 𝟭𝟳:𝟯𝟬. Kao što smo najavili, događaj otvaramo panel diskusijom na temu „Veliki jezički modeli, četbotovi i druge primene mašinskog učenja u obradi teksta“, na kom će Branislava Subotin (Infostud) razgovarati sa Ivana Milovanovic (Microsoft), Marija Gavrilovic (Etihad), Miloš Košprdić (The Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia) i Slobodan Marković (UNDP). Od sutra krećemo za predstavljanjem ovih sjajnih eksperata, a do tada ne zaboravite da se prijavite na događaj (formular za prijavu -, pošto su prijave otvorene do ponedeljka (24.3.)! 😊 p.s. Ne zaboravite da nam nakom panel diskusije sledi i kraće predavanje na temu primene veštačke inteligencije i robotike u obrazovanju, koje će nam održati sjajna Jelica Babić (Fakultet za obrazovanje učitelja i vaspitača, Univerzitet u Beogradu). Čekamo Vas 𝟮𝟳.𝟯. 𝗼𝗱 𝟭𝟳:𝟯𝟬, na 11. spratu Microsoft Serbia zgrade (Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6A)! 🎉

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  • 📢 M2L 2025 – A Free Opportunity for Students to Learn from AI Experts! ⏳ Only 10 days left to apply! Are you a student passionate about machine learning? Don’t miss this chance to join the M2L Summer School and learn from leading researchers and industry experts! 📍 FESB - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia 🇭🇷 📅 September 8–12, 2025 📝 Application deadline: March 28, 2025 (23:59 AOE) 🔍 Apply now! 👉

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    ⏳ 10 Days Left to Apply for M2L 2025! The Mediterranean Machine Learning (M2L) Summer School 2025 is fast approaching, and there are only 10 days left to submit your application! 📍 Where? FESB - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Split, Croatia 📅 When? September 8–12, 2025 📝 Application deadline: March 28, 2025 (23:59 AOE) M2L brings together top researchers, industry leaders, and young AI talents to explore the latest advancements in machine learning. Our confirmed speakers include: Ashley Edwards (Runway) Ivan Vulić (Google DeepMind, University of Cambridge) Ivana Palunko (University of Dubrovnik) Kalesha Bullard (Google DeepMind) Sander Dieleman (Google DeepMind) Seraphina Goldfarb-Tarrant (Cohere) ...with more coming soon. The M2L 2025 program will feature expert-led lectures and hands-on workshops covering: 🔹 Computer Vision 🔹 Natural Language Processing 🔹 Generative & Diffusion Models 🔹 Reinforcement Learning 🔹 Graph Neural Networks 🔹 AI Ethics & Real-World Applications Fees & Scholarships 💰 Students: Free 🎓 Academia & Industry: Modest registration fee 🎗️ Scholarships: A limited number of need-based scholarships will be available. 🎓 Who Should Apply? Master’s & PhD students, young researchers, and professionals with ML experience. We strongly encourage applications from underrepresented groups. 🔗 #M2L2025 #MachineLearning #ML #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DeepLearning #FESB #Split #Croatia

  • 💡 Veštačka inteligencija u privredi: Inovacija ili izazov? 📅 28.03.2025. | 📍 Jahorina Da li je AI pokretač inovacija ili izazov koji industrija tek treba da savlada? 🔍 Na ekspertskom panelu „Veštačka inteligencija u privredi: Inovacija ili izazov?“ u okviru Jahorinskog poslovnog foruma 2025, vodeći stručnjaci iz AI, industrije i akademske zajednice podeliće uvide o primeni AI tehnologija, glavnim izazovima i mogućnostima koje donosi budućnost. 🔹 Koji su najveći izazovi i prilike u primeni AI u privredi? 🔹 Kako AI transformiše industrijske procese? 🔹 Koje veštine su neophodne za uspešnu AI tranziciju? 🎤 Moderator: Dr Dejan Mircetic, naučni saradnik u Institutu za veštačku inteligenciju Srbije 🤖  Ne propustite priliku da saznate kako AI oblikuje budućnost privrede. Vidimo se! #aiserbia #aiinstitute #aiinstituteserbia

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  • 🌐 ICIST 2025 – spoj ekspertize, inovacija i iskustva! 🚀 Na prestižnoj međunarodnoj konferenciji ICIST 2025 na Kopaoniku okupili su se vrhunski naučnici, inženjeri i menadžeri, razmenjujući znanja i istražujući ključne tehnološke trendove. 🌟 Tokom tri dana intenzivnih diskusija, učesnici su se bavili najsavremenijim tehnološkim rešenjima u oblastima informacionih sistema, modelima vođenog softverskog inženjeringa, e-uprave, big data analitike, biomedicinskog inženjeringa, semantičkog weba i Interneta stvari. 🌱 Posebno smo ponosni na naše istraživače koji su svojim radom doprineli dinamičnoj razmeni ideja i oblikovanju budućnosti tehnologije, a njihova posvećenost imala je ključnu ulogu i u organizaciji posebnih sesija "Digital Water" i "AI & IoT for Smart Industry”. 💡 Institut za veštačku inteligenciju Srbije nastavlja da doprinosi razvoju veštačke inteligencije kroz inovativna istraživanja i aktivno učešće na međunarodnim konferencijama poput ICIST 2025. 🔹🔹🔹 🌐 ICIST 2025 – A Hub of Expertise, Innovation, and Experience! 🚀 At the prestigious ICIST 2025 international conference, held at Kopaonik, top scientists, engineers, and managers gathered to exchange knowledge and explore key technological trends. 🌟 Over the course of three days of intensive discussions, participants delved into cutting-edge technological solutions in the fields of information systems, model-driven software engineering, e-governance, big data analytics, biomedical engineering, the semantic web, and the Internet of Things. 🌱 We are especially proud of our researchers, whose work has contributed to a dynamic exchange of ideas and the shaping of future technologies. Their dedication also played a key role in organizing the special sessions "Digital Water"and "AI & IoT for Smart Industry". 💡  The Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia remains committed to driving AI advancements through innovative research and active participation in international conferences such as ICIST 2025.   #aiserbia #aiinstitute #aiinstituteserbia

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  • 🎓 Kako Institut za veštačku inteligenciju Srbije razvija talente i unapređuje obrazovanje u oblasti AI? „Bavimo se praktičnom edukacijom vrhunskih stručnjaka, pre svega doktora nauka, kroz naučno-istraživačke projekte u saradnji sa kolegama iz celog sveta. Razvoj talenata na nižim nivoima podržavamo kroz radionice i aktivnosti za širenje znanja, ali naš primarni fokus ostaje na vrhunskom naučno-istraživačkom radu. U tom pogledu, Institut u potpunosti prati svetske standarde naše zajednice", ističe za direktor IVI prof. dr Dubravko Culibrk. 🤖 Šta donosi Strategija razvoja veštačke inteligencije u Srbiji za period 2025-2030. godine? Koje su ključne oblasti za unapređenje primene AI u Srbiji i kako će strategija oblikovati budućnost tehnološkog razvoja? 📖 Više saznajte u mesečnom izdanju magazina #aiserbia #aiinstitute #aiinstituteserbia

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  • 🤖 Kako AI menja interakciju čoveka i mašine? 🚀  Srbija sve više jača svoju poziciju na globalnoj AI sceni, ali da bismo održali korak, neophodno je kontinuirano usavršavanje i razvoj veština. Na kojim projektima trenutno rade naučnici naše istraživačke grupe “Interakcija čovek-mašina”, kako možemo osnažiti AI ekosistem i koje prilike nas čekaju čitajte na portalu 👇 #aiserbia #aiinstitute #aiinstituteserbia

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    Veštačka inteligencija u Srbiji napreduje brže nego ikada, a sa tim rastom sve češće se nameće pitanje – da li će nas mašine jednog dana zameniti? 😯 Od industrije i energetike do kreativnih sektora, AI već menja način na koji radimo. Dok jedni strahuju od tehnološke konkurencije, drugi u njoj vide priliku za inovacije i napredak. Ključno pitanje je – kako se prilagoditi i maksimalno iskoristiti potencijal veštačke inteligencije? 🧐

  • 🚀 Nova prilika za istraživače – Prijavite se za Mediteransku letnju školu mašinskog učenja!  🌍 Postanite deo globalne zajednice AI entuzijasta na M2L Summer School koja se održava od 8. do 12. septembra 2025. godine na Fakultetu elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje (FESB) u Splitu, Hrvatska.  🔬 Šta vas očekuje? ✅ Predavanja i praktične radionice vrhunskih AI stručnjaka ✅ Detaljan uvid u NLP, etiku u AI, računarski vid i mnoge druge aktuelne teme ✅ Prilike za umrežavanje sa vodećim istraživačima i profesionalcima iz industrije   📅 Važni datumi: 📌 Rok za prijavu: 28. mart 2025. 📌 Obaveštenje o prihvatanju: Početak maja 2025. 📌 Datum škole: 8–12. septembar 2025.   💡 Kotizacije i stipendije: 🎓 Studenti: Besplatno! 🏛 Akademija & industrija: Simbolična kotizacija (uskoro više informacija) 🎯 Stipendije: Ograničen broj stipendija za one kojima je potrebna finansijska podrška   📢 Ne propustite priliku, prijavite se sada i obezbedite svoje mesto! 👉 Više informacija: 🔗   Vidimo se u Splitu! 🌊 🔹🔹🔹   🚀 New Opportunity for Researchers – Apply for the Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School!   🌍 Join a global community of AI enthusiasts at M2L Summer School, taking place September 8-12, 2025, at the FESB - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split, Croatia.   🔬 What to expect? ✅ Expert-led lectures and hands-on sessions on cutting-edge AI topics ✅ Deep dive into NLP, AI ethics, computer vision, and more ✅ Networking opportunities with top researchers and industry professionals   📅 Key dates: 📌 Application deadline: March 28, 2025 📌 Notification of acceptance: Early May 2025 📌 School dates: September 8–12, 2025   💡 Fees & Scholarships: 🎓 Students: Free! 🏛 Academia & Industry: Modest registration fee (TBA) 🎯 Scholarships: Limited need-based scholarships available   📢 Apply now and secure your spot! 👉 More details at 🔗   See you in Split! 🌊 #aiserbia #aiinstitute #aiinstituteserbia

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    Attaché de coopération technique, universitaire, scientifique et institutionnelle

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  • 🔹 Još mesec dana do zatvaranja prijava za EEML 2025! Pridružite se Istočnoevropskoj letnjoj školi mašinskog učenja (EEML) koja će se ove godine održati u Sarajevu od 21. do 26. jula 2025. godine. EEML okuplja vodeće svetske istraživače i eksperte iz oblasti mašinskog učenja i veštačke inteligencije i pruža učesnicima priliku da steknu vrhunska znanja i prošire svoju mrežu kontakata. 📅 Rok za prijavu: 31. mart 2025. 📍 Lokacija: Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 🎯 Predavači: Istaknuti profesori i istraživači sa univerziteta kao što su University of Cambridge, Université de Montréal, University College London, Mila Institute i iz kompanija Google DeepMind, Isomorphic Labs, Apple i dr. 🔎 Teme: Osnove ML, multimodalno učenje, NLP, generativni modeli, AI za nauku… Za više informacija i prijavu posetite: 🔗 🚀 Ne propustite priliku da budete deo vodećeg AI događaja u regionu koji se ove godine realizuje u saradnji sa Asocijacijom za napredak nauke i tehnologije Bosne i Hercegovine! 🔹🔹🔹 🔹 One Month Left to Apply for EEML 2025!  Join the Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School (EEML), taking place in Sarajevo from July 21 to 26, 2025. EEML brings together world-renowned researchers and experts in machine learning and artificial intelligence, offering participants the opportunity to gain cutting-edge knowledge and expand their professional network. 📅 Application deadline: March 31, 2025 📍 Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 🎯 Speakers: Distinguished professors and researchers from University of Cambridge, Université de Montréal, University College London, Mila Institute, as well as experts from Google DeepMind, Isomorphic Labs, Apple, and other leading organizations. 🔎 Topics: ML fundamentals, multimodal learning, NLP, generative models, AI for science… For more information and to apply, visit: 🔗 🚀 Don't miss the opportunity to be part of the region's leading AI event, organized this year in collaboration with the Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina! #aiserbia #aiinstitute #aiinstituteserbia

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    🚀 Na jučerašnjem KickOff događaju predstavili smo novi četvorogodišnji projekat 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗯𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗜𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗛𝘂𝗯 𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝗜 – 𝗦4𝗔𝗜_𝗛𝗨𝗕, koji će biti realizovan u saradnji sa 22 ključna partnera iz različitih institucija u Srbiji. 💥 Cilj projekta je digitalizacija i primena veštačke inteligencije u poslovanju, sa posebnim fokusom na mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP) i startape. Uz finasijsku podršku od 1,7 miliona evra kroz program Digital Europe i podršku Ministarstva nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija, kao i Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija, zajedno sa članovima konzorcijuma radićemo na procesu digitalizacije i primene veštačke inteligencije u poslovanju. 💡 S4AI_HUB će korisnicima pružati četiri ključne usluge: povezivanje i saradnju, izgradnju kapaciteta, testiranje pre investiranja i obezbeđivanje investicija, omogućavajući im da zaokruže čitav ciklus od ideje do realizacije. 🔄 Događaju su pored projektnih partnera, prisustvovali i držvni sektretar Ministarstva nauke, tehnološkog razvoja, prof. dr Miroslav Trajanović i Nikola Bićanin, vršilac dužnosti pomoćnika ministra za informaciono društvo i informacionu bezbednosti inovacija Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija. Ovaj hab, ima za cilj da podrži razumevanje, integraciju i primenu AI tehnologija u poslovnom sektoru, doprinoseći dugoročnoj konkurentnosti i održivosti naše privrede. _________________________________________________________________ 🚀 At yesterday's KickOff event, we presented the new four-year project Serbian European Digital Innovation Hub on AI – S4AI_HUB, which will be implemented in collaboration with 22 key partners from various institutions in Serbia. 💥 The project's goal is the digitalization and application of artificial intelligence in business, with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups. With financial support of €1.7 million through the Digital Europe program and backing from the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation, as well as the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, we will work together with consortium members on the process of digitalization and AI implementation in business. 💡 S4AI_HUB will provide users with four key services: networking and collaboration, capacity building, pre-investment testing, and securing investments, enabling them to complete the entire cycle from idea to realization. 🔄 This hub aims to support the understanding, integration, and application of AI technologies in the business sector, contributing to the long-term competitiveness and sustainability of our economy. European Digital Innovation Hubs Network Naučno tehnološki park Čačak - Science Technology Park Čačak Centar za digitalnu transformaciju The Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia NiCAT Cluster ICT Hub Innovation Center, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade (ICEF_etf)

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