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Foodscale Hub

Foodscale Hub

Non-profit Organizations

Novi Sad, Vojvodina 4,751 followers

Foodscale Hub is a Venture Studio working to accelerate the shift to tech-enabled innovations in the agrifood sector.

About us

Foodscale Hub is an Impact Venture Studio working to accelerate the shift to tech-enabled innovations in the agrifood sector.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Novi Sad, Vojvodina


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    View organization page for ENAG


    Poziv za učešće u anketi – ENAG projekat 📢Da li ste žena preduzetnica, vlasnica preduzeća ili zaposleni na upravljačkoj poziciji u sektoru agrobiznisa sa prebivalištem u Bačkoj? Ili pripadate NEET kategoriji (15–29 godina, van obrazovanja, rada ili obuke) i živite u Bačkoj? Istražujemo potrebe za obukom žena u sektoru agrobiznisa u okviru ENAG projekta, koji se realizuje kroz Interreg VI-A IPA program Mađarska–Srbija uz podršku Evropske unije. 📝 Izdvojite 15 minuta i podelite svoje mišljenje! 🔹Anketa je anonimna i poverljiva 🔹Vaše učešće može doprineti boljem prilagođavanju obuka ženama u ovoj oblasti 📊Link ka anketi: 💡Podelite ovaj poziv sa svima kojima bi mogao biti relevantan! Hvala na podršci! Invitation to Participate in the Survey – ENAG Project  📢Are you a female entrepreneur, business owner, or an employee in a managerial position in the agribusiness sector residing in Bačka? Or do you belong to the NEET category (young people aged 15-29 who are not in education, employment, or training) and also live in Bačka? We are exploring the training needs of women in the agribusiness sector as part of the ENAG project, implemented through the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary–Serbia program with the support of the European Union. 📝Take 15 minutes and share your opinion! 🔹The survey is anonymous and confidential 🔹Your participation can help create better-tailored training programs for women in this field 📊Survey link: 💡Please share this invitation with anyone who might find it relevant! Thank you for your support! #ENAGprojekat #Agrobiznis #ŽeneUPoslu #Istraživanje #Interreg #HungarySerbia #husrb #EUzaTebe

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  • 💡 INCiTiS-FOOD, jedan od projekata udruženja Foodscale Hub, raspisao je konkurs za lokalne inovacione centre kojima nudi finansiranje za razvoj i primenu inovativnih rešenja zasnovanih na cirkularnim tehnologijama. Članak sa svim propratnim informacijama u vezi sa konkursom, objavio je Poljoprivrednik, jedan od vodećih domaćih medija u oblasti poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije.🌱 Konkurs je otvoren do 20. marta. Članak pročitajte na linku:

  • STELAR Open Days are just around the corner! 🚀 A series of Open days are being launched to showcase real-world applications of digital solutions in agriculture, demonstrated by project Pilots. 🌱💡 The first Virtual Open Day will be held on 26 March, at 2pm CET 📆 in collaboration with consortium partners Abaco & Agronica, who are leading the Pilot "Timely precision farming interventions". The event will showcase how Torrevilla Winery, a historic vineyard, is enhancing its production with smart solutions. 🍷 The STELAR project aims to enable better use of AI and machine learning in the agrifood sector - and these Pilots will showcase how. Foodscale Hub's role in the STELAR project is leading Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication activities, including event organisation. Registrations are still open! Sign up here: NOTE: the majority of the event will be held in the Italian language. #HorizonEurope #ResearchImpactEU #SmartFarming #DigitalAgriculture

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  • ✨ This week, Foodscale Hub attended the RIA4FOOD midterm meeting in Patras, Greece! As leaders of the Sustainability Assessment Work Package (WP5), Suncica Vasiljevic and Olivera Stojilovic Trivunicć presented our Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) implementation strategy, demonstrating how integrating environmental, economic, and health impact assessments can drive the development of truly sustainable functional foods. 🌱 The meeting provided a valuable opportunity to exchange knowledge, align strategies, and strengthen collaborations among project partners, all working toward a more sustainable food system. Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword - it’s a necessity. By embedding LCA into food innovation, RIA4FOOD is setting new standards for responsible production, ensuring that the next generation of functional foods benefits both people and the planet. 🌾🌍 As we continue to work on RIA4FOOD, along with leading Work Package 5, Foodscale Hub is committed to participating in activities related to dissemination and communication. For more information about the project, visit: Excited for the next steps! 🚀 #HorizonEurope #RIA4FOOD #Sustainability #LifeCycleAssessment #FoodInnovation #FunctionalFood #FoodscaleHub #MarieCurie

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    Ponosni smo što je Poljoprivrednik, jedan od vodećih domaćih medija u oblasti poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije, objavio članak o četiri nova projekta na kojima je naše udruženje započelo rad ove godine. 🙌 🌾💡🍏 FarmBioNet bavi se podsticanjem biodiverziteta, dok SUNFUSION_HE radi na razvoju obnovljivih izvora energije. Cilj WiseFood Project jeste stvaranje zdravijih i održivijih navika stanovništva primenom tehnologije, dok PLANTOMYC razvija nove biljne proteine koji su održivi, zdravi i ukusni. Sva četiri projekta finansirana su kroz program Horizont Evropa. 🔗 Više o ova četiri projekta:

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    View profile for Bojana Kuzmanović

    Project Manager | Grant writer | Expert in Sustainable Development | Focused on Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Development, Nature-Based Solutions and Circular Economy | CBC Cooperation Enthusiast

    📢 TALLHEDA Brainstorming Visit – Nastavak saradnje u oblasti precizne poljoprivrede Foodscale Hub učestvuje na TALLHEDA Brainstorming Visit događaju, koji se održava 26. i 27. februara 2025. godine u Novom Sadu. Ovaj susret predstavlja nastavak rada na TALLHEDA projektu (HORIZON 101136578), sa ciljem unapređenja primene veštačke inteligencije i digitalnih tehnologija u preciznoj poljoprivredi. Nakon uspešnog događaja u Atini u decembru 2024. godine, diskusije i istraživanja se nastavljaju, sa fokusom na: 🔹 Zajednički evropski prostor poljoprivrednih podataka 🔹 Primenu AI tehnologija u preciznoj poljoprivredi 🔹 Upotrebu satelitskih i dron podataka za unapređenje analize useva 🔹 Modeliranje zemljišnih parametara pomoću mašinskog učenja Očekuju se konstruktivne rasprave i dalja razmena znanja među partnerima iz akademske zajednice i industrije, s ciljem razvoja inovativnih rešenja za održivu i efikasnu poljoprivredu. 📢 TALLHEDA Brainstorming Visit – Advancing Collaboration in Precision Agriculture Foodscale Hub is participating in the TALLHEDA Brainstorming Visit on February 26-27, 2025, in Novi Sad. This event marks the continuation of the TALLHEDA project (HORIZON 101136578), aimed at enhancing the application of artificial intelligence and digital technologies in precision agriculture. Following a successful meeting in Athens in December 2024, discussions and research continue with a focus on: 🔹 The Common European Agricultural Data Space 🔹 The application of AI technologies in precision agriculture 🔹 The use of satellite and drone data for improved crop analysis 🔹 Soil parameter modeling using machine learning Engaging discussions and knowledge exchange among academic and industry partners are expected, fostering the development of innovative solutions for sustainable and efficient agriculture Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Foodscale Hub TALLHEDA

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  • 🤓 As part of the TITAN Project EU Business Support Programme, Foodscale Hub's Head of Exploitation, Tatjana Knezevic, lead an insightful a training on Intellectual Property last Wednesday! The training, titled IPR & Software: IP Protection for AI-devised Invention 📝was designed to help external pilots - organisations supported through the TITAN Open Call - identify, assess and protect intellectual property within Food-Tech and Agri-Tech. 🌾🧑💻 Developed by Foodscale Hub, the TITAN Business Support Programme offers tailored training to help both internal and external pilots advance the exploitation and sustainability of their results. In addition to delivering the TITAN Business Support Programme, Foodscale Hub leads Exploitation efforts and manages the TITAN Open Call as part of the Horizon Europe-funded TITAN project. Learn more about the project: #FoodscaleHub #TITANproject #HorizonEurope #BusinessSupport

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    Last week, we attended the SUNFUSION_HE kick-off meeting in Thessaloniki 🌞 The meeting began with an overview of the four-year Horizon Europe project, presented by Project Coordinator, Nikolaos Tsongidis from Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), followed by work package presentations and discussions towards sustainable fuel production. 🌱 The SUNFUSION project aims to revolutionise high-energy biofuel production, introducing an innovative approach to converting microalgae and oleaginous yeasts into sustainable shipping and aviation fuels. 🦠 We paid a visit to Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), which will contribute to the development of the SUNFUSION solution. As part of the project, Foodscale Hub is creating and implementing Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication strategies, as well as conducting a social Life Cycle Assessment (sLCA) to evaluate the project’s impact. Learn more at: Marina Arnaut Stefanović Gordana Racic Tatjana Knezevic Suncica Vasiljevic Jovana Malić

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  • Yesterday, we paid a visit to the Sremski Karlovci Living Lab 🍷🍇 as part of the STEP UP Annual Consortium Meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia! The Sremski Karlovci Living Lab is facilitated by Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerzitet u Novom Sadu. 👩🏼🌾 Our hosts lead us on a tour around the vineyard, showcasing different grape verities and ongoing projects. We also visited the wine cellars, where we gained insights into processes and the different wines they produce. 👩🔬 Living Labs are real-world innovation environments where users, researchers, and stakeholders collaborate to co-create, test, and refine new solutions in a real-life setting. With this visit, we concluded the plenary meeting, which we had a pleasure hosting! STEP UP is a 4-year project, funded under the Horizon Europe programme, aims to reshape European livestock production by making it more sustainable. 🐄 As partners on the project, Foodscale Hub is leading Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication efforts, ensuring project outcomes reach stakeholders at European, regional, and local levels. For more, visit: Mladen Radisic Sandra Novakovic Milica Kovač Kristina Savic Olivera Stojilovic Trivunic Tatjana Knezevic Maša Karanović

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