

Financial Services

Connecting Farmers with Investors and Industrial Buyers

About us

Treesury is a groundbreaking agri-food ecosystem hub, leveraging innovative, regulated tokenized securities, and blockchain-powered secondary markets to seamlessly connect farmers with investors. Our comprehensive approach includes dedicated farmer support for accessing capital and markets, digitalization, and optimization of farming operations, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and liquidity for investors, and elevated quality standards for industrial buyers.

Financial Services
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2-10 employees
Privately Held
Agricultural Hub, Agricultural Investment, Agricultural Funding, Financial Product Structuring, Tokenization of Real World Assets, Regulatory & Compliance, Farm Management, Precision Agriculture, Sustainable & Regenerative Agriculture, Agricultural Commodities Aggregation, and Nature Based Carbon Removal


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    Integrated Pest Management: A Sustainable Future in Agriculture 🌱 The growing concern for human health and environmental preservation demands a new approach in agriculture. Enter Integrated Pest Management (IPM), supported by the EU Directive on pesticide use (Directive 2009/128/EC). This method balances productivity with eco-friendly practices, helping farmers reduce chemical pesticide use while maintaining crop health. Here’s how IPM benefits both the environment and farmers: - Use Biological Methods First: Before reaching for chemicals, IPM recommends introducing natural predators (e.g., ladybugs to control aphids), using pheromone traps, or setting up physical barriers. These steps not only cut chemical use but also help preserve biodiversity. 🐝 - Efficient and Targeted Pest Control: Monitoring and correctly identifying pests allow farmers to tackle problems early, preventing the widespread use of pesticides while keeping crops safe. This reduces costs and environmental harm. - Future-Proof Agriculture: With the EU's goal to cut pesticide use by 50% by 2030, adopting IPM ensures farmers are ahead of regulatory changes, making their practices more sustainable and future-ready. 🌾 Actionable Tip: Farmers and gardeners can start small by learning to identify common beneficial insects in their areas or adopting natural pest control methods like companion planting. Even small steps can make a big difference in long-term sustainability! Agriculture must be sustainable, and IPM is critical in achieving that goal. Share these tips with fellow farmers or those interested in reducing their environmental impact! #PestManagement #SustainableAgriculture #IntegratedPestManagement #Health #Ecology

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    Sustainable Rice Farming in Vietnam: A Win for Farmers, the Environment, and Food Security 🌾 Rice is essential for over half the world’s population, yet traditional rice farming comes with significant environmental costs—particularly excessive water usage and methane emissions. But, in Vietnam, sustainable intensification of rice production is changing the game, providing a path for farmers to grow more while using fewer resources. 🌱 The Challenge Vietnam is a major global supplier of rice, but millions of smallholder farmers struggle to meet their subsistence needs due to climate change and rising costs of inputs like fertilizers. Traditional rice farming requires huge amounts of water and generates methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. 🌾 The Solution: Sustainable Intensification In response, a pilot project in Vietnam’s Dai Nghia commune introduced techniques such as alternate wetting and drying (AWD), organic fertilizers, and integrated pest management. These methods allow farmers to reduce water usage by up to 40%, cut methane emissions by 50%, and improve yields by 9–15%. Farmers also reported reductions in input costs, using 70% less seed and 25% less nitrogen fertilizer, while boosting their income by up to $260 per hectare each season. 👩🌾 Empowering Farmers—Especially Women By 2011, over 1 million farmers had adopted these practices across 22 provinces, with women leading the way in knowledge-sharing. Women participating in farmer field schools helped an average of five to eight other farmers adopt these sustainable methods, vastly outpacing men. 🌍 A Greener Future Though more research is needed on methane and nitrous oxide reductions in Vietnam, field trials elsewhere show that these sustainable practices can cut emissions by up to 62%. Sustainable intensification presents a win-win-win: higher yields, reduced environmental impact, and long-term resilience for smallholder farmers. Sustainable agriculture is the key to ensuring food security while protecting the environment. By embracing these practices, we can reduce resource consumption, lower emissions, and create resilient systems that benefit farmers and the planet. Together, we can support a greener future for global agriculture. 🌱🌍 #SustainableAgriculture #RiceFarming #ClimateSmartFarming #AgTech #WomenInAgriculture #FoodSecurity #CarbonFootprintReduction #MethaneReduction #AgInnovation #GreenFarming

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    🌟 Uzbudljive vesti! 🌟 Sa velikim zadovoljstvom obaveštavamo vas da je Komisija za hartije od vrednosti odobrila naš Beli Papir! Ovo je ključan korak ka budućnosti koju želimo da gradimo. 🎉 Želimo da se zahvalimo svima koji su podržali u ovom inovativnom i ambicioznom podvigu, uključujući: - USAID - ACDI/VOCA, šefa misije Alex Pavlovic, i tim koji čine Miroslava Panic , MBA, @Tatjana Milic Zanoskar i Tatjana Mihajlov - Komisiju za hartije od vrednosti i predsednika komisije Marko Janković - NBS - BioSense Institute Posebno želimo da istaknemo doprinos naših partnera koji su učestvovali u procesu kreiranja Belog Papira: - Željka Motika i sa svojim timom iz MOTIKA&PARTNERS - Prof Dr Svetislav Kostic - Nebojsa Popovic i Dejan Cirkovic sa svojim timom Virtus Partners doo - Milos Prastalo, CPA i tim MNP Advisory Pratite nas kako biste bili obavešteni o početku javne ponude i pridružite nam se na putu ka zelenijoj i održivijoj budućnosti, bogatoj zdravom i kvalitetnom hranom punom nutrijenata! 🌱💼 Hvala vam svima na podršci! 🌟 #Treesury #WhitePaperApproved #Blockchain #SustainableInvesting #TokenSale #AgriTech #Serbia #DigitalTransformation

    Комисија за хартије од вредности обавештава да је, издаваоцу Treesury d.o.o. Beograd, одобрила објављивање белог папира за иницијалну понуду 28.301 Treesury Tokenа, номиналне вредности 106 EUR у динарској противвредности по средњем курсу Народне банке Србије на дан продаје токена, у складу са Законом о дигиталној имовини („Сл. гласник РС“, бр. 153/2020). Средства прикупљена иницијалном понудом у складу са овим Белим папиром издавалац Treesury Tokenа намерава да користи у сврху улагања – подизања модерне плантаже лешника, сорте највишег квалитета, у складу са доказаном методологијом гајења лешника која ће се примењивати за подизање плантажа. Бели папир садржи све информације о издаваоцу и иницијалној понуди која омогућава инвеститорима да донесу информисану одлуку која се односи на куповину/улагање у Treesury Tokene и разумеју ризике везане за иницијалну понуду и дигиталне токене који се нуде. Treesury Token представља врсту дигиталне имовине, односно дигитални токен са одликама финансијског инструмента-дематеријализоване обвезнице, које инвеститор стиче под условима предвиђеним овим белим папиром.

    Одобрен нови бели папир TREESURY DOO BEOGRAD

    Одобрен нови бели папир TREESURY DOO BEOGRAD

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    🌍 Ensuring Food Security in the Face of Growing Challenges 🌱 As the global population continues to rise, the demand for food is increasing at an unprecedented rate. However, the very lands that provide us with essential fruits and vegetables are under threat. For example, in Florida, a state renowned for its agricultural productivity, farmland is rapidly disappearing, posing a significant risk to the food supply. A recent report by the University of Florida highlights that more than two hundred thousand acres of farmland, currently dedicated to fruit and vegetable production, could be converted to non-agricultural uses by 2070. This includes substantial portions of land used for citrus fruits, potatoes, and fresh-market vegetables, much of which is at risk from residential and commercial development. Florida's warm climate and fertile soil make it one of the only places in the U.S. that can produce fresh produce during the winter months, supplying the nation with essential fruits and vegetables. Losing this farmland threatens our food security and impacts environmental sustainability, as these lands play a crucial role in water filtration, flood control, and carbon sequestration. With the global population expected to surpass 8.5 billion by 2030, we must rethink our strategies to protect farmland and ensure a stable food supply. Food security is a worldwide concern. We must act now to safeguard our agricultural resources for future generations. 💬 What are your thoughts on this growing issue? How can we better protect our farmlands and ensure food security in the future? Share your opinions in the comments below! 🌱 #FoodSecurity #SustainableAgriculture #FloridaFarming #Agriculture #LandUse #GlobalPopulation #FoodSupply #Sustainability

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    🎉 Thank You for 1,000 Followers! 🎉 We're thrilled to share that we've reached 1,000 followers on LinkedIn! 🌟 A big thank you to each and every one of you for choosing to follow us and be a part of our journey. Your support and interest in what we do mean a lot. We look forward to continuing to share content that provides value to you. Let’s keep growing together! 🚀 #ThankYou #1000Followers #Treesury #SustainableFuture #Innovation #Community

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    🌱 Unlocking Climate-Smart Agriculture Through Soil Symbionts 🌱 Researchers are exploring how soil microbes, crucial to plant evolution, can revolutionize sustainable agriculture. These beneficial microbes, like arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia bacteria, can enhance nutrient uptake, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers, major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Key Points: 🌍 Ancient Symbiosis: 460 million years ago, plants formed relationships with fungi to access soil nutrients. 100 million years ago, legumes developed similar bonds with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. 🔬 Modern Applications: Scientists are using gene editing to reactivate plants' natural nutrient-sourcing abilities, potentially decreasing reliance on harmful fertilizers. 🌾 Sustainable Practices: By leveraging these symbiotic relationships, crops can achieve high yields with fewer fertilizers, improve soil health, and sequester more carbon. 🌐 Global Impact: Enhancing these interactions is crucial for meeting climate goals, such as those outlined in the UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Action. Why It Matters: 💪 Climate Resilience: Helps farmers adapt to climate change. 🍽️ Food Security: Supports sustainable food production, critical for feeding a growing global population. 🌿 Environmental Health: Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and improves soil biodiversity. The potential to optimize crop biology with beneficial microbes offers a promising path toward a sustainable and resilient agricultural future. 🌾🌍🔬 #SustainableAgriculture #ClimateAction #FoodSecurity #SoilHealth #Microbes #GeneEditing #Sustainability #FarmingInnovation

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    🌱 Qatar's Farming Innovations: A Desert Success Story 🌱 Farming in the desert might seem impossible, but Qatar is proving that innovation can overcome even the toughest environments. From vertical farming to sustainable honey production, Qatar is pioneering agricultural practices that meet its food self-sufficiency goals and set a new standard for sustainable agriculture. 🚜 Agrico Qatar Smart Farming: For over seven decades, AGRICO has led the way in sustainable farming in Qatar, using cutting-edge technology like aquaponics and vertical farming. By integrating aquaculture with hydroponics, AGRICO has developed a system where fish waste fertilizes plants, which purify the fish's water—creating a closed-loop ecosystem that conserves water and increases crop yields. 🌿 Farm-to-Table Movement: The rise of organic produce in Qatar is driven by innovators like Torba Farms, which brings fresh, sustainable products directly to consumers through farmers' markets and the Torba Store. Their commitment to permaculture and holistic living is transforming the way people think about food and its origins. 🍯 Buzzing with Success: Qatar is also making significant strides in honey production. With local farms like Umm Qarn and Al Waha leading the way, the country is not only meeting its self-sufficiency goals but also educating future generations on the importance of bees in our ecosystem. Qatar's approach to farming is a powerful example of how innovation and sustainability can go hand in hand. By harnessing technology and promoting eco-friendly practices, the country is securing its food future while also contributing to global environmental goals. 🌍 Qatar’s success story shows that with determination and innovation, even the harshest climates can yield abundance. #SustainableAgriculture #Qatar #VerticalFarming #AgriInnovation #SuccessStory #FarmToTable #HoneyProduction

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    Treesury je zauzeo 5. mesto na javnom glasanju, i na taj način obezbedio prolazak u sledeći krugu selekcije za učešće na ovogodišnjem Web Summitu! 🙌 Hvala svim koji ste učestvovali u glasanju i podržali nas. Veliko hvala Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia , i Centar za digitalnu transformaciju na ovoj prilici. Sada je red na nas da izborimo mesto u top 24 startapa koje će predstavljati Srbiju. 🚀 Radujemo se sledećem krugu selekcije! #WebSummit #Innovation #SrpskiStartap #Startup

    Ovo su prvih 10 startap kompanija koje su zahvaljujući vašim glasovima ostvarile najbolje rezultate u trci za subvencionisano učešće na ovogodišnjem Web Summit. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Danas JEDNO VELIKO BRAVO za: 1. Master Software, 2. Dynamic Mockups, 3. Fridge Magnets, 4., 5. Treesury, 6. FeJuice, 7. KleverCargo, 8. Kinestas, 9. Fortune Leads AI, 10. NavBlind. Narednih dana feed posvećujemo njima - sjajnim srpskim startapima koji su učestvovali u selekciji za #pitchday 🙋🏻♀️05. septembra u PKS, gde ćemo saznati koji od njih (ukupno 24) će nas predstavljati u novembru u Lisabonu. Centar za digitalnu transformaciju EXPO 2027 Belgrade

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    🌐 The audacious attempt to steal Graceland underscores the urgent need for stronger safeguards in our property rights system. As fraudsters grow more sophisticated, it's crucial to move beyond outdated, paper-based records. This is where blockchain technology becomes a game-changer. At Treesury, we recognize the importance of keeping investments safe, secure, and efficiently managed. That’s why we’re leveraging blockchain technology. Adopting blockchain isn’t just a choice; it’s necessary to safeguard assets and build trust in our systems. Let’s embrace the future of security and transparency. 🌱 #BlockchainTechnology #Innovation #Security #Treesury #InvestInTheFuture

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    Founder TitleChain | USAT Index Investment Club | RWAs| Digital Asset Registry | Inventor Title Transfer Asset Patented Protocol | Top 100 Women of the Future | Entrepreneur | HODLER |(M5) Economist | Proud Mum 💕

    🤣 It's crazy but true: in 2024, Graceland almost got stolen. The audacious attempt to defraud the Presley family and seize control of Elvis's iconic mansion has sent shockwaves through America, exposing alarming vulnerabilities in our property rights system. A Missouri woman allegedly orchestrated an elaborate scheme to steal Graceland from the Presley family. She faces charges of mail fraud and aggravated identity theft for her brazen attempt to auction off this priceless piece of American cultural heritage. This case highlights the accelerating threat of identity theft that we often overlook. If it can happen to the Presley family, it can happen to anyone. Do you have the resources to fight legal battles when someone halfway across the world uses your identity for a crime? 😦 Findley allegedly sought $2.85 million from the Presleys, forged signatures, and filed false claims. The emotional impact on a family still mourning Lisa Marie's loss, compounded by the use of her death to enforce a fraudulent loan and force the sale of property, leaves one at a loss for words. ✍ This case underscores the critical need for a revolution in title management and identity verification. Implementing a decentralized digital asset registry - a "TitleChain" - could create an immutable, transparent record of ownership. This would not only protect homeowners from life-altering scams but also save millions in fraud prevention and legal costs. 📣 The Graceland case serves as a stark reminder that paper-based property records are dangerously obsolete and ripe for exploitation. It's time to embrace the blockchain to safeguard our property rights. As fraud becomes increasingly sophisticated, we must remain vigilant and advocate for stronger safeguards in our property rights system.#GracelandFraud #PropertyRights #TitleChain #RWA #DigitalAssets

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    🌿 Honoring Tom’s Memory 🌿 We want to express our heartfelt condolences to Tom Zender's family. Tom was our mentor in the GIST Programs and a dear friend who continued to guide us even after the program ended. Sadly, he lost his battle with lung cancer, a disease that’s increasingly linked to air pollution. Each year, approximately 4.2 million premature deaths are caused by outdoor air pollution, with hundreds of thousands of these deaths attributed to respiratory cancers. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 11% of air pollution-related deaths are due to respiratory cancers, a sobering statistic that underscores the urgent need for action. We at Treesury are more determined than ever to make a difference. We want to fight air pollution through reforestation and sustainable practices. By planting the trees, we want to create a healthier and greener world for future generations. Let’s commit to making the world a cleaner, safer place. 🌍💚 #InMemory #AirPollution #FightForCleanAir #Treesury #PlantATree #SustainableFuture

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