

Авиационная и авиакосмическая промышленность

О нас

The design of the Soyuz launcher and Fregat upper stage allows placing co-passenger payloads into orbit. Several small spacecraft can be put into orbit along with a primary payload being launched under the Russian Federal Space Program. Smaller spacecraft are mounted on a payload adaptor or a truss of the Fregat upper stage. After separation of the upper stage from the launcher, satellites are injected into their target orbits different from the operational orbit of a federal spacecraft. Dedicated missions are possible as well. Offered services: •smallsat market assessment •feasibility study for secondary payload missions •coordination of all technical and managerial documentation needed for a mission •customs clearance and contract deliveries •launch site logistics •development support of advanced launch systems for micro and nano satellites •etc. Glavkosmos takes part in organization and R&D activities, marketing, consulting and other services related to the space industry. Offered services: •analysis of the world market of space products and services •finding new market segments for new types of products and services •demand and supply forecasting at the target markets •finding ways to promote services to new markets •development of new products and services •etc Glavkosmos is entitled to participate in Soyuz at Guiana Space Center program coordination by the intergovernmental agreement between Russia and France dated November 2003. Spacecraft launches are supported by multinational launch teams.To date 10 launches have been conducted from Guiana Space Center. Offered services: •international contracts coordination and management for Soyuz at Guiana Space Center program and Soyuz commercial launches from Baikonur •maintaining the international contracts on the project, providing the contract uniform •organization and management of mission analyses activities, certification and deliveries of Soyuz-ST configuration •etc

Авиационная и авиакосмическая промышленность
Размер компании
51–200 сотрудников
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Сотрудники Glavkosmos


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