🖇 From Al-Mawraqi’s Experience in Projects "Common Causes of Boiler System Failures"
⚠️ #Boiler failures can disrupt operations and increase costs
▪︎ Identifying their causes helps in preventing major issues ..
▪︎ Here are some common failure causes and how to address them:-
1- Water Quality Issues:
▪︎ Causes: High levels of dissolved solids, scaling, corrosion, or pH imbalance
▪︎ Effects: Reduced heat transfer efficiency, overheating, and material failure
▪︎ Solution: Implement proper water treatment programs, including filtration, chemical dosing, and regular monitoring ..
2- Corrosion:
▪︎ Causes: Oxygen, carbon dioxide, or acidic water entering the system
▪︎ Effects: Metal thinning, leaks, or catastrophic failure
▪︎ Solution: Use oxygen scavengers, maintain appropriate pH levels, and ensure deaerators are functioning properly ..
3- Scaling and Fouling
▪︎ Causes: Accumulation of calcium, magnesium, or other minerals in the water
▪︎ Effects: Reduced heat transfer efficiency, overheating, and increased fuel consumption
▪︎ Solution: Use softeners, reverse osmosis systems, or descaling agents ..
4- Overpressure or Thermal Stress
▪︎ Causes: Malfunctioning pressure relief valves, improper system design, or sudden temperature changes
▪︎ Effects: Cracking, rupture, or explosions.
▪︎ Solution: Regularly inspect safety valves and control systems; design for gradual temperature and pressure changes ..
5- Low Water Levels (Dry Firing)
▪︎ Causes: Faulty water level controls, operator error, or leaks
▪︎ Effects: Severe overheating, tube failure, or complete boiler damage
▪︎ Solution: Install reliable water level sensors, alarms, and automatic shut-off systems .
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