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A Type
  • Canonical URL:
  • Check for open issues.
A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.
PropertyExpected TypeDescription
Properties from QuantitativeValue
additionalProperty PropertyValue A property-value pair representing an additional characteristic of the entity, e.g. a product feature or another characteristic for which there is no matching property in

Note: Publishers should be aware that applications designed to use specific properties (e.g.,,, ...) will typically expect such data to be provided using those properties, rather than using the generic property/value mechanism.
maxValue Number The upper value of some characteristic or property.
minValue Number The lower value of some characteristic or property.
unitCode Text  or
The unit of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters) or a URL. Other codes than the UN/CEFACT Common Code may be used with a prefix followed by a colon.
unitText Text A string or text indicating the unit of measurement. Useful if you cannot provide a standard unit code for unitCode.
value Boolean  or
Number  or
StructuredValue  or
The value of a QuantitativeValue (including Observation) or property value node.

  • For QuantitativeValue and MonetaryAmount, the recommended type for values is 'Number'.
  • For PropertyValue, it can be 'Text', 'Number', 'Boolean', or 'StructuredValue'.
  • Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
  • Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
valueReference DefinedTerm  or
Enumeration  or
MeasurementTypeEnumeration  or
PropertyValue  or
QualitativeValue  or
QuantitativeValue  or
StructuredValue  or
A secondary value that provides additional information on the original value, e.g. a reference temperature or a type of measurement.
Properties from Thing
additionalType Text  or
An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. Typically the value is a URI-identified RDF class, and in this case corresponds to the use of rdf:type in RDF. Text values can be used sparingly, for cases where useful information can be added without their being an appropriate schema to reference. In the case of text values, the class label should follow the style guide.
alternateName Text An alias for the item.
description Text  or
A description of the item.
disambiguatingDescription Text A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.
identifier PropertyValue  or
Text  or
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details.
image ImageObject  or
An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
mainEntityOfPage CreativeWork  or
Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See background notes for details.
Inverse property: mainEntity
name Text The name of the item.
potentialAction Action Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
sameAs URL URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website.
subjectOf CreativeWork  or
A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing.
Inverse property: about
url URL URL of the item.

Instances of QuantitativeValue may appear as a value for the following properties
PropertyOn TypesDescription
accelerationTime Vehicle The time needed to accelerate the vehicle from a given start velocity to a given target velocity.

Typical unit code(s): SEC for seconds

  • Note: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for seconds/0..100 km/h or seconds/0..60 mph. Simply use "SEC" for seconds and indicate the velocities in the name of the QuantitativeValue, or use valueReference with a QuantitativeValue of 0..60 mph or 0..100 km/h to specify the reference speeds.
activityDuration ExercisePlan Length of time to engage in the activity.
activityFrequency ExercisePlan How often one should engage in the activity.
advanceBookingRequirement Demand  or
The amount of time that is required between accepting the offer and the actual usage of the resource or service.
annualPercentageRate FinancialProduct The annual rate that is charged for borrowing (or made by investing), expressed as a single percentage number that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction.
billingDuration UnitPriceSpecification Specifies for how long this price (or price component) will be billed. Can be used, for example, to model the contractual duration of a subscription or payment plan. Type can be either a Duration or a Number (in which case the unit of measurement, for example month, is specified by the unitCode property).
broadcastFrequencyValue BroadcastFrequencySpecification The frequency in MHz for a particular broadcast.
cargoVolume Vehicle The available volume for cargo or luggage. For automobiles, this is usually the trunk volume.

Typical unit code(s): LTR for liters, FTQ for cubic foot/feet

Note: You can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
deliveryLeadTime Demand  or
The typical delay between the receipt of the order and the goods either leaving the warehouse or being prepared for pickup, in case the delivery method is on site pickup.
depth OfferShippingDetails  or
Product  or
The depth of the item.
durationOfWarranty WarrantyPromise The duration of the warranty promise. Common unitCode values are ANN for year, MON for months, or DAY for days.
eligibleDuration Demand  or
The duration for which the given offer is valid.
eligibleQuantity Demand  or
Offer  or
The interval and unit of measurement of ordering quantities for which the offer or price specification is valid. This allows e.g. specifying that a certain freight charge is valid only for a certain quantity.
engineDisplacement EngineSpecification The volume swept by all of the pistons inside the cylinders of an internal combustion engine in a single movement.

Typical unit code(s): CMQ for cubic centimeter, LTR for liters, INQ for cubic inches * Note 1: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the valueReference property. * Note 2: You can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
enginePower EngineSpecification The power of the vehicle's engine. Typical unit code(s): KWT for kilowatt, BHP for brake horsepower, N12 for metric horsepower (PS, with 1 PS = 735,49875 W)

floorSize Accommodation  or
The size of the accommodation, e.g. in square meter or squarefoot. Typical unit code(s): MTK for square meter, FTK for square foot, or YDK for square yard.
fuelCapacity Vehicle The capacity of the fuel tank or in the case of electric cars, the battery. If there are multiple components for storage, this should indicate the total of all storage of the same type.

Typical unit code(s): LTR for liters, GLL of US gallons, GLI for UK / imperial gallons, AMH for ampere-hours (for electrical vehicles).
fuelConsumption Vehicle The amount of fuel consumed for traveling a particular distance or temporal duration with the given vehicle (e.g. liters per 100 km).

  • Note 1: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for liters per 100 km. Use unitText to indicate the unit of measurement, e.g. L/100 km.
  • Note 2: There are two ways of indicating the fuel consumption, fuelConsumption (e.g. 8 liters per 100 km) and fuelEfficiency (e.g. 30 miles per gallon). They are reciprocal.
  • Note 3: Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed ("at 80 km/h") or usage pattern ("city traffic"). You can use valueReference to link the value for the fuel consumption to another value.
fuelEfficiency Vehicle The distance traveled per unit of fuel used; most commonly miles per gallon (mpg) or kilometers per liter (km/L).

  • Note 1: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for miles per gallon or kilometers per liter. Use unitText to indicate the unit of measurement, e.g. mpg or km/L.
  • Note 2: There are two ways of indicating the fuel consumption, fuelConsumption (e.g. 8 liters per 100 km) and fuelEfficiency (e.g. 30 miles per gallon). They are reciprocal.
  • Note 3: Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed ("at 80 km/h") or usage pattern ("city traffic"). You can use valueReference to link the value for the fuel economy to another value.
handlingTime ShippingDeliveryTime The typical delay between the receipt of the order and the goods either leaving the warehouse or being prepared for pickup, in case the delivery method is on site pickup. Typical properties: minValue, maxValue, unitCode (d for DAY). This is by common convention assumed to mean business days (if a unitCode is used, coded as "d"), i.e. only counting days when the business normally operates.
hasMeasurement Certification  or
Offer  or
Product  or
A measurement of an item, For example, the inseam of pants, the wheel size of a bicycle, the gauge of a screw, or the carbon footprint measured for certification by an authority. Usually an exact measurement, but can also be a range of measurements for adjustable products, for example belts and ski bindings.
height MediaObject  or
OfferShippingDetails  or
Person  or
Product  or
The height of the item.
intensity ExercisePlan Quantitative measure gauging the degree of force involved in the exercise, for example, heartbeats per minute. May include the velocity of the movement.
interestRate FinancialProduct The interest rate, charged or paid, applicable to the financial product. Note: This is different from the calculated annualPercentageRate.
inventoryLevel Demand  or
Offer  or
The current approximate inventory level for the item or items.
leaseLength Accommodation  or
Offer  or
Length of the lease for some Accommodation, either particular to some Offer or in some cases intrinsic to the property.
loanTerm LoanOrCredit The duration of the loan or credit agreement.
marginOfError Observation A marginOfError for an Observation.
materialExtent CreativeWork The quantity of the materials being described or an expression of the physical space they occupy.
membershipPointsEarned MemberProgramTier  or
PriceSpecification  or
The number of membership points earned by the member. If necessary, the unitText can be used to express the units the points are issued in. (E.g. stars, miles, etc.)
mileageFromOdometer Vehicle The total distance travelled by the particular vehicle since its initial production, as read from its odometer.

Typical unit code(s): KMT for kilometers, SMI for statute miles.
molecularWeight MolecularEntity This is the molecular weight of the entity being described, not of the parent. Units should be included in the form '<Number> <unit>', for example '12 amu' or as '<QuantitativeValue>.
monoisotopicMolecularWeight MolecularEntity The monoisotopic mass is the sum of the masses of the atoms in a molecule using the unbound, ground-state, rest mass of the principal (most abundant) isotope for each element instead of the isotopic average mass. Please include the units in the form '<Number> <unit>', for example '770.230488 g/mol' or as '<QuantitativeValue>.
numAdults LodgingReservation The number of adults staying in the unit.
numChildren LodgingReservation The number of children staying in the unit.
numberOfAccommodationUnits ApartmentComplex  or
Indicates the total (available plus unavailable) number of accommodation units in an ApartmentComplex, or the number of accommodation units for a specific FloorPlan (within its specific ApartmentComplex). See also numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits.
numberOfAvailableAccommodationUnits ApartmentComplex  or
Indicates the number of available accommodation units in an ApartmentComplex, or the number of accommodation units for a specific FloorPlan (within its specific ApartmentComplex). See also numberOfAccommodationUnits.
numberOfAxles Vehicle The number of axles.

Typical unit code(s): C62.
numberOfBedrooms Accommodation  or
ApartmentComplex  or
The total integer number of bedrooms in a some Accommodation, ApartmentComplex or FloorPlan.
numberOfDoors Vehicle The number of doors.

Typical unit code(s): C62.
numberOfEmployees BusinessAudience  or
The number of employees in an organization, e.g. business.
numberOfForwardGears Vehicle The total number of forward gears available for the transmission system of the vehicle.

Typical unit code(s): C62.
numberOfPlayers Game  or
Indicate how many people can play this game (minimum, maximum, or range).
numberOfPreviousOwners Vehicle The number of owners of the vehicle, including the current one.

Typical unit code(s): C62.
numberOfRooms Accommodation  or
Apartment  or
FloorPlan  or
House  or
LodgingBusiness  or
SingleFamilyResidence  or
The number of rooms (excluding bathrooms and closets) of the accommodation or lodging business. Typical unit code(s): ROM for room or C62 for no unit. The type of room can be put in the unitText property of the QuantitativeValue.
occupancy Accommodation  or
Apartment  or
HotelRoom  or
SingleFamilyResidence  or
The allowed total occupancy for the accommodation in persons (including infants etc). For individual accommodations, this is not necessarily the legal maximum but defines the permitted usage as per the contractual agreement (e.g. a double room used by a single person). Typical unit code(s): C62 for person.
partySize FoodEstablishmentReservation  or
Number of people the reservation should accommodate.
payload Vehicle The permitted weight of passengers and cargo, EXCLUDING the weight of the empty vehicle.

Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound

recipeYield Recipe The quantity produced by the recipe (for example, number of people served, number of servings, etc).
referenceQuantity UnitPriceSpecification The reference quantity for which a certain price applies, e.g. 1 EUR per 4 kWh of electricity. This property is a replacement for unitOfMeasurement for the advanced cases where the price does not relate to a standard unit.
repetitions ExercisePlan Number of times one should repeat the activity.
requiredQuantity HowToItem The required quantity of the item(s).
restPeriods ExercisePlan How often one should break from the activity.
roofLoad BusOrCoach  or
The permitted total weight of cargo and installations (e.g. a roof rack) on top of the vehicle.

Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound

seatingCapacity Vehicle The number of persons that can be seated (e.g. in a vehicle), both in terms of the physical space available, and in terms of limitations set by law.

Typical unit code(s): C62 for persons.
size CreativeWork  or
A standardized size of a product or creative work, specified either through a simple textual string (for example 'XL', '32Wx34L'), a QuantitativeValue with a unitCode, or a comprehensive and structured SizeSpecification; in other cases, the width, height, depth and weight properties may be more applicable.
speed Vehicle The speed range of the vehicle. If the vehicle is powered by an engine, the upper limit of the speed range (indicated by maxValue) should be the maximum speed achievable under regular conditions.

Typical unit code(s): KMH for km/h, HM for mile per hour (0.447 04 m/s), KNT for knot

*Note 1: Use minValue and maxValue to indicate the range. Typically, the minimal value is zero. * Note 2: There are many different ways of measuring the speed range. You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the valueReference property.
stupidProperty StupidType  or
This is a StupidProperty! - for testing only.
suggestedAge PeopleAudience  or
The age or age range for the intended audience or person, for example 3-12 months for infants, 1-5 years for toddlers.
suggestedMeasurement PeopleAudience  or
A suggested range of body measurements for the intended audience or person, for example inseam between 32 and 34 inches or height between 170 and 190 cm. Typically found on a size chart for wearable products.
tongueWeight Vehicle The permitted vertical load (TWR) of a trailer attached to the vehicle. Also referred to as Tongue Load Rating (TLR) or Vertical Load Rating (VLR).

Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound

torque EngineSpecification The torque (turning force) of the vehicle's engine.

Typical unit code(s): NU for newton metre (N m), F17 for pound-force per foot, or F48 for pound-force per inch

  • Note 1: You can link to information about how the given value has been determined (e.g. reference RPM) using the valueReference property.
  • Note 2: You can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
trailerWeight Vehicle The permitted weight of a trailer attached to the vehicle.

Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound * Note 1: You can indicate additional information in the name of the QuantitativeValue node. * Note 2: You may also link to a QualitativeValue node that provides additional information using valueReference. * Note 3: Note that you can use minValue and maxValue to indicate ranges.
transitTime ShippingDeliveryTime The typical delay the order has been sent for delivery and the goods reach the final customer. Typical properties: minValue, maxValue, unitCode (d for DAY).
valueReference PropertyValue  or
QualitativeValue  or
A secondary value that provides additional information on the original value, e.g. a reference temperature or a type of measurement.
vehicleSeatingCapacity Vehicle The number of passengers that can be seated in the vehicle, both in terms of the physical space available, and in terms of limitations set by law.

Typical unit code(s): C62 for persons.
weight OfferShippingDetails  or
Person  or
The weight of the product or person.
weightTotal Vehicle The permitted total weight of the loaded vehicle, including passengers and cargo and the weight of the empty vehicle.

Typical unit code(s): KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound

wheelbase Vehicle The distance between the centers of the front and rear wheels.

Typical unit code(s): CMT for centimeters, MTR for meters, INH for inches, FOT for foot/feet.
width MediaObject  or
OfferShippingDetails  or
Product  or
The width of the item.
workload ExercisePlan Quantitative measure of the physiologic output of the exercise; also referred to as energy expenditure.
yearlyRevenue BusinessAudience The size of the business in annual revenue.
yearsInOperation BusinessAudience The age of the business.
yield HowTo The quantity that results by performing instructions. For example, a paper airplane, 10 personalized candles.

More specific Types


GoodRelations Vocabulary Classes
This class is derived from the GoodRelations Vocabulary for E-Commerce, created by Martin Hepp. GoodRelations is a data model for sharing e-commerce data on the Web that can be expressed in a variety of syntaxes, including RDFa and HTML5 Microdata. More information about GoodRelations can be found at