The JSNS2 data acquisition system
JS Park, S Ajimura, M Botran, MK Cheoun… - Journal of …, 2020 -
JS Park, S Ajimura, M Botran, MK Cheoun, JH Choi, T Dodo, H Furuta, P Gwak, M Harada…
Journal of Instrumentation, 2020•iopscience.iop.orgAbstract The JSNS 2 (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron
Source) experiment aims to search for neutrino oscillations over a 24 m short baseline at J-
PARC. The JSNS 2 inner detector is filled with 17 tons of gadolinium (Gd)-loaded liquid
scintillator (LS) with an additional 31 tons of unloaded LS in the intermediate γ-catcher and
an optically separated outer veto volumes. A total of 120 10-inch photomultiplier tubes
observe the scintillating optical photons and each analog waveform is stored with flash …
Source) experiment aims to search for neutrino oscillations over a 24 m short baseline at J-
PARC. The JSNS 2 inner detector is filled with 17 tons of gadolinium (Gd)-loaded liquid
scintillator (LS) with an additional 31 tons of unloaded LS in the intermediate γ-catcher and
an optically separated outer veto volumes. A total of 120 10-inch photomultiplier tubes
observe the scintillating optical photons and each analog waveform is stored with flash …
The JSNS 2 (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) experiment aims to search for neutrino oscillations over a 24 m short baseline at J-PARC. The JSNS 2 inner detector is filled with 17 tons of gadolinium (Gd)-loaded liquid scintillator (LS) with an additional 31 tons of unloaded LS in the intermediate γ-catcher and an optically separated outer veto volumes. A total of 120 10-inch photomultiplier tubes observe the scintillating optical photons and each analog waveform is stored with flash analog-to-digital converters. We present details of the data acquisition, processing, and data quality monitoring system. We also present two different trigger logics which are developed for the beam and self-trigger.