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Title: A framework for mapping potential sustainability impact of digitalization solutions Authors: Lövehagen, N 1 Institution
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Title: A framework for mapping potential sustainability impact of digitalization solutions
Authors: Lövehagen, N 1
Institutions: 1 Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden
Corresponding Author: Nina Lövehagen, Torshamnsgatan 21, 16483 Stockholm, Sweden,
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were
created or analyzed in this study.
Keywords: sustainability assessment, sustainability impact, digitalization, framework, ICT, key
value, societal impact, Industry 5.0
Abstract: There is an increased willingness to discuss and include sustainability thinking in
research and development (R&D) projects within the Information and Communication industry
sector. The interest in understanding the sustainability impact of digitalization has increased in
recent years. However, applying the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
during the technical development of different solutions is difficult as they can feel too complex
and on a too high level and therefore hard to grasp without thorough background in the
sustainability area. Therefore, a framework for a sustainability assessment resulting in potential
sustainability impacts was developed. The intention was both to widen the scope and
understanding of potential positive (gains) and negative (losses) impacts, and to provide a
surmountable entrance to applying sustainability-thinking more broadly in digitalization R&D
projects. The framework is divided into three main steps: i) identifying relevant impact areas
relating to an environmental or socio-economic dimension, ii) list potential gains and losses and
iii) estimate consequences of each gain and loss and evaluate whether the losses are mitigatable
or not. An example of applying the framework to a massive sensor network in a factory is
provided. The framework constitutes a first move to get a more holistic understanding of the
impact of technical solutions early on that allows for adjustments already in the R&D phase.
Abbreviations: GHG, greenhouse gas; ICT, information and communication technology; KPI,
key performance indicator; KVI, key value indicator; R&D, research and development; SDG,
sustainable development goal
Sustainability is high on the global agenda and digitalization has the potential to drive the
development in a sustainable direction [1]. Although the term ‘sustainability’ is well defined, it
can be used with different meanings especially within the Information and Communication (ICT)
sector. Sustainability covers the triple-bottom-line aspects of environmental, social and economic
sustainability, based on the famous quote on “… meets the needs of the present without
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compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” from 1987 [2].
However, in the ICT sector ‘sustainability’ is sometimes used to only cover the environmental
sustainability, or even narrower the climate change impacts measured as greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. It may also be even more specifically interpreted as energy performance relating to
the electricity use of networks and data centers during use stage. There are also examples of
using ‘sustainability’ relating to materials usage in oppose to energy performance.
Sustainability may also be associated with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) [3] covering aspects of the Human Rights [4] and the Planetary Boundaries [5]-[6]. The
SDGs are global goals, applicable for countries with defined targets to achieve these, and
indicators for how to measure the targets and thereby the sustainability development of the world
and on country level. Today many companies report their impact in relation to different SDGs on
a company-wide level, however further down into the companies the link to the SDGs in the
daily work might be less acknowledged.
Within the ICT industry key performance indicators (KPIs) have been used for long to measure
the technical performance of the networks. However extending the focus to sustainability
impacts have given rise to the need for another type of indicators, so called key value indicators
(KVIs), as discussed for instance within the EU’s Hexa-X project [7]-[10] and in a white paper
by 6GIA [11]. The term ‘key value’ imposes that there is a positive effect, a gain, or a value for
society from a sustainability point of view. However just as important is to follow up on the
negative effects, the losses.
Indicators of societal change on different levels from global, countries and especially for cities
have been published during the latest decades as discussed in [12] and most famous are the
SDGs [3]. There exist various indicators on various levels, and these can be both quantitative and
qualitative, objective and subjective. Furthermore, indicators can be used to measure both input,
output, outcome and impact [13] and these can be measured at different stages of a project and
deployment of new ICT solutions, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Impact track showing when it is possible to measure output, outcome and impact in
relation to the project phases.
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Choosing indicators of relevance for a specific ICT solution or use case is difficult, but any
evaluation needs to include the impact of the ICT solutions’ full life cycle footprint. International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) has published indicators related to ICT and sustainable
development of cities [14]-[16] which is used in the U4SSC project which lists 91 KPIs to assess
the achievement of sustainable development goals [17]. Also, the international standardization
organization ISO has also published city indicators [18]-[19].
However, even when the indicators to evaluate the impact are identified, there are several other
aspects to consider. ITU has published a standard on how to measure the enablement effect of an
ICT solution focusing on changes in greenhouse gas emissions [20]. Despite the narrower focus,
the overall methodology can be applied also in wider sustainability aspects. Hence, to measure
the induced effect there is a need for a clear scope, a reference case (measured baseline),
understanding of contextual changes and the impact of the footprint. Together this form the so-
called net second order effect. From a research and development (R&D) point of view the
indicators cannot be fully measured until after the deployment of the solution. Hence, to quantify
potential impacts of solutions still in a development phase, might not be sufficient as the
uncertainty would be very large. However, it can be valuable to qualitatively investigate
potential impacts and identify possible indicators early in the process to get an idea of future
impact and to enable the establishment of a thorough baseline. By measuring relevant indicators
for several year prior to the implementation of a new ICT solution any natural fluctuations could
be identified which facilitates the interpretation of results measured after the deployment of an
ICT solution. Moreover, by identifying indicators already during the development phase it might
be possible to detect activities or inputs that can influence in a positive direction.
The ultimate goal for the ICT sector from a sustainability perspective is to maximize the positive
and minimize the negative impacts in society including the environmental footprint of the ICT
solution itself. Some negative impacts can be minimized by mitigating the risk of occurrence, but
even when not possible to minimize the effects, at lease the potential negative effects are
acknowledged. There are standards developed by ITU on assessing the GHG emissions both
from ICT solutions (L.1410) [21] and the impact in other sectors (also referred to as the
enablement or induced effect) (L.1480) [20]. So far standards for a wider sustainability scope are
lacking, though the overall methodology presented can likely be applicable also for a wider
sustainability perspective.
The real societal impact from digitalization cannot be assessed until after the deployment of a
solution, though its potential impacts can be estimated already at an early stage. However, the
step from e.g. the SDGs to an R&D project developing technical solutions and specific ICT use
cases is huge. The SDGs can feel too complex and on a too high level and therefore hard to grasp
without thorough background in the sustainability area. Addressing this gap, a framework for a
sustainability assessment of ICT solutions that could be applied at an early stage of the
development was developed. The aim with the framework is to widen the perspective, looking
beyond the intended main gain of a solution and discover areas needing attention by pointing out
potential negative impacts that might be possible to mitigate, fully or somewhat, when giving
them attention already during the R&D phase. Hopefully, the framework provides a
surmountable entrance to applying sustainability-thinking more broadly in digitalization R&D
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In Methods (section 2) the development of the framework and the thoughts behind it is
described, while section 3 presents the framework and its pros and cons from applying it to
different use cases and industry sectors and an example from deploying sensor networks for
condition monitoring in manufacturing. Section 4 touches upon next steps and possibilities
before some concluding remarks in section 5. Note that the terminology for use cases,
applications, technical solutions differs within and between industries, however as the
framework is usable on various levels, these terms will be used in parallel hereafter.
After trying to understand the current landscape, the framework was developed where the SDGs
[3], the Human Rights [4] and the Planetary Boundaries [5]-[6] as well as the so-called Donut
model [22]-[23] functioned as a basis to understand what areas to cover. These so-called impact
areas (not to be confused with impact categories within a life cycle assessment) were grouped to
be a starting point for assessing use cases providing ICT solutions to various industry sectors.
The impact areas are divided into two dimensions: Environmental and Socioeconomic. The
reason for combining social and economic sustainability into one socio-economic dimension is
that companies might find it difficult to separate what is economic sustainable for the company
(in the meaning long-lasting) to economically sustainable for society (driving global
The framework intents to capture both potential positive and negative impacts, in different
sectors, for individuals and society as well as the own environmental footprint. The term ‘gain’ is
used for positive impact, while ‘loss’ is used for negative. Other sources might use ‘potential’
and ‘risk’ meaning the same thing. However, as both potential and risk can imply a probability
there might be a confusion using those terms. For instance, introducing driverless vehicles will
reduce the number of human drivers, hence for drivers the work opportunities becomes lower,
hence a loss. If calling it a risk, it might be interpreted as it will not happen.
The framework was developed and tried within Ericsson Research in 2022 and applied on about
forty use cases belonging to different industry sectors (manufacturing, automotive, healthcare,
mining, power utility, railway, agriculture, public safety, and technical-oriented holographic
communication and digital airspace). This resulted in further improvements which lead to the
presented framework.
The framework can be applied on technical solutions, specific use cases or applications of usage
as previously mentioned. If the use case is defined as a multi-purpose technical solution, e.g.,
digital twin, the framework will be difficult to use without specifying the intended used. Most, or
all, technical solutions today are eventually multi-purpose, therefore it is needed to consider
potential intended misuse of the technical solution to capture any potential losses that might be
possible to mitigate. A pre-step to the framework is the scoping, that means identifying what
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technical solution, use case or application to assess. In the scoping, it is also essential to reflect
whether this solution potentially can bring any so-called lock-in effects. A lock-in effect could
for instance be a use case where ICT optimization leads to a substantial reduction of emissions
short-term, but also to an extended use in time of a technology or fuel that needs to be phased
out. Hence, in the longer perspective this means staying with a high-emitting solution instead of
switching to a solution that is consistent with emission reductions in international climate
The framework is divided into three steps: i) identifying relevant impact areas, ii) list potential
gains and losses and iii) estimate consequences of each gain and loss and evaluate whether the
losses are mitigatable or not. Figure 2 shows an overall flowchart of the framework.
Figure 2. Flowchart of the framework.
3.1 Framework
The impact areas used in the framework are divided into two dimensions: environmental and
socio-economic. The first step is to go through the list of impact areas and identify whether there
are possible gains or losses within the impact category, see Table 1. The impact areas are
supposed to cover all activities and needs in society both from a personal, societal, and planetary
point of view. In the appendix there are examples of sub-impact areas which can make it easier
to understand what is included in the different impact areas (see section 7).
Table 1. Framework impact areas
Environmental impact areas
Socio-economic impact areas
Emissions to air, water and soil Housing
Work and income
Land use
Well-being and culture
Democracy, peace and justice
Energy resources
Water & sanitation
Equality and inclusion
Material resources
Privacy and integrity
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When applying the framework, it might feel like some impact areas are overlapping, for instance
the health of a worker can be applied to either the ‘health’ or the ‘work and income’ impact area
depending on if seen in the context of the individual and its need for healthcare, or improved
working conditions. This is not seen as a major problem as long as all potential impacts can be
captured and the same impact is not double counted (especially important if using the framework
in prioritizing).
The second step is to identify potential gains and losses. There is often a main gain defined for a
project, use case or technical solution. For each identified relevant impact category potential
gains and losses should be listed. In this stage it also required to identify possible unintended use
or intended misuse and what potential gains and losses those could have. The potential losses are
then valued as mitigatable, unmitigable or if it is related to the environmental footprint. A
‘mitigatable loss’ means that it is something that can be addressed in the R&D phase. Thereby
the risk for the loss to occur will be reduced. It can for instance be the increased risk for
unintended surveillance which can be mitigated by blurring faces or aggregate data in an early
stage so that risk for leakage of personal data is minimized. Though, even if addressed in terms
of privacy intrusion or cyber security threats there will always remain a risk despite mitigated as
far as possible. An ‘unmitigable loss’ can be the jobs lost for drivers if evaluating a solution with
driverless vehicles. Losses related to the environmental footprint can always be addressed in the
development phase of a project by e.g. focusing on decreasing lifetime energy and material usage
or improving the recyclability of materials.
The third step, after listing possible gains and losses for the use case/s and identified misuse
cases the consequences should be estimated. This consequence estimation is a self-assessment
preferably made by a team including subject matter experts and the results can also be checked
with sustainability experts. For each identified gain and loss, a consequence level is subjectively
selected using a five-graded scale (low-1 to high-5). The selected value/number will mainly give
an indication of impact compared to other impacts for the evaluated solution/use case. However,
the consequence estimation levels can be summarized for different use cases and make it
possible to understand their different impacts. The following questions can help in setting a
consequence level: Is the impact large or small? Will it impact many people? What is the
probability of the impact to happen? What is the scalability of the solution? Addressable impact?
What is the time perspective? What role does ICT have (all impacts, boosting a change,
enabler)? How severe would a misuse case be for society, for individuals? Would it be difficult
to put things right again? All this is weighted together into one digit for each gain or loss. By
using numbers, it is easier to compare losses vs gains.
3.2 Applicability
Evaluations of potential gains and losses from the use of ICT will always come with large
uncertainties, but it is good to start addressing the topic already in a technical development. The
main intention with this framework is to widen the view from the main gain expected of use
cases/technical solutions to also see other potential impacts from the evaluated ICT solution,
including potential mis-use cases. A few conclusions of the usability of the framework and its
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results could be drawn from applying the framework to various use cases in a few different
research teams.
Firstly, technical use cases that have several possible applications in society lead to gains and
losses in many different sustainability impact areas. The context in which the ICT solution will
be used need to be specified both for use cases and potential misuse cases. For instance, trying to
evaluate a digital twin without specifying of what it is a digital twin, will not be very
informative. However, a digital twin of a water system in a city can be evaluated.
Secondly, the outcome will depend on the competence and previous experience of the team
performing the assessment. Therefore, there is little point in showing actual consequence level
digits outside the assessment team, but rather have a bullet list of gains and losses ordered in
groups of lower to higher potential impact. If the same team performs an assessment of several
different use cases a comparison between those might be relevant as the likelihood to cover
similar aspects is higher. It is generally more likely that gains are listed rather than losses when
the developer themselves evaluates their own solution. A sanity check of the self-assessment
with a sustainability expert or people with previous experience of this type of sustainability
assessment is often needed, especially if the evaluation team has little previous experience of
Thirdly, if the results should be used to prioritize or compare different use cases, it is important
to cover the same level of potential impact and own footprint. The results from different teams
need to be harmonized, as it is easy to both over- and underestimate the impact depending on
previous knowledge and cultural background.
At this point, the discussions and reflections on a broader perspective was found more valuable
than the set consequence levels. Evaluating different usages including possible mis-usages can
give valuable insights of mitigatable losses and the environmental footprint, which can be
included in future development. In an R&D phase of technical solutions it can be difficult to
estimate different impacts, but analyzing potential gains and losses in an early phase will
decrease the risk of unexpected, unwanted, impacts in the future. However, quantifying the
impacts early in a process is even more difficult and will include huge uncertainties, especially
when looking into the future as there are so many parameters that will impact in parallel.
Complexities related to assessing the environmental effects from ICT services are discussed
further in [24]-[25]. Assessing sustainability impacts is a delicate task, but as long as the
documentation is clear on data and assumptions used to make estimations and qualified guesses
of future impacts, it can be a feasible tool.
3.3 Example: manufacturing monitoring
Within the manufacturing industry the concept of Industry 5.0 have been introduced, e.g. [26],
which identifies human-centricity, environmental sustainability, and resilience as three pillars of
focus in future development of manufacturing industries. These pillars aligns well with the wide
sustainability perspective applied in the framework.
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By introducing a large number of condition-monitoring sensors in a factory, it is possible to
gather specific data that can be used to optimize both the workstream but also working
environment conditions (temperature, air quality, etc.). As an example, Table 2 shows the result
from applying the framework on this massive sensor network deployed across the factory floor,
hence a multi-purpose sensor network that can be part of several different manufacturing
monitoring use cases.
Table 2. Result from manufacturing monitoring example
Relevant impact
Potential gains and losses
Socio-economic dimension
Gain: Condition monitoring of the energy consumption
in a factory should improve the reliability of the energy
system in the area
Medium/high (4)
Health and healthcare Gain: Condition monitoring of leakages, radiation etc.
from the factory to surrounding areas
Low/medium (2)
Work and income
Gain: Prevent physical safety issues, promote safe and
secure working environments
Medium/high (4)
Loss: if system is hacked and false information inserted
may impact the physical safety at a workplace
Medium (-3)
Privacy and integrity Loss: Risk of massive unintended surveillance
Low/medium (-2)
Gain: Condition-monitoring systems to warn for
disasters (earthquakes, etc.), too keep e.g. chemicals in
a factory safe.
High (5)
Gain: Condition monitoring to strengthen resilience and
adaptive capacity in/for factory plants.
High (5)
Loss: if hacking the system inserting false information
etc. can lead to less resilience
Medium (-3)
Environmental dimension
Emissions to air,
water and soil
Gain: Condition monitoring of emissions, chemicals,
etc. in factories (many different systems possible).
High (5)
Loss: if hacking the system inserting false information
etc. can lead to increased emissions
High (-5)
Loss (footprint): probably high number of sensors (incl.
batteries) needed which can lead to emissions during
their lifetime.
High (-5)
Gain: Condition-monitoring systems to monitor
freshwater usage etc. in factory can optimize water
High (5)
Gain: information can be used for optimization leading
to less energy usage
Medium-high (4)
Loss (footprint): probably high number of sensors
Low-medium (-2)
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Loss: if hacking the system inserting false information
etc. more energy can be used
Medium (-3)
Gain: information can be used for optimization leading
to less material usage
Medium-high (4)
Loss (footprint): probably high number of sensors
needed, including production of high number of sensors
and need for resources of batteries etc.
High (-5)
For this example, the losses identified are related to the environmental footprint or to privacy
intrusion and an increased risk for cyber-attacks. These latter are considered mitigatable, as it is
possible to address them considering different solutions in the design of the system, hence the
risk can be mitigated. It might be that losses are not mitigatable with today’s technology, but
maybe in the future if addressed. Though, some risk will always remain. The losses related to the
environmental footprint are especially regarding the unknown number of sensors needed and
their total lifecycle environmental impact. The impact of the footprint can be decreased by
choice of materials, energy performance and a focus on reusability and recycling. Several gains
related to monitoring and collecting data possible to use in optimization and maintenance, but
also for warning systems and creating a safer and more convenient working environment.
The presented framework is a primary step to get sustainability into the R&D project phase. To
improve its usability, a guideline could be developed that provide support and further
explanations on what consequence levels that is reasonable for different use cases and
applications. However, to make such a guideline, further use of the framework is needed as
results from many different applications are needed to find a common level by comparing the
For an R&D project there are several potential ways to continue the sustainability-related work
after the mapping of potential impacts: (i) include the findings of mitigatable losses into the
project and end-to-end environmental footprint of the solution to investigate solutions for
minimizing these impacts, (ii) focus on possible drivers and barriers for maximizing the gains
and minimizing the losses and identify the need to develop additional solutions for mitigation of
losses, (iii) investigate possible indicators that could be used to follow-up on the impacts.
Within the R&D phase, the obvious continuation is to focus on the potential mitigatable losses
identified, or to minimize the environmental footprint of the solution by optimizing energy use or
through material choices. These insights might also lead to new research questions. It is
important to remain the end-to-end view in order not to suboptimize one part and thus only move
where in the value chain the environmental impacts occurs. A broader focus could be on
identifying both drivers and barriers for the solution to maximize gains and minimize losses.
Drivers and barriers on individual and societal levels will influence the actual use of the ICT
solution, time to full utilization and thereby what impacts the solution will have on
environmental and socioeconomic activities as discussed in [12]. Such drivers and barriers often
lies outside the control of the solution provider, but by identifying them it is easier to impact
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them. Identifying relevant indicators capturing the potential gains and losses is a further step.
Indicators in [14]-[19] can be a good starting point when defining relevant indicators to measure
the impact of an ICT solution or digitalization. Early identification of indictors can also help
establishing a baseline for future impact assessments using measured data.
There is an increased willingness to discuss and include sustainability thinking in R&D projects.
The framework presented includes the first steps towards a methodology for understanding the
potential impact of ICT solutions. Though there is still a fairly long way to go in methodology
development. Further research and trials are needed to understand how to identify and act upon
drivers and barriers, how to use indicators and how to follow up the sustainable development
enabled by digitalization and various ICT solutions. Transparency of methodologies used in
calculations, boundaries, data and indicators used to evaluate different levels (output, outcome or
impact) is essential. Sharing the best practices and learn for each other will help industries to
maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative including the environmental footprint
and thereby drive a sustainable development.
Thanks to all colleagues within Ericsson Research and other parts of Ericsson for the valuable
discussions when applying the framework in their projects. A special thank you to Leefke
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Table A.1 Impact areas and examples of subareas
Impact area
Subareas (examples)
Socio-economic dimension
Access to adequate, safe and affordable housing with basic services
Increase the resilience of houses
Warning systems for disasters
Access to affordable, high quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient ICT
Access to safe, affordable accessible and sustainable people transport systems
for all
Freight transport systems
Number of road accidents
Access to affordable and clean energy
Reliability of energy/electricity systems
Upgrade of technology for supplying modern, sustainable energy systems
Water &
Access to safe and affordable drinking water
Water quality
Water-use efficiency
Integrated water resource management
Access to sanitation and sewage systems
Access to healthy food for all
Agriculture productivity, or knowledge-sharing
Sustainable food production systems (e.g. functioning food commodity
markets, facilitate timely access to market information including on food
Resilience in food production
Change in or protection of sustainable agriculture, sustainable fishing, etc.
Promotion of healthy eating habits
Food waste and losses
Access to education for children (regardless of gender)
Access to continued life-long education (regardless of gender, age, education
Literacy and numeracy skills for all
ICT skills
Amount of connected schools
Access to affordable education
Promotion of life-long learning
Health and
Access to quality healthcare services
Deaths related to hazardous chemicals, emissions to air, water and soil
Capacity for early warning, risk reduction of global health risks
Mortality – all ages
Prevention of spread of diseases (e.g. monitoring epidemics)
Family planning
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Work & income Unemployment, employment
Prevention of physical safety issues
Promotion of safe and secure working environments
Facilitation of reskilling and upskilling possibilities
Inclusion at workplaces (gender, age, disabilities, etc.)
Promotion of decent work hours,
Protection of labor rights (end modern slavery)
Access to financial services, insurance, banking
Access to affordable credits
Promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrialization
Well-being &
Improved rights to practice one’s culture
Protect cultural heritages/culture
Access to green public spaces (safe, inclusive and accessible for all)
Involuntary loneliness
peace & justice
Participation in elections
Access to information
Transparent institutions
Violence in society
Abuse of any kind
Freedom of expression
Equal treatment in society
Freedom to movement
Equality &
Equal opportunities, payments
Migration and mobility of people
Social, economic and political inclusion of all
Inclusion in process (often lead to better acceptance of change)
Reduce any gender inequalities
Privacy and
Balance between transparency/traceability and privacy
Risk for privacy intrusion
Resilience and adaptive capacity
Early warning systems
Knowledge/education on climate change etc.
Environmental dimension
Emissions to
water, air and
Emissions of:
GHGs (CO2, CH4, water vapour, N2O, O3)
Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)
PM (particulate matter, soot)
SOx , NOx
CFCs, HCFCs, halons etc.
Use of freshwater
Protection of water resources
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Page 15
Land use
Land footprint
Water-related ecosystems (both freshwater, sea, ice)
Protection of forests, cryosphere, etc.
Protection of animals (overfishing, over exploration, illegal hunting, and
trading of animals)
Protection of plants and take actions against invasive species
Overall energy use
Energy efficiency in vertical
The share of renewables in the global energy mix (electricity as well as fuels
and other energy)
Rationalization of inefficient subsidies
Resource efficiency in consumption or production
Use of metals, plastics, nitrogen, phosphorus, chemicals
Amount of waste and loss
Circularity (facilitate reuse, repair, recycle)
Changing attitude to sustainable consumption
Upgrade of infrastructure or retrofit of industries (make sustainable, with
increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and
environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes)
Prolonging lifetime of products
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