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2012 年 4 月
地 层 学 杂 志
第 36 卷 第 2 期
Apr., 2012
Vol. 36 No. 2
① 国家自然科学基金(No.91114201)和国家重点基础研究发展计划(2012CB821906)资助出版.
文稿接受日期: 2011-08-17; 修改稿收到日期: 2012-03-31.
第一作者简介: 博士, 研究员, 主要从事古脊椎动物和地层研究; E-mail:dzharakuduk@mail.ru
H.-D. SUES2)
1) 俄罗斯科学院动物研究所 俄罗斯圣彼得堡 199034;
2) 史密斯森协会自然历史博物馆古生物学部 美国华盛顿特区 20013-7012
摘 要: 通过对前人建议的 26 个生物地层标志化石存在与否的简约分析, 中亚与亚洲中部晚白垩世的陆生脊椎
动物组合的相对层位得到了更清楚的揭示.此区最古老的组合是乌兹别克斯坦克孜勒库姆沙漠的 Khodzhakul 组
合(早塞诺曼期), 其次为蒙古戈壁沙漠东部 Bayn Shire 组的下部和上部的组合(塞诺曼期至桑顿期).中国内蒙古二
连达布苏动物群与中亚的土伦期—桑顿期动物群属于同一类群, 因为它们均具龟鳖类 Khunnuchelys, 前者时代可
能为桑顿期.三个中亚的组合(Bissekty,Yalovach 和 Bostobe 组合)中有两个地方性的鳄形类(Kansajsuchus
北美同期动物群为同一类群.Djadokhta 组与 Barun Goyot 组的坎潘期脊椎动物组合具有高度的地方性, 并反应了
半干旱的古环境.产自 Nemegt 组的组合生存于比较潮湿的环境.在组成上,这一组合与其他河流相沉积环境
(Bissekty,二连达布苏以及北美 Judithian 期和 Lancian 期的组合)相似.具顶饰的鸭嘴龙 Saurolophus 的存在, 支持
了 Nemegt 组合为马斯特里赫特期时代.戈壁沙漠的这三个组合(Djadokhta,Barun Goyot 和 Nemegt 组合)被归为
一类, 因为它们共同拥有地方性的龟类 Mongolemys 和兽脚亚目的小驰龙类.亚洲中部和北美的坎潘期至马斯特
里赫特期组合与亚洲更加古老的组合不同在于存有暴龙科,肿头龙亚目和鸭嘴龙科.在中亚, 由于地区性的海侵,
关 键 词: 生物地层学, 脊椎动物, 晚白垩世, 中亚, 亚洲中部
中图法分类号: P 534.53
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 0253-4959 (2012) 02-0462-24
A. AVERIANOV 1) and H.-D. SUES 2)
1) Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia,
2) Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution MRC 121, P.O. Box 37012, Washington,
DC 20013-7012, U.S.A.
Abstract The relative stratigraphic positions of the better-known assemblages of Late Cretaceous continental verte-
brates from Middle and Central Asia are assessed by parsimony analysis of the presence/absence of 26 proposed bio-
stratigraphic marker taxa. The oldest assemblage in the region is Khodzhakul from the Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan
(early Cenomanian). The next stage includes assemblages from the lower and upper parts of the Bayn Shire Formation
of the eastern Gobi Desert, Mongolia (Cenomanian to Santonian). The Iren Dabasu fauna from Inner Mongolia, China,
clusters with the Turonian-Santonian faunas from Middle Asia based on the shared presence of the trionychid turtle
Khunnuchelys and is likely Santonian in age. Three Middle Asian assemblages (Bissekty, Yalovach, and Bostobe) are
endemic in the presence of two crocodyliform taxa (Kansajsuchus and Tadzhikosuchus) but share another crocodyliform

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Averianov A.等:中亚与亚洲中部晚白垩世的陆生脊椎动物组合对比
(Shamosuchus) with the Gobi assemblages. The Campanian-Maastrichtian assemblages from the Gobi Desert cluster
with coeval North American faunas. The Campanian vertebrate assemblages from the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot for-
mations are highly endemic, reflecting semi-arid paleoenvironments. The assemblage from the Nemegt Formation,
which existed under more mesic conditions, is similar in composition to those from other fluvial depositional environ-
ments (Bissekty, Iren Dabasu, and North American Judithian and Lancian assemblages). The presence of the crested
hadrosaurine Saurolophus supports a Maastrichtian age for the Nemegt assemblage. Three Gobi assemblages (Djadokhta,
Barun Goyot, and Nemegt) are grouped together based on the shared presence of the endemic turtle Mongolemys and
parvicursorine theropods. The Campanian to Maastrichtian assemblages of Central Asia and North America differ from
the older assemblages in Asia in the presence of derived Tyrannosauridae, Pachycephalosauria, and Hadrosauridae. In
Middle Asia, continental vertebrate assemblages from this time interval remain largely unknown due to regional marine
Key words biostratigraphy, vertebrates, Late Cretaceous, Middle Asia, Central Asia
1 Introduction
Correlation of the Late Cretaceous continental de-
posits of Central Asia to the Standard Global Chro-
nostratigraphic Scale is difficult due to the absence of
biostratigraphically useful fossils. However, the con-
tinental Late Cretaceous strata in Middle Asia are
sometimes intercalated with marine deposits that do
contain such fossils. This permits more precise age
assessments for these units (King, personal communi-
cation). Furthermore, the Late Cretaceous deposits of
Middle Asia contain dinosaurian assemblages similar
to some extent to the better-known diverse assem-
blages from the Gobi Desert and other regions of Cen-
tral Asia (Nessov, 1995, 1997; Averianov, 2007b; Sues
& Averianov, 2009b). This combination of factors
provides a unique opportunity for assessing the ages of
the assemblages of Late Cretaceous continental verte-
brates from Central Asia.
We follow the geographic usage of the term "Mid-
dle Asia" to specifically denote the region within
"Central Asia" that comprises Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan (Dani &
Masson, 1992).
In this paper we review biostratigraphic markers
that are useful for dating the assemblages of Late
Cretaceous continental vertebrates in Asia. Selected
marker taxa are employed for a quantitative (parsi-
mony) biostratigraphic analysis of the principal verte-
brate assemblages. The recovered pattern of correla-
tion between the analyzed assemblages is used to as-
sess the relative temporal succession of the various
faunas of continental vertebrates from the Late Creta-
ceous of Central Asia.
Abbreviations. BM-biostratigraphic marker; PIN-
Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
2 Methods
There are a number of quantitative approaches for
identifying areas of endemicity in biogeography (see
Simpson, 1960; Cheetham & Hazel, 1969; Raup &
Crick, 1979; Holtz et al., 2004). Notably fewer meth-
ods are available for biostratigraphic analysis. These
methods, reviewed by Makovicky (2008), fall into two
categories. Most are based on quantitative analysis of
either taxon occurrences or their stratigraphic ranges
(e.g., Alroy, 1994, 2000; Fortelius et al., 2006). Other
methods employ the phylogenetic relationships be-
tween taxa (Martinez, 1995). The cladistic biochro-
nologic analysis developed by Makovicky (2008) is a
further elaboration of the latter approach. It is of par-
ticular interest to us because it was applied to the
chronological ordering of the assemblages of Late
Cretaceous continental vertebrates from the Gobi De-
sert of Mongolia and northern China (Makovicky,
2008). Here we employed a different method, based on
the more traditional "stage of evolution" approach to
analyzing evolutionary transformations within selected
groups of vertebrates. This approach has issues that
were reviewed by Makovicky (2008), but it remains
the basic approach for intra- and intercontinental bio-
stratigraphic correlations. There are still significant

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obstacles to developing a more rigorous approach be-
cause many vertebrate assemblages, such as the Mid-
dle Asian examples discussed here, are documented
for the most part by fragmentary skeletal remains,
greatly limiting their utility for phylogenetic analysis
at lower taxonomic levels.
First, we review the principal groups of the Late
Cretaceous continental vertebrates of Asia and their
potential utility for biostratigraphic purposes. Taxa
selected as biostratigraphic markers should satisfy
four criteria: 1) wide geographic range, being at least
found in more than one locality; 2) at least one trans-
formation event should have occurred within the par-
ticular lineage during the Late Cretaceous; 3) repre-
sented by abundant material; 4) and identifiable even
from fragmentary remains, such as isolated chon-
drichthyan or dinosaurian teeth or parts of turtle shells.
The taxa included in the present study are individual
genera or lower-level clades. We review 12 assem-
blages of Late Cretaceous continental vertebrates in
this paper. The assemblages constitute the rows in the
data matrix, and the columns in the data matrix list the
biostratigraphic markers (Tab. 1). All multi-state bio-
stratigraphic markers were treated as ordered. This
dataset was subjected to parsimony analysis.
The following assemblages of Late Cretaceous
continental vertebrates were selected for this analysis
(Fig. 1).
1) Khodzhakul Formation, southwestern Kyzylkum
Desert, Uzbekistan. Principal localities: Khodz-hakul,
Sheikhdzheili, and Chelpyk.
Tab. 1 Data matrix of 12 Late Cretaceous vertebrate assem-
blages and 26 biostratigraphic markers used (for the par-
simony analysis. For description of biostratigraphic markers see
Iren Dabasu
Bayn Shire Lower
Bayn Shire Upper
Barun Goyot
2) Bissekty Formation, central Kyzylkum Desert,
Uzbekistan. Principal locality: Dzharakuduk.
3) Yalovach Formation, Fergana Depression, Taji-
kistan. Principal locality: Kansai.
4) Bostobe Formation, northeastern Aral Sea region,
Kazakhstan. Principal localities: Shakh Shakh, Buro-
inak, Akkurgan, Baibishe, and Egizkara.
5) Iren Dabasu Formation, Gobi Desert, Inner
Mongolia, China. Principal locality: Iren Nor.
6) Lower part of Bayn Shire Formation, Gobi De-
sert, Mongolia. Principal localities: Shine Us Khuduk,
Khara Khutul, and Amtgai.
7) Upper part of Bayn Shire Formation, Gobi Desert,
Mongolia. Principal localities: Bayn Shire, Bayshin
Tsav, and Burkhant.
8) Djadokhta Formation, Gobi Desert, Mongolia
and China. Principal localities: Bayn Dzak, Ukhaa
Tolgod, Baga Tarjach, Alag Teer, Boro Khovil,
Tugrugeen Shire, and Bayan Mandahu.
9) Barun Goyot Formation, Gobi Desert, Mongolia.
Principal localities: Khulsan, Khermeen Tsav (red
beds), Udan Sayr, and Shara Tsav.
10) Nemegt Formation, Gobi Desert, Mongolia.
Principal localities: Nemegt, Altan Ula I-IV, Bugiin
Tsav, Khermeen Tsav (white beds), Gurileen Tsav,
Nogon Tsav, Tsagan Khushu, and Naran Bulak.
11-12) Vertebrate assemblages of the Judithian
and Lancian land-mammal “ages” in North America
(Russell, 1975; Cifelli et al., 2004; Kielan-Jaworowska
et al., 2004).
The outgroup fauna is a hypothetical assemblage
with state '0' for all biostratigraphic markers.
Fig. 1 Approximate geographic locations of the assem-
blages of Late Cretaceous continental vertebrates
in Middle and Central Asia discussed in this paper
1. Khodzhakul; 2. Bissekty; 3. Yalovach; 4. Bostobe; 5. Iren
Dabasu; 6. Lower Bayn Shire; 7. Upper Bayn Shire; 8. Djadokhta;
9. Barun Goyot; 10. Nemegt

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Averianov A.等: 晚白垩世中亚与亚洲中部的陆生脊椎动物组合对比
3 Biostratigraphic Markers
3.1 Chondrichthyans
Teeth of sharks and rays are among the most com-
mon elements in Late Cretaceous microvertebrate as-
semblages. Freshwater deposits typically yield few
chondrichthyan species (Estes, 1964; Beavan & Rus-
sell, 1999). Nessov (1997) presented a long list of
shark species for the fluvial Bissekty Formation of
Uzbekistan, but the majority of these identifications
were based on surface-collected specimens derived
from the overlying marine Aitym Formation in the
section at Dzharakuduk (Archibald et al., 1998). In
Middle Asia, two chondrichthyan lineages appear most
suitable for the correlation of the Late Cretaceous
continental deposits: the hybodont shark Hybodus and
the rhinobatoid ray Myledaphus (Mertinene & Nessov,
1985; Nessov & Mertinene, 1986; Nessov et al.,
BM 1) Hybodus: 0) absent [outgroup only]; 1) H.
hodzhakulensis [Khodzhakul]; 2) H. kansaiensis [Bis-
sekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Dabasu, Upper Bayn
Shire]; 3) H. montanensis [Judithian]; 4) extinct [Lan-
cian]; ?) microvertebrates not known or not sampled
[Lower Bayn Shire, Djadokhta, Barun Goyot, Nemegt].
H. kansaiensis is cited for the Iren Dabasu Forma-
tion based on Currie & Eberth (1993: 136). Shuvalov &
Trusova (1979: 85) listed “H. asiaticus” [nomen nudum]
for the upper part of the Bayn Shire Formation at Bay-
shin Tsav. According to L.S. Glickman (cited by Shu-
valov & Trusova, 1979: 87) this species is "quite
similar to some species of Hybodus known from the
Santonian of Kazakhstan". Currently the material of
Hybodus from the Bostobe Formation of Kazakhstan is
referred to H. kansaiensis (Nessov & Mertinene, 1986;
Nessov, 1988, 1997), so the record for the Upper Bayn
Shire assemblage is here assigned to that species. In
North America Hybodus apparently became extinct
prior to the Lancian (Estes, 1964; Bryant, 1989;
Becker et al., 2004).
BM 2) Myledaphus: 0) absent [outgroup, Khodz-
hakul]; 1) M. tritus (Bissekty, Iren Dabasu]; 2) M.
glickmani [Yalovach, Bostobe]; 3) M. bipartitus [Ju-
dithian, Lancian]; ?) microvertebrates not known or
not sampled [Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta,
Barun Goyot, Nemegt].
Myledaphus is the most common freshwater elas-
mobranch in the Campanian and Maastrichtian conti-
nental strata of North America, where it is represented
by the type species, M. bipartitus (Estes, 1964; Bryant,
1989; Beavan & Russell, 1999; Neuman & Brinkman,
2005). In Middle Asia Myledaphus first appeared in
the uppermost (upper Cenomanian or lower Turonian)
portion of the Khodzhakul Formation (Karachadalysai;
Nessov, 1997; AA, unpublished data). These teeth are
referable to M. tritus, which is also known from the
Turonian Bissekty Formation (Nessov & Udovichenko,
1986; Nessov, 1988, 1997). Currie & Eberth (1993:
136) cited a similar species for the Iren Dabasu For-
mation. In Middle Asia this species is replaced by M.
glickmani in the Santonian Yalovach and Bostobe
formations (Parapalaeobates glickmani of Nessov &
Udovichenko, 1986; generic attribution based on
Cappetta [1992]). The teeth of the three species of
Myledaphus show successive changes in the sculpture
on the occlusal surface and increase in size and may
represent a single evolutionary lineage.
3.2 Osteichthyans
Isolated osteichthyan bones are common in Late
Cretaceous fluvial deposits but are rarely identified
and reported in the literature (Estes, 1964; Nessov,
1985, 1997; Bryant, 1989; Nessov & Panteleeva, 1999;
Peng et al., 2001; Neuman & Brinkman, 2005). The
dominant groups (Lepisosteidae, Amiidae, and Aspi-
dorhynchidae) do not exhibit marked changes during
the entire Late Cretaceous and are represented by very
similar species in Middle Asia and North America. For
example, certain fish scales dubbed “Holostean B”
from the Turonian Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan
and the Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation of Al-
berta are virtually indistinguishable (Neuman & Brink-
man, 2005; A A, unpublished data). The Cenomanian
Khodzhakul Formation has a larger proportion of
osteichthyans with crushing dentitions, including
pycnodontiforms and the semionotid Lepidotes (Nes-
sov & Golovneva, 1983; Nessov, 1985), which are not
known from the younger, Turonian and Santonian
formations of Middle Asia. However, it is unclear if
this difference is due to local extinctions of these taxa
or reflects greater marine influence during the deposi-
tion of the Khodzhakul Formation. The fish remains

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from the Gobi Desert have not been studied, although
they are known from the Bayn Shire, Iren Dabasu,
Barun Goyot, and Nemegt formations. The lack of
osteichthyan remains in the Djadokhta Formation,
which include extensive eolian deposits (Dashzeveg et
al., 2005), may reflect unfavorable environmental
conditions for these animals.
3.3 Amphibians
The composition of Late Cretaceous amphibian as-
semblages is quite different between North America
and Middle Asia. In North America, the enigmatic
Albanerpetidae are quite common throughout the Late
Cretaceous (Gardner & Böhme, 2008). In Asia this
group is known only from rare specimens from the
Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation and possibly a
single specimen from the Turonian Bissekty Forma-
tion (Gardner & Averianov, 1998; Skutschas, 2007).
Salamanders from the Late Cretaceous of North
America comprise Amphiumidae, Batrachosauroididae,
Scapherpetidae and Sirenidae, whereas all Cretaceous
salamanders known to date from Middle Asia are
Cryptobranchidae or Cryptobranchoidea (Skutschas,
2009). In Central Asia, Late Cretaceous salamanders
are unknown; this is either a sampling artifact or an
indication of unfavorable environments. The Middle
Asian cryptobranchid Eoscapherpeton is potentially
important for both biostratigraphy and biogeography
(Nessov, 1997; Skutschas, personal communication).
BM 3) Eoscapherpeton: 0) absent [outgroup, Iren
Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta,
Barun Goyot, Nemegt, Judithian, Lancian]; 1) E.
gracilis [Khodzhakul]; 2) E. asiaticum [Bissekty]; 3)
E. superum [Yalovach, Bostobe].
Late Cretaceous frogs are known mostly from iso-
lated bones in North America and Middle Asia (Estes,
1964; Roček & Nessov, 1993; Sanchiz, 1998; Gardner,
2008; Roček et al., 2010), whereas more complete
anuran skeletal remains have been reported from the
Gobi Desert (Borsuk-Białynicka, 1978; Špinar &
Tatarinov, 1986; Gubin, 1999; Roček, 2008). The dis-
coglossid (or gobiatid) genus Gobiates, which is
known from the Bissekty and Barun Goyot formations
(Roček & Nessov, 1993; Roček, 2008), is potentially
important for interregional correlations, but additional
anuran records from the other formations are needed
for a more comprehensive biostratigraphic assessment
of this group.
3.4 Testudines
Turtles arguably are the most common group of
vertebrates in Late Cretaceous continental deposits.
Even isolated shell elements are usually diagnostic to
the generic level based on characteristic sculpture and
patterns of the keratinous scutes. Furthermore, during
the Late Cretaceous several phyletic lineages of turtles
from different clades underwent considerable evolu-
tionary change in Asia (Sukhanov, 2000). Together
these factors make turtles one of the most important
vertebrate groups for Late Cretaceous continental bio-
BM 4) Kizylkumemys: 0) present [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire]; 1) absent
[other assemblages].
Kizylkumemys is a pitted-shell turtle (Carettochelyidae)
first described from the Cenomanian Khodzhakul
Formation of the southwestern Kyzylkum Desert of
Uzbekistan (Nessov, 1977). It is also known from the
Cenomanian Dzharakuduk Formation of the central
Kyzylkum Desert (Nessov, 1997) and from the Early
Cretaceous Sao Khua and Khok Kruat formations of
Thailand (Tong et al., 2009). In Middle Asia, Caretto-
chelyidae became extinct during the early Turonian
(Nessov & Golovneva, 1983). In Mongolia Kizylkume-
mys is known only from the Bayn Shire Formation,
from both the lower (Shine Us Khuduk, Khara Khutul)
and upper (Bayshin Tsav) parts (Nessov, 1981; Suk-
hanov, 2000; Sukhanov et al., 2008).
BM 5) Shachemydinae: 0) absent [outgroup, Iren
Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta,
Barun Goyot, Nemegt, Judithian, Lancian]; 1) Fer-
ganemys [Khodzhakul]; 2) Shachemys ancestralis
[Bissekty]; 3) Shachemys baibolatica [Yalovach,
Shachemydinae is a subfamily of Adocidae, which,
together with Nanhsiungchelyidae, constitutes the
clade Adocusia, which is a sister-group to the clade
comprising the soft-shelled turtles (Trionychia) (Sy-
romyatnikova & Danilov, 2009). Shachemydinae is
endemic to Asia, where it ranges back to the Early
Cretaceous (Lapparent de Broin, 2004). In the Late
Cretaceous this group is known exclusively from

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Middle Asia, where it appears to be useful for regional
biostratigraphy (Danilov et al., 2007).
BM 6) Nanhsiungchelyidae: 0) absent [outgroup,
Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe]; 1) Hanbogdemys
[Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta]; Zangerlia
[Djadokhta, Barun Goyot]; Basilemys [Judithian, Lan-
cian]; ?) Nanhsiungchelyidae indet. [Khodzhakul, Iren
Dabasu, Nemegt].
The distributional pattern of Nanhsiungchelyidae
mirrors that of Shachemydinae. In Middle Asia
Nanhsiungchelyidae is known only from rather unin-
formative remains from the Cenomanian Khodzhakul
Formation (Danilov & Syromyatnikova, 2008). In
Central Asia and Japan, the group extends back to the
Early Cretaceous and was moderately diverse and
abundant during the Late Cretaceous (Sukhanov, 2000;
Danilov & Syromyatnikova, 2008; Sukhanov et al.,
2008). In North America Nanhsiungchelyidae was
represented only by Basilemys, a common element of
Late Cretaceous continental assemblages starting in
the Coniacian (Hutchison, 2000; Brinkman, 2003).
Makovicky (2008: Fig. 5F) identified Basilemys in the
Iren Dabasu fauna based on an earlier identification in
Currie & Eberth (1993). Currently, however, there are
no indisputable records of Basilemys from Asia, and
earlier identifications should be treated as indetermi-
nate Nanhsiungchelyidae until the material has been
properly evaluated (Sukhanov, 2000; Danilov & Sy-
romyatnikova, 2008).
BM 7) Khunnuchelys: 0) absent [outgroup, Khodz-
hakul, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta, Ba-
run Goyot, Nemegt, Judithian, Lancian]; 1) present
[Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Dabasu].
Khunnuchelys is a large soft-shelled turtle (Trio-
nychidae) first reported on the basis of cranial remains
from the Iren Dabasu and Bissekty formations
(Brinkman et al., 1994). Recently a skull of Khunnu-
chelys was described from the Bostobe Formation of
Uzbekistan (Vitek & Danilov, 2010). According to
Vitek & Danilov (2010) this genus is possibly also
represented by shell material in the Yalovach Forma-
tion of Tajikistan. A trionychid taxon of potential im-
portance for intercontinental correlation is Aspidere-
toides, which is known from the Campanian to Maas-
trichtian of North America and the Santonian to Cam-
panian of Middle Asia (Gardner et al., 1995; Vitek &
Danilov, 2010).
BM 8) Lindholmemydidae: 0) absent [outgroup,
Judithian, Lancian]; 1) Lindholmemys [Khodzhakul,
Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Dabasu, Lower and
Upper Bayn Shire]; 2) Mongolemys [Djadokhta, Barun
Goyot, Nemegt].
Lindholmemydidae is a group of freshwater turtles
known exclusively from the Late Cretaceous and Pa-
leogene of Asia (Sukhanov, 2000). Its monophyly re-
mains to be demonstrated; it possibly represents a
paraphyletic grouping of stem taxa to the crown clade
Testudinoidea. Lindholmemys is known from Middle
Asia and from the Iren Dabasu and Bayn Shire forma-
tions of the Gobi Desert (Danilov & Sukhanov, 2001),
whereas Mongolemys occurs in the younger forma-
tions of the Gobi Desert. A lindholmemydid turtle
from the Khodzhakul Formation of Uzbekistan was
previously identified as Mongolemys (Nessov &
Krassovskaya, 1984) or Khodzhakulemys (Danilov,
1999). It has now been reassigned to Lindholmemys
(Danilov, personal communication). A published re-
cord of Mongolemys from the Lower Cretaceous of
Mongolia (Sukhanov, 2000) is probably derived from
the Upper Cretaceous, possibly from the Nemegt
Formation (Danilov, personal communication).
3.5 Squamates
Snakes apparently originated in Gondwana and are
currently known only from sparse remains from the
Late Cretaceous of Europe and North America (Fox,
1975; Gardner & Cifelli, 1999). There are no records
to date from the Mesozoic of Middle and Central Asia.
Amphisbaenians are predominantly Gondwanan in
distribution but have a modest fossil record in Europe
and North America (Kearney, 2003). Gao & Nessov
(1998) referred the enigmatic Hodzhakulia from the
Khodzhakul Formation of Uzbekistan to Amphisbaenia,
but this assignment was not accepted by later studies
(Alifanov, 2000; Kearney, 2003). Hodzhakulia could
be useful for interregional correlations because it is
also occurs in the Lower Cretaceous, possibly Albian,
of Mongolia (Alifanov, 2000). Isolated lizard bones
are often quite common in the Late Cretaceous fluvial
deposits from Middle Asia and North America (Gao &
Fox, 1996; Nessov, 1997). The Djadokhta and Barun

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Goyot formations of the Gobi Desert have yielded a
remarkable diversity of lizards, the majority of which
are represented by articulated skulls and skeletons
(Alifanov, 2000; Gao & Norell, 2000). This diversity,
however, appears to have been overestimated, and
certain taxa are in urgent need of taxonomic revision.
By contrast, the fossil record for lizards from the flu-
vial strata of the Nemegt Formation is much less ex-
tensive (Alifanov, 2000), and only a single lizard bone
has been reported to date from the fluvial deposits of
the Iren Dabasu Formation (Currie & Eberth, 1993).
Lizards could be useful for the biostratigraphic corre-
lations among the Late Cretaceous localities from the
Gobi Desert (Gao & Norell, 2000; Makovicky, 2008),
but considerable endemism of the known assemblages
currently restricts their utility for interregional corre-
3.6 Choristoderes
The superficially crocodile-like choristoderes were
a common element of continental aquatic ecosystems
in Asia during the Early Cretaceous. They were espe-
cially diverse and successful in ecosystems lacking
crocodyliform archosaurs (Matsumoto & Evans, 2010).
Surprisingly, there is not a single record of choristo-
deres from the Late Cretaceous of Asia, whereas these
reptiles were quite common (if less diverse) in North
America during this time interval and survived the
end-Cretaceous extinction event (Gao & Fox, 1998).
In Asia, choristoderes briefly reappeared during the
Paleocene, possibly by dispersal from Europe (Averi-
anov, 2005).
3.7 Crocodyliforms
Isolated crocodyliform teeth and osteoderms are
fairly common in most Late Cretaceous fluvial depos-
its from Asia and North America, but these materials
are often insufficient for lower-level taxonomic iden-
tification. In Asia partial or complete crocodyliform
skulls and partial skeletons are known from the Gobi
Desert (Efimov, 1988; Osmólska et al., 1997; Storrs &
Efimov, 2000; Pol & Norell, 2004a, b; Pol et al., 2009),
but there are also some (mostly as yet unpublished)
cranial remains from sites in Middle Asia. The latter ma-
terial is currently under study by P.P. Skutschas and
A.S. Rezvyi, and we rely on their personal communica-
tions for its identification. The Djadokhta and (to a lesser
extent) Barun Goyot formations have yielded terrestrially
adapted "protosuchian" crocodyliforms (Gobiosuchus,
Zaraasuchus, Zosuchus). Unidentified "protosuchians"
are also known from the Bissekty Formation in Middle
Asia. Neosuchian crocodyliforms are represented by
Shamosuchus in both Central and Middle Asia and
Kansajsuchus in Middle Asia. Late Cretaceous eusu-
chians in Asia are represented to date only by rare
records of Tadzhikosuchus from the Bissekty, Ya-
lovach, and Bostobe formations. This archaic faunal
composition of Late Cretaceous crocodyliform assem-
blages of Asia, with the presence of "protosuchians"
and dominance of non-eusuchian neosuchians, is in
striking contrast to the composition of the Campanian
and Maastrichtian assemblages of North America,
which comprise only eusuchians (Wu, 2005). The fol-
lowing crocodyliform taxa seem to be useful for intra-
and interregional biostratigraphy:
BM 9) Shamosuchus: 0) absent [outgroup, Judithian,
Lancian]; 1) present [all other assemblages].
BM 10) Kansajsuchus; 0) absent [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Iren Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn
Shire, Djadokhta, Barun Goyot, Nemegt, Judithian,
Lancian]; 1) present [Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe].
BM 11) Eusuchia: 0) absent [outgroup, Khodzhakul,
Iren Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta,
Barun Goyot, Nemegt]; 1) Tadzhikosuchus [Bissekty,
Yalovach, Bostobe]; 2) Leidyosuchus [Judithian, Lan-
3.8 Pterosaurs
The diversity of pterodactyloid pterosaurs reached
its peak during the Early Cretaceous and steadily de-
clined during the Late Cretaceous (Butler et al., 2009).
There are three principal groups of Late Cretaceous
pterodactyloids: Pteranodontidae and Nyctosauridae,
restricted to the Western Hemisphere, and Azhdarchi-
dae, almost worldwide in distribution. Remarkably, all
of these last surviving clades of pterosaurs are tooth-
less. But teeth of Ornithocheiridae are still common in
the majority of nearshore marine environments during
the Cenomanian (Barrett et al., 2008). Their presence
in microvertebrate assemblages is usually well docu-
mented by isolated teeth (Wellnhofer & Buffetaut,
1999; Averianov, 2007a; Vullo & Neraudeau, 2009).
BM 12) Pterosauria: 1) Ornithocheiridae + Azhdarchidae

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[outgroup, Khodzhakul]; 2) Azhdarchidae only [Bis-
sekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Upper Bayn Shire, Judithian,
Lancian]; ?) no pterosaur records [Iren Dabasu, Lower
Bayn Shire, Djadokhta, Barun Goyot, Nemegt].
Pterosaurian bones are known from the Iren Dabasu
Formation but have not yet been identified (Currie &
Eberth, 1993: 136). Azhdarchid remains have recently
been recovered from the Upper Bayn Shire Formation
(Burkhant & Bayshin Tsav; Watabe et al., 2009), and
thus their absence in the Lower Bayn Shire is possibly
a sampling artifact. But the absence of these and any
other pterosaurs in the semi-arid depositional envi-
ronments of the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot formation
is puzzling. Perhaps these settings were not favorable
to pterosaurs. By Nemegt times pterosaurs may have
finally vanished in Asia, as there is no known Maas-
trichtian record of this group for that continent (Bar-
rett et al., 2008; note that these authors mistakenly
placed localities from European Russia in Asia).
3.9 Dinosaurs
An abundance of excellently preserved dinosaurian
specimens has been recovered from Late Cretaceous
sites in North America and Central Asia, whereas
dinosaurian material from Middle Asia typically com-
prises only incomplete, dissociated bones. However,
isolated teeth of a variety of dinosaurs are common at
most of the Late Cretaceous microvertebrate sites and
can be used for biostratigraphic correlations. Some
distinctive dinosaurian dental morphotypes appear to
have a wide stratigraphic and geographic range. For
example, the teeth of enigmatic theropod Richar-
doestesia isosceles from the Campanian and Maas-
trichtian of North America (Sankey et al., 2002;
Sankey, 2008) are virtually identical to those of
"Asiamericana" asiatica from the Turonian of Middle
Asia (Nessov, 1995; Sues & Averianov, unpublished
data). Among the isolated theropod teeth, those of
tyrannosauroids and troodontids are most useful for
correlation purposes.
BM 13) Tyrannosauroidea: 0) basal tyrannosauroids
with labiolingually compressed teeth [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Da-
basu, Upper Bayn Shire]; 1) more derived tyranno-
saurids with labiolingually thick (incrassate) teeth
[Nemegt, Judithian, Lancian]; ?) unknown [Lower
Bayn Shire, Djadokhta, Barun Goyot].
The biostratigraphic marker is based on character 201
listed by Brusatte et al. (2010). The derived state was
independently acquired by two tyrannosaurid clades of
Campanian to Maastrichtian age: Albertosaurinae and
(Daspletosaurus + (Tarbosaurus + Tyrannosaurus)).
The absence of tyrannosauroids in the Lower Bayn
Shire is possibly a sampling artifact. Large theropods
are known from the Djadokhta Formation at Ukhaa
Tolgod (Dingus et al., 2008), but, at the present time,
it is unknown if they are tyrannosauroids and what
kind of teeth they have.
BM 14) Troodontidae: 0) dental morphotype similar
to Sinornithoides [outgroup, Khodzhakul]; 1) dental
morphotype similar to Saurornithoides [Yalovach,
Djadokhta, Nemegt]; 2) dental morphotype similar to
Troodon [Judithian, Lancian]; ?) unknown [Bissekty,
Bostobe, Iren Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire,
Barun Goyot].
The absence of troodontid teeth in the lower and
upper parts of the Bayn Shire Formation and the Barun
Goyot Formation of the Gobi Desert, which have not
been systematically prospected for microvertebrate
remains, possibly represents a sampling artifact. But
their absence in the microvertebrate samples from the
Bostobe Formation of Kazakhstan (Averianov, 2007b)
is puzzling. Troodontids with serrated teeth are not
known from the Cenomanian and Turonian of the cen-
tral Kyzylkum Desert where Urbacodon, a taxon with
unserrated teeth, is present (Averianov & Sues, 2007).
According to Currie & Eberth (1993: 136), in the
Iren Dabasu Formation "troodontid bones are rare, but
include distinctive third metatarsals […] in which the
distal articulation extends onto the posterior surface of
the bone in a broad tongue. A femur (PIN 2549/100,
Kurzanov, 1987) collected by the Sino-Soviet expedi-
tion is probably from a troodontid. These bones are
provisionally referred to Saurornithoides…" Subse-
quently, the presence of Saurornithoides sp. has been
cited for the Iren Dabasu assemblage (e.g., Weisham-
pel et al., 2004). However, Currie & Dong (2001:
1763-1764) later noted that the metatarsal III of the
Iren Dabasu troodontid is more similar to that of
Troodon and other troodontids rather than Saurorni-
thoides. "The Iren Dabasu troodontid, therefore, can-

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not be identified further without additional mate-
rial…" (Currie & Dong, 2001: 1764). A femur from
Iren Nor figured by Kurzanov (1987, Fig. 36) is
probably troodontid but cannot be definitely referred
to Saurornithoides. Thus, Saurornithoides should be
removed from the faunal list of the Iren Dabasu For-
mation, and the material from this unit should be listed
as Troodontidae indet.
BM 15) Ornithomimosauria: 0) non-arctometatarsalian
[outgroup, Upper Bayn Shire]; 1) arctometatarsalian, with
ginglymoid distal condyle of metacarpal I [Bissekty, Iren
Dabasu]; 2) arctometatarsalian, with ball-like distal
condyle of metacarpal I [Nemegt, Judithian, Lancian]; ?)
unknown [Khodzhakul, Yalovach, Bostobe, Lower Bayn
Shire, Djadokhta, Barun Goyot].
The biostratigraphic marker is based on apomorphic
characters established by Kobayashi & Lü (2003) and
Kobayashi & Barsbold (2005). Ornithomimosaurs
from the Khodzhakul, Yalovach, Bostobe, Djadokhta,
and Barun Goyot formations are known from incom-
plete specimens that do not permit more precise iden-
tification (Ksepka & Norell, 2004; Alifanov & Averi-
anov, 2006; Averianov, 2007b). The first state charac-
terizes Garudimimus and more basal ornithomimo-
saurs, the second Archaeornithomimus, Sinorni-
thomimus, and the ornithomimosaur from the Bissekty
Formation, and the third characterizes taxa from the
Nemegt Formation (Anserimimus, Gallimimus) and
North America (Ornithomimus, Struthiomimus).
Currie & Eberth (1993: 137) noted that "at least
some of Archaeornithomimus specimens [from Iren
Dabasu Formation] are actually Garudimimus", which
is known from the Upper Bayn Shire Formation
(Bayshin Tsav & Barsbold, 1981; Kobayashi & Bars-
bold, 2005). Identification of Garudimimus in the Iren
Dabasu fauna was based on the putative presence of
the first pedal digit in a single arctometatarsalian
metatarsus. The presence of a first pedal digit was
inferred from a concave facet on the medial side of the
second metatarsal (Smith & Galton, 1990). However, as
was shown by Kobayashi & Barsbold (2005), the pes of
Garudimimus, unlike that of Archaeornithomimus, is not
arctometatarsalian. Furthermore, the contact surface
for the first metatarsal in Garudimimus is located on
the posterior rather than the medial surface of the
second metatarsal (Kobayashi & Barsbold, 2005).
Consequently, Garudimimus should be removed from
the faunal list for the Iren Dabasu Formation.
BM 16) Alvarezsauridae: 0) absent [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Lower and
Upper Bayn Shire, Judithian]; 1) basal Alvarezsauridae
[Lancian]; 2) Parvicursorinae [Djadokhta, Barun
Goyot, Nemegt].
We have adopted the phylogeny of Alvarezsauridae
by Longrich & Currie (2009), but we follow Xu et al.
(2010a) in using Parvicursorinae for the clade com-
prising the Mongolian alvarezsaurids. Chiappe et al.
(2002: fig. 4.26A, B) referred an isolated fibula from
Iren Dabasu to Alvarezsauridae, but this bone more
likely belongs to Avimimus (Longrich & Currie 2009:
240). In China parvicursorines are known from strata
older than the Djadokhta Formation (Xu et al., 2010a).
BM 17) Oviraptorosauria: 0) absent [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Yalovach, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire];
1) Oviraptorosauria stem to Oviraptoridae [Bissekty,
Bostobe, Iren Dabasu, Barun Goyot, Nemegt, Judi-
thian, Lancian]; 2) Oviraptoridae (Oviraptorinae +
Ingeniinae) [Djadokhta, Barun Goyot, Nemegt].
The phylogeny of Oviraptorosauria is based on
Longrich et al. (2010). Stem Oviraptorosauria includes
Avimimus, Gigantoraptor, and Caenagnathidae (in-
cluding Elmisauridae).
BM 18) Therizinosauroidea: absent [outgroup,
Djadokhta, Barun Goyot]; Therizinosauroidea basal to
Therizinosauridae [Khodzhakul, Bissekty, Yalovach,
Bostobe, Iren Dabasu, Lower Bayn Shire]; 2) Theriz-
inosauridae [Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Nemegt]; ?)
unknown [Judithian, Lancian].
We have adopted the phylogeny of Therizinosauroidea
by Zanno (2010). The semiarid environments of the
Djadokhta and Barun Goyot may not have been fa-
vorable for therizinosauroids. The status of alleged
records of therizinosaurs from the Campanian and
Maastrichtian of North America is uncertain (Zanno,
BM 19) Hadrosauroidea: 0) absent [outgroup]; 1)
basal Hadrosauroidea [Khodzhakul, Bissekty, Ya-
lovach, Bostobe, Iren Dabasu, Upper and Lower Bayn
Shire]; 2) Hadrosauridae [Nemegt, Judithian, Lan-
cian]; ?) unknown [Djadokhta, Barun Goyot].

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The phylogeny of Hadrosauroidea is based on the
analysis by Sues & Averianov (2009b), with Aralosaurus
placed outside Hadrosauridae. Hadrosauroid remains
from the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot formations are
rare, fragmentary, and currently indeterminate. The
single exception to date is an occurrence of several
juvenile hadrosauroid skeletons at Tugrugyin Shireh
(Barsbold & Perle, 1983). Perhaps hadrosauroids used
these semi-arid environments for nesting, but pre-
ferred feeding in more humid, more richly vegetated
settings. Hadrosauroid remains are common in the
fluvial strata of the Bayn Shire, Bissekty, Iren Dabasu,
and Nemegt formations.
BM 20) Saurolophus: 0) absent [outgroup, Khodz-
hakul, Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Dabasu,
Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta, Barun
Goyot, Judithian]; 1) present [Nemegt, Lancian].
The crested hadrosaurine Saurolophus, from the
Nemegt Formation of Mongolia and from unit 4 of the
Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Alberta, Canada, is
the only known Late Cretaceous dinosaurian genus
definitely shared between Asia and western North
America (Bell, 2011, in press). It provides important
evidence for dating the Nemegt Formation as Maas-
BM 21) Pachycephalosauria: 0) absent [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Dabasu,
Lower and Upper Bayn Shire]; 1) present [Djadokhta,
Barun Goyot, Nemegt, Judithian, Lancian].
In Mongolia, Pachycephalosauria is represented by
rare but rather complete skeletal remains (Maryańska
et al., 2004). In North America pachycephalosaurs are
mostly known by isolated frontoparietals as well as
teeth from the fluvial strata of Judithian and Lancian age
(Baszio, 1997). Not a single tooth of this morphotype has
been identified to date in any of the extensive microver-
tebrate assemblages from the Late Cretaceous of Middle
Asia. Possibly pachycephalosaurs were not present in
Asia prior to the Campanian.
3.10 Aves
The fossil record of Late Cretaceous birds is gener-
ally sparse but a number of rather complete specimens
have been recovered from the Gobi Desert (El-
żanowski, 1977; Kurochkin, 1996, 2000; Chiappe et
al., 2001; Clarke & Norell, 2002). In Middle Asia,
Enantiornithiformes and taxa of uncertain affinities are
known from isolated bones or bone fragments (Ku-
rochkin, 2000; Chiappe & Walker, 2002). In Mongolia,
both enantiornithiform and ornithuran birds were pre-
sent, whereas ornithurans predominate in the Judithian
and Lancian of North America (Kurochkin, 2000; Hope,
2002; Clarke & Norell, 2004; Longrich, 2009). The
majority of the Late Cretaceous taxa of Enantiornithi-
formes and Ornithurae from Asia are endemic and thus
not useful for interregional correlations. However, one
group, Hesperornithiformes, is potentially important for
biostratigraphy. In North America this group ranges from
the Cenomanian to the Maastrichtian (Tokaryk et al.,
1997; Everhart & Bell, 2009; Wilson et al., 2011). In
Europe Hesperornithiformes are present during the
Campanian (Nessov & Yarkov, 1993; Panteleyev et al.,
2004; Rees & Lindgren, 2005). In Asia all known re-
cords of Hesperornithiformes appear to be Maas-
trichtian in age (Nessov & Borkin, 1983; Nessov &
Prizemlin, 1991; Kurochkin, 2000; Dyke et al., 2006).
BM 22) Hesperornithiformes: 0) absent [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Bissekty, Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Da-
basu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Djadokhta, Barun
Goyot]; 1) present [Nemegt, Judithian, Lancian].
3.11 Mammalia
The rapid evolution of many mammalian groups,
the abundance of their fossil remains, and easy identi-
fication of taxa from dental remains were the main
reasons for the development of the land mammal
"ages" or biozones on most continents (e.g., Lindsay,
2003). Three principal land mammal ages have been
proposed for the Late Cretaceous of North America:
Aquilan (late Santonian to early Campanian), Judi-
thian (middle Campanian), and Lancian (late Maas-
trichtian) (Russell, 1975; Cifelli et al., 2004; Kie-
lan-Jaworowska et al., 2004). The mammalian taxa
from these ages are mostly endemic and unknown
outside North America, except for the eutherian
Paranyctoides, which is also known from the Bissekty
and Aitym formations (Turonian and ?Coniacian) in
Middle Asia (Archibald & Averianov, 2001; Averianov
& Archibald, 2003). The mammalian assemblages from
Mongolia are for the most part endemic, but allow cor-
relation among the various localities in the Gobi Desert
(Kielan-Jaworowska, 1974; Kielan-Jaworowska et al.,

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2003). One Mongolian multituberculate, Bulganbaatar,
is known also from the early Campanian nearshore
strata with marine fossils in Kazakhstan (Darbasa
Formation; Averianov, 1997), which would indicate a
Campanian date for the Djadokhta Formation (which
is supported by magnetostratigraphic data; Dashzeveg
et al., 2005).
BM 23) Cimolodonta: 0) absent [outgroup only]; 1)
[Bissekty]; 2) Djadokhtatheroidea
[Djadokhta, Barun Goyot]; Cimolomyidae [Nemegt, Ju-
dithian, Lancian]; ?) unknown [Khodzhakul, Yalovach,
Bostobe, Iren Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire].
Multituberculates were the most diverse and abun-
dant group of mammals in the Late Cretaceous of
North America and Central Asia. In the latter region
this group is represented by numerous well-preserved
skulls and skeletons (Kielan-Jaworowska et al., 2004).
On the contrary, multituberculates are absent or very
rare in the eutherian-dominated Late Cretaceous
mammalian assemblages of Middle Asia. In the exten-
sively sampled Bissekty fauna they represent about
1% of all mammalian fossils recovered to date
(Archibald & Averianov, 2005; Averianov & Archibald,
2006). In the latter multituberculates are represented
only by the archaic cimolodontan Uzbekbaatar, the
phylogenetic position of which is unresolved (Kie-
lan-Jaworowska et al., 2004; Averianov & Archibald,
2006). The relationships of Buginbaatar, the only
multituberculate taxon from the Nemegt Formation,
are also uncertain. It has provisionally been referred to
Cimolomyidae (Kielan-Jaworowska et al., 2004), and
is more similar to certain North American taxa than to
any other multituberculate taxon from the Gobi Desert.
BM 24) Deltatheridiidae: 0) absent [outgroup,
Khodzhakul]; 1) Sulestes [Bissekty]; 2) Deltatheridium
or Deltatheroides [Djadokhta, Barun Goyot, Judithian,
Lance]; ?) unknown [Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren Dabasu,
Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Nemegt].
The metatherian clade Deltatheridiidae is known in
North America from the Early Cretaceous and from a
few records from the Judithian and Lancian faunas
(Fox, 1974; Davis et al., 2003; Kielan-Jaworowska et
al., 2004; Rougier et al., 2004). The latter records
possibly represent dispersals from Asia. In Asia this
group is represented by well-preserved specimens
from Mongolia and more fragmentary material from
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (Averianov, 1997; Rougier
et al., 1998, 2004; Averianov et al., 2010). The absence
of this group from other formations in Middle and Cen-
tral Asia possibly represents sampling artifacts.
BM 25) Asioryctitheria: 0) absent [outgroup,
Khodzhakul, Judithian, Lancian]; 1) Daulestes [Bis-
sekty]; 2) Kennalestes [Djadokhta]; 3) Asioryctes
[Barun Goyot]; ?) unknown [Yalovach, Bostobe, Iren
Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Nemegt].
The endemic Asian eutherian clade Asioryctitheria
is well known from the Bissekty Formation of Middle
Asia and the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot formations
of Central Asia (Archibald & Averianov, 2006). This
group of rapidly evolving mammals has potential for
biostratigraphic correlation between Late Cretaceous
continental vertebrate localities in Asia. Additional
discoveries of asioryctitherians from the fluvial forma-
tions of the Gobi Desert may be helpful in constraining
the stratigraphic positions of these units.
BM 26) Zalambdalestidae: 0) absent [outgroup, Ju-
dithian, Lancian]; 1) Kulbeckia [Bissekty, Yalovach,
Bostobe]; 2) Zalambdalestes [Djadokhta]; 3) Ba-
runlestes [Barun Goyot]; ?) unknown [Khodzhakul,
Iren Dabasu, Lower and Upper Bayn Shire, Nemegt].
This is another clade of Late Cretaceous eutherians
endemic to Asia and also has potential for biostrati-
graphic correlation. In the Khodzhakul Formation
Zalambdalestidae is represented only by a single iso-
lated petrosal to date (Averianov & Archibald, 2005).
Kulbeckia is best known from the Bissekty Formation
of Uzbekistan, but some teeth have also been recov-
ered from the Yalovach Formation of Tajikistan
(Archibald & Averianov, 2003). Beleutinus, a poorly
known zalambdalestid taxon from the Bostobe Forma-
tion of Kazakhstan, is more comparable in its "stage of
evolution" to Kulbeckia than to any of the Mongolian
zalambdalestids (AA, personal observation). Alym-
lestes from the Campanian of Kazakhstan has a de-
rived structure of the lower molars similar to that of
the Mongolian zalambdalestids (Averianov & Nessov,
4 Parsimony analysis
The data matrix comprises 13 vertebrate assem-

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blages and 26 biostratigraphic markers (Table 1) and
was analyzed using three parsimony programs. Im-
plementation of the branch and bound search algo-
rithm of PAUP, version 4.0b10 (Swofford, 2002),
produced five trees, each with a length of 65 steps, a
consistency index of 0.80, and a retention index of
0.83. TNT (Goloboff et al., 2003; new technology
search algorithm) and NONA version 2.0 (Goloboff,
1999; 1,000 repetitions of the parsimony ratchet algo-
rithm) run with the Winclada version 1.00.08 interface
(Nixon, 1999) both produced two trees, each with a
length of 59 steps, a consistency index of 0.88, and
retention index of 0.87. The latter result, requiring
fewer transformations, is accepted here. Both most
parsimonious trees are illustrated in Fig. 2. Only un-
ambiguously optimized apomorphic biostratigraphic
markers are shown in Fig. 2 and discussed here.
The two most parsimonious trees differ in the to-
pology of segment A (Fig. 2), with the North American
faunas either basal (tree 1) or apical (tree 2) to the
assemblage from the Nemegt Formation.
The most basal of the vertebrate assemblages dis-
cussed in this paper is Khodzhakul. Its marker taxa are
Eoscapherpeton gracilis (3[1]) and Ferganemys (5[1]).
The more apical assemblages are united by the ab-
sence of ornithocheirid pterosaurs (12[1]) and pres-
ence of Hybodus kansaiensis (1[2]). The cluster next
branching off unites the two Bayn Shire assemblages
based on the shared presence of Hanbogdemys (6[1]).
The more apical assemblages are united by the ab-
sence of Kizylkumemys (4[1]) and the presence of
Oviraptorosauria stem to Oviraptoridae (17[1]). These
assemblages are divided into two groups, a Middle
Asian one plus Iren Dabasu and a variable segment A.
The first group is supported by the shared presence of
Khunnuchelys (7[1]). The Middle Asiatic assemblages
share the presence of the crocodyliforms Kansajsuchus
(10[1]) and Tadzhikosuchus (11[1]). The Yalovach and
Bostobe assemblages share the presence of
Myledaphus glickmani (2[2]).
The Gobi and North American assemblages are
united either by the presence of tyrannosaurids with
halosauria and Mongolemys (8[2]) (tree 2). On Tree 1
the North American complexes share the absence of
Shamosuchus 9([0]) and the presence of Leidyosuchus
(11[2]) and Troodon (14[2]). The presence of Parvi-
cursorinae (16[2]) unites the Gobi faunas, and thein-
crassate teeth (13[1]), Hadrosauridae (19[2]), and
Pachycephalosauria (21[1]) (tree 1) or by Pachycep-
presence of Djadokhtatheroidea (23[2]) unites the
Fig. 2 Two most parsimonious trees produced by the parsimony ratchet algorithm of NONA version 2.0 using the data
matrix present in Tab. 1
The trees differ in the topology of segment A. Only unambiguous biostratigraphic markers are shown (black circles represent nonhomoplasies and
white circles represent homoplasies). The numbers at the circles are biostratigraphic markers (above) and states (below)

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Pachycephalosauria (21[1]) (tree 1) or by Pachycep-
presence of Djadokhtatheroidea (23[2]) unites the
Djadokhta and Barun Goyot assemblages. On Tree 2
the Nemegt and North American faunas are grouped
together by the presence of Hesperornithiformes
(22[1]), and the North American faunas share the ab-
sence of Lindholmemys (8[0]) and Shamosuchus (9[0])
and the presence of Leidyosuchus (11[2]) and Troodon
5 Succession of the Late Cretaceous ver-
tebrate assemblages in Middle and Cen-
tral Asia
5.1 Middle Asia
In the Kyzylkum Desert there are two principal Late
Cretaceous vertebrate-bearing formations: the early
Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation in the southwest-
ern Kyzylkum and the middle to late Turonian Bis-
sekty Formation in the central Kyzylkum. Archibald &
Averianov (2005) named the vertebrate assemblages
from these stratigraphic units the Sheikhdzheili and
Bissekty local faunas, respectively. However, the first
fauna is named after the most important locality and
the second name is derived from a stratigraphic unit.
For the sake of consistency, we here use only names
for vertebrate local faunas that are derived from their
respective stratigraphic units rather than the principal
localities. Thus, we now refer to the Sheikhdzheili
local fauna of Archibald & Averianov (2005) as the
Khodzhakul local fauna.
The turtle assemblage of the Khodzhakul Formation
is characterized by the presence of Ferganemys and
Kizylkumemys, which are absent from younger faunal
assemblages in Middle Asia. Ferganemys was origi-
nally described from the Lower Cretaceous of Kyr-
gyzstan (Nessov & Khozatsky, 1977). Syromyatnikova
(2011) has recently questioned the referral of the
Kyzylkum species, F. itemirensis, to the same genus.
Ferganemys itemirensis was first described from the
Cenomanian of the central Kyzylkum Desert (Nessov,
1981). Kizylkumemys and Ferganemys appear to be
useful taxa for correlating pre-Turonian vertebrate
assemblages in Middle Asia.
The dinosaurian assemblages from the Khodzhakul
and Bissekty formations are remarkably similar at the
family level. This is not surprising in view of their
geographic proximity and similar ages (both faunas
are separated by an interval of only five to eight mil-
lion years). The most conspicuous difference between
the two faunas is the presence of the basal neocera-
topsian Asiaceratops in the Khodzhakul assemblage,
where it was one of most common herbivorous dino-
saurs. In the Bissekty local fauna basal neoceratop-
sians are apparently represented by a rare, distinct
taxon. In this fauna there is also a second ceratopsian,
the stem ceratopsid Turanoceratops (Sues & Averi-
anov, 2009a). Turanoceratops is not common in the
Bissekty local fauna and unknown from the Khodz-
hakul local fauna to date. There are some minor mor-
phological differences between the ornithomimids,
therizinosaurids, and hadrosauroids from these faunas.
However, it is difficult to evaluate these differences
because of the fragmentary nature of the available
Khodzhakul dinosaurian remains.
Only eutherians are known from the Khodzhakul
mammalian assemblage: the stem eutherian Bobolestes,
plesiomorphic zhelestids, and a possible zalambdalestid
(Averianov & Archibald, 2005). Zhelestids are repre-
sented by taxa less derived than those from the Bis-
sekty local fauna.
A vertebrate assemblage from the Cenomanian
Dzharakuduk Formation at Itemir in the Itemir-Dzh-
arakuduk Depression of the central Kyzylkum closely
resembles the Khodzhakul local fauna in its composi-
tion. It includes five taxa of dinosaurs: Tyrannosaur-
oidea indet., Urbacodon itemirensis (Troodontidae),
Neosauropoda indet., Hadrosauroidea indet., and Asi-
aceratops salsopaludalis (Neoceratopsia). Skeletal re-
mains of Asiaceratops are common at this locality and
indistinguishable from those from sites in Karakal-
pakistan. The latter have yielded a troodontid with
unserrated teeth, whereas the Khodzhakul fauna has a
troodontid with serrated teeth. A similar taxon with
unserrated teeth, Urbacodon sp., is present in the
younger Bissekty local fauna of the same region (Ave-
rianov & Sues, 2007). Currently it is unclear if this
similarity is due to the close geographic proximity of
the two localities or the younger geological age of the
Itemir local fauna relative to the Khodzhakul local
fauna. The presence of Ferganemys and Kizylkumemys
as well as ornithocheirid pterosaurs in the Dzhara-

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kuduk Formation support its Cenomanian age.
The only Cenomanian vertebrate assemblages
known in Middle Asia outside the Kyzylkum Desert
are those from the Sharikhan and other formations in
the Fergana Depression of Kyrgyzstan. These units
have yielded only incomplete dinosaurian remains,
including large Theropoda indet. (Tyrannosauroidea?),
Ornithomimosauria indet., Sauropoda indet., and Hadro-
sauroidea indet. (Nessov, 1995; Averianov, 2006).
In the Itemir-Dzharakuduk Depression the Ceno-
manian and Turonian dinosaur-bearing fluvial deposits
are separated by a thick marine section deposited dur-
ing the early Turonian transgression (Uchkuduk and
Dzheirantau formations; Pyatkov et al., 1967; King,
personal communication). Similarly, the fluvial depos-
its of the Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation in
Karakalpakistan are overlain by the early Turonian
marine strata of the Beshtyube Formation (Schultz,
1972; King, personal communication). During this
early Turonian transgression a significant faunal turn-
over took place among marine vertebrates and fresh-
water turtles (Nessov & Golovneva, 1983; Nessov,
1997). However, terrestrial vertebrates, including di-
nosaurs, seem to have been little affected by this
turnover. A notable exception is the disappearance of
ornithocheirid pterosaurs in the region after the
Cenomanian (Averianov, 2007a), which may have
been related to changes in the fish fauna.
The vertebrates from the Aitym Formation at
Dzharakuduk (Aitym local fauna) come from near-
shore marine deposits with numerous remains of a
diversity of chondrichthyan and other fishes. This
stratigraphic unit marks a transgression following the
deposition of the fluvial Bissekty Formation, possibly
during the latest Turonian or Coniacian (King, per-
sonal communication). The few dinosaurian teeth re-
covered to date from the Aitym Formation are indis-
tinguishable from those from the underlying Bissekty
Formation. The mammalian fauna is also very similar,
except for the presence of a slightly more derived spe-
cies of the multituberculate Uzbekbaatar, which also
appears to be more common here (Averianov &
Archibald, 2003).
The marine transgression continued in the Ky-
zylkum region during the Santonian and Campanian
and reached its peak in the Maastrichtian (Pyatkov et
al., 1967; King, personal communication). This ex-
plains the rarity of dinosaur occurrences in the
Kyzylkum Desert for this time interval.
The Turonian Zhirkindek Formation in the Aral Sea
region of Kazakhstan is coeval with the Bissekty
Formation of Uzbekistan. Its poorly known dinosaur-
ian assemblage includes Tyrannosauroidea indet., Or-
nithomimosauria indet., Therizinosauroidea indet.,
Dromaeosauridae indet., Sauropoda indet., Hadro-
sauroidea indet., and Neoceratopsia indet. (Nessov,
1995; Kordikova et al., 2001; Averianov, 2007b; Ave-
rianov & Sues, 2009). The hadrosauroid bones from
the Zhirkindek Formation are very similar to those of
Levnesovia from the Bissekty local fauna (Sues &
Averianov, 2009b). The only difference between the
two faunas is the presence of a large basal neoceratop-
sian in the Zhirkindek fauna (Averianov & Sues, 2009).
Other vertebrates from the Zhirkindek Formation in-
clude fishes, turtles, lizards, and crocodyliforms
(Kordikova et al., 2001) but these materials have not
yet been studied in detail.
Younger, Santonian vertebrate faunas are known in
Middle Asia from regions unaffected by the
post-Turonian marine transgression. These are the Ya-
lovach local fauna in the Fergana Depression of Taji-
kistan and the Bostobe local fauna in the Aral Sea re-
gion of Kazakhstan. All common groups of dinosaurs
in the Bissekty local fauna are also present in the
Santonian faunas. The Bostobe hadrosauroid
Aralosaurus is distinctly more derived than the Bis-
sekty hadrosauroid Levnesovia (Sues & Averianov,
2009b), which is consistent with a younger, Santonian
or possibly even early Campanian age for the Bostobe
Formation. Troodontids are currently unknown from
the Bostobe local fauna, but are represented in the
Yalovach local fauna by a taxon with serrated teeth
(Averianov & Sues, 2007), unlike Urbacodon with
unserrated teeth from the Bissekty local fauna. Rich
microvertebrate samples have been recovered from
both the Yalovach and Bostobe formations (Nessov,
1997; Kordikova et al., 2001), but these materials have
not yet been fully documented.
The Turonian-Santonian vertebrate faunas of Mid-
dle Asia are set apart biogeographically from the Cen-

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tral Asian Late Cretaceous faunas by the presence of
the endemic crocodyliforms Kansajsuchus and Tadz-
hikosuchus. Eusuchians are unknown in the Late Cre-
taceous of Central Asia, but are present in North
America (Leidyosuchus). The crocodyliform Shamo-
suchus is common in the Late Cretaceous faunas of
Middle and Central Asia, but is unknown in North
America. The other distinct taxon for the Tu-
ronian-Santonian vertebrate assemblages of Middle
Asia is the trionychid turtle Khunnuchelys. In Central
Asia it is known only from the Iren Dabasu fauna
(Brinkman et al., 1994).
Campanian vertebrates in Middle Asia are known
from a microvertebrate sample obtained from near-
shore marine strata of the Darbasa Formation in
southern Kazakhstan. Only the mammal and troodon-
tid teeth from this sample have been described to date
(Averianov & Nessov, 1995; Averianov, 1997; Averi-
anov & Sues, 2007). This fauna is notable for the
presence of the multituberculate mammal Bulgan-
baatar, which was originally reported from the
Djadokhta Formation of Mongolia. The zalambdales-
tid mammal Alymlestes from the Darbasa Formation is
similar in its “stage of evolution” to the Campanian
zalambdalestids from Mongolia and clearly more de-
rived than Kulbeckia from the Turonian Bissekty
Only marine vertebrates, mostly sharks and mosa-
saurs, are currently known from the Maastrichtian of
Middle Asia (Nessov, 1997).
5.2 Central Asia
Nessov's pioneering work on the Cretaceous verte-
brates from the Kyzylkum Desert suggested that the
Bissekty fauna most closely resembles that from the
Iren Dabasu Formation of Inner Mongolia, China
(Nessov, 1995, 1997). This correlation led to Nessov
to refer certain dinosaurs from the Bissekty local fauna
to genera previously reported from the Iren Dabasu
fauna: Alectrosaurus sp., Archaeornithomimus (?)
bissektensis, Gilmoreosaurus arkhangelskyi, and Bac-
trosaurus kysylkumensis (Nessov, 1995). The practice
of attribution of fragmentary materials to taxa known
from more complete specimens in a different locality
leads to circular reasoning when the relative age of
localities is considered. Based on our own work we
have reidentified these Bissekty dinosaurs as Tyran-
nosauroidea indet., Ornithomimosauria indet., and
Levnesovia transoxiana or Hadrosauroidea indet.
Nevertheless, the Iren Dabasu local fauna appears to
be quite similar to the Bissekty local fauna in compo-
sition and evolutionary level of the taxa concerned.
The hadrosauroids Levnesovia and Bactrosaurus are
certainly closely related (Sues & Averianov, 2009b).
The principal difference between the dinosaurs from
the two faunas is the presence of different groups of
oviraptorosaurs. In the Bissekty there is the small
caenagnathid Caenagnathasia, whereas the Iren Da-
basu local fauna includes an avimimid and the large
oviraptorosaur Gigantoraptor. Caenagnathidae are
currently known only from the Late Cretaceous of
North America and Middle Asia, but Elmisaurus and
Nomingia from the Nemegt Formation of Gobi Desert
are probably additional representatives of this clade
in Central Asia (Osmólska et al., 2004). This faunal
difference may reflect the different environmental and
paleogeographic positions of the two faunas (coastal
plains of Middle Asia versus inland areas of Central
Asia) rather than a difference in stratigraphic age. The
similarities between the Iren Dabasu and Nemegt bio-
tas in the charophytes and freshwater ostracodes (Van
Itterbeeck et al., 2005) and the shared presence of
Avimimus (or Avimimidae) probably reflect fluvial
depositional settings and mesic climatic conditions
(Jerzykiewicz & Russell, 1991) rather than similarity
in age. This is especially evident when these assem-
blages are compared with those from the Djadokhta
Formation, which represent semi-arid settings
(Jerzykiewicz & Russell, 1991). The presence in the
Iren Dabasu fauna of the turtle Khunnuchelys, which is
otherwise known only from the Turonian to Santonian
of Middle Asia (Brinkman et al., 2004; Vitek &
Danilov, 2010), also suggests a pre-Campanian age for
this assemblage.
The poorly known Shireegiin Gashuun local fauna
of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia with the small basal
neoceratopsian Graciliceratops is similar in its com-
position to the Cenomanian Khodzhakul and Dzhara-
kuduk faunas of Middle Asia, which are dominated by
the small basal neoceratopsian Asiaceratops. However,
the presence of the turtle Lindholmemys in this forma-

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Averianov A.等: 晚白垩世中亚与亚洲中部的陆生脊椎动物组合对比
tion (Danilov & Sukhanov, 2001) suggests a younger,
possibly Turonian to Santonian age for this unit.
The Bayn Shire Formation in the eastern Gobi De-
sert of Mongolia has been traditionally correlated with
the Iren Dabasu Formation of Inner Mongolia (Currie
& Eberth, 1993; Nessov, 1995, 1997; Hicks et al.,
1999; Averianov, 2002). Based on the stratigraphic
ranges of the turtles, this unit can be divided into a
lower, Cenomanian to early Turonian part with
Kizylkumemys and an upper, late Turonian to Santo-
nian part with Lindholmemys (Nessov, 1997; Sukha-
nov et al., 2008). Based on magnetostratigraphic data,
Hicks et al. (1999) argued that the Bayn Shireh For-
mation was most likely deposited no later than the
latest Santonian. Sukhanov (2000) also reported
Kizylkumemys from the upper part of the Bayn Shire
Formation. Lindholmemys is known also from the Iren
Dabasu Formation but is absent from the younger,
Campanian to Maastrichtian faunas of the Gobi Desert,
where it is replaced by Mongolemys (Currie & Eberth,
1993; Danilov & Sukhanov, 2001). There are no dino-
saurian genera known to be shared between the lower
and upper parts of the Bayn Shire Formation.
Based on the occurrences of turtles and dinosaurs,
Nessov (1997) correlated the lower and upper parts of
the Bayn Shire Formation with the Khodzhakul and
Bissekty formations in Middle Asia, respectively. Al-
though these stratigraphic units share no dinosaurian
genera, this correlation is plausible given the similar
evolutionary levels of the dinosaurs, notably the ther-
izinosauroids and ankylosaurids. The Bissekty theriz-
inosauroid closely resembles Erlikosaurus from the
upper Bayn Shire fauna. The postcranial elements of
Bissektipelta from the Bissekty Formation are almost
identical to those of Talarurus from the upper Bayn
Shire and differ from those of more derived, strati-
graphically younger ankylosaurs.
The remarkably diverse faunas known from the
Djadokhta and Barun Goyot formations document the
next (Campanian) stage of vertebrate evolution in the
Gobi Desert. The dinosaurs from these units differ
considerably from those of the Bissekty fauna in 1) the
rarity of tyrannosauroids, ornithomimids, and hadro-
sauroids; 2) presence of diverse alvarezsaurids and
oviraptorids, which are not known in Middle Asia; 3)
presence of pachycephalosaurs; and 4) abundance of
basal neoceratopsians ("protoceratopsids"), which are
very rare in the Bissekty fauna. The highly diverse
lizard faunas of the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot for-
mations do not have direct parallels in other regions. A
dentary fragment of a lizard from the Bostobe Forma-
tion of Kazakhstan, identified as Slavoia by Kordik-
ova et al. (2001), is best referred to as Scincomorpha
indet. Multituberculate mammals are represented by
an endemic clade Djadokhtatheroidea, which is un-
known in other regions except for Bulganbaatar from
Kazakhstan (Averianov, 1997). The therian mammals
from the Gobi assemblages show more similarities
with the faunas from Middle Asia. Deltatheridiidae,
Asio- ryctitheria, and Zalambdalestidae are present in
both regions, but the Mongolian taxa are clearly more
derived than those from the Turonian of Uzbekistan
(Archibald & Averianov, 2006; Averianov et al.,
2010). However, the most remarkable difference be-
tween the Late Cretaceous mammalian faunas of
Middle and Central Asia is the dominance of Zheles-
tidae in the former and their complete absence in the
In the Maastrichtian the faunas of the Djadokhta
and Barun Goyot formations were replaced by the
fauna of the fluvial strata of the Nemegt Formation.
The Nemegt dinosaurian assemblage differs markedly
from those of the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot forma-
tions in the abundance of ornithomimids (Gallimimus),
dominance of tyrannosaurids (Tarbosaurus) and
hadrosaurs (Saurolophus), and the absence of "proto-
ceratopsids". In this respect the Nemegt fauna resem-
bles the Bissekty fauna, but this similarity, for the
most part, probably reflects similar floodplain deposi-
tional environments rather than geological age. The
tyrannosaurids, ornithomimids, therizinosaurids, and
hadrosaurids of the Nemegt fauna all are distinctly
more derived than related taxa from the Bissekty fauna.
The Nemegt dinosaurian fauna is also ecologically
similar to the assemblage from the Iren Dabasu For-
mation, which sometimes has led to the mistaken im-
pression that these two faunas are comparable in age.
The stratigraphic correlation of the principal Late
Cretaceous vertebrate faunas of Middle and Central
Asia proposed in this paper is illustrated in Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3 Attempted stratigraphic correlation of the assemblages of Late Cretaceous continental vertebrates
in Middle and Central Asia discussed in this paper
6 Discussion
Jerzykiewicz & Russell (1991) proposed a succession of
seven Cretaceous Mongolian Land Vertebrate "Ages"
("MOLVAs"), including four for the Late Cretaceous:
Saynshandian, Baynshirenian, Barungoyotian, and Ne-
megtian. All these "ages" were modified versions of the
biostratigraphic horizons used by Soviet geologists (see
Barsbold, 1983). This explains appearance of the earliest
Late Cretaceous Saynshandian "MOLVA" for which no
actual vertebrate fossils were known (Jerzykiewicz &
Russell, 1991) but which is characterized by a distinct
assemblage of freshwater mollusks (Martinson, 1982). In
Inner Mongolia (China), the Iren Dabasu and Bayan
Mandachu formations could be easily referred to the
Baynshirenian and Barungoyotian MOLVAs, respec-
tively (Lucas & Estep, 1998). Less certain is the refer-
ence of the vertebrate assemblage from the Wangshi Se-
ries of Shandong (China) to the Barungoyotian MOLVA
(Lucas & Estep, 2008). The only shared taxon between
Gobi and Shandong dinosaurian assemblages is the an-
kylosaurid Pinacosaurus (Buffetaut, 1995). However,
the lack of cranial material for the Shandong anky-
losaurid renders this identification questionable. In
contrast to the Barungoyotian faunas of Gobi, the Shan-
dong dinosaurian assemblage is dominated by hadro-
sauroids, including the basal hadrosauroid Tanius, the
giant saurolophine Shantungosaurus, and the lam-
beosaurine Tsintaosaurus (Prieto-Márquez, 2010). Cera-
topsia is represented by Sinoceratops, identified as the
most basal centrosaurine ceratopsid, and the leptocera-
topsid Zhuchengceratops (Xu et al., 2010b, c). There is
also a tyrannosaurid Zhuchengtyrannus, which closely
resembles the Nemegtian Tarbosaurus (Hone et al.,
2011). Currently there are no non-dinosaurian vertebrates
recorded from the Wangshi Series, and thus this verte-
brate assemblage was not included into our analysis.
The Wangshi Series is possibly Campanian in age, and
its dinosaurian assemblage resembles contemporane-
ous dinosaurian faunas from North America more
closely than the Gobi faunas (Prieto-Márquez, 2010;
Xu et al., 2010b, c). Lucas & Estep (1998) also re-
ferred to the Nemegtian MOLVA several poorly known
dinosaur assemblages in Xinjiang and Guandong
provinces of China.
The concept "Land Vertebrate Ages" is potentially
useful for correlation of the assemblages of Late Cre-
taceous continental vertebrates in Asia, but "Mongo-

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Averianov A.等: 晚白垩世中亚与亚洲中部的陆生脊椎动物组合对比
lian Land Vertebrates Ages" ("MOLVAs") should be
transformed to "Asian Land Vertebrate Ages" ("AL-
VAs") and formally defined. The paucity of data con-
cerning non-dinosaurian vertebrates in many East
Asian localities makes such a zonation scheme pre-
mature at present.
Acknowledgments We thank Igor Danilov, Chris King,
Pavel Skutschas, and Elena Syromyatnikova for information
and advice. We gratefully acknowledge financial support of
the National Science Foundation (EAR-9804771 and
EAR-0207004 to J.D. Archibald and H.-D. Sues), the Na-
tional Geographic Society (#5901-97 and #6281-98 to J.D.
Archibald and H.-D. Sues), the Civilian Research and De-
velopment Foundation (RU-G1-2571-ST-04 and RUB1-
2860-ST-07), and the Russian Fund of Basic Research
(07-04- 91110-AFGIRa). Averianov also received research
support from the President's of Russia grant MD 255.
2003.04 and the Russian Fund of Basic Research grants
04-04-49113, 04-04-49637, 07-04-00393, and 10-04-01350,
by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Fed-
eration (contract 16.518. 11.7070), and from a Paleon-
tological Museum grant of Saint Petersburg State University.
We thank Benjamin Sames and Spencer Lucas for construc-
tive reviews of the manuscript.
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