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Considerations for macro-level studies of ICT´s
enabling potential
Jens Malmodin, Pernilla Bergmark, Nina Lövehagen, Mine Ercan, Anna Bondesson
Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB
Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract—This paper explores how companies and other
stakeholders could assess the macro-level enabling potential of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in other
words, the ability of ICT to reduce the negative sustainability
impact of other industry sectors at a society level, and identifies
some important considerations for such assessments including
impact trends, addressable emissions, boundary setting and
ICT solution categories of particular interest. To illustrate the
complexity of performing macro-level estimates of ICT’s
enabling potential, this paper also discusses the 2020 enabling
potential proposed by GeSI in their SMARTer2020 report. In
addition, it investigates how organizations present GHG
emissions reductions in different sectors where such reductions
have already been achieved and finds that the claimed GHG
emission reductions and energy savings would often need more
details on calculations, methodology and background data.
Index Terms—ICT, ICT solution, networked society,
enabling potential, macro-level, GHG emissions reductions
The European Commission [1], the United Nations,
OECD [2] and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) [3] have all shown interest in the potential
of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)1 to
enable significant GHG emission reductions now and in the
future and some studies have been made to investigate this
potential (See section VIII).
The potential number of ICT solutions and their
application are countless, offering the possibility to broadly
impact society. However, there are few identified macro-
level studies targeting the enabling potential of ICT. On the
solution level, the ICT industry is presenting figures and/or
case studies showing the reductions in greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions enabled by ICT solutions, but reductions
are often not presented together with details regarding
methodology and data, and a life cycle perspective is often
1 By the term ICT, this paper refers to the communication networks with
related user equipment and data centers as well as the operator activities for
operation and maintenance of those. This scope is close to that of GeSI
(2012), with the difference that GeSI also include printers. The scope is
further detailed in (Malmodin et al. 2014) and (Malmodin et al. 2013)
which also discusses its relationship to the OECD definition of ICT.
not mentioned (See section III). The current situation thus
indicates a need to further assess both the macro-level
sustainability impact of a networked society2 and the impacts
of specific ICT solutions, though this paper focus on the
macro-level evaluation.
For assessments of GHG emissions of specific ICT
solutions at a society level, the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) has methodological work
under way. For a more generalized assessment of ICT´s
enabling potential, less methodological work has been
performed by the industry. This paper therefore tries to
understand what companies and other stakeholders need to
consider when assessing the enabling potential of ICT at a
macro-level, in order to gain insights regarding some
important considerations including impact trends,
addressable emissions, boundary setting and ICT solution
categorization. To illustrate the complexity of making
macro-level estimates of ICT’s enabling potential, this paper
also discusses the 2020 enabling potential proposed in the
SMARTer2020 report [4]. In addition, this paper investigates
how organizations present the reductions in GHG emissions
in different sectors achieved by ICT solutions today.
To identify consideration areas for macro-level studies of
ICT´s enabling potential, internal workshops were held.
Previous experiences taken into account include life cycle
assessments, assessment methodology development for
impact from specific ICT solutions in cities and impact
assessment case studies of ICT solutions [5-7].
Next, background information was collected including: 1.
ICT solutions with an enabling potential applied in society
today – to understand the baseline (Section III); 2. A brief
historical overview of environmental and socioeconomic
development mainly focusing on greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions – to understand current trends (Section IV); 3.
Boundary setting effects of applying a consumption or a
production perspective – to understand its impact on results
(Section V); and 4. ICT solutions that could increase the
sustainability of the future networked society – to understand
2 A networked society refers to a society with ubiquitous communication
and everything connected.
2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2014)
© 2014. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press

Page 2
where to focus (Section VI). Based on the background
information, the different consideration areas were detailed
and the insights gained were taken into account when
analyzing the ICT enabling potential estimated in SMARTer
2020 [4]. To investigate how the potential of ICT solutions
are presented today, an internet search was performed as
further outlined in section III.
During 2013 Ericsson performed an internet search
including more than 200 companies and organizations from
various industry sectors, among them the world´s 100 largest
companies according to Fortune Magazine [8] ranked by
total revenues, to better understand if actual GHG emission
reductions due to ICT were achieved or, at least, how they
were presented. The ICT solutions taken into account were
all checked against a number of criteria including: 1. a use
case applicable for a networked society; 2. a stated GHG
emission reduction compared to a reference situation without
the ICT solution applied; 3. a reduction based on actual
measurements; 4. a reduction achieved thanks to ICT (ICT
not only in a monitoring or other supportive role); and 5. a
positive impact on GHG emissions without significant
negative economic and social effects.
The results indicate that companies in different sectors
and society areas are using ICT solutions with some
sustainability potential. The ICT sector itself was found to be
the most active one in presenting its ICT solutions and their
impact. The two most common sectors among the search
items were the financial sector and the sector of oil and gas
production, but most solutions were found in the ICT sector.
In total, 20 ICT solutions which claimed actual reductions in
GHG emissions were identified in various sectors as well as
14 solutions with estimated enabling potential. In addition,
another 26 ICT solutions with non-quantified possible
enabling potential were identified, as well as 13 ongoing
projects which may be interesting to keep track of as data
may be presented at a later stage. One or more ICT solutions
which claimed GHG emissions reductions were identified in
the following areas: electricity supply, transport
infrastructure, transports, work, travel, building management,
waste management, and media distribution.
Among the investigated items, the most commonly
adopted ICT solutions with an enabling potential were
videoconferencing, followed by transport route optimization
and smart metering, with claims exemplified in [9-11]. The
outcome of the study indicates that ICT solutions that reduce
GHG emissions are applied already today, and that many
stakeholders seem to have experienced actual energy savings
and GHG emission reductions. However, according to this
study, the claimed GHG emission reductions and energy
savings are seldom presented with a level of detail regarding
calculations, methodology and background data that allows
for a deeper understanding of the figures presented.
Furthermore, any references to the use of a life cycle
perspective were rare and the negative impact of the ICT
solution itself was usually not mentioned. Another key
finding is that although ICT solutions are used beyond the
ICT sector, other sectors seem not to be monitoring their ICT
related gains or at least do not appear to report them.
Future growth expectancies and population development
need to be understood, and it may prove helpful to also
consider the historical environmental, socioeconomic and
economic trends and their interactions when modelling both
future scenarios for the use of ICT in different societal areas
and the business-as-usual scenario.
Global CO2e
estimated to
55 billion tonne
CO2e in 2020
Combustion/process CO2 (fossil fuels, cement)*
Other CO2e (e.g. agriculture and forestry)*
Population (UN estimates)
Real GDP (The World Bank)
* WRI estimates
needed (approx.)
Figure 1 Trends in global population, real GDP, GHG emissions since about
1900 based on data from [12-17].
The most common way to measure economic
productivity is GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and GDP per
capita is often used to compare regions and to follow
changes over time. GDP per capita is also considered to be
an indicator of a country's standard of living or welfare.
Already 45 years ago, Paul R. Erlich [18] came up with
the following simple relationship between environmental
impact and human activity which could be used as a starting
point when considering future scenarios:
Impact = Population × Affluence factor × Technology factor
Impact (I) usually refers to environmental impact
including impact on natural resources. As an example,
Impact could be impacts related to climate change (kg carbon
dioxide equivalents (CO2e)). Population (P) is the number of
inhabitants. The Affluence factor (A) represents the
economic prosperity which is then measured as GDP per
capita (US$/capita), and the Technology factor (T) which
represents the environmental impact at a certain technology
level, by GHG emissions/GDP (measured as kg CO2e/US$).
If the Population and/or the Affluence factors increase,
the environmental impact increases unless technological
advancements, represented by the Technology factor, can
compensate for this increase. However, if, for instance, the
growth in Population is partly offset by a technological
development which leads to reductions in negative impact,
the technology development may simultaneously increase the
economic prosperity (thus the Affluence factor), which leads
to increased impacts (so called rebound effect) so that the
overall impact increases in spite of the technology
Specifically, for the Technology factor when looking at
GHG emissions, an important part of it, not least when

Page 3
considering ICT, is related to energy. This part can be
expressed as (Energy / GDP) * (GHG emissions / Energy) to
show the importance of both the energy efficiency and the
energy mix [19]. Another impact to consider is non-energy
related GHG emissions, such as emissions related to
chemicals with high GHG emissions, and the impacts related
to agriculture and forestry, whereas technological
development and transformation through the use of ICT, can
lower energy consumption per unit of GDP as well as the
GHG emissions per unit of energy. Globally today, energy
generation remains, to a large extent, based on the
incineration of fossil fuels and not only climate change, but
also many other impact categories are to a varying extent
related to these processes. Such impact categories include
depletion of natural energy resources, terrestrial acidification,
dust/particles/smog and ground-level ozone. This means also
that other environmental indicators could be impacted
favorably if ICT enables the reduced use of fossil fuels.
Erlich´s formula [18] may not give immediate guidance
on how to handle complexities such as the relationship
between social and economic development, which could
substantially impact the scenario-setting. Jackson [20] states
that social and economic development are closely related to
each other, especially up to a certain level of GDP per capita,
which is about 10 000 US$ per capita (1995 US$). Jackson
[20] also finds that most welfare indicators like, life
expectancy, education and employment ratio and other more
subjective so called happiness indicators, show a fast
increase to this level of GDP per capita but then flatten out
quite rapidly, and more GDP per capita has only limited
further impact. Particularly, Jackson sees that above 15 000
US$ per capita (1995 US$) the impact becomes very small.
In summary, when modelling the future scenarios for the
use of ICT in different societal areas, it seems relevant to
consider the historical environmental, socioeconomic and
economic trends and their interactions. Erlich´s formula [18]
could give a starting point for such considerations although it
may not sufficiently capture all complexities involved.
The main focus of this paper is on ICT´s environmental
impact, particularly on GHG emissions. 2011the ICT sector
was responsible for about 1.5 percent of the global GHG
emissions measured in CO2e, and it is only expected to grow
to about 2 percent in 2020, in spite of the substantial
expansion of the sector, see [21]. A comparison between the
enabling potential of ICT and ICT’s own footprint, as
forecasted by GeSI [4], indicates that ICT has the potential to
be a relatively efficient sector from a GHG emissions
perspective. Looking at the Technology factor (in terms of
CO2e/US$), the ICT sector has a relatively low value - about
four times lower than the global economy on average [22].
Also, mobile technology seems to be more than two times
lower than the whole ICT sector and up to 10 times lower
than the global economy on average [22]. Therefore, the
potential enabling potential of ICT based technology
development is considered substantial, particularly for
mobile technology.
Both for ICT itself, and for the sectors using its solutions
in a non-global scenario, results will differ between a study
applying a production perspective, i.e. including only the
emissions generated within the assessed geopolitical area or
one applying a consumption perspective, i.e. a study which
consider the life cycle impact of activities taking place within
its geopolitical boundaries.
To understand the importance of such boundary setting
on the results of any study, with respect to the difference
between applying a consumption and a production
perspective, the city of Stockholm and country of Sweden
were used as a reference, due to good availability of data and
high ICT maturity. Particularly, a consumption perspective
means that impacts related to manufacturing of products and
services need to be included in the assessment.
Simultaneously, impacts related to exports of products and
services are excluded.
ide title
44 pt
level 1
m 24 pt
vel 2-5
m 20 pt
ř ŚśŞşŠšŢ
Stockholm County
s CO
/ ca
Additional emissions
if Swedish electricity
was produced as in
the world on average
Production related emissions
(officially reported emissions,
includes export production)
Consumption related emissions
(add-on after exports and imports
have been taken into account)
Figure 2 GHG emissions per capita for different geopolitical areas based on
Note! Land use change effects are included for the global bar, but not for Stockholm and Sweden
(Land use would decrease the total levels by about 2 tonnes CO2e/capita – a negative value as
Sweden’s forest has a net growth and acts as a sink for emissions).
Note! For the global bar the distinction between a production and consumption perspective is not
relevant as the total volumes of both production and consumption are included.
Figure 2 indicates that the different perspectives lead to a
substantial difference in results. The GHG emissions in
Sweden become nearly two times larger if a consumption
perspective is applied compared to the officially reported
figures, and that GHG emissions of Stockholm become about
three times higher [23]. Figure 2 also shows the importance
of the geopolitical boundary setting (see difference between
Stockholm Municipality, Stockholm County and Sweden)
and that its impact on the results also varies depending on the
chosen perspective. As Stockholm and its surroundings have
fewer large industries, forestry and agriculture areas
compared to Sweden on average, the impact appears lower
for Stockholm if a production perspective is applied.
Additionally, the results show that, when a consumption
perspective is applied, the per capita impact related to a city
can actually be similar to, or even higher than, the emissions
of the country [23]. From a life cycle perspective, a

Page 4
consumption perspective seems reasonable as it considers
both the use of products and services and their supply chain.
However, the high uncertainties and practical difficulties
related to such an approach need to be considered. In many
cases a production perspective is the only possibility based
on data availability. When looking into ICT the results both
for ICT´s own footprint and for its impact in other sectors
varies with the chosen perspective.
A. Which ICT solutions are relevant to consider?
Most activities of the modern society make use of ICT in
one way or another and ICT solutions include a wide range
of technical solutions. In this paper a distinction is made
between ICT solutions and other electronic systems, like
embedded microprocessor systems (e.g. a motor optimization
system), which are not considered as ICT systems.
Further, a distinction is made between solutions that are
mainly based on ICT, and solutions that are only supported
by ICT. For many ICT solutions like teleworking,
videoconferencing and e-commerce, the ICT usage in itself
enables the potential reduction in physical travel or
transports. For solutions where ICT is mainly used as a tool
for administration or design, and is not impacting the
performance of the associated activity, e.g. a building design
process. It seems better to apply a more conservative
boundary setting by excluding them when estimating the
macro-level enabling potential of ICT. Thus; this paper
proposes to consider only solutions where the use of ICT is a
prerequisite for the enabling, not only a tool for
administering it or designing it.
B. ICT solutions with anticipated enabling potential
The potential ICT solutions are countless and it is not
possible to capture the full potential of ICT – in analogy with
the difficulties in deriving the full impact from the use of
roads. Thus, it is necessary to identify the solutions that are
of main interest in order to set the scope for a macro-level
analysis. Kramers et al. [24] attempt to make a framework
for identifying areas where ICT solutions will have the
greatest impact on reducing energy usage. So called
household functions, hence, all society activities, seen from
an individual´s perspective, that require energy, are mapped
towards the ICT opportunities presented by Mitchell [25].
The authors use the concept “ICT opportunities” to denote
the main mechanisms leading to the enabling. The ICT
opportunities intelligent operation and soft transformation,
which represents transformation of existing physical
infrastructure, in combination with the household functions
of transport and heating of buildings, are seen as the areas
with the largest enabling potential. The result correlates with
Erdmann et al. [26] which concluded that the main
potentials for ICT to decrease energy consumption lie in
making use of ICT to shift from material goods to services,
installing intelligent heating systems, and using ICT for
production process control and supply chain management.
Looking into SMARTer 2020 [4], the largest reduction
potentials enabled by ICT are expected to occur in energy
and buildings, and transport and travel. Wireless access plays
an important role for these two areas. Many of the macro-
level studies listed in Table I also estimate high potentials for
the energy and transport sectors.
Smart meters which allow users to manage their
electricity consumption by using remote control and
monitoring areas, are of special interest. ICT also enable
small-scale efficient renewable energy production (e.g. solar
panels) and feedback into the grid. Introducing large
renewable energy sources into the grid demands that ICT is
used for dynamic monitoring and control, but the enabling as
such is not due to the ICT solution, but to the change in
energy source. This paper defines the integration of small-
scale renewable energy production as part of the ICT
enabling potential, while the introduction of large renewable
energy sources is excluded.
In the travel and transport sector mobile technology can
play an important role in route planning, fleet management,
traffic management, more efficient public transports and ride
sharing, etc. It should, however, be observed that this is an
area where ICT solutions have been used for quite some time
and part of the potential may already have been realized.
Potential reductions through the use of online media and
online meetings/conferences, have traditionally been
associated with fixed telecom, but are also enabled by mobile
The manufacturing sector includes some reduction
potentials that are more related to local IT and
microprocessor solutions which cannot be labeled as ICT,
e.g. control of electric motors used at manufacturing sites.
On the other hand, by using ICT solutions, the use of
buildings, vehicles and other products and services can be
made more efficient which indirectly reduces the need to
manufacture these products in the first place. As the
emissions at the same time are large for the manufacturing
sector this hidden potential can be large as suggested by
Erdmann et al. [26]. It can be much more efficient to rent or
share products as a service, and ICT can play a large role in
this transition and enable future smart services that use
products more efficiently.
The agriculture and forestry sector is another sector
where wireless access can play an important role, e.g. in
monitoring assets and helping to plan activities depending on
different sources of information such as weather, demand,
etc. This sector may have a large future potential, especially
in developing countries, but more development is needed.
Consumer services are another area where there is significant
enabling potential. Here, e-commerce can play a large role.
Studies by NTT in Japan [27-29] estimate a high potential
for e-commerce. However, rebound effects may counter
potential reductions as discussed in [26].
For many societal services like health and education, the
focus is not so much on environmental sustainability, but
rather on improving the socio-economic sustainability, not

Page 5
least, in emerging markets where ICT based solutions can be
a more cost-efficient way to provide societal services.
A possible and practical approach for a macro-level
analysis of ICT´s enabling potential is to combine a top-
down approach for addressable emissions, looking at the
overall emissions of different societal activities/sectors for
the assessed geopolitical area, and a bottom-up approach for
the assessment of specific ICT solutions which could then be
scaled as appropriate. A macro-level study of this kind needs
to consider estimated or measured enabling potentials of
different ICT solutions, together with data regarding total
and addressable impacts for different sectors to calculate a
reasonable total enabling potential. While sections IV and V
focused on setting the scenario particularly for the
addressable emissions, section VI concentrated on the ICT
solutions to consider and related input data. To estimate the
enabling potential of ICT solutions, it is necessary to
understand how environmental impacts are distributed
between different parts of society to identify the addressable
impacts.. For example, an ICT solution with a relatively
small enabling potential per user may have a quite substantial
impact if applied widely in society, while a solution with
high impact per user may give a relatively low reduction
overall if the potential users are few. Further, interaction
between solutions should be considered, and, to the extent
possible, also indirect effects such as drivers and barriers,
and the rebound effects, at least qualitatively.
For the considered ICT solutions the methodology
framework previously proposed for society level assessments
of one or more ICT solutions is applicable [5-6]. That
methodology is, to a large extent, aligned with the LCA
standards from ETSI [30] and ITU [31] and recommends that
a life cycle perspective is applied as far as possible. Also the
White Paper Quantifying Emissions Right [7] describes how
the enabling potential of individual ICT solutions could be
assessed. To understand the impact of a certain scenario both
the usage scenario and the technical system need to be
known, as well as the impact in other sectors. Regarding
input data for ICT solutions, specific considerations are
identified: the number of actual users (sample size), the time
period during which emissions are followed, the exclusion of
other factors that could have led to the enabling, the
representativeness to other users before extrapolation of
results. Particularly, users starting from a very high emission
level before the enabling is taking place, would form a poor
basis for an average user. Another factor to consider is if the
enabling is actual or estimated.
The two reports commissioned by GeSI, Smart 2020 [32]
and SMARTer 2020 [4] may be the two most well-known
studies that estimate the future enabling potential of ICT
solutions on a global societal level. Other comprehensive
studies are the research by Buttazoni [33] and Erdmann et al.
[26]. These studies together with other macro-level studies
are listed in Table I.
ICT solutions
Region, year, total
emissions and
estimated change
Korean GHG
reductions by
ICTs [34]
Smart grid, tele- presence, e-
commerce, e-civil service, e-
logistics, real-time
navigation, e-government,
home energy management
system, smart motor, digital
contents, e-learning, bus
information system, e-health
Korea 2007:
610 Mt CO2e
-10 Mt CO2e
Korea 2020:
813 Mt CO2e
-118 Mt CO2e
(14.5% or 5.8 times
ICT sector footprint)
SMARTer 2020
Smart consumer and service,
smart manufacturing, smart
transports, smart buildings,
smart power, smart
World 2020:
55 Gt CO2e
-9.1 Gt CO2e (-16.5%)
CEEE study
Telecommuting, digital
photos, online shopping,
online banking, 4 other minor
US & EU 2012:
75 billion barrels of oil
-370 million barrels of
oil (-2%)
impact of ICT
10 earlier macro-level studies
assessed, 11 ICT application
domains studied
EU15 2020 (vs. 2000):
+35% to -29% (total)
+1.6% to -19%
Smart 2020
Dematerialization, smart
motor systems, smart
logistics, efficient vehicles,
private transport
optimizations, smart
buildings, smart grids,
efficient power
World 2020:
53 Gt CO2e
-7.7 Gt CO2e (-15%)
EcoFys [33]
Dematerialization, e-
commerce, flexi-working,
virtual presence, smart
production, smart transports,
smart cities, smart buildings,
smart grids
World 2030:
40 Gt CO2 (Note only
-1.2 to 8.7 Gt CO2e
(-3% to -22%)
Telstra study
Climate Risk
Smart grid, telework, e-
commerce, e-meeting
Australia 2015:
560 Mt CO2e
-27 Mt CO2e (-4.9%)
NTT studies
e-commerce, telework, e-
Japan 2006-2010:
about 1.2 Gt CO2e
-1.9% 2006
-3.9% 2010
@ the speed of
light, ETNO /
WWF [38]
Telework, e-meetings
EU25 2010:
4 Gt CO2e
-50 Mt CO2e (-1.3%)
The future
impact of ICT
Dematerialization, Intelligent
transports, facility
management and production
EU25 2010 (vs. 2000):
+32% to -29%
Up to -16%
potential in the
US and Japan
Telework, low / high
US & Japan 2003:
7 Gt CO2e
-60 to -160 Mt CO2e
(-0.8% to -2.1%)
The study by Erdmann and Hilty [36] assess earlier
macro-level studies (most of the studies listed in Table I
dated before 2010) and provides an update of the results
from their earlier macro-level study of the ICT enabling
potential in the EU in 2020, as compared to 2000 (Erdmann
et al. [26]). The study by Erdmann et al. [26] is of particular

Page 6
interest as rebound effects have been taken into account and
because baseline emissions vary between different future
scenarios due to non-ICT effects.
The studies by the Japanese telecom operator NTT [27-
29] are also of particular interest as the impact assessment of
ICT solutions in Japan is based on input/output analysis.
NTT estimates for the assessed period that the reduction in
other sectors due to ICT solutions is up to two times as large
as ICTs own footprint. The same concept has been adopted
by Fuhr and Pociask, [40] and Laitner and Ehrhardt-Martinez
[41] in the US and the enabling for the studied period is
estimated to equal ICTs own impact.
A. Identification of discussion topics
GeSI, in its report SMARTer 2020 [4]3, estimates that the
global GHG emissions will reach 55 Gtonnes CO2e in 2020
based on IEA data [42], to be compared with 48 Gtonnes in
2011 based on WRI data [17]. SMARTer 2020 then break
down of emissions between different societal activities and
forecasts the 2020 enabling potential from ICT solutions to
be 9.1 Gtonnes CO2e, which corresponds to about 16.5% of
global emissions in a business-as-usual emissions scenario
for 20204. The background data has not been published, but
is available from GeSI at request.
The SMARTer 2020 report is well-known within the ICT
sector and among its stakeholders, including policy makers,
though it might not be familiar to a wider audience. The
reason for choosing to focus on the SMARTer 2020 report in
this paper is due to the role it seems to play in putting the
future potential of ICT on the agenda, and the fact that it is
frequently quoted in various publications. The SMARTer
2020 applies a bottom-up method that is based on results
from a limited number of case studies - results from one or a
few small-scale studies related to a limited geographical area
are scaled to represent the global potential for a certain ICT
solution category. A significant part of the estimated
enabling potential is based on older estimates, several of
these from the Smart 2020 study [32], and not on new case
studies. Both case study results and other estimates include
substantial uncertainties and many assumptions. Potential
rebound effects are not considered. As part of a continuous
effort to better understand the uncertainties related to studies
of ICT´s own emissions and the enabling potential, this
paper uses the SMARTer2020 report to illustrate the
complexity of macro-level estimates of the ICT enabling
potential. This paper is not intending to debate the results of
SMARTer 2020, rather to take the thinking a step further in
order to show the complexity of performing and
understanding macro-level ICT enabling potential forecasts.
The topics that are looked into include the selection of ICT
3 The SMARTer 2020 report is a consultancy report, not a scientific paper.
4 Ericsson, as a member of GeSI, participated in the SMARTer 2020 study
together with other GeSI members.
solutions, the impact of interactions and the importance of
providing background data among other things. In this work
the studies listed in section VIII are considered.
The first observation refers to the selection of ICT
solutions which contributes to the enabling potential. The
SMARTer 2020 study includes mainly solutions with a clear
enabling potential, such as videoconferencing, where the
purpose of the ICT solution is to replace physical services by
virtual ones. However, in some cases, it includes solutions
which are only using ICT for monitoring or administrative
purposes, i.e. solutions for which ICT in itself does not give
any GHG reductions. As an example, building design is
included. In some cases, SMARTer 2020 also include
general electronic solutions, like embedded microprocessor
solutions, which this paper does not consider as ICT
solutions. Thus, there are parts of the enabling potential
claimed by GeSI [4] which does not seem relevant to include
with the stricter boundary setting proposed in section VI.A.
On the other hand, other ICT solutions with enabling
potential may be underestimated or missing in the estimate of
the identified enabling potential.
The next observation is that SMARTer 2020 calculated
the enabling potential of the different ICT solution categories
without considering the interactions between them, i.e. how
the existence of two solutions, targeting the same emissions,
impacts the addressable emissions per solution. Another
observation related to the SMARTer 2020 assessment deals
with how data is presented, identifying particularly two areas
where the lack of detailed information prevents a deep
understanding of results: Limited information regarding
distribution between industry sectors and life cycle stages.
Among basic production activities, the use of electricity is
presented separately but not fuel and materials supply. Also
for electricity, it is not clear how the electricity figures relate
to the end-use sectors which are the main consumers of this
electricity and effects of potential double counting cannot be
fully analyzed. It could also be noted that industry sector
emissions are seen as homogenous entities and that proposed
reduction factors for specific solutions are applied to overall
sectors which is then a simplification.
ICT solution category
Total CO2e emissions and reduction factor
1 Smart power
a Demand management
b Time-of-day pricing
c Power-load balancing
d Power grid
e Integration of
1.05 -1.05
f Virtual power plant
2 Smart buildings

Page 7
ICT solution category
Total CO2e emissions and reduction factor
a Building design
0.45 -0.45 (2008)**
b Building management
c Integration of
d Voltage optimization
3 Smart transports
(including travel)
a Eco-driving
0.25 -0.25
b Real-time traffic alerts
c Apps for public
d Asset sharing
e Videoconferencing /
f Optimization of
g Integration of EVs
h Intelligent traffic
i Fleet management and
4 Smart manufacturing 17.40
a Automation of
industrial processes
0.72 -0.72
b Optimization of motor
0.53 -0.53
5 Smart agriculture
a Livestock management
b Smart farming
c Smart water
d Soil monitoring /
Weather forecasting
6 Smart consumer and
a e-commerce, e-paper
b Minimization of
c Online media
0.02 0.05
d Public safety/disaster
e Reduction in inventory
f Smart water
Note! Some SMARTer2020 categories that are similar have been added together to make the list
Note! The ICT solution categories are referred to as sub-levers in SMARTer 2020.
A = Total CO2e emissions (in bold), B = Emissions addressable by ICT, C = reduction factor,
D = Estimated reductions, E = Ericsson adjustment
Figure in brackets are considered as more uncertain than others
+) The figures in this column were never published but are made available by GeSI at request.
¤)”Dev.” means that there are deviations between the background information in SMARTer 2020
and the figure used in the actual report. In these cases the published information was used.
*) Building-related emissions included in other sectors, mainly electricity (smart power)
**) Values reused by SMARTer 2020 from [32]
***) Values reused by SMARTer 2020 from [4] but with a small adjustment.
Note! Several lines in column B address the same emissions and the values could not be added
Note! An addressable emission in column B is marked red if it is larger than the corresponding total
ICT solution category emission value in column A. Both A and B consist of data from SMARTer
2020 [4] and the handling of this discrepancy in the present study is described in the body text.
Some data discrepancies are identified in Table II: First,
in some cases the addressable emissions (e.g. time-of-day
pricing in column A/B+ row 1b) are larger than the estimated
total emissions for its ICT solution category (e.g. Smart
power in column A/B+ row 1). The same goes for 2c, 3b, 3g
and 3h. Total emissions (bold values in column A/B+) is
better aligned with other sources, e.g. WRI [16-17], but the
non-bold values in column A/B+ are used in our analysis of
the SMARTer2020 results due to lack of alternative detailed
data. Consequently the resulting enabling potential may be
slightly too high. The reason may be that the estimated
addressable emissions include fuel supply emissions, while
the estimated total emissions may not. As all background
data is not available, this could not be fully investigated.
Next, as several ICT solutions address the same impact,
the different lines in column D should not be added together
without considering interactions between them, as that also
leads to double counting and a too high resulting enabling
potential value.
B. Evaluation of the SMARTer 2020 enabling potential
To analyze the enabling potential presented in the
SMARTer 2020 report, its original data (column B & C II)
was analyzed with respect to interactions between ICT
solutions and modified to remove double counting effects,
which resulted in a reduction of 0.92 Gtonnes CO2e.
The resulting enabling potential was then reduced
according to Table II column E, by removing the ICT
solution categories for which ICT in itself is only a support
function. In total, these adjustments reduced the estimated
enabling potential by 2.25 Gtonnes CO2e by removing the
ICT solution categories, which are not networked ICT
solutions5, and by another 1.17 Gtonnes CO2e corresponding
to ICT solution categories where ICT does not enable any
savings but rather is used for administrative purposes and
monitoring, etc.6.
The next adjustment was to increase potentials that
seemed underestimated based on other sources (Erdmann et
al. [26]; NTT [27-29]; Weber et al. [43]; Williams and
Matthews [39]). Among those the dematerialization area,
which is seen by other papers as a major opportunity (see
section VI.B), is worth mentioning separately and represents
an adjustment of 1 Gtonnes CO2e based on (Erdmann et al.
[26]). Subsequently, the enabling potential was further
adjusted to include the missing enabling potential related to
the supply chain of non-used fuel and energy as derived by
As SMARTer2020 did not study to what extent the
enabling potential had already been implemented, a
reduction in enabling potential was made based on other
sources to find the remaining enabling potential (Table III).
Finally, an additional potential coarsely addressing the
potential reductions in GHG emissions related to
infrastructure, i.e. lower GHG emissions due to reduced need
5 Table II , line 1e, 2a, 4b and 6b
6 Table II, line 3a,3g and 4a

Page 8
for new roads and road maintenance when transports are
replaced by ICT, was estimated based on [5].
Table III summarizes the stepwise modification of the
SMARTer2020´s estimate of ICT´s enabling potential
described above. The intention is not to make a separate
estimate of the ICT enabling potential, but rather to illustrate
how the different discussion areas impact the results of a
macro-level study and add to the uncertainties of enabling
potential values.
Step-by-step analysis
Gt CO2e Graphical representation
Original SMARTer 2020
enabling potential
Reduction due to interaction
between ICT solutions
Subtraction of end-use
activities that are not
considered relevant for ICT
Subtraction of end-use
activities where ICT does not
have an enabling role
Addition of ICT solutions
considered as underestimated
or missing
Additional potential added
for dematerialization
“from products to services”
Fuel and energy supply chain
impacts added2
up to 8
Subtraction of reductions
already implemented in
(-1,27- -2,54)
5.5 – 6.8
Resulting estimate
5.5 – 7
Infrastructure and all life
cycle impacts added (based
on Ericsson analysis1)
(*1,2 - *1,4)
up to 9.5
1. This factor is needed to compensate for the interaction factor added in the previous step
2. The estimates for fuel supply, infrastructure and all life cycle impacts (also including embodied
impacts) have been based on [5].
3. The high estimate based on [27-29], the low is based on (Fuhr and Pociask [40]) and (Laitner and
Ehrhardt-Martinez [41])
The overall result from a complex macro-level study can
be discussed and modified in many ways, as the above
analysis of SMARTer 2020 illustrates. With the
modifications made in this analysis the enabling potential
becomes 5.5 - 7 Gtonnes. However, if life cycle impacts of
vehicles, buildings and related infrastructure (e.g. roads and
land use) are considered the estimated enabling potential
(incidentally) ends up in the same range as the SMARTer
2020 – by applying wider system boundaries than in
SMARTer 2020 in general7. Furthermore, due to the
uncertainties and methodological problems involved, LCAs
7 However, some of the case studies used as input data may have taken
infrastructure into account.
of ICT applications generally do not include the life cycle
impacts of vehicles, buildings and related infrastructure.
Especially, inclusions of potential reduction in emissions
related to the infrastructure, comes with considerable
uncertainties which may provide for a conservative
Figure 3 show the distribution of emissions and
reductions after the modifications of the SMARTer 2020
enabling potential. As the SMARTer 2020 report includes
data and results for only two years, 2008 (baseline) and 2020
(future scenario), the data for year 2000 are based on WRI
[15] and is added to show trends more clearly.
es C
SMARTer 2020 reductions
Power (buildings)
Travel & transports
Manufacturing industry
Agriculture & forestry
Ericsson resulting estimate (excluding
infrastructure and full life cycle)
Figure 3 Estimated GHG emissions per ICT solution category, SMARTer
2020 reduction scenario and Ericsson resulting estimate.
The uncertainties of a macro-level study of this kind are
high due to the many assumptions, and it is important to
understand the input data and assumptions made to interpret
the results. The step-wise modifications made in Table III
due to our analysis illustrate how results, even when the
same input data is used, vary with system boundaries and
assumptions. In this case, from the lowest estimate of about 5
Gtonnes CO2e to the highest estimate of nearly 9.5 Gtonnes
Future work regarding ICT´s enabling potential should
include assessments for different scenarios taking into
account the methodological consideration points identified in
this paper and relevant and comprehensive case studies.
When evolving and applying the macro-level analysis in the
future, available case studies, as well as detailed knowledge
about the distribution of impacts between sectors, and impact
trends will provide important input and enable more robust
predictions. Also other environmental and socioeconomic
impact categories are of interest for future studies.
Looking into how ICT solutions are presented today, it
seems clear that other sectors do not often mention GHG
reductions due to ICT. One reason may be that ICT solutions

Page 9
are seen as integrated parts of larger projects, another that
they have no incentives to talk about ICT specifically. ICT
solutions may also be applied due to other advantages and
incentives may be missing to look into their environmental
For scenario setting, both on societal and individual level,
the importance of driver´s and barrier´s for the uptake of
different ICT solutions needs careful consideration. As an
example, when setting the macro-level scenario for ICT
enabling, it is important to understand how people will
change their actions (social practices) as a response to the
ICT solutions. Another important area, when considering
impacts of ICT at a societal level, is the rebound effect [26]
for which a qualitative approach may be used in a first step.
The purpose of this paper was to explore how companies
and other stakeholders could assess the macro-level enabling
potential of ICT, particularly for a future scenario, and to
identify some important considerations for such assessments.
A number of such considerations were identified and
discussed, including future and historical trends in
environmental, socioeconomic and economic development,
system boundaries, and distribution of addressable
emissions. Also highlighted were the importance of
understanding the interactions between ICT solutions and the
addressable impacts to make realistic estimates of future
potentials. A consumption perspective, i.e. considering the
life cycle impacts related to products consumed within the
geopolitical boundaries, but manufactured elsewhere, is
indicated to have a significant impact in case of non-global
assessments, but may be hard to apply in practice.
A number of existing macro-level studies of ICT´s
enabling potential were identified and, to illustrate the
complexities of making macro-level studies of ICT´s
enabling potential and the uncertainties of their results, the
2020 GHG emission reduction potential enabled by ICT was
analyzed based on SMARTer 2020 data. The analysis
indicates how results, when the same input data is used, vary
with system boundaries and other assumptions, in this case
from the lowest estimate of about 5 Gtonnes CO2e to the
highest estimate of nearly 9.5 Gtonnes CO2e – to be
compared with the 9.1 Gtonnes proposed by GeSI [4] based
on the same data. The intention of presenting these results is
not to debate the enabling potential proposed by GeSI [4] –
rather to build on the GeSI study and take the thinking one
step further in order to show the complexity of calculating
and interpreting macro-level studies and the importance of
critically analyzing their results. Though ending with a
somewhat different result, our analysis supports the
conclusion made by GeSI that ICT has a substantial enabling
potential, well out-weighting its own footprint.
Future studies applying more visionary future scenarios
based on more rigorous methods and more comprehensive
case studies may identify a higher enabling potential than the
ones mentioned here. An internet search of 200 companies
and organizations indicates that ICT solutions that reduce
GHG emissions are applied today, and that many
stakeholders claim actual energy savings and GHG emission
reductions. In total, 20 ICT solutions with claimed and
quantified GHG emission reductions were identified in
various sectors, as well as 14 solutions with estimated
enabling potential. The most common enabling ICT solutions
identified were videoconferencing, followed by (transport)
route optimization and smart metering. However, further
studies are needed, especially since existing case studies
have generally not published sufficient information regarding
background-data, assumptions and method and often seem to
lack a life cycle perspective. Also, although ICT solutions
are used in all sectors, other sectors rarely publish their ICT
related sustainability gains.
Looking into the main areas for ICT´s enabling potential,
previous studies finds the main enabling opportunities in the
areas of energy supply, buildings, transport, travel and
products as services through the mechanisms of intelligent
operation and ICT transformation. Also, agriculture and
forestry are seen as areas of opportunity in the literature.
We like to acknowledge our speaking partners at the
Centre for Sustainable Communications (CESC) at the KTH
Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, financed by the
Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems
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