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New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from the Baruungoyot and Nemegt Formations (Late Cretaceous) of Mongolia
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New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from the Baruungoyot
and Nemegt Formations (Late Cretaceous) of Mongolia
Federico Fanti1*, Philip J. Currie2, Demchig Badamgarav3
1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico-Ambientali, Alma Mater Studiorum, Universita` di Bologna, Via Zamboni, Bologna, Italy, 2 Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 3 Paleontological Center, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
Two new specimens of the oviraptorid theropod Nemegtomaia barsboldi from the Nemegt Basin of southern Mongolia are
described. Specimen MPC-D 107/15 was collected from the upper beds of the Baruungoyot Formation (Campanian-
Maastrichtian), and is a nest of eggs with the skeleton of the assumed parent of Nemegtomaia on top in brooding position.
Much of the skeleton was damaged by colonies of dermestid coleopterans prior to its complete burial. However, diagnostic
characters are recovered from the parts preserved, including the skull, partial forelimbs (including the left hand), legs, and
distal portions of both feet. Nemegtomaia represents the fourth known genus of oviraptorid for which individuals have been
found on nests of eggs. The second new specimen, MPC-D 107/16, was collected a few kilometers to the east in basal
deposits of the Nemegt Formation, and includes both hands and femora of a smaller Nemegtomaia individual. The two
formations and their diverse fossil assemblages have been considered to represent sequential time periods and different
environments, but data presented here indicate partial overlap across the Baruungoyot-Nemegt transition. All other known
oviraptorids from Mongolia and China are known exclusively from xeric or semi-arid environments. However, this study
documents that Nemegtomaia is found in both arid/aeolian (Baruungoyot Formation) and more humid/fluvial (Nemegt
Formation) facies.
Citation: Fanti F, Currie PJ, Badamgarav D (2012) New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from the Baruungoyot and Nemegt Formations (Late Cretaceous) of
Mongolia. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31330. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031330
Editor: Carles Lalueza-Fox, Institut de Biologia Evolutiva - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Received June 14, 2011; Accepted January 6, 2012; Published February 8, 2012
Copyright: © 2012 Fanti et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported with funding by the Dinosaur Research Institute (Calgary), the Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini (Bologna, Italy), and
NSERC. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: federico.fanti@unibo.it
Oviraptorid dinosaurs have long been a source of information
and speculation about the behavior of non-avian theropods [1,2].
Known since the Third Central Asiatic Expedition led by Roy
Chapman Andrews [3] and for decades mistakenly referred to as
exemplary egg thieves, this group of edentulous maniraptoran
dinosaurs is now studied for its sophisticated social structure and
behavior, which includes the brooding and care of eggs in specially
prepared nests [4–9]. The family Oviraptoridae, known to date
from the Late Cretaceous of Asia where multiple complete or
nearly complete skeletons have been recovered, includes two
widely accepted clades, Ingeniinae and Oviraptorinae [10,11].
Barsbold [12] established the subfamily Ingeniinae, and separated
ingeniines from oviraptorines on the basis of their smaller size and
reduced manual digits II and III. The clade included both
Conchoraptor and Ingenia. The first detailed phylogenetic analysis of
the Oviraptoridae was published by Maryanska et al. [13]. They
retrieved Conchoraptor and Ingenia in a monophyletic clade defined
by a scapula to humerus ratio greater than 0.7, a deltopectoral
crest that extends for 40%–50% of the length of humerus, a
metacarpal II to metacarpal III ratio that is less than 0.5, and a
postacetabular process of the ilium that has a truncated distal end.
Osmólska et al. [10] defined ingeniines as Conchoraptor gracilis and
Ingenia yanshini, their most recent common ancestor, and all
descendants. The three synapomorphies they used to define the
subfamily are: the synsacrum includes seven to eight vertebrae; the
deltopectoral crest extends for 40%–50% of the length of
humerus; and the postacetabular process of the ilium has a
truncated distal end. Khaan mckennai was included in the
Ingeniinae, and is clearly similar to Conchoraptor. Nemegtomaia
barsboldi [14] is unusual in that it is the only ingeniine that has a
cranial crest, and is the only oviraptorid that was collected from
fluvial (instead of xeric) deposits. The type specimen (MPC-D
100/2112) was collected in 1996 in southern Mongolia at the
Nemegt locality (sensu [15]) by the Mongolian Highland Interna-
tional Dinosaur Project [14]. It included the skull and partial
skeleton (thirteen cervical, six dorsal, eight sacral and two caudal
vertebrae, left scapula, distal ends of both humeri, right radius,
both ilia, proximal ends of both pubes, both ischia, and proximal
end of a femur). However, characters of the forelimbs and hands
that are diagnostic for determining interspecific variation [11,16],
were unknown. Furthermore, no eggs or eggshells were found in
association with the specimen. The specimen was originally
referred to as Ingenia sp. by Lü et al. [17] but a detailed revision of
the specimen led to it being renamed Nemegtia barsboldi [14].
However, the genus had to be renamed Nemegtomaia when it was
realized that the name was preoccupied by a freshwater ostracod
from the Nemegt Formation [18,19]. Nemegtomaia (‘‘good mother
of Nemegt’’) refers not only to the stratigraphic and geographic
location of the discovery (early Maastrichtian Nemegt Formation,
Nemegt locality, southern Gobi, Mongolia) but also to the idea
that oviraptorid dinosaurs were brooding, rather than stealing,
eggs [4,5,7–9,20–23].
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Nomadic Expedition’s ‘‘Dinosaurs of the Gobi’’ 2007 party
recovered two new specimens of oviraptorids from the Baruun-
goyot Formation (or ‘‘Barun Goyot’’ in older literature; strati-
graphic terminology in this paper follows [24]) beds at the Nemegt
locality (Figure 1). Specimen MPC-D 107/15 is a nest of eggs with
the presumed mother lying on top. In addition to being found less
than 500 m from the holotype of Nemegtomaia, the new specimen
shares diagnostic characters of the skull and has the same absolute
body size. It provides new anatomical information about the front
limbs that conclusively shows that Nemegtomaia should be referred
to the subfamily Ingeniinae. The second new specimen, MPC-D
107/16, consists of hands, ribs, a partial pelvis and both femora of
a smaller individual. The two new specimens are described here
with a focus on diagnostic and previously unknown characters
(especially in the skull and hands), the association of the skeleton
with the eggs, and the taphonomy, stratigraphic range, and
paleoecology of the taxon.
Institutional Abbreviations
AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York,
USA; IVPP, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoan-
thropology, Beijing, People’s Republic of China: MPC-D,
Paleontological Center of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences,
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia ( = GIN, Geological Institute, Mongolian
Academy of Sciences); UALVP, University of Alberta, Laboratory
of Vertebrate Paleontology, Edmonton, Canada.
Geology and Stratigraphy
Since its discovery in 1946, the Nemegt locality (sensu [15]) has
been recurrently investigated for the rich and diverse fossil fauna
preserved in the exposed Upper Cretaceous sediments (Figure 1).
Several major sayrs (canyons, gorges) and numerous side-canyons
cut the pediment that slopes toward the south beneath the Nemegt
massif. The cuts are up to 45 meters deep and provide some of the
best exposures of the upper Campanian - lower Maastrichtian
Baruungoyot and Nemegt formations, which have been largely
discussed in the literature [25–33]. Specimen MPC-D 107/15 was
collected from the upper Baruungoyot Formation deposits that
crop out extensively along the Northern Sayr. These upper beds
are barren of mudstone and consist of a stacked succession of
tabular redbeds. Abundant extraformational clasts, well-developed
caliches, and invertebrate feeding traces characterize these
primarily aeolian deposits (Figure 2). Wedging out of single beds
is fairly common, even though individual tabular beds can be
traced laterally for tens or hundreds of meters. Prospecting
activities carried out in Northern Sayr revealed the lateral
variation of such beds, even within the cliff in which the nest
was discovered (Fig. 2B). A short distance (150 meters) to the north
of the nest, the distinctive Baruungoyot facies interfinger with light
grey, trough cross-bedded channel deposits that are typical of the
Nemegt Formation. The basal contact is sharp and erosive,
juxtaposing fine- to medium-grained sandstone with a medium-
grained, 5 cm thick conglomerate that fines upward into cross-
bedded sandstones. Such beds form an approximately four meter
thick, fining-upward tongue that is conformably overlaid by red,
massive, aeolian deposits (Baruungoyot facies). Finally, the channel
fill sandstone deposits of the Nemegt Formation cap this interval
(Fig. 2F). The two formations and their different fossil assemblages
have historically been considered to represent sequential periods of
time and different environments [26,27,34–36]: the Baruungoyot
Formation is indicative of semi-arid or arid environments with
recurrent aeolian beds, and the Nemegt Formation has been
interpreted as representing a dominantly fluvial environment with
most fossils being recovered from channel fills, point bars, and
some overbank deposits laid down under more humid conditions
[33]. However, new data collected in the Northern Sayr at the
Nemegt locality document an approximately 25meter thick
stratigraphic interval where the two formations interfinger, and
Figure 1. The Nemegt locality the Gobi Desert, southern Mongolia. A, map showing the location of the study area within southern Mongolia;
B, the Nemegt area is located a few kilometers south of the massif of the same name; C, a detail of the Nemegt locality (sensu 5), showing the exact
locations of specimens described in this study.
New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from Mongolia
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New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from Mongolia
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support previous studies suggesting that aeolian and fluvial
environments coexisted at the beginning of Nemegt sedimentation
Specimen MPC-D 107/15 was collected from the red
sandstones of the Baruungoyot Formation in the Northern Sayr
of the Nemegt locality (N 43u30.353!, E 101u03.383!) (Figure 2).
In order to preserve the spatial relationships of the bones and eggs,
the specimen was collected in a single block delimited by the last
occurrence of preserved eggs. The lower side of the block is only
partially prepared to expose mostly egg fragments, whereas the
upper surface has the articulated partial skeleton of an oviraptorid
dinosaur overlying the nest (Figure 3). It includes the skull, both
scapulae, the left arm and hand, right humerus, pubes, ischia,
femora, tibiae, fibulae, and the distal portions of both feet. Much
of the skeleton was subjected to intense scavenging by small
predators and dermestid coleopterans during an early stage of
burial (Figure 4).
The second specimen (MPC-D 107/16) was collected from the
uppermost layers of the Baruungoyot Formation in the eastern
portion of the Nemegt locality from the Red Walls (N 43u30.327!,
E 101u04.706!) (Figure 1). It includes a complete right hand, the
left hand with partial ulna and radius, a few ribs, both femora, and
a partial ilium.
Description of MPC-D 107/15
The oviraptorid affinities [10] of MPC-D 107/15 are
unquestionable with its relatively short snout, and its deep,
edentulous, beaklike lower jaws (Figure 5). Similarly, there are
many characters in the postcranial skeleton as well as in the eggs
that clearly show it is an oviraptorid (Figure 3). Much of MPC-D
107/15 was damaged by post-mortem, pre-burial insect activity,
crushing during burial, and most recently by erosion; it is
nevertheless rich in morphological and phylogenetic information.
Similar to other nests of brooding oviraptorids [4,8,37,38], the
animal had its feet in the center of what was probably a ring of
eggs, and the arms were folded across the tops of the eggs on either
side of the body. Although the individual bones have been
damaged by borings and other scavenging, their shapes and
lengths can be reconstructed because of the fact that the bones
were held immobile in the sediments while they were being eaten
by insects, and because their margins are often preserved. The
Figure 2. Location map showing the position of the measured section discussed in the text. A, Northern Sayr, where specimen MPC-D
107/15 was collected. B, lithostratigraphic logs showing the relative stratigraphic occurrence of the interfingering Baruungoyot and Nemegt
formations. C, In-situ and partially reworked caliche glaebules and concretions, Baruungoyot Formation. D, tubular burrow fills interpreted as
nonmarine invertebrate feeding traces, Baruungoyot Formation. E, cross-bedded deposits in the basal deposits of the Nemegt Formation. F,
photograph showing the interfingering contact between the Baruungoyot and Nemegt formations in the Northern Sayr (litho-log c). MPC-D 107/15
was collected just below the Nemegt tongue deposits.
Figure 3. Nest and preserved elements of Nemegtomaia barsboldi (MPC-D 107/15). A, dorsal view; B, left lateral view; C, right lateral view; D,
posterior view. lf, left femur; lfi, left fibula; lh, left humerus; lm, left manus; lp, left pes; lpu, left pubis; lr, left radius; ls, left scapula; lt, left tibia; lu,
left ulna; rf, right femur; rfi, right fibula; rh, right humerus; rp, right pes; rpu, right pubis; rs, right scapula; rt, right tibia; sk, skull. Scale bar 10 cm.
Reconstruction by Marco Auditore.
New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from Mongolia
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front of the premaxilla and the posterior margin of the paroccipital
process are preserved on each side of the skull, and both sides show
that the skull was 172 mm long. The dorsal and posterior margins
of the orbit are preserved on the right side of the skull, whereas the
anterior, ventral and ventroposterior margins of the orbit are
preserved on the left side. The skull length is slightly shorter than
that of the holotype of Nemegtomaia (179 mm), whereas the
diameter of the orbit is approximately the same size (52 mm).
Other overlapping measurements of the two specimens are also
similar, including jaw length (153 mm in holotype, 152 mm in
MPC-D 107/15), and maximum dentary height (49 mm in
holotype, 50 in MPC-D 107/15). Equivalent measurements (skull
and jaw lengths) in MPC-D 100/42 (Citipati sp.) suggest that this
virtually complete individual is also approximately the same size as
the two Nemegtomaia specimens. The femur length in MPC-D 100/
42 is 305 mm and its shaft circumference is 95 mm (which
suggests the animal weighed 40 kg using the formulae of [41]), and
the length of the skeleton is 1.95 meters. It is therefore likely that
MPC-C 107/15 was an individual with a total length of about
2 meters, and that it weighed approximately 40 kg. The edges of
the premaxilla, nasal, frontal and parietal clearly show that MPC-
D 107/15 was a crested oviraptorid like Citipati, Nemegtomaia and
Rinchenia [10,17,39]. The crest is similar to those of both Citipati
and Nemegtomaia in that it is relatively low and is centered above the
antorbital region, in contrast with the much taller crest of Rinchenia
that is centered more posteriorly. Whereas crest development
extends posteriorly to thicken and pneumatize the frontals in
Citipati [40], this region is thin, flat and not pneumatized in MPC-
D 107/15 and the holotype of Nemegtomaia. Like the holotype of
Nemegtomaia, the ventral part of the anterior margin of the
premaxilla of MPC-D 107/15 is nearly vertical to the main axis
(as seen in lateral view) of the suborbital portion of the jugal. This
is in contrast with known specimens of Citipati, where the anterior
margin of the premaxilla slopes anterodorsally. The jugal process
of the postorbital (Fig. 5a) forms the upper two thirds of the
posterior border of the orbit in MPC-D 107/15 and most other
oviraptorids, but Citipati is unusual in that the jugal process extends
to the ventral margin of the orbit. As in Nemegtomaia, the ventral
end of the exoccipital of MPC-D 107/15 (Fig. 5B) is level with the
suborbital process of the jugal, which is considerably lower than in
Citipati. Whereas Citipati is from Djadokhtan-aged strata of
Dzamyn Khond and Ukhaa Tolgod, the holotype of Nemegtomaia
came from the Nemegt Formation less than 500 m from where
MPC-D 107/15 was collected. Similar morphology, similar size,
Figure 4. Feeding traces left by colonies of dermestid beetles in specimen MPC-D 107/15. Articular surfaces have been completely
obliterated in the left forearm (A), left leg and pes (B), as well as in the right forearm (C). Circular borings are particularly evident in the left side of the
skull (D–F). G, Bone-chip burrow found under the skull of the specimen. H, large traces of reworked sediment under the skeleton.
New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from Mongolia
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geographic proximity, and the interfingering nature of the
Baruungoyot and Nemegt formations make it most parsimonious
to identify MPC-D 107/15 as Nemegtomaia.
Like all oviraptorids, the skull of MPC-D 107/15 is relatively
short compared with other parts of the body (Figure 5). It is, for
example, almost half the estimated length of the femur, whereas in
other theropods the skull can be more than 90% the length of the
femur. Oviraptorid skulls are short overall because of a significant
reduction in the length of the antorbital region [10]. The eyes of
oviraptorids look large because of the relatively small sizes of most
species, but also because of their short skulls. If orbit length is
plotted against femur length (logarithmically transforming the
measurements) for 76 theropods (Currie, unpublished data), the
resulting regression is defined by y=0.6517x+0.0931 where y
represents orbit length, x is femur length and 0.6517 is the
allometric coefficient. The allometric coefficient shows that orbit
length (roughly equivalent to the size of the eyeball) shows strong
negative allometry with size increase. Adding the data for nine
oviraptorosaurs where both these dimensions are known clearly
demonstrates that the orbit length of each oviraptorid individual is
not significantly different from what is expected in any theropod.
The orbit of MPC-D 107/15 is 55 mm high, which suggests that
the length was 50 mm (compared with 55 mm in the holotype).
The anterior margins of the premaxillae are well preserved, and
show that the external nares would have been relatively small and
positioned high as in the holotype. The lateral temporal opening
was clearly large and quadrangular (Figure 5). The antorbital
length of MPC-D 107/15 is 78 mm, which is almost ten percent
longer than in the holotype. A difference of this scale can be easily
accounted for as individual variation or taphonomic distortion,
and is not significant.
The anterior (premaxillary) and dorsal (nasal) margins of the
skull show that MPC-D 107/15 had a prominent crest like many
other oviraptorids, including the holotype of Nemegtomaia (MPC-D
Figure 5. Skull of Nemegtomaia barsboldi (MPC-D 107/15). A, preserved elements of the right side; B, preserved elements of the left side; C,
reversed elements of the left side superimposed to those of the right side (where elements of both sided overlap, the grey is darker); D,
reconstruction of the skull. an, angular; d, dentary; ec, ectopterygoid; eo, exoccipital; f, frontal; j, jugal; l, lacrimal; m, maxilla; n, nasal; p, parietal; pm,
premaxilla; po, postorbital; q, quadrate; qj, quadratojugal; sa, surangular; sq, squamosal; sr, sclerotic ring. Scale bar 10 cm. Illustration by Marco
New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from Mongolia
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100/2112), Citipati sp. (MPC-D 100/42) and Rinchenia mongoliensis
(MPC-D 100/32-1). The specimen is not well enough preserved to
determine whether or not the nasal was pneumatic, as it clearly
was in Rinchenia and other mature oviraptorid individuals. The
presence of a crest is generally associated with oviraptorines rather
than ingeniines, but may in fact be correlated with size and
maturity; most ingeniines are in fact smaller than most
oviraptorines [2]. The anteroventral margin of the premaxilla is
almost perpendicular to the ventral margin of the jugal (Figure 5).
The height of the premaxilla below the external naris is 44.8 mm.
The premaxillary-maxillary suture is nicely preserved on the right
side of the skull (Figure 5). If a line is drawn through the ventral
margins of the quadratojugal and maxilla (Fig. 5A), then the
tomial margin of the premaxilla clearly projects well below the
maxilla. This may ultimately turn out to be a size correlated
character of little taxonomic utility. The lacrimal is platelike and
projects lateral to the orbit in both MPC-D 107/15 and the
holotype. Although the skull roof cannot be seen as well as in the
holotype, the nasal of MPC-D 107/15 appears to have been no
longer than the frontal. It appears unlikely that the frontals and
parietals were pneumatized like the nasals, because the small
sections of preserved surfaces of these bones are flat in MPC-D
107/15. There is no evidence for a separate prefrontal in either
this specimen or the holotype. The postorbital process of the jugal
extends posterodorsally from the suborbital process of the jugal
(Figure 5). The basal tubera cannot be seen in MPC-D 107/15,
but appear to be well developed in the holotype [14]. As in other
oviraptorids, the jaw is deep (the maximum height of the dentary is
a third of the jaw length), and the external mandibular fenestra is
large, making up more than a quarter of the jaw length (Figure 5).
A prominent process of the surangular invades the back margin of
the external mandibular fenestra as in all oviraptorids.
Postcranially, the ends of most bones were destroyed,
presumably by insect scavengers (Figures 3, 4). Most of the
scapula (180 mm) is present, and the total length appears to have
been about 185 mm. The minimum shaft width is 15 mm, and the
distal end expands to 27 mm. Although the full length of the
humerus is not preserved, the minimum shaft width (transverse)
has a diameter of 19 mm. Amongst sixteen oviraptorosaurs (Table
S4), there is a strong correlation (r2 =0.95) between humerus
length and transverse shaft width, which suggests that the humerus
would have been 152 mm long in MPC-D 107/15. The ratio of
the lengths of the scapula to the humerus can therefore be
calculated as 1.2, which is typical of the majority of oviraptorids.
The distal end of the deltoid process is preserved, but little can be
said other than it was well developed and extended far down the
shaft as in other oviraptorids. Only small sections of the shafts of
the radius (the diameter of the shaft width is 12 mm) and ulna
(SW=14 mm) are preserved, but show that the diameter of the
shaft of the radius was 0.86 that of the ulna. The length of the
radius was estimated as 144 mm using 10 pairs of measurements
of oviraptorid radii, plus the measurements of radii from seven
individuals of the oviraptorosaurs Avimimus and Caudipteryx
(b = 1.35, k = 0.75, r2 = 0.89). The estimates based on shaft widths
suggest that the ratio of radius length to humerus length is 0.95,
which is close to the same ratios in Citipati osmolskae (MPC-D 100/
979), and Conchoraptor gracilis (MPC-D 110/21). In contrast, the
ratio is less than 0.80 in Ingenia (MPC-D 100/32, 100/33, 110/03)
and Rinchenia (MPC-D 100/32-1). The ratio is intermediate
between the two extremes in all other oviraptorid taxa. The
hands were also badly damaged, but it is clear that the phalanges
(I-1, I-2) of the first digit were more massive than those of the
second digit (II-2, II-3) (Fig. 6A), that the distal end of the second
digit does not extend far beyond the distal end of the first digit, and
that the third metatarsal is slender. These are all characters that
are diagnostic for Ingeniinae.
The pubic shaft is preserved in MPC-D 107/15, and was clearly
curved anteroventrally (is anteriorly concave in lateral view) as in
other oviraptorids.
Most of the femur is preserved, although the distal end is in poor
condition (Fig. 4B). Its length can be estimated from the transverse
diameter of the shaft (31 mm) and is approximately 286 mm when
compared with 26 oviraptorids and dromaeosaurids (b=1.22,
Figure 6. Hands of Nemegtomaia barsboldi. A, preserved elements
and reconstructed manus of MPC-D 107/15 in dorsal (a1) and lateral (a2)
views: B, right manus of MPC-D 107/16 in dorsal (b1) and medial (b2)
views; C, left manus of MPC-D 107/16 in medial (c1) and dorsal (c2)
views, with the preserved distal portions of radius and ulna. lr, left
radius; lu, left ulna. Scale bar 5 cm. Illustration by Marco Auditore.
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k=0.83, r2 =0.95). The length of the femur is 10% longer
(305 mm) in MPC-D 100/42 (Citipati sp.), which has similar
dimensions in other parts of the skeleton to MPC-D 107/15. This
suggests that the humerus was roughly half the length of the femur.
The shaft width of the tibia, when compared with 23 other
oviraptorids and dromaeosaurids (selected because they are not
arctometatarsalian; b=1.55, k=0.64, r2 =0.87), produces an
estimated length of 317 mm for the tibia. This makes sense
because it suggests that the tibia in the folded legs of MPC-D 107/
15 (Fig. 4B) is about 5–10% longer than the femur as in other
MPC-D 107/15 shows no evidence of post-mortem transpor-
tation. It is preserved in a facies hypothesized to have been
deposited in a single sandstorm or dune-shifting event. The body
had shifted slightly to the right of center, rather than being exactly
symmetrical across the midline of the skeleton; the right forearm
and part of the right foot are obscured in dorsal view (Figure 3).
This shift of the body suggests that the sediment deposited upon
the skeleton may have come toward the animal from its left side. A
similar assumption was made by Clark et al. [6] for another
nesting oviraptorid (Citipati osmolskae, MPC-D 100/979) from
Ukhaa Tolgod. Overall, MPC-D 107/15 shares several similarities
with the brooding Citipati (MPC-D 100/1004) of Erickson et al.
[8]. The neck curves toward the left and downward, and the skull
is facing the outside of the nest in a position lower than much of its
body (Fig. 3A,B). The humeri are oriented down and back, the
radius and ulna of the left side are oriented forward and down (the
right side is partially obscured by matrix), and the left hand is
folded backwards. The forelimbs do not extend laterally as much
as observed in other known nesting oviraptorid dinosaurs [4–6,8].
The legs are folded up into a crouching position. The feet are
upright and are medial to the position of preserved broken eggs.
The tail, ischia, and presumably a large portion of the nest have
been eroded away (Fig. 3C,D,E). In addition, the vertebral column
and the neck, parts of the pelvic bones, ribs, and the vast majority
of articular surfaces were scavenged before fossilization by
saprophagus insects and/or other small scavengers such as small
theropods or mammals. However, considering the overall
preservation of the skeleton, the absence of all cervical, dorsal
and sacral vertebrae is puzzling.
Specimen MPC-D 107/15 is a terrific source of information on
taphonomic processes in the semi-arid environments of the
Baruungoyot Formation. In fact, a combination of different
factors resulted in the final preservation of the body: 1. lateral shift
of the body due to mono-oriented sediment accumulation; 2.
partial burial and subsequent deterioration (and possibly predation
by scavengers) of vertebral column, neck, and hips; 3. gradual
decomposition under xeric conditions; 4. intense scavenging by
insect colonies and; 5. final burial. In addition to minor
deformation caused by vertical compression during and after
burial, much of the damage observed in the skeleton and nest were
caused by intense activity of invertebrates. A number of studies
have dealt with insect traces on fossil bone and their implication in
constraining the reconstruction of the taphonomic history of a
specimen [42–48]. Such studies also document bone modification
during early stages of fossilization and indicate a common pattern
in areas where damage is more extensive, and in particular in the
cranial and dorsal vertebrae [49,50]. Traces of dermestid beetles
and possibly other saprophagus insect activity are documented by
bone borings, bone-chip-lined burrows, and reworked sediment in
specimen MPC-D 107/15 (Figure 4), some of which may have
been caused by the construction of pupal chambers. Nearly
circular borings passing completely through thin bones are
preserved in the left side of the skull and range between 3 and
6 mm in diameter (Fig. 4D,E,F,G). Similar borings have been
previously reported from the Baruungoyot Formation and coeval
Djadokhta Formation [30,49] on Bagaceratops, Pinacosaurus, Proto-
ceratops, Velociraptor, and other ankylosaurid skeletons [6,51–54].
Feeding traces are also abundant in the joints of the skeleton and
nearly obliterate all articular surfaces (Fig. 4A,B,C). Bone-chip-
lined burrows have been found around the skeleton, and the
largest of these are approximately 35 mm in diameter and contain
fragments of bone up to 7 mm wide (Fig. 4G). Furthermore, a
large section of the nest revealed reworked sediment in the form of
a light colored, elongate tunnel under the neck and the skull:
interestingly, such larger traces are found only in the part of the
nest where neither eggs nor egg fragments have been recovered
(Fig. 4H). Similar to several specimens collected in the Gobi desert
of Mongolia and China [48,55], no pupal chambers or similar
structures have been observed. As pointed out by Hasiotis et al.
[44], dermestid beetle activity implies specific environmental
conditions. Present day dermestids, for instance, feed primarily on
dried muscle tissue and they do not eat moist materials;
furthermore, rapid burial prevents any activity [56]. The presence
of such intense damage to bones supports the hypothesis that the
carcass was partially buried with the upper part of the body
exposed and subject to rapid exsiccation and deterioration for long
enough to allow a dermestid colony to develop. If skeletons are
kept in dermestid colonies for long enough, depending on
environmental and seasonal conditions, articular surfaces and
thinner bones (such as skull, ribs, scapulae, etc.) are totally
destroyed by the beetles [44,57]. Recently, Saneyoshi et al. [49]
suggested that some of the largest borings found on a Protoceratops
skeleton collected from the aeolian beds of the Djadokhta
Formation at Tugrikin Shire can be referred to scavenging
activities of small mammals. Similarly, remains of small mammals
have been found in the Baruungoyot and Nemegt formations of
the Trans-Altai Gobi [35,58]. Thus, it is possible to consider small
mammals as responsible for bone damage observed in MPC-D
107/15, and in particular for the damage observed in the vertebral
Description and taphonomy of specimen MPC-D 107/16
MPC-D 107/16 is a partial skeleton of another oviraptorid from
the Baruungoyot Formation. Most of the skeleton had eroded
away before it was discovered, but half a dozen ribs, the anterior
edge of the right ilium, the distal ends of the left radius and ulna,
both hands, and most of both femora (Figs. 6, 7) were recovered.
The specimen can be identified as Nemegtomaia on the basis of its
hands, which have all the same ingeniine characteristics as MPC-
D 107/15. The diagnostic features of the hand that these two
specimens share include the relatively large first digit with a strong
ungual, and a third digit that is so small that the third metacarpal
is reduced to a splint. The specimen is significant in that it provides
information on the anatomy of Nemegtomaia that is not available
with either the holotype or MPC-D 107/15. It is also
approximately 35% smaller than either of the other two
The rib fragments all appear to be from the right side, and the
spacing suggests that they were buried during the Cretaceous as
part of a fully articulated skeleton. The positions of the
anteroventral edge of the right ilium, and the right femur also
suggest that this is true. However, in the same block of sandstone is
the articulated right hand, but it is far enough behind the right leg
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to suggest that either it has been separated from the specimen, or
that it represents a second individual of the same size. The
orientation of the forearm and hand suggests the latter may be
true. The articulated left hand was found in another block of
sandstone, and therefore does not help to establish whether there
are one or two individuals. Both hands are the same size, and are
from an individual that was the same approximate size as the hind
limbs. The most parsimonious interpretation would be that all
elements represent a single individual because dinosaur skeletons
recovered from the Baruungoyot Formation tend to be articulated
but are not normally associated with each other. However,
multiple oviraptorid skeletons have been found in single quarries
in nearby parts of Mongolia (including a pair of Ingenia collected at
Khermeen Tsav [MPC-D 102/02, MPC-D 102/03] by an earlier
‘‘Dinosaurs of the Gobi’’ expedition, and a pair of Khaan excavated
by the American Museum of Natural History at Ukaa Tolgod
[39]. For the purposes of this paper, we are assuming that MPC-D
107/16 represents a single, somewhat disarticulated individual.
The shafts and distal ends of the left ulna and radius are
preserved in articulation with the hand, which is folded
perpendicular to the forelimb (Fig. 6C). The ulna has a straight
shaft like those of Heyuannia and Ingenia but is distinctive from the
bowed shafts found in most oviraptorids. The diameter of the shaft
of the radius is 78% that of the ulna. Using the same formula that
was used to estimate the length of the radius of MPC-D 107/15,
we can estimate the length of the radius as 99 mm in MPC-D
The length of the hand (mc II+phalanges II-1, II-2, II-3) of
Nemegtomaia (MPC-D 107/16) is relatively short for an oviraptorid,
and is 36% the length of the femur, which is comparable with
Ingenia yanshini (40% in MPC-D 100/33). This suggests that the
hand overall is shorter than in Khaan mckennai (MPC-D 100/1002,
74%) and Citipati n.sp. (MPC-D 100/42, 97%).
MPC-D 107/16 shows that Nemegtomaia had at least three carpal
bones. The semilunate carpal of the right hand is still in position
capping the first and second metacarpals (Fig. 6B,C). Like
Figure 7. Skeletons of Nemegtomaia barsboldi specimens (known elements in grey). A, the holotype (MPC-D 100/2112); B, MPC-D 107/15
(the left side of the skull, left forelimb, pubis and toes are reversed and superimposed to the right side). C, MPC-D 107/16 (the left forelimb is reversed
and superimposed to the right side). In D, the preserved elements of MPC-D 107/15 and 16 are scaled to and superimposed on the holotype (the skull
depicted is that of the better preserved MPC-D 100/2112). Scale bar 20 cm. Illustration by Marco Auditore.
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Machairasaurus [11], the semilunate carpal protrudes between the
proximal ends of metacarpals I and II, and the distal articular facets
are angled away from each other. Three carpals are visible in the left
hand. One is presumably the semilunate carpal but it is partially
obscured by matrix. It has drifted a few millimeters away from the
metacarpus, and therefore was clearly not fused to it. The semilunate
carpal often fuses with the first two metacarpals in oviraptorids,
including specimens of Heyuannia [19] and Ingenia (MPC-D 100/30).
This is clearly an age related phenomenon, and fusion may have
occurred in larger specimens of Nemegtomaia. The second carpal is a
small, round bone positioned between the distal ends of the ulna and
radius. The identity of the third carpal is uncertain because it is
small, round and featureless, and has drifted out of position to lie on
the proximodorsal surface of the first metacarpal.
The metacarpus is well preserved in both hands. The first
metacarpal is slightly more than half the length (52%) of the
second metacarpal, which is comparable with Conchoraptor (58% in
MPC-D 100/38), Heyuannia [19], Ingenia (69% in MPC-D 100/30),
and Machairasaurus (63% in IVPP 15979). The percentage is less
than fifty in other oviraptorids. Even though it is shorter than the
other metacarpals, the shaft of metacarpal I is 50% thicker than
that of metacarpal II, and is four times thicker than the shaft of
metacarpal III. The same shaft thickness ratios are slightly less in
Ingenia (1.38 for McII and 2.93 for McIII in MPC-D 100/33) and
Heyuannia [19]. The proximal end of the first metacarpal is divided
into a large proximolaterally oriented facet for contact with the
semilunate carpal and a smaller proximomedially facing surface.
Metacarpal III is about 90% the length of McII. However, its
proximal end is more distal in position than that of McII;
consequently, the distal end of McIII almost reaches the distal end
of McII. The proximal end of metacarpal III is also separated from
the carpus in Heyuannia [19], Khaan [39], and Machairasaurus [11].
The shafts of metacarpals II and III are closely appressed as in
other oviraptorids. As in MPC-D 107/15, the shaft of the third
metacarpal is reduced to a splint.
The first digit is almost as long as the second digit, with the tip
of the first ungual reaching mid-length the second ungual, as it
does in the articulated hand of MPC-D 107/15. In comparison,
Citipati, Khaan and Machairasaurus each have a first ungual that
extends to the end of the penultimate phalanx of digit II, whereas
in Ingenia the tip of the first ungual reaches the same level as the tip
of the second one. The first phalanx of the first manual digit is
robust, and is about 40% thicker than the first phalanx of the
second digit. In Heyuannia and Ingenia, manual phalanx I-1 is
double the diameter of phalanx II-1. In the second digit of MPC-D
107/15, the combined lengths of phalanges II-1 and II-2 equal
29.5 mm, which is shorter than the length (34 mm) of the second
metacarpal (87%). This is also true for Ingenia (MPC-D 100/30,
78%; MPC-D 100/31, 76%; MPC-D 100/33, 77%) and Heyuannia
[figure 13.4 in 19], in which the sum of the lengths of these two
phalanges is about the same as the length of the associated second
metacarpal; in all other oviraptorosaurids, the sum is greater.
Phalanx II-2 is shorter than phalanx II-1, which is similar to the
situations in Heyuannia, Ingenia and Machairasaurus; in most of the
other oviraptorids, phalanx II-2 is longer than phalanx II-1. The
third digit of the right hand, except for the base of the first
phalanx, was destroyed by erosion. There are at least two small
phalanges on the third digit of the left hand, but the distal end of
the second one is incomplete. In the left hand of MPC-D 107/15,
and both hands of MPC-D 107/16, III-1 is less than two thirds the
length of II-1 and almost half its diameter.
Only the anteroventral corner of the preacetabular process of
the ilium is preserved, but it is similar to the shape of those parts of
the ilia of the holotypes of Nemegtomaia and Ingenia.
The femora are almost complete and as preserved are up to
21 cm long. Using the transverse shaft width and the same
regression that was used for MPC-D 107/15, the calculated length
of the femur is 222 mm.
Phylogenetic analysis
Phylogenetic analysis was performed by adapting the matrix of
Longrich et al. [11] and using the exhaustive search algorithm of
PAUP* 4.0b10 [59] (Figure 8) (Tables S1, S2, and S3). Velociraptor
was used as the outgroup for the Oviraptorosauria, Avimimus was
used as the outgroup for the Oviraptoridae, and taxa (Chirostenotes,
Gigantoraptor, Incisivosaurus and Nomingia) were excluded if fewer
than 50% of the 183 characters (Table S2) were coded. Heyuannia,
Machairasaurus and Oviraptor, also had fewer than 50% of the
characters coded, but were left in because they are part of the
ingroup being analyzed. The subset included twelve taxa (Avimimus
portentosus, Citipati osmolskae, Citipati n.sp. (MPC-D 100/42, also
referred to in other analyses as ‘‘Oviraptor philoceratops’’ or the
Zamyn Khondt [=Dzamyn Khond] oviraptorid), Conchoraptor
gracilis, Heyuannia huangi, Ingenia yanshini, Khaan mckennai, Machair-
asaurus leptonychus, Nemegtomaia barsboldi, Oviraptor philoceratops,
Rinchenia mongoliensis and Velociraptor mongoliensis). Three characters
are ordered, and the remaining ones are unordered. All characters
have equal weight. A total of 654,729,075 trees were evaluated to
produce two most parsimonious trees of length 210 (consistency
index of 0.867, a retention index of 0.731 and a rescaled
consistency index of 0.633). The only difference between the two
trees is that Oviraptor clustered in one tree with Rinchenia mongoliensis,
Citipati osmolskae and Citipati n.sp. in a monophyletic Oviraptorinae,
whereas in the other tree Oviraptor was the sister to all other
oviraptorids. The Ingeniinae includes (Khaan+(Conchoraptor+
Robustness was determined using bootstrap (1000 replicates)
and decay indices (Fig. 8). All ingroup nodes have decay values
greater than 1, and are still present in the strict consensus of all
trees either one or two steps beyond the Most Parsimonious Tree.
With the exception of Oviraptor, all bootstrap values within the
Oviraptoridae have high bootstrap values (greater than 75%).
In all runs of the phylogenetic analysis, Nemegtomaia is shown to
be one of the most derived ingeniine oviraptorids, and is most
closely related to Ingenia and Heyuannia. The original analysis by Lu
et al. [14] recovered Nemegtomaia as an oviraptorine oviraptorid
closely related to Citipati osmolskae, thereby demonstrating that the
additional anatomical information from the new specimens
significantly improves our understanding of oviraptorid systemat-
ics (Figure 8).
Some of the characters in the Longrich et al. [11] matrix rely
on ratios of bones that are incomplete in MPC-D 107/15, and to
code the characters, missing dimensions were calculated from
the parts of the bones that are preserved. Five of these characters
(130, 134, 136, 138, 139) were coded, and may have unduly
influenced the results. Because this is a potential source of error,
the five characters were rescored as unknown for Nemegtomaia,
and the analysis was rerun. This time the phylogenetic analysis
was performed using the heuristic search algorithm of PAUP*
4.0b10 [59] using 1000 replicates, and once again the analysis
produced two most parsimonious trees with tree lengths of 210.
The consensus tree topology is identical to that of the previous
analysis, the CI remained the same at 0.867, and the RI is
slightly less at 0.728. With the exception of Oviraptor, all
bootstrap values (1000 replicates) within the Oviraptoridae still
have high bootstrap values, although each dropped in value by 2
to 4%.
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The Nest
The collected portion of the nest is approximately 90 cm wide
and 100 cm long (Figs. 3, 9A). If we consider as paleo-ground level
the virtual plane where feet and head lie, the skeleton occupies the
upper 25 cm, whereas the remaining 20 centimeters of the block
are entirely occupied by broken eggs and eggshells. Within the nest
there is no obvious variation in sedimentary structures nor changes
in micro- and macroscopic details. There is also no evidence of
plant material, whereas several undetermined bone fragments
were recovered within the sediment in the nest and immediately
above the skeleton. Similar to several nests collected from the Gobi
desert of China and Mongolia [4–8,60,61], specimen MPC-D
107/15 does not preserve a single complete egg, nor have any
embryonic skeletal elements been recovered [20,21]. Such poor
preservation prevents one from estimating the size and shape of a
single egg; determining the number of eggs laid, and observing
specific orientations or patterns in the arrangement of the eggs
within the nest. Overall thickness of the block, and field
observations of the specimen suggest that two layers of eggs were
originally preserved below the body. Most of the center of the nest
is not exposed; nevertheless, there is no evidence of eggs in the
center at the same level as the exposed eggs. The plaster and
burlap jacket protecting the specimen precludes direct observation
of parts of the nest that were observable in the field. A total of
seven distinct eggs were identified in the lower layer where damage
by dermestid activity is assumed to be minor (Fig. 9E, F, G). Large
fragments of eggs were recovered under the skull, left side of the
neck, left humerus, left femur, and both feet: in all cases, the bones
rest directly on or within 5 mm from the surfaces of the eggs
(Figure 9). The direct apposition of the skeleton on the nest in
MPC-D 107/15 shows that the nest was not completely covered
by sand. It is important to note that the majority of egg fragments
are located in three distinct sections of the nest—beside the left
and right legs, and in front of the shoulder girdle and neck. In the
majority of known oviraptorid nests, eggs are arranged in pairs at
different levels in up to three concentric circles [60,62]. This is not
the case of MPC-D 107/15, where the positions of the eggs do not
suggest a specific arrangement. Eggs were likely displaced during
early stages of burial by external factors (such as strong winds,
sediment transport associated with sandstorm events or small
predators). This supports the conclusion that the upper layer of
eggs was not buried (or was only partially buried) because it is
unlikely that endogenous factors were able to interfere with fully
buried eggs. Previous studies [4,9,23] proposed the hypothesis that
several individuals gathered eggs into a single nest and arranged
them so they could be protected by one individual, possibly a male.
Although it is possible that Nemegtomaia laid eggs with no particular
arrangement within the nest, this seems unlikely given the large
numbers of oviraptorid nests that have been found in Cretaceous
deposits of China and Mongolia. Specimen MPC-D 107/15 is a
Nemegtomaia individual associated with a nest of eggs and therefore
Nemegtomaia represents the fourth known genus of oviraptorids
(Citipati, 8; cf. Machairasaurus, 5; Oviraptor, 1; Nemegtomaia, this
paper), the first within the Ingeniinae clade, found on nests.
Figure 8. Phylogeny of Oviraptoridae. Phylogenetic analysis of Oviraptoridae was performed by adapting the matrix of Longrich et al. (3) and
using the exhaustive search algorithm of PAUP* 4.0b10. Numbers next to clades indicate bootstrap support value/decay value.
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None of the eggs is preserved in its entirety, and therefore all of
the dimensions of an egg cannot be measured accurately (Fig. 9A).
Available data on oviraptorid eggs in the literature [5–
7,20,21,60,63,64] indicate an average length of 17 cm
(min = 11.5 cm, max = 25 cm), and a width of 7 cm (min = 5 cm,
max=8.5 cm). By comparison, the most complete eggs found in
specimen MPC-D 107/15 are estimate to be 5 to 6 cm wide and
14 to 16 cm long. Preserved eggshells are macroscopically nearly
identical to those described by Norell et al. [20,21] and can be
referred to the elongatoolithid oofamily [60,65,66], originally
considered to be the ornithoid basic type (Figure 10). Eggshells are
relatively thin, ranging between 1 and 1.2 mm. The outer surfaces
of the eggs are ornamented with linearituberculate ridges and
nodes that rise approximately 0.3 mm above the shell (Fig. 10F).
Such longitudinal ornamentations do not show any specific trend
Figure 9. The nest of Nemegtomaia barsboldi, MPC-D 107/15. A, disposition of preserved eggs within the nest. Eggshells have been recovered
under the skull (B), left pes (C) and leg (D), suggesting the direct apposition of the oviraptorid on top of the eggs. During the early excavation of the
nest, it was possible to document a lower layer of eggs lying approximately 10 cm below the body (E–G).
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or variation from the equatorial to apical region. Eggshell
microstructure from a total of eight fragments collected from the
nest were studied in tangential and radial thin sections, using
optical and polarizing light microscopy, and scanning electron
microscopy. Unfortunately, all analyzed fragments were heavily
altered and re-crystallized calcite, and all histostructures, including
pore canals, were obliterated. Furthermore, no pores were
observed on the external surfaces of the eggshells.
The Nemegt locality provides excellent exposures of the
transitional interval between the Baruungoyot and Nemegt
formations, and in particular the gradual southeastward prograda-
tion of the Nemegt Formation depositional system (characterized
by channel-fill and sheet-flood deposits) on top of the Baruungoyot
Formation (dominated by semi-arid or arid environments with
recurrent aeolian beds) [33]. This interval is also the most fossil-
rich vertebrate stratigraphic section in the area, hosting most of
the vertebrates observed in the Nemegt beds [33]. This
assumption draws attention to the palaeobiology of faunal
assemblages recovered from this interval. In particular, oviraptor-
ids of Mongolia and China have been collected primarily from
deposits representing semi-arid or xeric environments [1,4–7,10–
12,20,39,67–70]. The sole exception was represented by the type
specimen of Nemegtomaia, which was collected from the fluvially-
dominated Nemegt Formation. Insufficient data are available at
present for the type specimen of Heyuannia huangi [68,71],
recovered from the? Maastrichtian Zhutian Formation in southern
China. However, this study suggests that Nemegtomaia is found in
the typical upper Baruungoyot Formation facies, in the Baruun-
goyot-Nemegt interfingering interval, and also in the Nemegt
Formation. Therefore, this study provides additional evidence that
both environments co-existed laterally, and that the generally
distinctive faunas from the two units do overlap as in the case of
Avimimus, Ingenia, Nemegtomaia, and Tarchia [30,33,36,72,73]. The
occurrence of a Nemegtomaia nest in this stratigraphic interval may
indicate that oviraptorid nesting grounds were chosen near
permanent or seasonal streams that provided soft and sandy
substrate as well as a source of food within an otherwise xeric
environment. The large number of adult oviraptorids found in
brooding positions may indicate that they brooded their clutches
for relatively long periods of time. This is similar to some present
day birds from arid regions of Africa and Australia (such as the
ostrich [Struthio camelus], the emu [Dromaius novahollandiae], and the
black-breasted buzzard [Hamirostra melanosternon]), which incubate
Figure 10. Eggs of Nemegtomaia barsboldi. Details of eggs preserved in the upper layer of eggs in specimen MPC-D 107/15. Scale bar A–E 5 cm.
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their brood for more than 40 days with limited food and water
supplies. In desert environments, thermal stress may be most
critical during reproduction, as the adult is restricted to the nest for
large portions of the day. Furthermore, eggs and nestlings are
particularly susceptible to thermal damage. Mechanisms allowing
successful incubation in extreme heat, such as a specific choice of
the nesting area, must have existed in the Late Cretaceous Gobi.
One suggestion for the appearance and evolution of rectrices in
oviraptorosaurs is as an adaptation to shade and protect eggs in
the nest [74,75].
The new specimens demonstrate that Nemegtomaia is similar to
derived ingeniine oviraptorids like Heyuannia, Ingenia and Machair-
asaurus in having a robust, relatively short manus with a robust
metacarpal I that had a powerful ungual. There are relatively few
oviraptorid specimens (eight) that have both femora and hands
preserved. Nevertheless, regression analysis of a suite of theropods
shows that the lengths of the second metacarpals in Citipati and
Khaan are close to what would be expected in a velociraptorine
dromaeosaurid, whereas the lengths of the metacarpi are reduced
in Ingenia and Nemegtomaia. The relative lengths of different
elements of the hand of ingeniines should be thought of in terms
of the relative shortening of the second digit rather than the
lengthening of the third metacarpal. During theropod evolution,
the first metacarpal becomes relatively shorter in relation to the
length of the second metacarpal. An ingeniine seems to have a
relatively long first metacarpal compared with the second
metacarpal, but this is not a reversal in the theropod trend
because it is accomplished in a different manner (through the
shortening of the second metacarpal rather than by increasing the
length of the first metacarpal). Nevertheless, there are changes in
the ingeniine metacarpal I in that it becomes relatively thicker to
support a more robust finger, and it expands to cover the
posteroventral surface of the second metacarpal at the proximal
end. This presumably immobilizes the metacarpus, and in the
holotype of Ingenia (MPC-D 100/30), this is taken a step further
through coossification of the semilunate carpal with the three
metacarpals. The phalanges in digit II also become relatively
shorter in comparison with the second metacarpal so that the
finger overall is also shortened. This presumably is associated with
a change in function, and may have something to do with the
presence of long remiges behind the forelimb that also attach to
the second manual digit. A similar trend of digital reduction
(especially in the ungual) can be found in Confuciusornis [76]. As the
second digit assumed the function of feather support, it reduced its
capability for using it as a grasping appendage. This function
seems to have been largely taken over by the first digit, which is
probably why it became more robust in the Ingeniinae. The size
reduction of the third finger is a logical consequence of the
feathered hand because it would be positioned above and behind
the feathers where it could not be used effectively for grasping.
Nemegtomaia barsboldi is the only member of the subfamily
Ingeniinae that is known to have a crest. Crestless skulls of other
ingeniines (Conchoraptor, Heyuannia and Khaan) are smaller than
either of the two skulls of Nemegtomaia, which makes it possible that
crest development is controlled by ontogeny or by absolute size.
The crests tend to be highly pneumatic, and the presence of
pneumatic nasals and frontals in at least Conchoraptor suggests that
they had the potential for inflating these bones into crests in larger,
more mature individuals. This taxon is known from the
Baruungoyot Formation, from which at least two specimens of
Nemegtomaia have been recovered. However, many skulls and
skeletons of Conchoraptor have been collected in recent years and
they are all of the same uniform small size. Their numbers, and the
fact that at least one of the Ingenia specimens (MPC-D 100/30) has
a coossified carpometacarpus, suggest that these animals probably
never became as large as Nemegtomaia.
Ingeniinae are characterized by having seven or eight vertebrae
incorporated into the synsacrum, whereas other oviraptorids have
only six vertebrae incorporated into the sacrum. Irrespective of
size, ingeniines have longer deltopectoral crests, more bowed ulnar
shafts, and shorter hands with more powerful first manual digits.
Nemegtomaia is the fourth genus of an oviraptorid dinosaur that has
been found on top of a nest, but is the first within the Ingeniinae
clade. Although the name means ‘‘good mother of Nemegt’’, it
received that name before there was any association between adults
and eggs. Although the phylogenetic analysis of Lu et al. [19] found
that Nemegtomaia was most closely related to the oviraptorine Citipati,
the recovery of additional specimens clearly shows it to be an
ingeniine oviraptorid. The hands of Ingeniinae genera are shorter
than those of oviraptorines, but have more robust first digits. The
more powerful claw on the first manual digit, the reduction in the
length of the second manual digit, and reduction in size of the third
finger are probably characters correlated with the presence of
rectrices on the forelimb of these oviraptorids that were possibly
used to protect the eggs in nests. Oviraptorid dinosaurs were one of
the most common types of animals in arid environments during
Late Cretaceous times of central Asia; nesting areas may have been
selected with respect to nearby channel systems.
Supporting Information
Table S1 Characters modified from, or added to, the
character list of Longrich et al. [11]. Additional data on for
caenagnathids as in [77] and for Heyuannia as in [78].
Table S2 Character description. Characters for phyloge-
netic analysis of the relationships among oviraptorosauria
(modified after Longrich et al. [11]).
Table S3 Character-taxon matrix.
Table S4 Selected measurements of oviraptorids. Se-
lected measurements of oviraptorids used for calculating the
lengths of missing elements in MPC-D 107/15 and MPC-D 107/
16. Measures in millimeters (PJC). Abbreviations: SL, skull length
(preferably from the edge of paraoccipital process to the tip of the
premaxilla, but in most cases taken from the quadrate to the
premaxilla); Pm1, premaxilla height (below naris); Pm2,
premaxilla height; Ao sl, antorbital skull length; o l, orbital
length; d, dentary length; d 2, dentary maximum height; j l, jaw
length; sc l, scapula blade length; sc sw, scapula shaft width; h l,
humerus length; h sw, humerus shaft width; r l, radius length; r
sw, radius shaft width; u l, ulna length; u sw, ulna shaft width;
mc I, metacarpal 1; mc II, metacarpal 2; mc III, metacarpal 3;
I-1, first digit, first phalanx; I-2, first digit, second phalanx; II-1,
second digit, first phalanx; II-2, second digit, second phalanx; II-
3, second digit, third phalanx; III-1, third digit, first phalanx; il l,
ilium length; f l, femur length; f sw, femur shaft width; f c, femur
shaft circumference; t l, tibia length; t sw, tibia shaft width; III-3,
digit three, third phalanx; IV-2, digit four, second phalanx; IV-3,
digit four, third phalanx; IV-4, digit four, fourth phalanx; IV-5,
digit four, fifth phalanx. Additional data on oviraptorid specimens:
Gigantoraptor erlianensis [79]; Hagryphus giganteus [80]; Heyuannia huangi
[81]; Oviraptor philoceratops [1]; Oviraptor incertae sedis [82].
New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from Mongolia
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MPC-D 107/15 was found on August 22, 2007 by Federico Fanti, and
excavated by the authors of this paper and a team from ‘‘Dinosaurs of the
Gobi’’ under what were at times difficult circumstances. The specimen was
prepared by Clive Coy (currently at the University of Alberta, Edmonton).
MPC-D 107/16 was found and collected on the following day (August 23)
by Nick Longrich. Specimens described in this paper were illustrated by
Marco Auditore, who also provided enlightening discussions on oviraptorid
anatomy. All necessary permits were obtained for the described field
studies from the Mongolian Government by the Paleontological Center of
the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, where the specimens are housed. No
additional specific permissions were required for locations or activities
related to this study. In particular, the location described is neither
privately-owned nor protected. This study did not involve endangered or
protected species.
Author Contributions
Analyzed the data: FF PJC DB. Wrote the paper: FF PJC DB.
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New Specimens of Nemegtomaia from Mongolia
PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org
February 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 2 | e31330