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arXiv:1907.09190v1 [cs.CL] 22 Jul 2019
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ELI5: Long Form Question Answering
Angela Fan1,2 Yacine Jernite∗1 Ethan Perez∗3
David Grangier4 Jason Weston1 Michael Auli1
1Facebook AI Research 2LORIA 3NYU ‡ 4Google AI ‡
perez@nyu.edu, grangier@google.com
We introduce the first large-scale corpus for
long-form question answering, a task requir-
ing elaborate and in-depth answers to open-
ended questions. The dataset comprises 270K
threads from the Reddit forum “Explain Like
I’m Five” (ELI5) where an online community
provides answers to questions which are com-
prehensible by five year olds. Compared to ex-
isting datasets, ELI5 comprises diverse ques-
tions requiring multi-sentence answers. We
provide a large set of web documents to help
answer the question. Automatic and human
evaluations show that an abstractive model
trained with a multi-task objective outper-
forms conventional Seq2Seq, language mod-
eling, as well as a strong extractive baseline.
However, our best model is still far from hu-
man performance since raters prefer gold re-
sponses in over 86% of cases, leaving ample
opportunity for future improvement.1
1 Introduction
Existing question answering datasets have enabled
significant progress in models that provide ex-
tractive or unambigious short answers. However,
less attention has been paid to open-ended ques-
tions that require explanations. In this work, we
present ELI5: a Long Form Question Answer-
ing dataset that emphasizes the dual challenges of
isolating relevant information within long source
documents and generating paragraph-length ex-
planations in response to complex, diverse ques-
tions (see illustrations in Figures 1 and 2).
The first challenge of ELI5 is the length and di-
versity of answers that span multiple sentences:
* Equal contribution
‡ Work done while at Facebook AI Research
1Dataset, Pretrained Models, and Additional Informa-
tion is available:
Question: How do Jellyfish function without brains or ner-
vous systems? [...] (60 words)
Answer: Jellyfish may not have a brain, but they have a rough
nervous system and innate behaviours. However, they are
very simple creatures. They’re invertebrate: creatures with-
out a backbone. Most jellyfish have really short life spans.
Sometimes just a couple of hours. [...] As their name im-
plies, they are largely composed of basically jelly inside a
thin membrane. They’re over 95% water. (327 words)
Documents: [...] Jellyfish do not have brains, and most
barely have nervous systems. They have primitive nerve cells
that help them orient themselves in the water and sense light
and touch. [...] While they dont possess brains, the animals
still have neurons that send all sorts of signals throughout
their body. [...] They may accomplish this through the as-
sistance of their nerve rings. Jellyfish don’t have brains, and
that’s just where things begin. They don’t have many of the
body parts that are typical in other animals. [...] (1070 words)
Figure 1: ELI5 example. Models must write multi-sentence
answers given questions and supporting web documents.
questions are complex and cannot be easily ad-
dressed by a short response (Nguyen et al., 2016)
or by extracting a word or phrase from an evidence
document (Rajpurkar et al., 2016). Answers also
represent one of several valid ways of addressing
the query. Many state-of-the-art question answer-
ing models perform well compared to human per-
formance for extractive answer selection (Radford
et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018). However, their
success does not directly carry over to our setting.
The second challenge is the length and diversity
of the content from knowledge sources required
to answer our questions. We leverage evidence
queried from the web for each question. In con-
trast to previous datasets where the human written
answer could be found with lexical overlap meth-
ods (Weissenborn et al., 2017), ELI5 poses a sig-
nificant challenge in siphoning out important in-
formation, as no single sentence or phrase contains
the full answer. While there are some datasets
that do require multi-sentence supporting knowl-
arXiv:1907.09190v1 [cs.CL] 22 Jul 2019

Page 2
Figure 2: ELI5 questions by starting word, where box size represents frequency. Questions are open ended and diverse.
edge such as TriviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017), their
answers are still short.
We benchmark the performance of several ex-
tractive, retrieval, and generative models. Evalua-
tion of our task, and of multi-sentence text genera-
tion in general, is challenging. We draw upon sev-
eral evaluation metrics that quantify performance
on intermediary fill-in tasks that lead up to the full
answer generation. The overall answer generation
quality is measured with ROUGE (Lin, 2004) and
various human evaluation studies.
We develop a strong abstractive baseline by
training a Seq2Seq model on multiple tasks over
the same data: language modeling, masked word
prediction (Devlin et al., 2018) and answer genera-
tion. We show this approach outperforms conven-
tional Seq2Seq and language modeling, as well as
a strong extractive baseline based on BidAF (Seo
et al., 2017) but generalized to multi-sentence out-
put. However, our best-performing model is still
far from the quality of human written answers,
with raters preferring the gold answers 86% of the
time. Further, we show that model performance
is strongly limited by the ability to comprehend
long multi-document input and generate long out-
puts to form a comprehensive answer, leaving this
challenge for future research.
2 Related Work
Various QA datasets have been proposed in
roughly two categories: extractive answers and
short abstractive answers (see Table 1).
QA Extractive
swering datasets such as TREC (Voorhees,
2003), SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016, 2018),
NewsQA (Trischler et al., 2017), SearchQA (Dunn
et al., 2017), and QuAC (Choi et al., 2018) con-
strain the answer to a word or short phrase from
the input and evaluate using exact match or F1
with the ground truth span. HotpotQA (Yang
et al., 2018) extends this approach by building
questions which challenge models to conduct
multi-hop reasoning across multiple paragraphs,
but the answer is still a short span. Further,
the answer must be straightforward, as it needs
to be copied from the supporting evidence —
precluding most “how” or “why” type questions.
Abstractive QA Abstractive datasets include
NarrativeQA (Kocisky et al., 2018), a dataset of
movie and book summaries and CoQA (Reddy
et al., 2018), a multi-domain dialogue dataset.
Both collect responses with crowdworkers and
find that written answers are mostly extractive
and short. MS MARCO (Nguyen et al., 2016),
a dataset of crowdsourced responses to Bing
queries, has written answers around 1 sentence
long with short input passages. TriviaQA (Joshi
et al., 2017) contains longer multi-document web
input, collected using Bing and Wikipedia. As the
dataset is built from trivia, most questions can be
answered with a short extractive span.
Multi-document summarization The ELI5
task of writing a paragraph length response
from multiple supporting documents can be
seen as a form of query-based multi-document
summarization (Tombros and Sanderson, 1998).
Summarization tasks such as DUC 20042 involve
long input and multi-sentence generation, but
contain much less training data compared to
ELI5. WikiSum (Liu et al., 2018) proposes
writing Wikipedia articles as a multi-document
summarization task. ELI5 requires more directed

Page 3
Average # of Words
1st Question Word Frequency (%)
Document(s) Answer Why How What When Where Who Which OTHER # Q-A Pairs
857.6 (212K)
MS MARCO v2 (Nguyen et al., 2016)
TriviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017)
NarrativeQA (Kocisky et al., 2018)
CoQA (Reddy et al., 2018)
SQuAD (2.0) (Rajpurkar et al., 2018)
HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018)
Table 1: Comparing large-scale QA datasets. ELI5 has answers an order of magnitude longer and more open-ended questions.
text generation to answer a question, rather than
to write about a general topic. In addition, ELI5
contains a diverse set of questions which can
involve more than one Wikipedia concept.
3 Making a Long Form QA Dataset
3.1 Creating the Dataset from ELI5
There are several websites which provide forums
to ask open-ended questions such as Yahoo An-
swers, Quora, as well as numerous Reddit forums,
or subreddits. We focus on the subreddit Explain
Like I’m Five (ELI5) where users are encouraged
to provide answers which are comprehensible by a
five year old.3 ELI5 is appealing because answers
are supposed to be entirely self contained, and thus
rely less on pre-existing knowledge of the world
and use simpler language that is easier to model.
Questions and answers. We select a set of ques-
tions and answers from the ELI5 forum up to July
2018 and then filter it based on how users rated
these pairs. First, we only retain questions which
have a score of at least two, that is two more ‘up-
votes’ than ‘down-votes’. Second, there must be at
least one answer with a score of at least two. This
yields a final number of 272K questions, and en-
sures that at least one person other than the author
has read the thread and deemed it appropriate. For
each thread, we select the answer with the high-
est voting score as the reference. Note that 63%
have one or more other valid answers by our up-
vote criteria, potentially doubling the size of the
available training data.
Preparing supporting information. Next, we
collect web sources for every question to pro-
vide relevant information that a system can draw
upon when generating an answer. Wikipedia has
been found effective for factoid-oriented questions
(Joshi et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2017). However,
early experiments in our setting showed it to be in-
sufficient to cover the wide range of topics present
in ELI5 and to address the open-ended nature of
the questions. Instead, we use web data pro-
vided by Common Crawl.4 Specifically, we con-
sider each of the individual pages in the July 2018
archive (roughly one per URL) as a single docu-
ment. The data is tokenized with Spacy5 and we
select English documents with FastText language
identification (Bojanowski et al., 2017). Finally,
we index the data with Apache Lucene.6
Creating support documents. We query the in-
dex for the 272K questions and gather the 100
most relevant web sources for each question, ex-
cluding Reddit. Each web source is the extracted
text of one page in Common Crawl. This leads to
supporting text for each question of a few hundred
thousand words. There is a good chance that the
supporting text contains the necessary information
to answer the question, but the sheer amount of
data is far beyond the scope of what many mod-
ern models can handle. We therefore filter the 100
web sources by selecting specific passages using
a simple heuristic: we split each web source into
sentences, find sentences with the highest TFIDF
similarity with respect to the question, add some
local context for each of these, and concatenate
the result into a single support document, with
special tokens indicating non-contiguous passages
and document shifts. Each support document is
the result of this processing to concatenate rele-
vant information from the web sources.
We find that extracting 15 passages with a con-
text of one sentence before and after the initial se-
lection provides the best trade-off between support
document length and likelihood of containing rel-
evant information, where relevance is measured as
the likelihood of containing a sentence which has

Page 4
% Correct Human Answers
% Correct Human Answers with Explanation
% Support Document contains Full Answer
% Support Document contains Relevant Info
Table 2: Annotated subset of ELI5 to assess answerability.
high ROUGE with the answer. We release all 100
Common Crawl IDs for each question and a script
to create the support document so future research
can use the support document or choose to further
investigate the information retrieval problem.
Finalizing the data set. If the training data con-
tains questions that are too similar to the valida-
tion and test data, a model may perform well on
these examples by memorizing related examples.
We prevent this by building the validation and test
set to contain questions that are sufficiently differ-
ent from the training data. We compute the TFIDF
similarity between each pair of questions in the
entire dataset and sample the validation and test
set from the subset which has no close neighbor
by TFIDF score. The final dataset contains 237K
train examples, 10K for valid, and 25K for test.
3.2 Dataset Analysis
Table 1 compares ELI5 to related datasets in terms
of the length of the question, support document,
answer, as well as statistics on the question types.
First, ELI5 questions are much longer than in
other datasets. This is because the initial question
is often followed by a clarifying paragraph detail-
ing what aspect of the general theme should be
addressed or the question’s starting assumptions,
which need to be considered to answer well. To
get a rough idea of the different questions, we cat-
egorize them based on interrogative words. ELI5
focuses on open-ended queries which are less rep-
resented in other extractive or abstractive datasets.
Figure 2 shows examples of ELI5 questions split
by type and Appendix Figure 11 displays random
examples from the ELI5 training set. Interestingly,
even What questions tend to require paragraph-
length explanations (What is the difference. . .).
Support documents contain 22-60 sentences or
on average 858 words, which puts ELI5 on the
higher end of published datasets for document
length. ELI5 contains long-form answers with an
average length of 6.6 sentences, or 130 words.
Next, we analyze a random subset of ELI5 to
assess the feasability of answering the questions
in the dataset. We judge if the question is answer-
able by reading each question, the gold answer,
and the support document we have created with
TF-IDF extraction. Note that questions can have
multiple parts and all parts of the question must
be answered. We sample 500 randomly question-
answer pairs from the training set and find that
94.5% of gold answers fully address the question
(Table 2) based on the information in the support
document. Figure 12 in Appendix F displays ex-
amples of human answers that do not correctly an-
swer the question. A small proportion of answers
are correct but do not explain the answer. On the
support document side, 65% of the support docu-
ments we construct provide the complete answer
to the question, and 92% of support documents
provide information relevant to the question.
4 Evaluation Methods
Evaluating long-form answers. There are sev-
eral aspects to quality: answers should be topi-
cal and accurate, fluent, and coherent from start to
end. We judge the accuracy aspect by comparing
to the gold answer. ROUGE (Lin, 2004) measures
similarity between a model output and one or sev-
eral references, and is often used in summariza-
tion. While our task presents different challenges,
such as the diversity of possible answers to a ques-
tion, we still find the corpus-level metric to be use-
ful to rank different related models (§6). We report
F1 for ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L.
Abstractive model metrics. For generative
models, perplexity (PPL) measures the ability to
predict the next word in a sequence given its con-
text. For a variant which focuses on semanti-
cally important words, we report FILL-1, the ac-
curacy at which models generate different Nouns,
Verbs, and Adjectives given the correct preceding
tokens in the first 2K examples of the test set. Fi-
nally, ROUGE-20% measures the model’s abil-
ity to complete an answer given the first 80% of
the reference answer, the question, and the sup-
port document. Specifically, we generate a num-
ber of tokens corresponding to 20% of the aver-
age answer length in the validation set, and mea-
sure ROUGE between these and the last 20% of
the reference. We mentioned that there are several
valid ways to answer most questions. This mea-
sure abstracts away this variability and evaluates a
system’s ability to complete an answer.

Page 5
Extractive: But none of these hypotheses make much sense for a jellyfish because they do nt have brains at all. They just have
a nerve net — a loose ring of neurons that runs around the rim of their pulsating bells. They have an unusual nervous system,
because jellyfish are not bilaterally symmetrical — that is, they dont have a left side and a right side. Jellyfish don’t have brains,
but their nervous systems detect smells, light and other stimuli, and they coordinate their physical responses.
Language Model: They don’t have brains. They have a nervous system. They do not have a brain. They are not conscious.
They can not move. They move. Their nervous system is not a muscle. They use their muscles to move. The nervous system
does not have any nerves. They just have a nerve. They also have a muscle that is very similar to a muscle in that it is very
much like a muscle, but instead of a muscle it is a muscle and it is like a nerve, but it is not muscle. The nerve is like the muscle,
it is just a muscle but it has a nerve and it has nerves. The nerves are like the muscles, but they have nerves.
Multi-task Seq2Seq: Jellyfish don’t have brains. Jellyfish have a nervous system. They know how to swim, they don’t even
know what to do with their bodies. They have a “nervous system”, which is basically a bunch of nerve cells that connect to the
body. The nervous system is made up of neurons, neurons, nerves, etc. Each neuron doesn’t have a specific set of “neurons”,
it just has a different set of nerves. It has a set of sensory neurons, which are all connected to each other. It just knows that it
does react to the stimulus, and it knows that the stimulus is there. They have a bunch of nervous systems that act like a filter to
get information back.
Figure 3: Example answers from the extractive BidAF model, Question + Document + Answer language model, and Multi-task
Seq2Seq model for the question “How do Jellyfish function without brains or nervous systems?” (cf. Figure 1).
Human evaluation. We use crowdworkers to
conduct three assessments. First, evaluators rate
the fluency of human and model generated answers
on a 5-point Likert Scale, from “very poorly writ-
ten” to “easily readable” (500 evaluations). Sec-
ond, evaluators are given question-answer pairs
and are asked if the answer is correct (500 eval-
uations) 7. We also evaluated a smaller subset
ourselves while additionally looking at the support
documents (100 evaluations) to assess answer ac-
curacy. Lastly, crowdworkers are given the ques-
tion and answers from two models and asked to
decide which answer they prefer while consider-
ing readability and accuracy (1000 evaluations).
Each crowdworker assessment is made by 3 dif-
ferent evaluators. The same questions are used for
all models and must be at least 5 words long.
5 Models
5.1 Extractive and Retrieval Models
Retrieval baseline and oracle. We report
ROUGE for a retrieval system that returns the
answer of the closest question in the training
set. Specifically, we perform a nearest neigh-
bor search (Johnson et al., 2017) over the aver-
age word embeddings of the question using FAST-
TEXT (Bojanowski et al., 2017). We also compute
an approximate oracle score for extractive systems
by using the reference answer to select similar sen-
tences from the support document to maximize
ROUGE. Computing ROUGE between the ref-
erence and all sets of sentences from the source
7We experimented with a variant where crowdworkers
were allowed to select a third I don’t know option, but found
it was used only around 8% of the time.
is intractable. Instead, we perform a beam search
that adds sentences maximizing TFIDF with re-
spect to the answer. The final beam is re-ranked
using ROUGE with respect to the reference an-
swer. We run this algorithm on our support doc-
ument and on the full set of web sources for each
validation and test question, selecting up to 10 sen-
tences with a beam of size 10.
Extractive models. The first baseline we ex-
plore simply returns the 7 sentences from the sup-
port document which have the highest TFIDF sim-
ilarity with the question. We also evaluate mod-
els which score sentences from the support doc-
ument based on the question and return the high-
est scoring sentences in their original order (the
number is tuned on the validation set to maximize
ROUGE). We train a model based on BidAF (Seo
et al., 2017). We create an extractive training set
by finding the span of up to 5 contiguous sentences
in the support document which have the highest
ROUGE with respect to the reference answer, and
sub-sample other support document sentences so
that the final training document is shorter than 400
words. We then train a BidAF model to predict the
extracted span in the sub-sampled support docu-
ment based on the question. For test, we compute
the span score for each individual sentence, and
return the 5 with the highest score as it performed
best compared to returning 3 or 7 sentences.
5.2 Abstractive Models
Language and Seq2Seq models. We train sev-
eral models based on the Transformer architec-
ture (Vaswani et al., 2017), both in its language
model and sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) con-

Page 6
Support Document
Nearest Neighbor
Extractive (TFIDF)
Extractive (BidAF)
Oracle support doc
Oracle web sources
Seq2Seq Q to A
Seq2Seq Q + D to A
Seq2Seq Multi-task
Table 3: Comparison of oracles, baselines, retrieval, extrac-
tive, and abstractive models on the full proposed answers.
FILL-1 acc.
31.0 29.6 20.6
26.5 7.0 21.1
30.9 28.9 19.9
26.3 7.8 21.3
21.7 23.0 15.5
33.6 11.5 29.5
27.6 26.3 19.4
32.7 10.7 28.6
27.9 26.7 19.9
37.2 14.6 33.0
Table 4: Intermediary fill-in tasks for sequential generation.
figurations. To investigate how much information
from the document the model uses, we train a lan-
guage model on the concatenation of Question,
Support Document, and Answer (Q + D + A) as
well as on the Question and Answer (Q + A). Sim-
ilarly, one Seq2Seq configuration goes from Q to
A, and the other from Q + D to A. In all cases, Q,
D, and A are separated by special tokens.
Multi-task training. Language models are
trained to predict all tokens in the question,
web source, and answer. However, the standard
Seq2Seq model only receives training signal from
predicting the answer which is much less than
the language model gets. This can contribute to
learning poor quality representations compared
to language models. To address this, we train
a multi-task Seq2Seq model: during training,
we multi-task between several generation tasks,
including language modeling of Q + D + A by the
decoder and variations of source/target pairs (see
Appendix A). We add a masked word prediction
task (Devlin et al., 2018) where 15% of tokens in
the input are masked and must be recovered by the
model in the correct order, and append a marker
at the start of each sequence to indicate the task.
Data processing. To reduce the vocabulary, we
apply byte-pair encoding (Sennrich et al., 2016)
to generate 40K codes which are applied to all
datasets. We model a vocabulary of 52,863 to-
kens for answer generation. We use the Trans-
former implementation of fairseq-py (Gehring
et al., 2017) and train with the big architecture fol-
lowing the details in (Vaswani et al., 2017). Given
our data length, we train with a large batch size by
delaying gradient updates until a sufficient number
of examples have been seen (Ott et al., 2018).
Generation. We generate from abstractive mod-
els using beam search with beam 5. We disal-
low repeated trigrams to prevent repetition, a tech-
nique commonly used in multi-sentence summa-
rization (Paulus et al., 2017; Fan et al., 2018). For
the full answer generation task, we tune a mini-
mum and maximum length for generation on the
valid set and apply these settings to the test set.
6 Results
6.1 Overview of Model Performance
Full answer ROUGE. Table 3 shows that the
nearest neighbor baseline performs similarly to
simply returning the support document which in-
dicates that memorizing answers from the train-
ing set is insufficient. For extractive models,
the oracle provides an approximate upper bound
of 27.4 ROUGE-1. The BidAF model is the
strongest (23.5), better than TFIDF between the
question and the support document to select sen-
tences. However, these approaches are limited by
the support document, as an oracle computed on
the full web sources achieves 54.8.
Abstractive methods achieve higher ROUGE,
likely because they can adapt to the domain shift
between the web sources and the ELI5 subreddit.
In general, Seq2Seq models perform better than
language models and the various Seq2Seq settings
do not show large ROUGE differences. Figure 3
shows an example of generation for the language
model and the best Seq2Seq and extractive settings
(see Appendix F for additional random examples).
Perplexity and fill-in tasks. Tables 3 and 4
present metrics specific to sequential generation
models: perplexity of the answer, accuracy of
the model’s FILL-1 word prediction for Nouns,
Verbs, and Adjectives, and ROUGE of the con-
ditional generation of the last 20% answer words.
The language model perplexity is much lower than
that of the standard Seq2Seq setting – this is likely
linked to the number of output tokens the system

Page 7
Figure 4: Human evaluation of answer fluency and accuracy — with and without access to supporting evidence documents
Figure 5: Human preferences for pairwise comparisons. The
better model’s % preference is bolded. * indicates statistical
is required to predict at training time. The multi-
task Seq2Seq experiment, in which the Seq2Seq
decoder is trained to predict the question and the
document, in addition to the answer, can reach the
same perplexity as the language model. ROUGE-
20% shows a much starker contrast between lan-
guage modeling and Seq2Seq, as well as between
standard Seq2Seq and multi-task training. The lat-
ter achieves strong performance of 37.2 ROUGE-
1. However, both versions of the language model
are still better at FILL-1. These results suggest
that the Seq2Seq model is better than the language
model in maintaining coherence and that Seq2Seq
relies on information over many time steps.
Human evaluation. Human answers are rated
highest in terms of fluency (Figure 4, left). The ex-
tractive model outputs human-written text which
is likely fluent but with the failure mode of con-
catenating unrelated sentences. The multi-task
model performs similarly to the extractive model
which indicates that abstractive methods can gen-
erate coherent answers. The language model and
standard Seq2Seq trail behind.
To get a sense of the stability of our results, we
analyzed the standard deviation of three indepen-
dent fluency trials conducted on separate days and
we find low variation (Appendix E, Figure 10).
We also measure agreement between crowdwork-
ers in selecting positive (scores 4 and 5), negative
(1 and 2), or neutral (3) choices on the 5-point
Likert scale, and find that 2 crowdworkers agree
almost 100% of the time (Appendix E, Figure 10).
In answer accuracy (Figure 4, middle), there is
a large gap between human performance and all
models. The language model is almost never accu-
rate, while the extractive model is slightly more so
than the multi-task model. Crowdworkers assess-
ing accuracy do not have the support document.
We evaluate accuracy ourselves with the support
document in Figure 4, right. Similar to crowd-
workers, we find 40% of extractive answers to be
accurate. We find only 19% of multi-task model
answers are fully accurate; even if the model out-
put answers the question, it can generate a sen-
tence with an incorrect statement. In contrast, the
extractive model copies sentences from human-
written text. However, the multi-task model is bet-
ter at generating relevant answers (84% relevancy
compared to 68% for extractive), as the extractive
model is constrained by the support document.
Figure 5 presents pairwise preference judg-
ments of human annotators shown answers from
two of the five systems. The reference answer is
preferred over the output of all of our trained mod-
els in at least 85.5% of cases, indicating there is
substantial room for improvement. The multi-task
abstractive setting comes next, closely followed by
the extractive (multi-task is only preferred in 57%
of comparisons), then the standard Seq2Seq and
finally the language model, considered worse than
any other setting in at least 91% of cases.
We use a two-tailed binomial test to test statis-
tical significance of the pairwise judgments and it
shows that all judgments are statistically signifi-
cant at p < 0.05.
6.2 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
Discussion of the proposed metrics. We
present a number of metrics which provide insight
into various model behaviors. We recommend

Page 8
Figure 6: Attention over the question and supporting evidence for the Multi-task Seq2Seq model and Question + Document +
Answer language model. Attention is shown for the first word of answer generation.
future work to report full ROUGE and ROUGE-
20%. Perplexity and FILL-1 focus on local
prediction and are poor indicators of overall
appropriateness for the full task. Full answer
ROUGE discriminates reasonably well between
models with the same general architecture, but
cannot rate an abstractive system against an
extractive one. The ROUGE-20% measure
abstracts away some variability and focuses on
coherence between the beginning and end of
an answer. This metric correlates with human
judgments of quality but can only be reported for
sequential generation.
Analysis of extractive, LM and Seq2Seq
models. Language models perform better than
Seq2Seq in terms of perplexity and FILL-1, while
being significantly worse at ROUGE-20% and
human evaluations. To investigate this, we visu-
alize the attention mechanism at the start of an-
swer generation in Figure 6. The attention of
the language model is strongly focused on nearby
context when generating the first word of the an-
swer, whereas the multi-task Seq2Seq model at-
tends more evenly to relevant information in the
question and the document. This validates our as-
sumption that the language model’s focus on local
context is insufficient for high quality answers.
In Figure 7 (left), we further investigate how the
relevance and quality of the support document ex-
traction step affects the answers provided by the
extractive and abstractive setting. The ROUGE
score is displayed for data subsets, partitioned by
percentile of word overlap of the answer with the
support document (e.g. how many answer words
appear). While both models perform better for
documents with higher ROUGE overlap between
support document and human answer, the abstrac-
tive setting is much better at compensating for
when the support document has lower relevance.
Data size and initial selection. There is a large
difference between the extractive oracle ROUGE
using our support document and the oracle on full
Figure 7: (left) Model score by document-answer similarity.
(right) Seq2Seq multi-task score by amount of training data.
Figure 8: (left) TFIDF rank of source passage for oracle sen-
tences. (right) Highest rank used per question.
web sources. This suggests that the initial selec-
tion of our support document severely limits ac-
cess to relevant information. To assess the impact
of support document size, we re-run the selection
step for 1000 examples to extract 500 passages in-
stead of 20, and run the oracle on these new inputs.
Figure 8 shows the TFIDF rank of the passages
from which sentences are selected. While slightly
more sentences are extracted from the higher rank-
ing passages, less than 9% come from the first 20,
and most oracles have at least one sentence from
the last 100. For a model to perform best, it would
have to handle inputs tens of thousands of words
long. In Table 3, we show an oracle computed
on the full web sources has much higher ROUGE
than an oracle computed on the support document.
We analyze the impact of data size on perfor-
mance in Figure 7. We train the multi-task model
on 25%, 50%, and 75%, and the all of the data
to compare performance. ROUGE increases as a
function of the data used and even though ELI5 is
one of the larger QA datasets (§3), this shows that
collecting more still helps. While we only used
one reference answer per question here, recall that
over half of them have multiple answers, which
could be leveraged to train better models.

Page 9
Combining challenges. Our task blends the
inter-dependent challenges of retrieving informa-
tion, reasoning, and writing long outputs. Study-
ing each of these aspects in context is particularly
important. For example, we show that the abstrac-
tive model’s ability to compensate for a (realisti-
cally) imperfect support document is essential to
its relative success over extractive methods. The
fluency gap between the reference and the extrac-
tive system in human evaluation also suggests that
the latter may require sequential decision capabil-
ities. This kind of decision making is necessary to
address the dual challenges of reasoning over sev-
eral supporting facts and generating long coherent
outputs. We see our task’s need to combine com-
plementary systems as critical to gaining insights
into their individual behaviors.
7 Conclusion
We introduce the first large-scale long form ques-
tion answering dataset of open-ended queries with
explanatory multi-sentence answers. We show
that abstractive models generate coherent answers
and are competitive with extractive models in hu-
man evaluation. Proposed models are far from
human performance, in part due to the inability
to exploit the long full web text. We hope ELI5
will inspire future work in all aspects of long-form
QA, from the information extraction problem of
obtaining information from long, multi-document
input to generating more coherent and accurate
paragraph-length answers.
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Page 11
A Details of Multitask Training
The seq2seq multi-task model was trained on a va-
riety of tasks at training time. Each task is spec-
ified by a special token to delineate to the model
which task it is. Tasks at training time include the
following, in the form of (source, target) pairs. “+”
represents a concatenation of inputs, separated by
a special token.
• (empty, question)
• (empty, document)
• (empty, answer)
• (empty, question + document)
• (empty, question + document + answer)
• (question, answer)
• (question, document)
• (question + document, answer)
• (question, document + answer)
• masked word prediction: 15% of source
words are replaced by a “[MASK]” token and
the corresponding tokens must be predicted
as the target in the correct order
B Architectural Details
B.1 Extractive BidAF
The BidAF model is trained using the Al-
lenNLP8 implementation, using the standard
hyper-parameters (specified in the bidaf.jsonnet
file9). We only change the batch size, since a
16GB GPU can only fit one example per batch,
and as a result the Adam learning rate has to be
changed to 5e − 5. We provide the code to se-
lect the target span and sub-sample the input in our
data, as well as to convert it to the SQUAD format
required by the AllenNLP system.
B.2 Abstractive Models
Models are trained with the Adam optimizer with
beta values (0.9,0.98), initial learning rate 1e−07
with 4000 warmup steps to learning rate 0.0001.
We follow the inverse square root learning rate
scheduler described in (Vaswani et al., 2017).
Models are trained with a label smoothing value
of 0.1.
Sequence to sequence models are trained with
following architecture from (Vaswani et al., 2017):
6 encoder layers, 6 decoder layers, FFN dimen-
sion 4096, 16 attention heads, embedding dimen-
sion 1024. Gradient updating is delayed until 32
updates have been processed. Models are regular-
ized with dropout 0.1 and attention dropout 0.1.
Language models are trained with same param-
eters described for seq2seq above, with 6 decoder
layers. We did not train with 12 decoder layers,
as we found the deeper Transformer model was
harder to optimize and we achieved worse results
compared to a 6-layer language model.
For generation, models generate a minimum of
200 words and a maximum of 500 words.
C Comparison of Extractive and
Abstractive Methods
Figure 13 displays an example of a generated an-
swer for an example where the source document
is of poor quality but the abstractive answer still
has strong ROUGE. In comparison, the extractive
answer is heavily affected by the poor document
quality and derails in topic.
D Test/Valid Similarity with Train
Figure 9 shows the performance of the Multi-task
Seq2Seq and LM on Question + Document + An-
swer by the similarity of the question in the valida-
tion set to a question in the training set. The sim-
ilarity is determined by TFIDF. There is very lit-
tle effect of answer generation on a question more
similar to a training question than less similar.
Figure 9: ROUGE of full answer generation is not strongly
affected by similarity of the questions in the validation set to
questions in the training set.
E Variance in Human Evaluation Studies
We analyze the variation of our human evaluation
study for answer generation fluency in Figure 10.
We conduct 3 different trials of the same 100 ran-
domly sampled question-answer pairs from the

Page 12
test set for the selected models. Each trial is con-
ducted on a different day. Our results show that
standard deviation across the trials is small and not
statistically significant.
Further, each answer is evaluated for fluency
by 3 different crowdworkers. Figure 10 analyzes
the agreement rate between crowdworkers that can
choose on a scale of five options. We term “agree-
ment” if all workers are positive, negative, or neu-
tral about the answer fluency. We show that all
three crowdworkers agree around 60% of the time
for most models and almost 80% of the time for
the language model. As the language model gen-
eration is significantly less fluent than the other
models, most crowdworkers are in agreement. The
agreement of at least two of the annotators is al-
most 100% for all of our evaluated systems.
F Examples
We display randomly sampled examples from the
training set in Figure 11 and examples of answers
that do not answer the question in Figure 12 (an
estimated 5% of the dataset).
To better understand the output of our models,
we display example generations randomly sam-
pled from the test set for the multi-task Seq2Seq
model (Figure 14) and the Extractive BidAF
model (Figure 15). We additionally show a set
of poor generations for the multi-task Seq2Seq
model (Figure 16) that display a representative set
of problems for this abstractive model.
Figure 10: Analysis of Human Fluency Study (a) We an-
alyze the variation between three iterations of the same ex-
periment, conducted on three different days. We evaluate the
fluency rating given to the human answers, LM answers, and
Multi-task model answers, and find low variation across mul-
tiple trials.
(b) We calculate the inter-annotator agreement between the
three evaluators that score the fluency of each of the models,
and find that the % of time all three annotators agree is high-
est for the language model. Agreement is calculated using
positive (Likert scale scores 4 and 5), neutral (3), and nega-
tive (scores 1 and 2).
(c) We calculate the inter-annotator agreement between at
least two evaluators for the fluency of each of the models,
and find that two annotators usually agree almost 100% of
the time.

Page 13
Why do Oreos soften when they get stale, but most other foods (like bread) harden? It has to do with how much moisture
is in the food compared to how much moisture is in the air. Oreo? Drier than air, they gain moisture and turn soft. Loaf of
bread? More moist than air, it loses moisture and dries up. Kitchen hack: put a slice of bread in with cookies to keep the
cookies fresher a little longer.
Why is it that cracks seemingly spread on their own? Because of how the mechanics of the crack work. The stress in a
material is related to the radius of corners, that is, rounded corners, like the bottom of the letter U, have less stress than sharp
corners, like a V. Sharp corners are actually referred to in mechanical engineering as “stress raisers”. And what’s sharper than
the edge of a crack? This means that even stress from thermal expansion of the material can be enough to cause the crack to
spread. This is especially true of glass, whose brittle composition is quite susceptible to catastrophic failures.
Discrete Math: reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, transitive A *binary relation* is a function of two variables that is
either true or false. I’m going to use Rxy to notate the relation R applied to x and y in that order. A relation is *reflexive* if
Rxx is true; that is, if both variables are the same the relation always holds. A relation is *symmetric* if Rxy = Ryx; that is,
switching the order of the arguments doesn’t change the value. A relation is *antisymmetric* if Rxy never equals Ryx for
distinct x and y; that is, switching the order of the arguments always changes the value (unless the arguments are the same, in
which case it obviously can’t). A relation is *transitive* if Rxz is true whenever Rxy and Ryz are. Equality is the simplest
example of this; if you have x = y and y = z, then you can conclude that x = z.
Why does bashing my crt tv make it work? There are several reasons why “percussive maintenance” can work. The most
likely is that there’s simply a poor electrical connection somewhere, and banging on it gets it into contact. Once the electric-
ity starts to flow, things heat up and expand a bit, maintaining the connection. Until you turn it off and everything cools off again.
Is it more efficient to leave the AC running on auto at 74F (in 85 degree whether) or turning it off when leaving the house,
and turning it back on when returning when the ambient temp in the apartment is 85? Turn it off, you will use less power.
Thermodynamics tells us that heat loss is proportional to temperature difference, so if you let your house warm up the heat from
outside enters more slowly. Essentially the product of time and temperature difference is your cooling energy. There is a minor
subtlety with maintenance and life cycle, your AC unit may not be designed for continuous duty, so long cool down cycles
could be hard on it. Not sure if that is the case in your unit, seems like a bad way to design anything but it could be. Edit: one
non-thermodynamic factor is humidity and mold, which will be different at a constant temperature vs a cycling temperature.
Figure 11: Examples of Question-Answer Pairs randomly sampled from the training set
The differences between Wii, PS, Xbox, etc., and which is considered the best system. I’m 40, out of the loop, and have
to buy one for Christmas. If he is 7 go for the Wii its /technically/ more kid friendly and has a more varied option of games
for that age range... I think
What is it when everything just looks really bright/your eyes white out for a moment, then goes back to normal? What
is it? Time to see a doctor.
Neurologically what happens someone becomes insane That is waaaaaaaay too broad a question to possibly answer since
“insane” covers a multitude of different conditions and disorders, all with their own causes and that’s even assuming that we
know the causes in the first place.
If my spaceship could withstand the pressures of Jupiter, what would a trip through the planet be like? Read the novel
“2010” by Arthur C. Clarke. There’s a chapter that explains this far better than I could.
If person A saves person B’s life through CPR but person B’s rib gets broken during chest compressions, why is person
B able to sue person A? Why doesn’t the judge through the case out of court? I know Good Samaritan laws play into this
somehow, but I can’t remember how. I think that if you have the proper licensing, then they can’t sue you. Or maybe it’s the
other way around. Sorry, this response has become useless
Figure 12: Examples of Answers in the training set that do not answer the question

Page 14
Question: Why do TV shows hide logos ?
Document: Why is that? Why do logos get blurred on television, or in film, or even in music videos? The answer, it
turns out, is complicated, but is mostly about money in various forms. A whole lot of dysfunction here. Quick Pick: HBO TV
Shows Pick the missing word in the title of these HBO shows. September is season premiere month so these logos should be
fresh in your mind. TV Shows Venn Diagram II Can you click on the most accurate section of the Venn Diagram for each of
the following TV Shows? [...]
ELI5 Answer: nothing is free. In most cases, it is a prop for the show, but because apple did NOT pay them for the
product placement, the show isn’t going to give it away. In other cases, apple may not want their brand used in association
with that media.
Extractive: The answer, it turns out, is complicated, but is mostly about money in various forms. There is only one reason
they do not trust it and that is fear of loosing their money. All the seals or say reassurance and credibility logos assure your user
that a website is safe, protected and personal information is safe. A Lot Of New Disney TV Shows Disney is finally looking
to break into the world of TV shows with this streaming service and that’s reportedly going to include ”episodic spinoffs” of
beloved franchises like High School Musical (that’s right, it’s coming back. . . ), Monsters Inc., and The Muppets.
Seq2Seq Multi-task: It’s because they’re paying for the right to use the show. If you’re a TV show, you’re paying to
have the show shown for free, and you’re not paying for a license to use that show for free. the reason they don’t have to pay
for the license is because the show doesn’t want to be associated with the show, and the show isn’t paying for it. It’s not the
show’s fault, it’s the company that makes the show pay for it, and it’s not their fault.
Figure 13: Example of document with low document-answer overlap where the abstractive system still achieves a high ROUGE
score. The extractive baseline correctly identifies where the question is reformulated in the source document and selects the
following sentence, but then goes on to confuse different types of logos and goes off topic entirely with the Disney analysis.

Page 15
Who controls what the president is allowed to do? But then who controls what they’re allowed to do? Etc .. The
president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He is the head of the executive branch. He controls the military, the
military and the military. The president controls the army, the navy, the air force, and the army. The President is the president.
He has the authority to do whatever he wants, but he doesn’t have the power to do all he wants. He doesn’t want to do anything
about it. He wants to do something about it, but it doesn’t really matter what the president is doing. He’s not the president,
he’s just a figurehead, and he’s the president of the United States. It’s not really a matter of who controls the government, it’s
the people who control the government. There are a lot of people who don’t like the President, but they don’t really like him.
There’s a lot more to it than that, but that’s the basic gist of it. The US government is controlled by the US government, but not
by the federal government. The federal government is the one that controls most of the US military, but there are a few that
don’t. They are the ones that control most of US military operations, and they are not the ones who control most.
What makes the stomach “growl”? The sound of your stomach growling is caused by the movement of air in your stomach.
The sound you hear when your stomach is empty is called peristalsis. This is the sound that your stomach makes when it is
empty. When you are hungry your stomach will make the sound of the growling sound, but it will not be as loud as the sound
you are making when you are not hungry. It is the same thing that makes your stomach growl when it’s empty. You are not
actually hungry, but you are actually contracting the muscles in your intestines to make the noise. The growling is the result of
the muscles contracting and contracting to make a loud noise. It’s the same reason why you feel the urge to eat when you’re
hungry. Your stomach is trying to empty itself, so it makes the noise as if you aren’t hungry. The same thing happens with your
stomach when you have a cold. The muscles in the stomach are contracting and making the noise, but they are not contracting.
They are contracting, but not contracting, so they aren’t contracting. The noise you feel when you feel it is the stomach making
is your stomach making the sound. Source : I am a gastroenterologist, and I have a lot of experience with gastroenterology.
How does a de-humidifier work? A humidifier works by heating the air in the room. When the air is warm, it cools down.
When it is cold, it warms up. This cools the air around it, which cools it down. This is why you can see a lot of cool things in
a room if you look at it from a distance. The air around the room is warmer than it is, so it rises. This causes it to rise, and
cool down. The same thing happens with a humidifier. The water in the air condenses out of the air, and condenses back into
liquid water. This water condenses back to liquid water, which is what you see when you blow on a hot air balloon. The cold
air cools down, and the warm air condenses back out of it, making the air colder. It’s the same thing as a humidifier, except that
it doesn’t have any water in it, it just has a bunch of tiny droplets in it that make up the air. It does have some water, but it has a
lot more in it than it does with a cold air balloon, so the air gets colder. The downside to a humidifier is that it isn’t as efficient
as a regular humidifier, and it is much more efficient than a regular one.
Could anyone explain the suffix nomenclature for diseases/conditions/ailments? Ex. -itis vs -osis vs -algia There are a
few different types of suffix. -ous suffix comes from the Latin “-ary”, which means “-ate”. The suffix “-er” comes from a Latin
root that means “something” or “something.” “-ous” is a suffix that is used to refer to things that are related to something that is
related to that thing. For example, “-es” means “a”. So “-e” is the suffix that comes from “-ide”, and “-o” is “-ic”. In this case,
the “-i” is from the Greek “-os”, so “-ia” is just the Latin root of “-ian”. It’s the same way that “-s” is also the suffix for “-ies”,
but it ’s not the same thing as “-y”. A lot of the words that are used in the English language don’t have the same suffix, so they
are used differently. In English, the word “-us” has a different suffix than “-u”. This means that the -ic suffix is more likely to
be used in English than the -ian suffix . In other words, it’s more likely that the suffix will be used more often than it is in English.
How do live visualization websites work? I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but I’ll give it a shot. First of all, you have to
understand what they mean by the term “ visualization”. Basically, they use a technique called “visualization.” Basically, you
take a picture of a room, look at it, and compare it to what it looks like to you. Then, you look at the room, and see what the
room looks like, and then compare that to what you see in the room. You can then use the visualization to figure out what it
actually looks like. For example, let’s say you ’re in a room with a camera, and you want to know what the camera looked like.
You know that the camera looks like the camera, but you don’t know what it looked like, so you use it to look at what it was like
to see what you were looking at. Then you use the technique to find out what the person was looking at, and figure out how to
use that to get a sense of what they were actually looking at at. The visualization is pretty simple, but it’s a lot more complicated
than that, so I’ll try to explain it in a bit more detail. First, you need to understand how the visualization works. The first thing
to understand is that it’s very easy to use. Let’s say that you’re looking at a room and you’re really interested in the camera.
You want to be able to see how far away the camera is from you, so that you can figure out the distance between the camera and
your camera. The second thing to remember is that the visualization isn’t very accurate. It’s just a way of looking at things that
aren’t directly related to each other. For instance, if you’re interested in learning how to read a book, you might be interested
in reading a book. You might also want to read the book in a way that is easy to understand, and it’s easy to get used to it.
Figure 14: Example Question-Generated Answer pairs from Seq2Seq multi-task model, randomly sampled from the test set

Page 16
Why doesn’t the color red compress well in JPEGs? PNG will take longer to load on a website, but its sometimes simply
worth it if it means the difference between a good or bad image. So with all this hate toward JPEGs, you might be asking
yourself why the format continues to even exist when so many better options are available. Also important to note, JPEGs do
more than compress the file, they also lose color and contrast range. These numbers and ratios are examples for the sake of
easy explanation, but lets say a picture has 100 colors and 100 contrast points. Straight out of the camera, JPEGs often look
much more vibrant than raw les, because the colors have been enhanced and sharpening applied in-camera. If you need to
archive a large number then you could try placing them in a zip file, but you probably won’t save more than 5%.
When reading weather reports and it says 50% chance of rain, what does that actually mean and how is it calculated?
I have always maintained this is a confusing concept and its the main reason that I will rarely if ever use a percent chance in
a forecast. When they say there is a 50% chance of rain, does that mean that there is a 50% chance it is not going to rain?
Then, why does it always rain when the chance of rain is 50%? So, maybe the 50% chance means that it will rain on only 50%
of the land while the other 50% rains on the water. This is important to keep in mind because when making claims about the
impact of global warming, you need to look at the big picture, not just the last 150 years. Well, there are two input variables
you have to keep in mind: first, the geographic location — where youre looking for a forecast, and second, the time window
youre looking at.
Why does my skin turn a paler white when pressed? Kinda random. Always wanted to know. There is a darker shade,
but the shade Sunkissed is perfect for the lighter skin wearers. It doesn’t irritate eyes, and it’s gentler on skin than some of
their other powders — it’s also very finely milled and thick enough that you can use it as a foundation and it covers even
dark broken capillaries. What I don’t like: This is very light peach when it starts out, and it doesn’t turn paler on skin; it also
oxidizes. It’s a light peach when it starts out, and then it turns darker. If you are unsure if you have cool skin tone, check if you
have bluish coloured veins inside your wrist (just under your forehand). Spots or a rash that do not fade under pressure will
still be seen when the side of a clear drinking glass is pressed firmly against the skin.
Can psychoactive drugs trigger schizophrenia in people who are at a genetic disposition to the disease already? If so,
how high is the risk for different family members that have it? Do you have a higher chance if a parent has it or if a
grandparent has it? What about cousins? Aunts and Uncles? The identical twin of a person with schizophrenia is most at
risk, with a 40 to 65 percent chance of developing the disorder. Some doctors think that the brain may not be able to process
information correctly; and it is believed that genetic factors appear to play a role , as people who have family members with
schizophrenia may be more likely to get the disease themselves. As Schizophrenia has a tendency to run in families, scientists
already know there is a genetic link but that doesnt mean that if you do have someone in your family that has Schizophrenia
that you will too, neither does it mean that if you dont, you wont, so there are other factors involved too. At the moment people
with Schizophrenia are usually prescribed anti-psychotic medication, some of which can carry unpleasant side effects. If you
have a pre-existing risk for schizophrenia (which most people at risk are unaware of), theres a much higher chance that using
cannabis will trigger a schizophrenic episode. Again, it is extremely important to note that this risk applies primarily to people
who are already at risk of developing schizophrenia.
Why has the Canadian dollar gone down in value over the few years? So far in 2016, the Canadian dollar has lost a lot
of value. The days of the Canadian dollar at parity with the US dollar are long gone. A lot of that increase in book value is
because of the loss of value of the Canadian dollar. What we have to remember however is that it is not really the Canadian
dollar that has gone up in value, it is the American dollar which has gone down. Since the beginning of the Iraq War the
American economy has stumbled and one could make the argument that it is because there is no one at the wheel. This means
Canadians can now come into the US and get a great deal on just about anything , and they are buying up real estate, to the
tune of more than $20 billion a year.
How do they make Jello with pineapple bits in it if pineapple ruins Jello? I have a store-bought cup of generic Jello with
pineapple bits in it. According to all my google searching and middle school science classes, this shouldn’t be possible
because pineapple enzyme just destroys Jello’s jellystuff. So what is this thing in my cupboard? Enzymes: whats in your
spit fruit and jello an hour before the lab begins it is possible to make jello with canned pineapple chunks but not fresh. Well,
just as a little science experiment, I stuck a piece of fresh, uncooked pineapple in a cup of the jello, and this is what it looked
like after about 20 minutes. In the cooking world, on the other hand, bromelain is regarded as the enemy of the gelatin dessert if
you use fresh pineapple in gelatin, the enzyme eats the. Experiment demonstrates denaturation of an enzyme using an enzyme
called catalase which is found in the pineapple and jelly experiment background. In this lab students will investigate a few of
the different enzymes from our body pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, and should break down the jello. Well, to begin
with, it’s not true you can’t put any pineapples in jello jello is alive — at least according to a 1974 experiment performed by dr.
Figure 15: Example Question-Generated Answer pairs from the extractive BidAF model, randomly sampled from the test set

Page 17
Why is “PC Gamer” Hardware so Flashy? It’s because they don’t want to. They want to make sure that they have a
decent amount of battery life, and that they can make a decent battery life. They also want to be able to make a small
battery that will last for a very long time, and make sure they have enough power to last a long time. That said, there are
a lot of people who don’t know what they’re talking about, and don’t really know what’s going on. There’s also the fact
that they’re not going to make it to the end of the day, and it’s going to be a lot harder for them to make the battery last
longer than it is for the average person. It’s not like they ’re going to have to make their own battery last a lot longer than
they are for a PC, but they’re still going to get a lot more battery life than they’re for a gaming PC, so it’s a lot easier to
make them last longer, and they’re also going to need a lot less power than they were for a desktop PC, which means they’ll
need more power to run the game, and so they’ll have to have more power for the game to last longer. That’s why it’s so
important to keep in mind that there ’s a ton of people out there who aren’t very good at it, and there’s no reason to be afraid of it.
What are the benefits of an American city being it’s own county? i.e. San Francisco There are a lot of benefits to an Amer-
ican city being “own” a county. It’s not like there’s a whole lot of money to be made in a city, but it’s a lot more complicated
than that. There’s also the fact that there are **lots*** of people who aren’t part of the city, and there aren’t **many** people
who ** are part of that city. There are also **a lot** more people who don’t want to be part of a city than there are people who
just want to live there. There is also a **lot* of **money** in that city, so it’s easier for them to get there than it is for the
people who want to stay there. This is why there are so many people in San Francisco, and why it’s so hard to find a city that
doesn’t have a whole bunch of people in it. **Edit:** [Here’s a link] (URL 0) to an article that explains it better than I can. I’m
not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I’m sure someone else can give you a better answer than me, so I ’ll give it a shot.
How do cruise ships get wifi in the middle of the ocean? There are a couple of ways to do this. One is to turn on the radio
and turn off the wifi. The other is to make sure that the wifi is turned on. If you turn the wifi on, the radio will turn on and the
wifi will turn off. This is done by turning on the wifi and turning off the radio. If the WiFi is turned off, then the WiFi will turn
back on, but the radio won’t turn on. There are also other ways to turn off wifi, such as turning on wifi, or turning off wifi. I’m
not sure how to explain this to a 5 year old, but I’ll try to explain it to a five year old. I hope this helps! Edit: I forgot to mention
that WiFi is not a wireless network, it is a network of wireless networks. WiFi networks are connected to the internet, but they
are not connected to WiFi networks. The internet is connected to a WiFi network, but it isn’t connected to Wifi networks. They
are connected by WiFi networks, but WiFi networks can not be connected to wifi networks. So, if you turn on WiFi, the WiFi
network will be turned on and off. The WiFi network can be turned off by turning off WiFi, but not by turning it back on.
How do they know exactly how tall Mt. Everest is? There are a lot of different ways to measure the height of an object. For
example, you can measure the distance from the top of a mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and you can calculate the
distance between the top and the mountain. The easiest way to do this is by measuring the angle between the mountain and the
ground, and then measuring the height between the ground and the top. You can also measure the angle of the ground from the
bottom to the top, and the height from the ground to the ground. The most common method is to use a ruler, which is a ruler
that measures the length of the base of a piece of paper. The height of the top is measured in meters, and it’s measured in feet.
The simplest way to measure height is by using a ruler. A ruler is a measure of the distance to the base, and a ruler measures
the height at which the base is measured. A good ruler is also a good ruler, but it’s not a good one. It’s a good measure of how
far away a mountain is, and how far it is away from the base. The same is true for measuring height, but you can’t measure it
with a ruler because it’s too far away.
How/where was the first language invented? It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the first language was invented. It was
just a way for people to communicate with each other and to communicate. For example, if you were to talk to someone, they
would talk to yo , but you wouldn’t know what they were talking about. If you were talking to them, they’d talk to each other,
but they’d never know what you’re talking about, so they wouldn’t be able to tell you what they’re talking to. The same thing
happens with languages. For instance, you might say “I ’m talking to you”, but if you’re not talking to me, you won’t know
how to say it. You might say, “I want to know you,” but you don’t know where you’re going to be talking to, so you might not
know what to say. But you might also say “you want to understand me,” and so on. And so on and so forth. Eventually, people
started to learn how to communicate, and eventually, they started to figure out how to use their own language to communicate in
a way that they couldn’t understand, and then they developed a new language that they didn’t understand. It’s like how you can
tell a friend that you’re in the middle of a conversation, and you can’t tell them how to tell them that they’re in a conversation.
Figure 16: Example poor quality Question-Generated Answer pairs from the Seq2Seq multi-task model