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arXiv:1204.4465v1 [cs.NI] 19 Apr 2012
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arXiv:1204.4465v1 [cs.NI] 19 Apr 2012
Providing End-to-End Delay Guarantees for Multi-hop Wireless Sensor
Networks over Unreliable Channels
I-Hong Hou
Computer Engineering and System Group & Department of ECE
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, USA
Abstract—Wireless sensor networks have been increas-
ingly used for real-time surveillance over large areas.
In such applications, it is important to support end-to-
end delay constraints for packet deliveries even when
the corresponding flows require multi-hop transmissions.
In addition to delay constraints, each flow of real-time
surveillance may require some guarantees on throughput
of packets that meet the delay constraints. Further, as wire-
less sensor networks are usually deployed in challenging
environments, it is important to specifically consider the
effects of unreliable wireless transmissions.
In this paper, we study the problem of providing end-
to-end delay guarantees for multi-hop wireless networks.
We propose a model that jointly considers the end-to-end
delay constraints and throughput requirements of flows,
the need for multi-hop transmissions, and the unreliable
nature of wireless transmissions. We develop a frame-
work for designing feasibility-optimal policies. We then
demonstrate the utility of this framework by considering
two types of systems: one where sensors are equipped
with full-duplex radios, and the other where sensors
are equipped with half-duplex radios. When sensors are
equipped with full-duplex radios, we propose an online
distributed scheduling policy and proves the policy is
feasibility-optimal. We also provide a heuristic for systems
where sensors are equipped with half-duplex radios. We
show that this heuristic is still feasibility-optimal for some
Keywords-Wireless sensor networks; end-to-end dead-
line; real-time communications
The advance of wireless sensor networks provides an
appealing solution for real-time surveillance. In real-
time surveillance, wireless sensors generate flows of
surveillance data and deliver them to a sink, which
makes control decisions based on the data. Examples
of such applications have been demonstrated in many
previous work, such as [1]–[3].
A major challenge for real-time surveillance is to pro-
vide end-to-end delay guarantees for packet deliveries.
This material is based upon work partially supported by NSF
under Contracts CNS-1035378, CCF-0939370, CNS-1035340, and
CNS-0905397, USARO under Contract Nos. W911NF-08-1-0238 and
W-911-NF-0710287, and AFOSR under Contract FA9550-09-0121.
Designing scheduling policies that provide end-to-end
delay guarantees is difficult due to two reasons. As
wireless sensor networks may be deployed over a large
area, some flows may require multi-hop transmissions
to reach the sink. Further, wireless sensor networks are
usually deployed in challenging environments, such as
battlefields, forests, or underwater. Within these envi-
ronment, it may be impossible to ensure that all wireless
transmissions can be successfully received. Thus, a de-
sirable policy needs to explicitly address the unreliable
nature of wireless transmissions.
In this paper, we aim to address the above difficulties.
We measure the performance of each surveillance flow
by its timely-throughput, defined as the throughput of
packets that are delivered to the sink on time. We then
propose a model that characterizes the hard per-packet
end-to-end delay constraints and timely-throughput re-
quirements of flows, the routing protocol for multi-
hop transmissions, and the unreliable wireless channels.
This model also considers both scenarios where sensors
are equipped with full-duplex radios and half-duplex
Based on the model, we establish a general frame-
work for designing scheduling policies. We prove a suf-
ficient condition for a scheduling policy to be feasibility-
optimal, that is, to be able to fulfill all timely-throughput
requirements as long as they are feasible. We show that,
based on this condition, there is a dynamic program-
ming approach for designing policies for various types
of systems.
We then consider designing online, tractable, and
distributed scheduling policies. We propose a policy for
systems where sensors are equipped with full-duplex
radios. We prove that the proposed policy is feasibility-
optimal. We also propose a simple heuristic for systems
where sensors are equipped with half-duplex radios,
and show that it is feasibility-optimal among certain
In addition to theoretical studies, we also provide
simulation results. We compare our proposed policies
against other policies. Simulation results show that our

Page 2
proposed policies achieve significantly better perfor-
mance than others.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion II summarizes existing work on providing end-to-
end delay guarantees. Section III formally introduces
our analytical model. Section IV establishes a frame-
work for designing feasibility-optimal policies. Based
on the framework, Section V proposes a feasibility-
optimal policy for systems where sensors are equipped
with full-duplex radios. Section VI proposes a heuris-
tic for systems where sensors are equipped with half-
duplex radios, and proves that the heuristic is feasibility-
optimal for some topologies. Section VII demonstrates
our simulation results. Finally, Section VIII concludes
this paper.
Providing end-to-end delay guarantees have been an
important research topic for various systems. Jayachan-
dran and Abdelzaher [4] have studied this problem
for distributed real-time systems where a job needs to
traverse a number of processors before it is completed,
and have provided a worst-case analysis for end-to-
end delays. Hong, Chantem, and Hu [5] have consid-
ered a similar problem and approached it by assigning
local deadlines for each processor. Li and Eryilmaz
[6] have proposed a scheduling policy that aims to
meet per-packet delay bounds and timely-throughput
requirements of flows in wireline networks. However,
no performance guarantees were provided for their
scheduling policy. Rodoplu et al [7] have studied the
problem of estimating end-to-end delay over multi-hop
wireless networks. Li et al [8] have proposed using
expected end-to-end delay for selecting path in wireless
mesh networks. The expected end-to-end delay takes
both queuing delay and delay caused by unsuccessful
wireless transmissions. However, their work only aims at
minimizing the average end-to-end delays, and cannot
provide guarantees on per-packet delays. Jayachandran
and Andrews [9] have applied a coordinated EDF sched-
uler for wireless networks and obtained asymptotic
bounds on end-to-end delays. Li et al [10] have used
network calculus to analyze and derive upper-bound
for end-to-end delays. Li, Li, and Mohapatra [11] have
proposed a distributed policy for scheduling packets
with end-to-end delay guarantees. However, their work
lacks theoretical guarantees on performance.
There has also been a lot of work that considers end-
to-end delay guarantees for wireless sensor networks.
Jiang, Ravindran, and Cho [12] have studied the real-
time capacity of wireless sensor networks. They ap-
proach this problem by decomposing end-to-end delays
into per-hop delays, and then study the probability for
meeting each per-hop delay independently. Wang et al
[13] have used a similar decomposition approach and
studied the problem of energy saving while providing
end-to-end delay guarantees. Such decomposition ap-
proach inevitably leads to suboptimal solutions. Chipara
et al [14] have proposed a protocol for scheduling real-
time flows by taking interference among sensors into ac-
count. Wang et al [15] have investigated the distribution
of end-to-end delay in wireless sensor networks. Wang
et al [16] have formulated the problem of providing
end-to-end delay guarantees as an optimization prob-
lem, and have proposed a heuristic for obtaining sub-
optimal solutions. Li, Shenoy, and Ramamritham [17]
have aimed at providing end-to-end delay guarantees
by exploiting spatial reuse.
In this section, we present our model for multi-hop
wireless sensor networks with end-to-end delay con-
straints. Our model extends a model proposed in [18],
which only considers the delay constraints of packets
and unreliability of wireless transmissions in a one-hop
Consider a sensor network with a set N of wireless
sensors. One of the sensors play the role of the sink.
Sensors may generate surveillance data that need to
be delivered to the sink in a timely manner, and they
may relay data that are generated by other sensors. We
assume that a routing tree has been constructed by some
routing protocol for the sensor network. There has been
a lot of work on constructing routing trees for wireless
sensor networks, and [19] provides a survey of these
routing protocols. In the routing tree, the sink is the
root, and hence we use r to represent the sink. When
a sensor n has a data packet, either one generated by
itself or one that is forwarded to it from other sensors,
it may forward the data to its parent, denoted by h(n),
in the routing tree. Figure 1 shows an example of such
a sensor network. A data packet is said to be delivered
if it reaches the sink. A sensor may generate multiple
flows of data. For example, one sensor may generate
data on both temperature and humidity. We denote the
set of flows in the wireless sensor network by F, and
n(f) as the sensor that generates data of flow f.
We assume that time is slotted and numbered by
t = 1, 2,.... The length of a time slot is set to be the
time needed for a sensor to transmit one data packet.
Time slots are further grouped into intervals, where
each interval consists of T consecutive time slots in
(kT, (k + 1)T], for some k. At the beginning of each
interval, each flow in F obtains some surveillance data
and generates a data packet. We say that a the data
packet of flow f is generated at the τth
time slot in
each interval, so as to account for the latency caused
by sensing and data processing. We assume that all

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Figure 1: An example of the system consists of 10
sensors. In the example, we have h(1) = h(2) = r,
h(3) = h(4) = 1, h(5) = 2, etc.
data packets are delay-constrained, and data packets
generated in one interval need to be delivered to the
sink before the end of the interval. If a data packet is
not delivered before the end of the interval, the packet
is no longer useful for the sink. In this case, we say
that the packet expires, and drop the packet from the
system. Thus, we can guarantee that all data received
by the sink have delays no larger than T time slots.
We consider both cases when sensors are equipped
with full-duplex radios and when they are equipped
with half-duplex radios. When sensors are equipped
with full-duplex radios, they can transmit and receive
data packets simultaneously. We also assume that the
transmissions of different sensors do not interfere with
each other by, for example, allocating different sensors
on different subcarriers in an orthogonal frequency-
division multiple access (OFDMA) system. A system
where sensors are equipped with full-duplex radios is
called a full-duplex system.
The assumptions made for full-duplex systems may
exceed current hardware limitations of wireless sensor
network. Thus, we also consider systems where sensors
are equipped with half-duplex radios. In such systems,
sensors cannot transmit and receive data packets si-
multaneously. That is, when a sensor n transmits, its
parent h(n) cannot transmit, or the transmission by
n encounters a collision and the transmission fails.
Moreover, we assume that a sensor can receive at most
one transmission in a time slot. That is, if we have
sensors n and m with h(n) = h(m), then at most one
of them can transmit in a time slot. Finally, we assume
that different transmissions do not interfere with each
other except the two cases discussed above. This can be
done by, for example, scheduling transmissions that may
interfere with each other in different channels. A system
where radios are equipped with half-duplex radios is
called a half-duplex system.
We consider the unreliable nature of wireless trans-
missions. To be more specific, we say that when a
sensor n transmits a data packet to its parent, h(n),
h(n) correctly receives the packet with probability pn.
We also assume that, by implementing ACKs, the sensor
n has feedback information on whether its transmission
is correctly received by h(n), and it can retransmit the
same packet in the case that a previous transmission
As wireless transmissions are unreliable, it may be
impossible to deliver all data packets to the sink on
time. Instead, each flow f requires a portion qf of
packets to be delivered on time. That is, let ef (k) be
the indicator function that the data packet of flow f in
the kth interval is delivered to the sink on time. Each
flow f then requires that, with probability one,
lim inf
k=1 ef (k)
≥ qf .
We call
k=1 ef (k)
as the timely-throughput of flow
f up to interval K, and qf as the timely-throughput
requirement on flow f.
In this paper, we aim to design scheduling policies
that fulfills timely-throughput requirements of all flows
as long as they are strictly feasible. These terms are
formally defined as follows:
Definition 1: A system is said to be fulfilled
by some scheduling policy if, under this policy,
lim infK→∞
k=1 ef (k)
≥ qf with probability one, for
all flow f ∈ F.
Definition 2: A system, either a full-duplex system
or a half-duplex one, is feasible if there exists some
scheduling policy that fulfills it.
Definition 3: A system, either a full-duplex system or
a half-duplex one, is strictly feasible if qf > 0 for all flows
f, and there exists some ǫ > 0 such that the system
is still feasible when each flow f requires a timely-
throughput of (1 + ǫ)qf .
Definition 4: A scheduling policy is feasibility-optimal
for full-duplex system, or half-duplex system, if it fulfills
all strictly feasible full-duplex systems, or all strictly
feasible half-duplex systems, respectively.
We limit our discussions on strictly feasible systems
only to simplify the proof of Theorem 1 in the following
section. As ǫ can be arbitrarily small, this limitation is
not restrictive.

Page 4
In this section, we describe a sufficient condition
for a policy to be feasibility-optimal. We then show
a dynamic program approach that derives feasibility-
optimal policies by employing this sufficient condition.
This condition is based on the concept of debt:
Definition 5: The debt of f in the Kth interval is
defined as df (K) := Kqf − ∑K
k=1 ef (k), where ef (k) is
the indicator function that the packet for f in interval
k is delivered on time.
It is easy to show that a system is fulfilled under some
scheduling policy if and only if lim supK→∞
df (K)
≤ 0.
Based on the concept of debt, we establish a sufficient
condition for a policy to be feasibility-optimal for full-
duplex systems or half-duplex systems. The condition
is similar to the one introduced in [20], which only
considers one-hop transmissions, and is based on the
following theorem:
Lemma 1 (Telescoping Lemma): Let L(k) be a non-
negative Lyapunov function depending only on Fk,
which denotes the set of all events in the system in the
first k intervals, i.e., L(k) is adapted to Fk. Suppose
there exist positive constants B > 0, δ > 0, and a
stochastic process f(k) also adapted to Fk, such that:
E[L(k + 1) − L(k)|Fk] ≤ B − δE[f(k)|Fk],
then lim supK→∞
K K−1
k=0 E[f(k)] ≤ B/δ, where E[x]
is the expected value of x.
Theorem 1: A scheduling policy is feasibility-optimal
for full-duplex system, or half-duplex system, if, given
df (k), it maximizes
df (k)+E[ef (k + 1)]
in the (k + 1)th interval, for all k, where x+
max{x, 0}, for all full-duplex systems, or half-duplex
systems, respectively.
Proof: Consider a strictly feasible system where flow
f requires a timely-throughput of qf > 0. There exists
some ǫ > 0 such that this system is fulfilled by some
stationary randomized scheduling policy, η0, when each
flow f requires a timely-throughput of (1 + ǫ)qf . Thus,
under η0, we have E[ef (k)] ≥ (1 + ǫ)qf .
Define a Lyapunov function L(k) := 1
2 f (df (k)+)2.
Since df (k + 1) = df (k) + qf − ef (k + 1), we have
L(k + 1) =
(df (k + 1)+)2
(df (k)+ + qf − ef (k + 1))2
(df (k)+)2 + ∑
df (k)+(qf − ef (k + 1))
+ ∑
(qf − ef (k + 1))2
≤L(k) + ∑
df (k)+(qf − ef (k + 1)) + B,
for some constant B, as qf and ef (k + 1) are both
bounded by 1, for all f.
As E[ef (k + 1)] ≥ (1 + ǫ)qf under η0, for all f, we
have, under η0,
df (k)+(qf − ef (k + 1))|Fk]
= ∑
df (k)+(qf − E[ef (k + 1)])
= ∑
df (k)+qf − ∑
df (k)+E[ef (k + 1)]
≤ − ǫ ∑
df (k)+qf .
that maximizes
f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k + 1)]. Under ηmax, we also
df (k)+(qf − ef (k + 1))|Fk] ≤ −ǫ ∑
df (k)+qf .
Thus, by Eq. (2), we have, under ηmax,
E[L(k + 1) − L(k)|Fk]
df (k)+(qf − ef (k + 1))|Fk] + B
≤B − ǫ ∑
df (k)+qf .
Thus, by Lemma 1, we have
lim sup
E[df (k)+qf ] ≤ B/ǫ.
Finally, Lemma 4 in [20] shows that Eq. (4) implies that
lim supK→∞(df (K)+
)=0, for all f, and this system is
fulfilled by ηmax. Thus, ηmax is feasibility-optimal.

Page 5
A. A Dynamic Programming Approach for Scheduling
We now introduce a dynamic programming approach
for designing scheduling policies that aims at maximiz-
ing ∑f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k+1)] in the (k+1)th interval by
making scheduling decisions for each time slot within
the interval. We first describe the system evolution
within an interval by a Markov decision process. In the
tth time slot within the interval, we represent the state
of the system by t and the position of the packet of
each flow. We denote the position of the packet of flow
f by cf (t), where cf (t) = n if n has the packet and
can transmit it in the tth time slot, and cf (t) = φ if
the packet of f is yet to be generated, as the packet
of flow f will not be generated until the τth
time slot
in the interval. The evolution of cf (t + 1) can then be
described as follows: cf (t + 1) = n(f) when t +1= τf ,
where n(f) is the sensor that generates the packet
of f; cf (t + 1) = h(cf (t)) with probability pcf (t) if
cf (t) transmits the packet of f in the tth time slot,
where h(cf (t)) is the parent of cf (t) in the routing tree
and pcf (t) is the channel reliability between cf (t) and
h(cf (t)); and cf (t + 1) = cf (t), otherwise.
We say that the interval ends when t = T + 1.
Thus, the packet of f is delivered, and ef (k +1)=1,
if cf (T + 1) = r. Let V (t, {cf (t)}) be the value of
f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k+1)] when the state of the system is
represented by {cf (t)} at the tth time slot under some
policy. By Theorem 1, a policy is feasibility-optimal if
it maximizes V (1, {cf (1)}), where {cf (1)} is the state
of the system at the beginning of the interval. Let
V max(t, {cf (t)}) be the maximum value of V (t, {cf (t)}).
We then have the recursive relation: V max(t, {cf (t)}) =
maxa∈A(t,{cf (t)}) E[V max(t + 1, {cf (t + 1)})], where
A(t, {cf (t)}) is the set of possible schedule decisions
under the current state. Hence V max(t, {cf (t)}) can
be obtained by dynamic programming. Moreover, a
policy that makes its schedule decisions by choosing
arg maxa∈A(t,{cf (t)}) E[V max(t + 1, {cf (t + 1)})] for all
states is feasibility-optimal.
While we can derive feasibility-optimal policies from
the above approach, this approach may require high
computation overhead, as the number of states for the
system is as large as (T + 1)(|N| + 1)|F |. In the fol-
lowing sections, we demonstrate that there is a simple
online policy for full-duplex systems. We also introduce
a heuristic for half-duplex system and show that the
heuristic is feasibility-optimal under some restrictions.
We now introduce an online scheduling policy for full-
duplex systems. The policy is very simple: in each time
slot, a sensor n picks the flow that has the largest debt
among those that it currently holds their packets, and
transmits its packet. In other words, in each time slot t
of the (k + 1)th interval, n schedules the packet from
arg maxf:cf (t)=n df (k). We call this policy the Greedy
Forwarder. In addition to low complexity, this policy
is also distributed and does not require a centralized
scheduler. Moreover, as we establish below, this simple
policy is indeed feasibility-optimal.
Theorem 2: The Greedy Forwarder is feasibility-
Proof: By Theorem 1, we can show that the Greedy
Forwarder is feasibility-optimal by showing that it maxi-
mizes ∑f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k+1)]. To show this, we prove
the following two claims by induction on the size of the
1) The
f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k + 1)].
2) Suppose a sensor generates packets from flow
f1,f2,..., where df1 (k) ≥ df2 (k) ≥ .... Also
assume that this sensor generates packets at time
t1 ≤ t2 ≤ ... , and the sensor has control over
which flow among {f1,f2,...} is to generate pack-
ets at time t1,t2,..., respectively. Then, with all
other conditions fixed, by selecting f1 to generate
its packet at times t1, f2 to generate its packet at
time t2, etc, ∑f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k+1)] for the whole
system is maximized.
We first discuss the case when |N| = 1, in which
the sink r is the only sensor in the system. As there is
only one sensor in the system, there are no scheduling
decisions to be made, and hence Claim (1) holds.
Moreover, a packet of flow f is delivered, and hence
ef (k +1) = 1, if it is generated before the Tth time
slot. Thus, Claim (2) holds as ∑f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k + 1)]
is maximized by generating packets in decrement order
of their debts.
Assume that both Claim (1) and Claim (2) hold
for all networks with size |N| = M. We now show
that these two claims also hold for all networks with
|N| = M + 1. We pick a leaf node, denoted by n0, in
the routing tree. We assume that n0 generates packets
for flows f1,f2,..., with df1 (k) ≥ df2 (k) ≥ ... , at
times t1 ≤ t2 ≤ ..., and n0 has control over which
flows among {f1,f2,... } is to generate packets at times
t1,t2,... , respectively. We also assume that n0 uses a
work-conserving policy, i.e., it always schedules a trans-
mission as long as it holds a packet1. Under this policy,
n0 successfully transmits packets at times t1 ≤ t2 ≤ ... .
We note that t1, t2,... are random variables whose
distributions are determined by the channel reliability
1Obviously, a policy cannot lose its optimality by making more
transmissions. Thus, this assumption is not restrictive.

Page 6
between n0 and h(n0). Moreover, we have ti ≥ ti, for
all i, as it is impossible to successfully transmit i packets
before at least the same amount of packets are gener-
ated. Note that t1, t2,... are not influenced by the order
of packet generations and scheduling decisions, as each
transmission made by n0 is successful with probability
pn0 , regardless which packet is being transmitted.
Given t1, t2,... , n0 can effectively determine which
packets are to be successfully transmitted at times
t1, t2,... , by choosing the order of packet generations
and scheduling decisions. The only restriction for n0 is
that the packet from a flow f cannot be transmitted
before it is generated. If the packet from a flow f is
successfully transmitted by n0 at time t, h(n0) receives
the packet at time t and can transmit the packet starting
at time t + 1. Thus, this system is equivalent to one
with n0 removed, making the size of the network to
be M, and packets from flows f1,f2,... are generated
at sensor h(n0) at times t1 + 1, t2 + 1,.... By the
induction hypothesis on this system with M sensors,
f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k + 1)] is maximized if the packet
from flow fi is generated at time ti + 1, for all i. As n0
can make this happen by choosing flow fi to generate a
packet at time ti and follow the Greedy Forwarder, both
Claim (1) and Claim (2) hold when n0 is included in
the system with size M + 1.
By induction on |N|, we have that both claims hold
for all systems, and hence the Greedy Forwarder is
We close this section by discussing some imple-
mentation issues of the Greedy Forwarder. As noted
above, under the Greedy Forwarder, every sensor makes
scheduling decisions solely based on the packets it
holds. Still, the Greedy Forwarder requires each sensor
to have the knowledge of debts for all flows in the
current interval. In practice, this may be impractical. In
particular, for a large network, sensors that are far away
from the sink can only obtain delayed information on
debts of flows. However, as we will show in Section VII,
when sensors apply the Greedy Forwarder with delayed
information on debts, the resulting performance can still
be optimal. This is because, as the net change of debt,
|df (k + 1) − df (k)|, is bounded, the difference between
the delayed information on debt and the actual current
debt is also bounded for all flows. Therefore, a sensor
that only has delayed information on debts will make
similar scheduling decisions as one that has information
on the current values of debts.
In this section, we propose a policy for half-duplex
systems and show that this policy is feasibility-optimal
for some particular scenarios.
Recall that there are two important limitations for
half-duplex systems. First, as a sensor cannot transmit
and receive simultaneously, a sensor n cannot transmit
when its parent, h(n), is also transmitting. Second, a
sensor can only receive one packet at a time, and hence
two sensors n and m with h(n) = h(m) cannot transmit
simultaneously. To address theses challenges, we pro-
pose a policy, namely, the Closest Sensor First Policy. We
first define dn(t) := maxf:cf (t)=n df (k). In other words,
dn(t) is the largest debt of flows that n holds at the tth
time slot. If the sensor n does not hold any packets,
dn(t) is defined to be −∞. The Closest Sensor First
Policy can be described iteratively as follows: First, we
examine all sensors that are one-hop away from the root
r, that is, we examine all sensors such that h(n) = r.
We then schedule the sensor with the largest dn(t) to
transmit, and the sensor transmits the packet from the
flow with the largest debt. Next, we examine sensors
that are two-hop away from the root, that is, sensors
with h(h(n)) = r. If h(n) is scheduled to transmit in the
first step, then n cannot transmit. Otherwise, a sensor
n is scheduled to transmit the packet from the flow
with the largest debt if dn(t) is the largest among all
sensors m with h(m) = h(n). In the above procedure,
ties are broken arbitrarily, and we carry the procedure
In summary, a sensor n who is g-hop away from the
root is scheduled in the gth iteration if: (i) h(n) is
not scheduled in the previous iteration, and (ii) dn(t)
is the largest among all m with h(m) = h(n). Fig. 2
shows an example that illustrates the Closest Sensor
First Policy. In the example, we number sensors by their
respective dn(t). Thus, we have dn(t) = n. In the first
iteration, sensor 5 is scheduled as d5(t) > d3(t). In the
second iteration, sensor 2 is scheduled as d2(t) > d1(t).
Note that sensor 4 cannot be scheduled as its parent,
sensor 5, has already been scheduled. Finally, in the
third iteration, sensor 7 and sensor 9 are scheduled.
Next, we show that the Closest Sensor First Policy
is feasibility-optimal if all flows are generated by the
same sensor n0, i.e., n(f) = n0, for all f, and each flow
generates a packet at the beginning of the interval, i.e.,
τf = 1, for all f. In such a system, only sensors on
the path between n0 and r are involved in forwarding
messages. Thus, we call such a system as a path-topology
Theorem 3: The Closest Sensor First Policy is
feasibility-optimal for path-topology systems.
Proof: By Theorem 1, we can show that the Clos-
est Sensor First Policy is feasibility-optimal for path-
topology systems by establishing that this policy maxi-
mizes ∑f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k+1)] in the (k+1)th interval.
Let γn[v] be the number of transmissions that sensor
n needs to make to successfully transmit v packets to

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Figure 2: An example that illustrates the Closest Sensor
First policy.
its parent. Note that this does not imply that sensor n
successfully transmits v packets at the γn[v]th time slot
in the interval, as there are time slots that sensor n
is not scheduled due to the constraints of half-duplex
systems. We also note that (γn[v] − γn[v − 1]) is a geo-
metric random variable with mean 1/pn, as the channel
reliability between n and h(n) is pn. In practice, the
values of {γn[v]} cannot be obtained at the beginning
of the interval. We will show that, even when the values
of γn[v] are given for all n and v, there is no policy
that can achieve larger ∑f∈F df (k)+ef (k + 1) than the
Closest Sensor First Policy, and hence than the Closest
Sensor First Policy maximizes ∑f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k+1)].
We order flows so that df1 (k) ≥ df2 (k) ≥ ... . Let
η and ηbe the Closest Sensor First Policy and an-
other policy that maximizes ∑f∈F df (k)+E[ef (k + 1)],
respectively. Further, let θfi
and θ
be the times that
the packet from flow fi is delivered under η and η,
respectively. If the packet from flow fi is not delivered
on time under η, or η, we set θfi , or θ
fi, to be T + 1.
Thus, under η, or η, we have efi (k+1) = 1(θfi < T +1),
or efi (k + 1) = 1(θ
fi < T + 1), respectively.
By the design of the Closest Sensor First Policy, we
have θf1
≤ θf2
≤ .... Suppose there exists some i
so that θ
> θ
under η. We can modify ηso
that whenever it schedules the packet from flow fi,
it schedules the packet from flow fi+1 instead, and
vice versa. Under this modification, the packet of fi
is delivered on the (θ
fi+1 )th time slot, and the packet
of fi+1 is delivered on the (θ
fi )th time slot. If both
fiand θ
fi+1are smaller than T + 1, both packets are
still delivered on time after this modification, and hence
the value of ∑f∈F df (k)+ef (k + 1) is not influenced. If
both θ
fi and θ
fi+1 are larger than T, neither packets are
delivered on time after this modification, and the value
of ∑f∈F df (k)+ef (k + 1) is not influenced. However, if
fi > T ≥ θ
fi+1, the packet of fi is delivered on time
and the packet of fi+1 is not after the modification, and
the value of ∑f∈F df (k)+ef (k+1) will not decrease, as
dfi (k) ≥ dfi+1 (k), with the modification. In sum, the
value of ∑f∈F df (k)+ef (k + 1) will not decrease with
the modification. Thus, we can repeat this procedure
until θ
≤ θ
≤ ... without decreasing the value of
f∈F df (k)+ef (k + 1).
From now on, we assume that θ
f1 ≤ θ
f2 ≤ ... under
η. We claim that, under this assumption, θfi ≤ θ
all i. We prove this claim by induction on the number
of flows. When there is only one flow in the system, the
Closest Sensor First Policy schedules a transmission for
flow 1 in every time slot, and hence θf1 ≤ θ
f1 .
Assume that θfi ≤ θ
fifor all i when the system has
I flows. We now consider the case when the system
has I + 1 flows. Under the Closest Sensor First Policy,
whether the packet of a flow fi with i ≤ I is scheduled is
not influenced by whether the flow fI+1 is present in the
system. Thus, the value of θfi is the same as in the case
when the system only has I flows, for all i ≤ I. We then
have θfi ≤ θ
fi for all i ≤ I by the induction hypothesis.
Therefore, we only need to prove that θfI+1
≤ θ
If θ
= T + 1, i.e., the packet of flow fI+1 is not
delivered on time under η, then θfI+1 ≤ θ
fI+1 holds.
Consider the case θ
fI+1 ≤ T. Suppose that, under η,
there is some time during the interval when the packet
from flow fi+1 is closer to the root than the packet from
flow fi, for some i. Pick ito be the smallest number
so that the packet from flow fi+1 is closer to the root
than the packet from flow fi
at some time t during
the interval. Now we can pick t1 to be the largest time
before t such that the packet from flow fi+1 and that
from flow fiare held by the same sensor. Such t1 exists
as both packets are held by the sensor that generates all
packets at the beginning of the interval. We then pick t2
to be the smallest time after t such that both packets are
held by the same sensor. Such t2 exists as we assume
that the packet from flow fi
is delivered earlier than
the packet from flow fi+1. Thus, in any time slot in
(t1,t2), the packet from flow fi+1 is always closer to
the root than that from flow fi. Now, we can modify
ηfor time slots in [t1,t2] so that when it schedules
i, it schedules i+ 1 instead, and vice versa. After this
modification, the packet from flow fiis always closer
to the root than that from flow fi+1 during (t1,t2).
Further, this modification does not influence θf for any
flow f. We repeat this modification until such idoes
not exist. From now on, we can assume that, at any
point of time, the packet from flow fi is not closer to
the root than the packet from flow fj if j<i.
We prove that θfI+1
≤ θ
by contradiction. Note
that after the packet of flow fI is delivered, η, or η,
needs to schedule the packet of flow fI+1 an addition
number of (θfI+1 − θfI ), or (θ
fI+1 − θ
fI ), times before it

Page 8
is delivered, respectively. By the induction hypothesis,
θfI ≤ θ
fI. Therefore, if θfI+1 > θ
fI+1, we have θfI+1
θfI > θ
fI+1 −θ
fI, and, under η, there are times that the
packet from flow fI+1 is scheduled while it would not
be schedule under η. We call these times the inversion
times and denote them by t1 < t2 < ··· < tM . We
assume that, among all policies that deliver packets at
times θ
f2 ,... , ηis one that has the smallest number
of inversion times. Moreover, among those policies that
have the smallest number of inversion times, ηis one
that maximizes tM .
At time tM , the sensor cfI+1 (tM ) holds the packet
from flow fI+1 and schedules it under η, while
cfI+1 (tM ) would not schedule this packet under η. There
are two possibilities: first, the sensor cfI+1 (tM ) holds
another packet, and η would schedule it; and second,
under η, the sensor cfI+1 (tM ) would not transmit, as
its parent, h(cfI+1 (tM )), would be scheduled for trans-
mission. In the first case, under η, the transmission of
fI+1 cannot be successful. Otherwise, at time tM + 1,
the packet of fI+1 is closer to the root than the other
packet that cfI+1 (tM ) holds, and violates our previ-
ous assumption. Thus, for this case, we can modify
ηso that cfI+1 (tM ) schedules the other packet, and
this modification will not influence the deliver times
of packets. In this case, there are no inversion times
at and after time tM after the modification. As this
modification does not create new inversion times, we
obtain a policy that has a smaller number of inversion
times than η, which contradicts our assumption in
the last paragraph. Now consider the second case, that
is, the sensor cfI+1 (tM ) would not be scheduled by η
because η would schedule its parent for transmission.
As tM is the largest inversion time, there will be a
time after tM such that h(cfI+1 (tM )) is scheduled to
transmit a packet, and the packet from flow fI+1 is not
scheduled. We call this time t. At time t, either sensor
cfI+1 (tM ) or h(cfI+1 (tM )) holds the packet from flow
fI+1. We can modify the schedule so that h(cfI+1 (tM ))
is scheduled for transmission at time tM , instead of
cfI+1 (tM ), and the packet from flow fI+1 is scheduled
for transmission at time t. Note that, by our previous
assumption, the packet from flow fI+1 is not closer
to the sink than any other packets. In other words,
every sensor that is farther from the sink than the one
holds the packet from flow fI+1 does not hold any
packets. Therefore, this modification will not violate any
interference constraints of the half-duplex system. This
modification does not influence the delivery times of
packets and does not increase the number of inversion
times. Moreover, after applying the modification, the
largest inversion time becomes t, which contradicts
our assumption that ηmaximizes the largest inversion
In summary, we have established that θfi
≤ θ
all flows when there are I + 1 flows in the system. By
induction, we have θfi ≤ θ
for all flows, for all path-
topology systems. Therefore, the Closest Sensor First
Policy is feasibility-optimal for path-topology systems.
In this section, we present our simulation results. We
adopt the simulation settings in [17], where each flow
generates one packet every 20 ms, and it takes 2 ms
for a sensor to make a transmission. Thus, we set the
duration of a time slot to be 2 ms, and each interval
consists of 10 time slots.
We consider the network topology as shown in Fig. 1.
For each sensor n, its channel reliability, pn, is randomly
selected within [0.4, 0.9]. We assume that each of sensor
3, sensor 5, sensor 6, sensor 7, sensor 8, and sensor
9 generates two flows. Therefore, there are a total
number of 12 flows in the system. To better illustrate
our simulation results, we assume that for each of these
sensors, one flow requires a timely-throughput of α, and
the other requires a timely-throughput of β. We define
the timely-throughput region of a policy to be the region
consists of all (α, β) that can be fulfilled by the policy.
We can then evaluate the performance of a policy by its
timely-throughput region.
For all scenarios, we conduct the simulation for 3000
intervals, i.e., one minute in the simulation environ-
ment. A system is said to be fulfilled if, by the end of
the simulation, the debts are less than 90 for all flows,
which means the actual timely-throughput that a flow
has is at least (qf − 0.03).
We consider both the full-duplex system and half-
duplex system. For the full-duplex system, we compare
our proposed policy, the Greedy Forwarder, against two
other policies. We consider a policy where each sensor
randomly chooses a packet that it holds to transmit
in each time slot. The policy is called the Random
policy. We also consider another policy where sensors
give priorities to flows with higher timely-throughput
requirements, and break ties randomly. The policy is
called the Static Priority policy.
The simulation results for the full-duplex system
is shown in Fig. 3. The Greedy Forwarder achieves
the largest timely-throughput region, as it is indeed
feasibility-optimal. The performance of the Static Pri-
ority policy is close to optimal when either α is much
larger than β, or vice versa, as it gives higher priorities
to flows with larger timely-throughput requirements.
On the other hand, the Static Priority policy inevitably
starves flows with smaller timely-throughput require-
ments. Thus, it results in poor performance when α is

Page 9
Figure 3: Simulation results for the full-duplex system.
Figure 4: Simulation results for systems where sensors
only have delayed information on debts.
close to β. The performance of the Random policy is
also far from optimal, as it does not take the timely-
throughput requirements of flows into account.
We also investigate the influence on the Greedy For-
warder when sensors only have delayed information
on debts of flows. We assume that all sensors other
than the sink update their information on debts every
λ intervals, and we call λ the update period. When a
sensor n updates its information, it notifies its children
in the routing tree the information on debts that it
currently has, and receives an updated information from
its parent. Thus, for a sensor that is g-hop away from
the sink, the information on debts that it has may be
λ × g intervals old. We consider three scenarios: one
where all sensors have knowledge of the current debts
of flows, one where the update period is 100 intervals,
i.e., 2 seconds, and one where the update period is
200 intervals. Simulation results are presented in Fig.
4. It can be shown that even when sensors update their
information on debts as infrequent as once every four
seconds, the performance of the Greedy Forwarder is
still close to optimal.
Next we consider the half-duplex system. We consider
Figure 5: Simulation results for the half-duplex system.
a policy that, in each time slot, randomly selects a
maximal set of sensors who can transmit simultaneously
among those that hold some packets. Each selected
sensor then randomly selects a packet to transmit. We
call this policy the Random policy. We also consider
a policy that first sorts all undelivered packets in de-
scending order of the timely-throughput requirements
of their associated flows. The policy then greedily selects
a maximal subset of packets so that they can be trans-
mitted simultaneously. This policy is called the Static
Priority policy. Finally, we consider the Closest Sensor
First policy.
The simulation results of the half-duplex system is
shown in Fig. 5. The Closest Sensor First policy achieves
the largest timely-throughput region. A somewhat sur-
prising result is that both the Random policy and the
Static Priority policy have very poor performance. The
Rand policy fails to fulfill the system even when we
set (α, β) = (0, 0.05), and hence its timely-throughput
region does not appear in Fig. 5. The reason for this
behavior is because there are interference constraints
for half-duplex systems, which limit the number of
sensors that can transmit simultaneously. Thus, it is
important to take the network topologies into account
in order to deliver packets on time.
Finally, we consider a half-duplex path-topology sys-
tem with six sensors and six flows, as depicted in
Fig. 6. All six flows are generated by sensor 5. Three
of the flows require a timely-throughput of α, while
the other three flows require a timely-throughput of
β. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 7. The
Closest Sensor First policy achieves the largest timely-
throughput region. Moreover, both the Static Priority
policy and the Random policy fail to fulfill the system
even when we set (α, β) = (0, 0.05).
We have investigated the problem of providing hard
per-packet delay guarantees for multi-hop wireless sen-

Page 10
Figure 6: The network topology for the half-duplex
path-topology system.
Figure 7: Simulation results for the half-duplex path-
topology system.
sor networks. We have proposed an analytical model
that jointly considers the hard delay guarantees of
packets, the multi-hop routing tree of the network,
the timely-throughput requirements of flows, and the
unreliable nature of wireless transmissions. The model
can be applied for both full-duplex systems and half-
duplex systems. We have then introduced a framework
for designing feasibility-optimal scheduling policies for
different types of systems. Based on this framework, we
have proposed a distributed scheduling policy for full-
duplex systems and proved that this policy is feasibility-
optimal. We have also proposed a heuristic for half-
duplex systems. We have proved that this heuristic is
feasibility-optimal for all path-topology systems. Simu-
lation results have suggested that our proposed policies
achieve much better performance than other policies.
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