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Estimation of the Clinically Diagnosed Proportion of Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Middle-aged Men and Women
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Sleep, 20(9):705-706
© 1997 American Sleep Disorders Association and Sleep Research Society
Fast Track Publication
Estimation of the Clinically Diagnosed Proportion of Sleep
Apnea Syndrome in Middle-aged Men and Women
Terry Young, Linda Evans, Laurel Finn and Mari Palta
Sleep and Respiration Research Group, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, US.A.
Summary: The proportion of sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) in the general adult population that goes undiagnosed
was estimated from a sample of 4,925 employed adults. Questionnaire data on doctor-diagnosed sleep apnea were
followed up to ascertain the prevalence of diagnosed sleep apnea. In-laboratory polysomnography on a subset of
1,090 participants was used to estimate screen-detected sleep apnea. In this population, without obvious barriers to
health care for sleep disorders, we estimate that 93% of women and 82% of men with moderate to severe SAS
have not been clinically diagnosed. These findings provide a baseline for assessing health care resource needs for
sleep apnea. Key Words: Sleep apnea-Epidemiology-Sleep disorders-Prevalence.
The disparity between the high prevalence of occult
sleep apnea in the general population and the pre-
sumed low level of its clinical recognition has prompt-
ed concern that clinically significant disease is being
missed (1-3). The diagnosed prevalence, however, has
never been measured, so the magnitude of the disparity
is unknown. To address this, we determined the prev-
alences of clinically diagnosed and screen-detected
sleep apena syndrome (SAS) in the Wisconsin sleep
cohort study, an ongoing population-based study.
The sample comprised state employees, aged 30-60
years, who resided in south-central Wisconsin, an area
served by a university-based sleep clinic. All employ-
ees had comprehensive health insurance as part of em-
ployment benefits. Data for this analysis are from a
mailed questionnaire administered to the total sample
(n = 4,925) and in-laboratory polysornnography con-
ducted, according to clinical diagnostic guidelines, on
a subsample (n = 1,090). The sampling and overnight
study protocol have been previously reported (4).
Clinically diagnosed cases of sleep apnea were as-
Accepted for publication July 1997.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Terry Young,
Ph.D., Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Wiscon-
sin-Madison, 504 Walnut Street, Madison, WI 53705, U.S.A.
certained by mail and telephone follow-up of partici-
pants who indicated on the questionnaire that they
were told by a doctor they had sleep apnea. Of the 49
positive respondents, 16 reported that they had been
tested or examined and were told they had sleep apnea
syndrome; of these, all but three had received treat-
ment (surgery or nasal continuous positive airway
pressure). These 16 were considered to have diagnosed
sleep apnea syndrome. Of the remaining 33 positive
respondents, 30 admitted they had not been examined
or diagnosed but suspected they had sleep apnea; one
was deceased, one could not be located, and one failed
to respond.
Screen-detected SAS was defined by a combination
of self-reported sleepiness ("often" or "almost al-
ways" experience excessive daytime sleepiness or do
not feel rested regardless of the hours of sleep) and
the occurrence of apneas (no airflow for at least 10
seconds) and hypopneas (40% decrease in respiratory
effort accompanied by 4% oxygen desaturation) during
sleep. Prevalences for mild to severe sleep apnea (five
or more apneas and hypopneas per hour of sleep and
daytime hypersornnolence) and moderate to severe
sleep apnea (15 or more apneas and hypopneas per
hour of sleep and daytime hypersomnolence) were es-
timated for the subsample and extrapolated to the total
sample using software for stratified samples (5).
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on 28 July 2018

Page 2
TABLE 1. Comparison of adults with clinically diagnosed
and screen-detected SAS in a sample of employed men and
women aged 30-60 years (n = 4,925)
Number (prevalence)
% Men
% Ever married
Educational attain-
ment: % with high
school or less
% History of doctor-
diagno~ed hyperten-
% History of doctor-
diagnosed cardio-
2 (0.08%)
14 (0.62%)
16 (0.32%)
vascular disease
Age (mean years. SD) 49 (8)
Income (mean dollars/
hour, SD)
Body mass index
[weight (kg)/height2
mild to
to severe
severe SAS
93 (3.5%) 27 (1.0%)
155 (6.8%) 77 (3.4%)
248 (5.0%) 104 (2.1%)
44 (8)*** 43 (9)***
12.6(4.1)** 13.1(4.3)**
% Nonwhite ethnicity
SAS, sleep apnea syndrome; SD, standard deviation. Screen-de-
tected SAS was measured in a subsample of 1,090 participants and
extrapolated to the total sample that provided clinically diagnosed
prevalence; mild to severe SAS is defined as daytime hypersomnol-
ence often or almost always and five or more apneas and hypopneas
per hour of sleep; moderate to severe SAS is defined as daytime
hypersomnolence often or almost always and 15 or more apneas and
hypopneas per hour of sleep.
** p < 0.1 for comparison with value for clinically diagnosed
*** p < 0.05 for comparison with value for clinically diagnosed
On the basis of the clinically diagnosed and screen-
detected prevalences (Table 1), we calculated the per-
centage of "undiagnosed" screen-detected cases
[100% minus percentage of screen-diagnosed cases
that had been clinically diagnosed (1)]. We estimate
that 93% of women and 82% of men with moderate
to severe SAS were missed; for the less severe defi-
nition of SAS, 98% of women and 90% of men were
missed. The estimates are based on a nearly complete
ascertainment of clinical diagnosis in the sample (94%
follow-up). If the three men lost to follow-up had all
been clinically diagnosed, the proportion of missed
cases would drop by only 2 and 4% for moderate to
Sleep, Vol. 20, No.9, 1997
severe and mild to severe categories, respectively. Di-
agnosis status was based on what the participant's phy-
sician had concluded after evaluation, regardless of
whether the participant was evaluated in a sleep lab-
oratory. Requiring polysomnographic evidence for di-
agnosis may have eliminated false positives but could
have also eliminated true positives. The latter conse-
quence would seriously underestimate the true propor-
tion of clinically recognized SAS.
Comparison of clinically diagnosed and screen-de-
tected cases on sociodemographic characteristics sug-
gested that diagnosed cases were more likely to be
men, have a history of cardiovascular disease, be older,
be Caucasian, and have higher income and educational
attainment. The higher proportion of cardiovascular
disease in clinically diagnosed cases may reflect sleep
clinic referral as a result of medical care for comorbid
conditions (see Table 1).
Our findings indicate that even for a popUlation with
access to a sleep disorders clinic, at least 80% of all
moderate to severe SAS in middle-aged men and
women is likely missed. This estimate provides a start-
ing point for health policy debate on the appropriate
response to the high population prevalence of sleep
apnea. The results, however, cannot be extrapolated to
older adults, for whom sleep apnea may be even less
likely to be diagnosed. Although only male gender and
age were statistically significant correlates of clinically
diagnosed versus undiagnosed SAS, our findings sug-
gest that there is a selection bias that may lead to in-
equitable care: people with lower socioeconomic sta-
tus, nonwhites, and women may be the most under-
I. Strollo PJ, Rogers RM. Obstructive sleep apnea. N Engl J Med
2. National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research. Wake up
America: a national sleep alert. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1993.
3. Strohl KP, Redline S. Recognition of obstructive sleep apnea.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;154:279-89.
4. Young T, Palta M, Dempsey J, Skatrud J, Weber S, Badr S. The
occurrence of sleep-disordered breathing among middle-aged
adults. N Engl J Med 1993;328:1230-5.
5. SAS Inc. SUDAAN user's manual, release 6.0. Cary, NC: Sta-
tistical Analysis Systems Institute, Inc., 1992.
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on 28 July 2018