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您的查詢字詞都已標明如下: oviraptorid skeleton late cretaceous ukhaa tolgod mongolia preserved avianlike brooding position over oviraptorid nest clark 1999
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Number 3265, 36 pp., 15 figures
May 4, 1999
An Oviraptorid Skeleton from the Late Cretaceous
of Ukhaa Tolgod, Mongolia, Preserved in an
Avianlike Brooding Position Over an
Oviraptorid Nest
The articulated postcranial skeleton of an ovi-
raptorid dinosaur (Theropoda, Coelurosauria)
from the Late Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation
of Ukhaa Tolgod, Mongolia, is preserved over-
lying a nest. The eggs are similar in size, shape,
and ornamentationto another egg from this lo-
cality in which an oviraptorid embryo is pre-
served, suggesting that the nest is of the same
species as the adult skeleton overlying it and was
parented by the adult. The lack of a skull pre-
cludes specific identification, but in several fea-
tures thespecimen ismore similar to Oviraptor
than to other oviraptorids. The ventral part of the
thorax is exceptionally well preserved and pro-
vides evidence for other avian features that were
previously unreported in oviraptorids, including
the articulation of the first three thoracic ribs
with the costal margin of the sternum and the
presence of a single, ossified ventral segment in
each rib as well as ossified uncinate processes
associated with the thoracic ribs. Remnants of
keratinous sheathsare preserved with four of the
manal claws, and the bony and keratinous claws
were as strongly curved as the manal claws of
Archaeopteryx and the pedal claws of modern
climbing birds. The skeleton is positioned over
the center of the nest, with its limbs arranged
symmetrically on either side and itsarms spread
out around the nest perimeter. This is one of four
known oviraptorid skeletons preserved on nests
of this type of egg, comprising 23.5% of the 17
oviraptorid skeletons collected from the Dja-
dokhta Formation before 1996. The lack of dis-
turbance to the nest and skeleton indicate that the
specimen is preserved in the position in which
the adult died. Its posture is the same as that
' Research Associate, Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History; Assistant
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 20052.
2 Chairman, Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History.
3Chapman Fellow and Research Associate, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History.
Copyright ( American Museum of Natural History 1999
ISSN 0003-0082 / Price $3.90

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commonly taken only by birds among tetrapods
that brood their nest, and its close proximity to
the eggs indicates that the nest was not covered,
indicating that the behavior of sitting on open
nests in this posture evolved before the most re-
cent common ancestor of modern birds.
Among the most surprising and revealing
specimens collected from Upper Cretaceous
Djadokhta-like beds in Mongolia by the joint
American Museum of Natural History-Mon-
golian Academy of Sciences expeditions are
those of the peculiar dinosaurs of the Ovi-
raptoridae (Norell and Clark, 1997). Unlike
the skulls of most other nonavian theropods,
the unusually short, often highly pneuma-
tized skull of oviraptorids lacks teeth and
may bear a crest, resembling superficially the
skull of the living cassowary. The abundance
of oviraptorid specimens at the extraordi-
narily rich locality of Ukhaa Tolgod (Dash-
zeveg et al., 1995) is most unexpected in
light of their rarity in other deposits (Bars-
bold et al., 1990). This wealth of new ma-
terial already has answered a 75 year old
enigma, and the specimen described here
played a crucial role in this story (Norell et
al., 1994).
The bizarre and poorly preserved holotype
specimen of Oviraptor philoceratops was
discovered at Bayn Dzak (the "Flaming
Cliffs") by the American Museum's Central
Asiatic Expedition in 1923, fortuitously en-
countered while excavating the first dinosaur
nest found at this famous locality (Andrews,
1932). Because eggs similar to those in this
nest are abundant at Bayn Dzak, and because
of the preponderance of skeletal material of
Protoceratops andrewsi at this locality, the
eggs were identified as belonging to Proto-
ceratops (Osborn, 1924). The skeleton over-
lying the nest therefore presented an enigma.
To explain this association, Henry Fairfield
Osborn (Osborn, 1924) speculated that the
adult animal had been preserved while rob-
bing the nest (although there wasno evi-
dence to indicate predation), hence he en-
dowed it with a name meaning "egg seizer
fond of ceratopsians."
For many years the identity of the eggs as
those of Protoceratops was accepted with little
doubt. In recent years this identification was
questioned (Sabath, 1991; Mikhailov, 1991),
but only circumstantial evidence for reiden-
tifying the eggs was forwarded. The discov-
ery of Ukhaa Tolgod in 1993 provided the
evidence crucial to deducing a definitive an-
swer-an oviraptorid embryo within the
same type of egg as those beneath the Ovi-
raptor philoceratops holotype (Norell et al.,
1994). With this reidentification of the eggs
the association of the skeleton with eggs of
its own kind became explicable as evidence
of parental care, rather than predation.
The specimen described here, IGM 100/
979 (mistakenly labeled 100/972 in fig. 1 of
Norell et al., 1995), provides further evi-
dence that this association is indeed a result
of parental behavior. The specimen (fig. 1)
was discovered in 1993, and after its prepa-
ration a preliminary note was published (No-
rell et al., 1995). A second specimen on a
nest was collected from Ukhaa Tolgod in
1995 (see Webster, 1996), and another from
correlative beds at Bayan Mandahu in Inner
Mongolia, China, was reported by Dong and
Currie (1996). These three specimens and the
0. philoceratops holotype provide compel-
ling evidence that the close association be-
tween adults and nests in Oviraptoridae has
a biological explanation.
The specimen is remarkably intact, and in
addition to its importance in preserving this
individual's relationship to the nest it pro-
vides important new data on the thoracic
skeleton in oviraptorids. Many of these fea-
tures were revealed by preparation following
publication of the preliminary note, and thus
were not reported or illustrated there. Ovi-
raptorids are among the closest relatives of
Avialae, the group comprising Archaeopter-
yx, extant birds, and related taxa (Aves of
some other authors: see Gauthier, 1986), and
these new features help determine the precise
relationships of oviraptorids among Thero-
poda and the homology of these features.
Institutional abbreviations: AMNH-
American Museum of Natural History, New
York; IGM-Mongolian Institute of Geolo-
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gy, Ulaan Baatar; IVPP-Institute of Verte-
brate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,
Beijing; MIAE-field numbers ofthe collec-
tions made by the Mongolian Academy of
Sciences-American Museum of Natural His-
tory expeditions to the Gobi Desert.
The specimen is from a thick-bedded
sandstone in the lower part of the local sec-
tion at the Ankylosaur Flats sublocality,
Ukhaa Tolgod. These sediments and the fau-
na they entomb closely resemble sediments
and assemblages at localities in the Djadokh-
ta Formation, such as Bayn Dzak and Bayan
Mandahu, but some similarities with the fau-
na of the Barun Goyot Formation have also
been noted (Dashzeveg et al., 1995; Gao and
Norell, 1996). Currently the stratigraphic re-
lationships of this locality relative to other
localities, especially the type section of the
Barun Goyot Formation, are unclear and un-
der study (L. Dingus et al., in prep.).
At Ukhaa Tolgod, the specimen was col-
lected from a unit with a lithology that has
been described elsewhere as a "structureless
sandstone" and interpreted as eolian in origin
(e.g., Eberth, 1993). In the Djadokhta For-
mation at Ukhaa Tolgod this facies initially
was interpreted as eolian in origin (Dashzev-
eg et al., 1995). Recently, Loope et al. (1998)
reinterpreted these deposits as representing
low-energy debris flows from eolian deposits
that formed thick alluvial fans. The source of
these deposits was an extensive field of sta-
bilized sand dunes that destabilized when in-
undated with water during large rainstorms.
They interpreted the ancient Ukhaa Tolgod
environment as dominated by large, stabi-
lized sand dunes separated by interdunal en-
vironments such as small, ephemeral ponds.
Loope et al. (1998) suggested that sand
flowed at relatively low energy from the
dunes into the interdunal zone following
large rainstorms. The low-energy flows cov-
ered dead, or dying, animals and may have
entombed smaller animals in burrows. Low-
energy depositional conditions may therefore
be responsible for the excellent preservation
of the Ukhaa Tolgod fossils, including IGM
As with many of the specimens from
Ukhaa Tolgod, traces of burrowing inverte-
brates are preserved with the skeleton. They
are recognizable mainly because they are
more strongly cemented than the surrounding
matrix and are lighter in color. Five burrows
were exposed during preparation, including a
long burrow on the dorsal surface of the ster-
nal plates (fig. 2). These burrows are filled
with white particles which may be pieces of
digested bone, and two in the shoulder region
are nearly white. Four of the five are slightly
curved, but the smallest one is straight. One
is preserved above the right coracoid, one to
the left of the fourth digit of the left pes, and
another between the right ischium and right
pes, and one was removed from above a right
ventral rib just behind the right sternal plate.
Most are similar in shape, ranging from 3-4
cm in length and 4-8 mm in diameter, but
the one above the sternum is over 6 cm long
(fig. 2). Although other evidence of contem-
poraneous fossil arthropods at Ukhaa Tolgod
(Loope et al., 1998) and other Djadokhta lo-
calities (see Johnston et al., 1996) may be
from the taxon responsible for the burrows,
it is also possible that burrows associated
with IGM 100/979 were formed significantly
after deposition of the bed in which it is bur-
The age of the Djadokhta Formation at
Ukhaa Tolgod and elsewhere in Mongolia
and China currently is not constrained by ra-
diometric dates, marine invertebrates, or pa-
leomagnetic polarity patterns. Comparisons
of the vertebrates suggest a correlation with
the late Campanian to early Maastrichtian
marine invertebrate stages (Lillegraven and
McKenna, 1986; Jerzykiewicz and Russell,
1991). However, the Darabasa Formation of
Kazakhstan has a mammalian fauna similar
to that of the Djadokhta Formation and is
interbedded with Early Campanian marine
invertebrates (Averianov, 1997).
The skeleton (fig. 1) is incompletely ex-
posed, as further preparation would compro-
mise the integrity of the specimen or endan-
ger bones by removing their support. Miss-
ing are nearly the entire vertebral column,
the skull, and the ilia and left femur. The

Page 4
Fig. 1. IGM 100/979, in dorsal view. See Appendix for abbreviations.
exposed portions comprise a complete right
forelimb; a partial left forelimb including the
proximal end of the humerus, the distal ends
of the radius and ulna, and all the bones of
the manus; the nearly complete furcula; the
ventral portion of both scapulae fused with
the coracoids; the left and right sternal plates;
what appears to be the ventral part of a ver-
tebral centrum in the shoulder region; the
distal ends of the ischia and pubes; the distal
end of the right femur and the proximal half
of the tibia and fibula in articulation; the
right pes distalto the middle of the metatar-
sals (the second and third digits are not ex-
posed); the left fibula, tarsus, and pes in ar-
ticulation, and what may be a fragment of
the proximal end of the tibia; and a series of
gastralia and the distal ends of seven pairs of
ribs. Most of the bones are uncrushed except
the right radius, ulna, femur, and tibia. Rem-
nants of the keratinous claws of the manus
are preserved on the ends of the second and
third unguals on the right side and the first
and third ungual on the left side.
cula (fig. 3) is missing the distal half of its
left side and a small part of the distal tip of
its right side, which is otherwise preserved
in articulation with the right scapula. It is
completely fused, with no indication of a su-
ture between the two clavicles. It is a robust
bone that curves posterodorsally at its distal
end (as preserved on the right side). The bro-
ken edge of the left side of the bone reveals
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Imd 1I
rmd I
rmd 11
Fig. l.-Continued.
no indications of a pneumatic space within
it, as is found in the furcula of many birds.
The distal end flattens where it articulates
with a distinct shelf on the anterior edge of
the scapula. An unusually long, dorsoven-
trally flat hypocleidium extendsposteroven-
trally from the midline of the furcula, direct-
ly toward the sternum (fig. 3). It is nearly
half as long as is each half of the furcula. It
tapers distally from a broad base, and is
about twice as long as the base is wide.
Remnants of the scapulae are poorly pre-
served. A well-developed shelf is preserved
on the anterior edge of both elements dorsal
to the glenoid fossa, andthe furcula articu-
lates with this shelf on the right side. The
shelf is nearly horizontal and dorsally con-
cave, with a well-developed semicircular rim
The right coracoid is partly exposed and
the left is almost completely exposed in me-
dial view. The exposed portion is similar in
size and shape to that of other oviraptorosau-
rians (Barsbold et al., 1990), which is more
elongate ventrally than in basal theropods,
forming a quadrangular shape in medial and
lateral views. The articulation with the ster-
num is exposed only on the left side, where
the coracoid has been displaced slightly an-
terodorsally. The coracoid contacts the ster-
num along the anterior edge near the midline.
The humerus (fig. 4) has a well developed

Page 6
Fig. 2. IGM 100/979, invertebrate trace on
the dorsal surface of the sternal plates. Anterior
end of skeleton toward top.
deltoid crest, extending nearly the proximal
third of the bone. Opposite the deltoid crest,
near the medial edge of the humerus, is a low
prominence, the ventral (internal) tuberosity.
Only the anterior surface of the distal end is
The shaft of the only complete ulna, the
right, is apparently broken and healed, as in-
dicated by an expanded area two-thirds of the
way down the shaft with a rugose surface. A
deep longitudinal groove medial to the ru-
gose area may also be due to this injury, but
could also be accentuated by crushing. The
ulna is relatively straight with no evidence of
bowing, and there is no evidence of quill
knobs. The olecranon process is only weakly
developed, and the proximal end is not as
robust as in an undescribed oviraptorid skel-
eton from Ukhaa Tolgod, IGM 100/1002.
The distal end is expanded into a well-
formed, convexly rounded end. The radius is
slightly more slender than the ulna, and
shows no evidence of injury. The ends of the
radius are not well exposed, but the distal
third has a slight dorsal bend to the shaft.
The carpals are poorly exposed (fig. 4).
The large distal ("semilunate") carpal is sep-
arated slightly from the proximal ends of the
metacarpals, and could not have been fused
to them. The left element appearsto have
rotated somewhat out of position. A second,
smaller carpal is preserved laterally, opposite
the proximal end of the third metacarpal. It
is triangular in shape, with a proximal apex.
There is no evidence of proximal carpals, but
this area is not completely exposed on either
The manus comprises only three digits
(figs. 5, 6), homologous with 1-111 in com-
parison with other Theropoda. The first meta-
carpal is relatively robust and is approxi-
mately one-third the length of the second and
third. The second and third parallel one an-
other, the third being more slender than the
second. The lateral edge of the first metacar-
pal is in contact with the medial surface of
the second, but as preserved on both sides
the third articulates on the ventrolateral, rath-
er than lateral, edge of the proximal end of
the second. The proximal end of the third
metacarpal is well developed rather than be-
ing reduced as in some oviraptorids (such as
The digital formula of the manus is 2-3-4-
X-X. The firstdigit is about two-thirds the
length of digits II and III (including meta-
carpals), which are equal in length. The prox-
imal phalanx of the first digit is long and
robust, similar in length to, but more robust
than, metacarpals II and III. The proximal
and medial phalanges of the seconddigit are
also elongate, each being approximately two-
thirds the length of the proximalphalanx of
digit I. The proximal two phalanges of the
third digit are smaller, each being approxi-
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Fig. 3. IGM 100/979, furcula in anterodorsal view. Note the elongate, flat hypocleidium (hc).
mately one third the length of the proximal
phalanx of digit I. The penultimate phalanx
of digit III is approximately 25% longer than
the proximal phalanges.
The articulations between the proximal
phalanges and the metacarpals indicate that
little rotation was possible. The surfaces are
not well rounded, and they do not extend far
beyond the minimumarea over which the
two bones contact. The articulations between
the phalanges, however, are all strongly con-
vexo-concave and extend beyond the mini-
mum area of contact, indicating a much
greater degree of anteroposterior rotation.
The manal claws are strongly curved,
deep, and laterallycompressed with well de-
veloped flexor tubercles. The proximal end
of unguals II and III has a well-developed lip
dorsal to the articular surface. The groove for
the claw sheath on each side is situated near
the ventral edge proximally and rises to the
dorsal surface distally, being symmetrically
placed on both sides. The claw of digit I is
larger than that of digit II (89 mm in greatest
length versus 77 mm), which is larger than
that of digit III (71 mm).
Remnants of the unossified, presumably
keratinous, part of the claw are preserved on
the second and third unguals on the right side
and the first and third ungual on the left side.
They indicate that the keratinous claw ex-
tended significantly beyond the end of the
bone. In all four cases the keratin is pre-
served as a thin ribbon of fibrous tissue dor-
sal to the end of the ungual, suggesting that
this region of the claw differed from others
in some way (perhaps in density or thickness
of the keratin). (A small clump of white ma-
terial beneath the ungual of left digit III near
its tip may also be from the keratinous claw.)
The longest example is on right digit II, al-
though the distal part of the keratin is sepa-
rated by a large gap from the proximal part.
The total length of the tissue,including the

Page 8
rmc 3
rmt 2
rmt 3 rmt 4
Fig. 4. IGM 100/979, right fore and hindlimbs on nest in dorsal view. Note pairing of eggs. Pho-
tographed prior to preparation of sternum. See Appendix for abbreviations.
gap, is 32 mm, and it extends 23 mm beyond
the end of the bone in a direction continuous
with the curvature of the dorsal edge of the
PELVIS AND HINDLIMB: Only the distal part
of the pubes are preserved, and their distal
ends are not exposed (fig. 1). In cross section
the lateral part of each bone is subcircular,
and a thin lamina extends medially towards
the midline. The two bones are strongly su-
tured into a midline symphysis, forming a
relatively flat anterior surface. Proximally the
medial edge of each bone becomes more pos-
teriorly oriented, creating a concavity on the
anterior surface of the symphysis, and pre-
sumably a pubic apron posteriorly. The ori-
entation of the bones is similar to the posi-
tion of these bones in articulated pelves of
oviraptorids, nearly vertical but projecting
somewhat anteroventrally. The pubic bootis
not exposed and must occupy the region in
the center of the nest.
The distal end of the ischium (fig. 7) is
expanded and the two bonesform a horizon-
tal symphysis with a deeply concave dorsal
surface. The ischia are in firm contact over
the length ofthe symphysis (116 mm), and
the suture involves a complex interdigitation
of large processes and concavities in a si-
nusoidal pattern. An ischial symphysis has
not been reported in any other oviraptorid
specimen (Barsbold et al., 1990). The bone
thins dramatically distally, in the posterior
third of the symphysis, and ventrally along
the midline. The preserved portion of the is-
chia lies distal to the region an obturator pro-
cess would be expected.
The distal end of the right femur is too
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Fig. 4.-Continued.

Page 10
p 1
2 cm
Fig. 5. IGM 100/979, right manus in lateral view. Note remnant of keratinous claw on digit II and
III unguals. SeeAppendix for abbreviations.
poorly preserved to offer reliable evidence of
its original condition. It is crushed dorsoven-
trally (fig. 8).
The proximal end of the right tibia is part-
ly covered by the femur, but a strong lateral
deflection proximally indicates the presence
of a lateral cnemial crest. The shaft is
crushed and exhibits few features of interest.
Both fibulae exhibit a distinct bend ap-
proximately one-third of the way down the
shaft, some (but not all) of which may be due
to post-depositional distortion. The portion
proximal to the bend expands proximally and
is mediolaterally flattened, articulating with
the lateral cnemial crest of the tibia. Distal
to the bend, the fibula becomes extremely
slender, and it extends to the tarsus to contact
the calcaneum (fig. 9).
The poorly preserved left proximal tarsals
indicate that the calcaneum is fused to the
astragalus distally but not proximally. The
ascending process of the astragalus is a broad
sheet of bone that would have covered the
entire anterior surface of the distal end of the
tibia, but it is unclear how far along the tibia
it extended proximally. The distal tarsals are
not exposed,presumably lying beneath the
proximal tarsals.
As in other Theropoda, the proximal end
of the first metatarsal is greatly reduced.
Metatarsals II-IV are similar to each other in
size, and only the proximalmost part of meta-
tarsal III narrows between II and IV, although
much less so than in, for example, Troodon-
tidae. None of the metatarsals are fused to
one another. Metatarsal III is slightly longer
than IV, which is slightly longer than II.The
articulating surfaces on the distal ends of
these metatarsals are smooth and do not
show a ginglymoid condition. They extend
anterodorsally onto the shaft, indicating the
capacity for at least limited digitigrade pos-
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ture. Metatarsal I articulates on the postero-
medial edge of metatarsal II three-fourths of
the way down its shaft, and is preserved in
what appears to be its natural position on
both feet. Its distal end is twisted anteriorly,
so that the toe is not reversed as it is in many
birds. The splintlike metatarsal V is exposed
on the left side, and is approximately one-
third the length of metatarsal III. It articulates
with metatarsal IV on its posterolateral edge,
and extends proximally to the same level as
metatarsals II-IV.
The digital formula of the pes is 2-3-4-5-
0. The relative lengths of the complete digits
are III>IV>II>>I. The phalanges are short
and robust with strongly curved articulation
surfaces. The unguals are broad and robust,
with very deep grooves for the keratinous
claw. The unguals are stout and only weakly
curved ventrally except that of the first toe.
AXIAL SKELETON: The only vertebra pre-
served, located between the scapulae, is too
poorly preserved to provide significant in-
The two sternal plates (fig. 10) are very
well preserved, exposed in dorsal view, and
are generally similar to those of other ovi-
raptorids with paired elements (Barsbold,
1981). They abut along the midline, without
overlapping. The right plate is slightly longer
anteriorly than the left, but otherwise the ex-
posed portions of both sides are symmetrical
across the midline. The anterior edge of each
plate is concave anterolaterally, and the cor-
acoid articulates with only a small area near
the midline. The medial edge of each plate
is straight without indentations, although an-
teriorly it is obscured by the trace fossil cov-
ering most of this region. The lateral edge is
complex but is dominated by two lateral pro-
cesses: an anteriorly placed one with a pos-
terolateral costal margin, and a blunt, poste-
riorly placed process comparable to the lat-
eral xiphoid process (or trabecula) on the
sternum of many avians.
The anterior process has a concave ante-
rior edge and a straight posterolateral edge,
forming a triangle in dorsal view. The ante-
rior edge is smooth, while the posterolateral
edge is thick, rugose, and with several ex-
pansions. The first threeventral ribs (i.e., the
ventral segments of the thoracic ribs) are pre-
served in contact with this edge on the left
plate and very close to this edge on the right,
and they undoubtedly articulated to these ir-
regularities. The fourth ventral rib terminates
far from this surface (11.5 cm from it on the
right side), and its distal end tapers to a point
rather than being expanded like the first three
ribs, strongly suggesting it did not articulate
with the costal margin of the sternum.
On the right side, which is better exposed,
the more posterior of the two lateral pro-
cesses is square, terminating in an antero-
posteriorly broad, gently rounded edge, and
it extends further laterally than the anterior
process. Its anterior edge is short and slightly
concave anteriorly, and the posterior edge is
straight and continuous medially with the
posterior edge of the plate. The posterior
edge of the plate is somewhat irregular but
is much thinner than the costal margin, and
there is no evidence for the articulation of
ribs. Near the midline the sternal plate has a
short, broad posterior process.
Only the ventral portions of the posteri-
ormost cervical rib and the first six thoracic
ribs are preserved, but they are nearly undis-
turbed and preserved in exceptional detail.
These seven ribs are folded backward ante-
rior to the pubes on the right side, which is
the basis for this description because the left
ribs are incompletely exposed (fig. 10). The
second through fourth preserved ribs articu-
late with the sternum, and because the tho-
racic series is typically defined to begin with
the first rib that articulates with the sternum
(e.g., Romer, 1956: 227) they belong to this
series. The posteriormost cervical is thinner
than the first thoracic, but is comparable in
thickness to the second thoracic.
A separate ventral (sternal) segment is pre-
sent in the first three dorsal ribs and articu-
lates ventrally with the sternum (fig. 10). The
fourth thoracic rib has a ventral segment that
does not articulate with the sternum, and it
tapers to a point ventrally. The fifth and sixth
ribs lack ventral components, and there is no
indication of an articulation surface distally
for a cartilaginous segment. All of the ventral
rib segments are well ossified, as is evident
from cancelous bone exposed within the ven-
tral end of several segments and the presence
of haversian systems (fig. 11).
The articulation surfaces between the ven-
tral and dorsal rib segments are expanded

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with nearly flat articulation surfaces (fig. 10).
They are separated from each other by sev-
eral millimeters of matrix, suggesting the
presence of connective tissue between them.
All of the ventral rib segments are flattened
in the same directions as the corresponding
dorsal component to the rib. They are pre-
served close to one another, as a bundle, and
the ventral end of each is expanded where it
meets the sternum. The ventral segment of
the first dorsal rib is the stoutest and shortest,
and is straight. The left ribs are preserved in
articulation with the sternum (those on the
right are displaced a few centimeters poster-
omedially), and the robust ventral segment of
the first thoracic rib is the most lateral of the
three articulating on the costal margin of the
sternal plate (as inferred in Sinraptor; Currie
and Zhao, 1993). The ventral segments of the
second and third thoracic rib are progres-
sively longer and thinner and have a distinct
medial bend near the articulation with the
dorsal segment (exposed only on the right
side). The ventral segment of the fourth tho-
racic rib is much shorter and tapers to a
point, and it is preserved far from thester-
num (see above),indicating it did not artic-
ulate with it.
The fourth, fifth, and sixth thoracic ribs are
progressively shorter than those articulated
with the sternum, but because they are in-
complete proximally their actual lengths are
not known. Nevertheless, the dramatic short-
ening in these ribs and the lack of distur-
bance to the skeleton strongly suggest that
the rib cage was anteroposteriorly short in
comparison with, for example, crocodylians.
Associated with the dorsal segments of the
first four preserved ribs are four mediolater-
ally flattened uncinate processes that expand
ventrally (fig. 12). The uncinate processes
are all incomplete dorsally but their propor-
tions suggest they were at least as long as in
Velociraptor (see Norell and Makovicky, in
press). The posterior edge is straight and the
anterior edge is concave anteriorly. They are
preserved extending posterodorsally over the
lateral surface of the rib posterior to them,
Fig. 7.
IGM 100/979, ischia in dorsal view,
anterior toward the top of the figure. Note ischial
symphysis (is) and apposition of ischia and egg.
with the expanded base abutting the rib an-
terior to them.
A few segments of gastralia are partly ex-
posed near the ventral midline beneath the
ventral ribs and sternal plates and anterior to
the left pes. They continue anteriorly beneath
the sternal plates, and are easily distin-
guished from the ventral ribs by their smaller
diameter, complex articulations, and lack of
articulation with the edge of the sternum.
Four segments exposed behind the posterior
edge of the right sternal plate converge an-
teromedially and are much larger than seg-
Fig. 6. IGM 100/979, leftmanus in lateral view. Note remnant of keratinous claw (kc) on unguals
of digits I and III and strong curvature of claw.

Page 14
5 cm
Fig. 8. IGM 100979, right hindlimb in dor-
solateral view. Note close proximity of fourth dig-
it and egg. See Appendix for abbreviations.
ments exposed more posteriorly. Otherwise
they are similar to those of Dromaeosauridae
(Norell and Makovicky, 1997).
Fifteen eggs are partially exposed beneath
the skeleton, but a similar number are esti-
mated to remain unexposed in the matrix.
The nest appears to be intact, and with a few
exceptions breakage is consistentwith com-
pression of the sediment ratherthan preburial
disturbance because there is little displace-
ment of the fragments. All of the exposed
eggs are horizontal or subhorizontal, aligned
radially within the nest, and, as exposed be-
neath the right arm, arranged in at least two
layers. The remaining thickness of the block
beneath the lower layer suggests that no
more than two layers are present beneath the
right arm, but the bottom of the nest is not
exposed. Eight eggs are arranged in pairs
(figs. 1, 4), and allmay be paired. Where
eggs are exposed in two layers, beneath the
specimen's right forelimb, matrix is absent
between some areas of the juxtaposed eggs,
but an egg in the upper layer beneath the left
manus is suspended at leastpartly by matrix
and not by the lower layer of eggs. Further-
more, at least one pair ofeggs in the upper
layer is situated farther away from the center
of the nest than the eggs upon which they
rest (fig. 4), unlike the arrangement of at least
two other nests of this type (Dong and Cur-
rie, 1996). Most of the center of the nest is
not exposed, but there is no evidence for
eggs in the center at the same level as the
uppermost eggs exposed further out from the
The eggs are elongate, parallel sided, with
NO. 3265

Page 15
Fig. 9. IGM 100/979, left fibula and tarsus in posterior view, left pes in dorsal
fragments beneath unguals. See Appendix for abbreviations.
rounded ends of similar shape, a shape
termed elongatoolithid (Mikhailov et al.,
1994). Although previously we implied that
they are less rounded atone end than the
other (Norell et al., 1995), in those eggs
where both ends are exposed they are sym-
metrical. The outer surface has a series of
longitudinally oriented fine ridges that grade
into dimples or smooth areasat the poles.
None of the well-exposed eggsshow indi-
cations of hatching or predation, nor are
view. Note egg
bones visible in the few in which the interior
is exposed. Two eggshellfragments, nearthe
left ischium, suggestthe presence of a bro-
ken egg, but this area is insufficiently ex-
posed to interpret definitively. A histologic
study of the egg shell will be published else-
where (Bray et al., in press).
None of the eggs are exposed in theiren-
tirety, so all of their dimensions cannot be
measured accurately. A pair of eggsbeneath
the right manus differ in their width, one be-

Page 16
ing only 6.5 cm wide, the other 7.2, and the
difference is likely due to the effects of
crushing. An egg beneath the left carpus is
nearly completely exposed, and as preserved
is at least 18 cm in length, but less than 19
Eggs are not preserved within the pelvic
region, much of which is missing. If the an-
imal had been in the act of laying an egg or
preparing to do so, it is expected that one or
two would be preserved here. The incom-
pleteness of the pelvis makes this assessment
uncertain, but to have been lost to erosion an
egg must have been "floating" in matrix
well above the ischiadic symphysis.
There is no evidence from the outlying
sediments as to the shape or size of the nest,
although little sediment was removed with
the block. There is no obvious structure to
the sediments, nor changes in macroscopic
details away from the eggs (however, they
have not been studied microscopically).
There is also no evidence for plant matter in
the nest, but as the sediments are highly ox-
idized and poorly consolidated with large
pore spaces it is unclear whether it could
have survived diagenesis and the percolation
of ground water (D. Loope, pers. comm.),
and plant remains are not known from the
Djadokhta Formation at Ukhaa Tolgod.
The most remarkable aspect of the skele-
ton is the birdlike posture in which it is pre-
served (figs. 1, 13). The body would have
completely coveredthe nest, with the abdom-
inal region over the center, and both limbs
are placed in positions nearly symmetrical
across the midline. The positions of the tibia,
fibulae, femur, pelvis, and ribs suggest that
the body was shifted slightly to the left of
center, lying on the left side of its chest, rath-
er than being exactly symmetrical. Further-
more, the right forelimb is shifted medially,
and the proximal end of the humerus has
come to lie near the midline. This shifting of
the body and right forelimb to the left sug-
gest that the sediment deposited upon the
skeleton may have come toward the animal
from its right hand side.
The gastralia, ventral ribs, and apparently
the sternal elements rest directly on eggs. An
Fig. 10. IGM 100/979, sternal plates in dor-
sal view, anterior toward top of figure. Note the
articulations of the three ventral rib segments with
the sternum, dislocated slightly posteriorly on the
right side but intact on the left. Alsonote the ap-
position of the gastralia and ventral ribs with a
partially exposed egg posterior to the right sternal
plate. See Appendix for abbreviations.
egg is exposed beneath the ribs and gastralia
immediately posterior to the right sternalel-
ement (fig. 10), and the bones rest directly
on the egg surface. The more posterior ribs
are above the highest level of eggs, suggest-
ing that the center of the nest may have been
The forelimbs extend laterally and then
posteriorly to overlie the perimeter of the
nest (fig. 1). The humeri extend laterally and
slightly posteriorly from the glenoid fossa.
The right antebrachium is extended, but the
distal ends of the left indicate that the elbow
on that side was flexed about 900. The right
carpus is strongly flexed, but the left is only
slightly flexed.The hands are strongly pro-
nated and lay on their medial surface, and
NO. 3265

Page 17
_ It ^
i.' ...4
Fig. 10.-Continued.
W e- I

Page 18
Fig. 11. IGM 100/797, thin sections of a dor-
sal segment of a thoracic rib (top) and a ventral
segment of the left first thoracic -rib (bottom).
Note the presence in both of osteons with a cen-
tral lacuna, identified by arrows in the ventral rib
section, indicative of ossification rather than cal-
the ventral displacement of the first and third
metacarpals relative to the second is most
likely due to the vertical compression that
came to bear after deposition. The right car-
pus rests on top of, or very close to, an egg,
but the left forearm is several centimeters
above the level of the eggs.
The ischia lie directly on top of an egg,
and the pubes extend into the matrix anterior
to this egg, toward the center of the nest. The
pubes have not been completely exposed, but
the preserved portions are from the pubic
symphysis andtherefore near the ventral end
of the bone. Although the expanded "boot"
at the end of the bone is not evident, the
pubes probably do not extend much further
ventrally than their exposed portions.
Both legs are oriented parasagittally with
the knee and ankle joints strongly flexed. The
toes of digits II-IV on the left pes are flexed
in several places (at the base of phalanges II-
1, 111-2, and IV-5), while the fourth toe of
the right side is completely extended (the
second and third are not exposed). The bones
of the left pes are intermixed with pieces of
egg shell, and the fourth toe of the right pes
is less than 1 cm from an egg beneath it.
The skeleton shows little indication of dis-
turbance after deposition. All of the exposed
elements are in their natural articulations,
and the few cases in which they are slightly
separated (e.g., the ungual of left pedal digit
III) are to the limited extent consistent with
postdepositional compaction. The region
showing the greatest disturbance is the shoul-
der girdle, where the coracoids are separated
from the sternal elements and the furcula is
moved anteriorly, apparently due to a medial
movement of the right, and to a lesser extent
the left, forelimbs.
The precise identification of IGM 100/979
is made difficult by the lack of a skull and
vertebrae, but several features allow identi-
fication both to Oviraptoridae and to a group
within it. Skeletons of Oviraptoridae are
common at Ukhaa Tolgod (Dashzeveg et al.,
1995), and at least two taxa are present
(Clark and Norell, in prep.). Oviraptoridae
are members of the theropod group Coelu-
rosauria, but do not belong to the largest
group of coelurosaurs, the birds (i.e., Avi-
The coelurosaurian affinities of the skele-
ton are evident from the presence of elongate
forelimbs, the absence of manus digit IV and
the presence of the semilunate carpal (Gau-
thier 1986). Among nonavialan Coelurosau-
ria, only Dromaeosauridae, Therizinosauri-
dae, Troodontidae and Oviraptorosauria (in-
cluding Oviraptoridae) are known to have a
subquadrangular coracoid (Gauthier, 1986;
Russell and Dong, 1993; Sues, 1997). Dro-
maeosaurids and Oviraptorosauria both have
two broad sternal plates that are sometimes
fused (Barsbold, 1983; Norell and Makov-
icky, 1997), but dromaeosaurids have an op-
isthopubic pelvis, a thinner fibula, metatar-
sals II-IV with ginglymoid distal ends, a re-
tractable second pedal digit with a greatly en-
NO. 3265

Page 19
Fig. 12. IGM 100/979, dorsal segments of right thoracic ribs
right dorsolateral view, anterior to the right.
larged claw, and shallower manal claws with
asymmetric grooves for the keratinous
sheath. The manus also differs in having a
shorter third digit relative to the second, and
a more slender, slightly bowed third meta-
carpal. The deep, strongly curved manal
claws of this specimen, with a dorsal lip over
the articulating surface, are similar only to
those of oviraptorosaurians and troodontids
_ g
_ *
| - |
111|1 | |
!j.p X
_ llg i
1111 | l
* Z
... ' 'r .s
w_ - S |
. 'iEll
and associated uncinate processes in
(Currie, 1990). However, troodontids have an
extremely reduced third metatarsal, an un-
usually robust fourth metatarsal, and a re-
tractable second pedal digit (Osm6lska and
Barsbold, 1990), and are reported to lack a
furcula, the clavicles instead being slender
and paired (Russell and Dong, 1993).
Oviraptoridae and the poorly known Caen-
agnathidae (including Chirostenotes, Caen-
Fig. 13. Schematic reconstruction of the oviraptorid as it might have appeared on the nest in lateral
view, based on the postureof the skeletal remains of IGM 100/979. The preserved portion of the skeleton
is shaded darker than the reconstructed portion. The arrangement of eggs in the nest is inpart hypo-
thetical, because most of the nest is not exposed, and the degree to which the outer parts of the nest
were buried is hypothetical.

Page 20
agnathasia, and Elmisaurus; Sues, 1997) and
Microvenator (Makovicky and Sues, 1998)
together comprise Oviraptorosauria (Osmol-
ska and Barsbold, 1990). Many postcranial
elements are unknown for Caenagnathidae,
and the relationships of Microvenator are un-
certain, limiting the unambiguous diagnosis
of Oviraptoridae. Nevertheless, the metatar-
sals of Caenagnathidae differ from those of
Oviraptoridae and IGM 100/979 in that
metatarsal III is much narrower dorsally, and
in Elmisaurus rarus, at least, the proximal
metatarsals are fused together with the distal
tarsals (Osmolska, 1981). Furthermore, ma-
nus digits II and III are subequal in length
and robustness in Oviraptoridae (Barsbold et
al., 1990),as they are in this specimen, but
in Caenagnathidae and most other Coeluro-
sauria (with the exception of ornithomimo-
saurs) digit III is shorter and more gracile
than digit II (Gauthier, 1986). The only
known skeleton of Microvenator celer shares
few elements in common with IGM 100/979,
but the deltopectoral crest of the humerus of
Microvenator is shorter and less pronounced
(Makovicky and Sues, 1998).
Oviraptoridae are unique among nonavi-
alan theropods in the shape of their furcula,
but this element is not known in Caenag-
nathidae or Microvenator. A furcula is pre-
sent in several nonavialan theropods (Currie
and Zhao, 1993; Norell et al., 1997; Chure
and Madsen, 1996; Makovicky and Currie,
1998), but in Oviraptoridae it is particularly
robust and often has a distinct hypocleidium
(Barsbold, 1983), as on thisspecimen.
Among theropods the most similar furcula is
that of Archaeopteryx (de Beer, 1954) and
Confuciusornis (Peters, 1996; Chiappe et al.,
submitted), although these (unlike that of
many birds) lack a hypocleidium. The hy-
pocleidium of IGM 100/979 is longer than in
any describedoviraptorid, but this delicate
process may have been lost or damaged in
other specimens.
Of the three named genera of Oviraptori-
dae-Oviraptor, Ingenia, and Conchorap-
tor-the skeleton of Ingenia is the most spe-
cialized. The manus of Ingenia is unusual in
that digit I is nearly as long as digit II, and
metacarpal I is half as long as the metacarpal
II, rather than being one third the length of
metacarpal II as in Oviraptor and most other
Coelurosauria (Barsbold, 1981; Barsbold et
al., 1990), features that are absent in IGM
100/979. The sternum of Ingenia also has a
less developed lateral trabecula than does
that of Oviraptor (Barsbold, 1983, fig. 15).
The postcranial skeleton of Conchoraptor
also lacks the specializations of Ingenia
(Barsbold et al., 1990), but the numerous
specimens of this taxon preserved in the
Mongolian Institute of Geology are all much
smaller than those of IGM 100/979, whereas
several specimens of Oviraptor are of a sim-
ilar large size, much larger than any other
oviraptorosaurian. Pending revision of this
group based upon the new material from
Ukhaa Tolgod, the present evidence therefore
suggests that IGM 100/979 is an oviraptorid
most closely related to Oviraptor.
The specimen also presents some features
differing from conditions in other Ovirapto-
ridae. The posterolateral flattening and bend-
ing of the furcula and the horizontal orien-
tation of the shelf on the anterior edge of the
scapula with which it articulates are similar
to, but more developed than, theseregions in
Oviraptor philoceratops (IGM 100/42). The
strongly sutured ischial symphysis is also
unique among oviraptorid specimens, but the
bone along the symphysis is very thin and
therefore easily damaged, and none of the
known oviraptorid skeletons with complete
ischia are as large as this one.
Many types of eggs are known from the
Djadokhta Formation of Mongolia (Mikhai-
lov et al., 1994), but the identification with
particular groups of vertebrates is tentative
for all except the single type for which di-
agnostic embryonic remains are known. The
single exception (IGM 100/971) is an ovi-
raptorid embryo preserved within an incom-
plete egg from UkhaaTolgod (Norell et al.,
1994). The eggs of IGM100/979 are similar
in all respects to the egg with the oviraptorid
A parataxonomy of eggs and eggshell has
been developedby Zhao (e.g.,1975), and
Mikhailov (1991) identified histologic mor-
photypes correlated with this taxonomy. The
eggs of IGM 100/979 are of the type classi-
fied as elongatoolithid in Zhao's system as
NO. 3265

Page 21
modified by Mikhailov, based upon their
large size, elongate shape with parallel or
sub-parallel sides, and sculpture pattern
("discretituberculate") of nodes and short
longitudinal ridges on the long edges and
nodes on the ends. The eggs from the nest
(AMNH 6508) beneath the holotype of Ovi-
raptor philoceratops at Bayn Dzak (Norell et
al., 1994) and those from beneath the ovirap-
torid skeleton at Bayan Mandahu (Dong and
Currie, 1996) are also of this type.
The eggs of IGM 100/979 are unusually
long, at least 18 cm in length. Elongatoolith-
id eggs are generally 15-17 cm long (Mik-
hailov et al., 1994); those from Bayan Man-
dahu are only 15 cm in length, and the eggs
from beneath the 0. philoceratops holotype
(AMNH 6508) are 14 cm long (although
crushing may have shortened them by up to
2 cm). The egg from Ukhaa Tolgod with the
oviraptorid embryo (IGM 100/971) was cited
as being only 12 cm long (Norell et al.,
1994), but it is too incomplete to estimate its
length accurately.
Because of the paucity of embryonic re-
mains in fossil eggs the precise identity of
most is unclear, and the taxonomic level at
which elongatoolithid eggs are diagnostic
may extend beyond Oviraptoridae. Further-
more, the only known embryo is incomplete,
and cannot be identified below the family
level. The skull and mandible of the embryo
possess the short, vertical rostrum, edentu-
lous margins, and tall mandible that distin-
guish oviraptorids from all other theropods.
The mandible is much shorter and taller than
that of caenagnathids, placing it within the
Oviraptoridae. Unfortunately, the lack of
dorsal roofing bones and evidence of the ma-
nus (which may be covered by the rest of the
skeleton) precludes more precise identifica-
This specimen is significant in providing
new information concerning the ventral part
of the thorax and the keratinous claws in ovi-
raptorids, andin suggesting that oviraptorids
behaved in ways similar to their living rela-
tives, birds. The ribsand sternum provide ev-
idence for features hitherto poorly known in
Oviraptoridae and unknown or rare in other
close relatives of birds: a single ossified ven-
tral rib segment in the first four thoracic ribs,
the articulation of three ribs with the costal
margin of the sternum, and ossified uncinate
processes. The specimen also confirms fea-
tures notedpreviously in other oviraptorids
(Barsbold, 1981), such as the articulation of
the coracoid with the anterior, rather than lat-
eral, edge of the sternum and the presence of
a robust furcula.
The pattern of rib segmentation in IGM
100/979, with a single, ossified ventral seg-
ment, is remarkably similar to the pattern in
the ribs of birds and unlike that in crocodyli-
an ribs. In the thoracic rib cage of nonavian
reptiles, such as crocodylians, one or two
cartilaginous segments are present between
the ossified dorsal rib and the sternum, but
they do not ossify (Parker, 1868; Hoffstetter
and Gasc, 1969). In crocodylians, the first 9
or (inGavialis) 10 thoracic ribs have two
cartilaginous segments ventral to the dorsal
rib (i.e., three segments in all), whereas the
following two ribs lack the intermediate el-
ement. The two ventral segments calcify in
some individuals, but they are not reported
to ossify (e.g., they do not have haversion
systems). The ribs of birds, however, have
only one ventral segment, and it is well os-
sified (Bellairs and Jenkin, 1960). An appar-
ently ossified, single ventral rib segment is
present in fossils of some basal avialans (e.g.,
Iberomesornis, Confuciusornis, and Hespe-
rornis) although they are not discernible on
any known specimen of Archaeopteryx.
Ossified ventral ribs were identified ten-
tatively in the dromaeosaurid Deinonychus
on the basis of isolated elements (Ostrom,
1969: 84-86), in the dromaeosaurid Veloci-
raptor (Barsbold, 1983: 34), and in the basal
troodontid Sinornithoides on the basis of CT
scans of an articulated skeleton (Russell and
Dong, 1993). Comparing Deinonychus with
crocodylians, Ostrom tentatively inferred the
presence of two ventral segments in Deinon-
ychus, but the isolated elements he studied
do not provide evidence sufficient to reach
this conclusion, especially considering the
evidence of only a single ventral segment in
their relatives, birds and oviraptorids. An os-
sified ventral segment is definitively present
in Velociraptor (Norell and Makovicky, in

Page 22
Oss. ventral ribs
Sternal rib #
Ossified stemum
Oss. unc. proc.
-AOOJV \\10
0? 1
3 rib articulations
\ fl to the sternum;
ossified ventral ribs*;
ossified uncinate
Fig. 14. Cladogram of relationships among theropod taxa with well-preserved sternal regions and
distribution of osteological characters discussed in the text, and the level at which selected features are
synapomorphous (under DELTRAN optimization). Relationships are supported by the analyses of Gau-
thier (1986), Holtz (1994), and Sues (1997), and the interpretation of Currie and Zhao (1993). Ossified
ventral ribs: rib ossification confined to dorsal segment (0) or both dorsal and ventral rib segments
ossified (1); Sternal rib number: number of rib articulations to the body of the sternum (the praester-
num); Ossified sternum: sternum unossified (0) or ossified (1); Ossified uncinate processes: ossified
uncinate processes absent (0), present and separate from ribs (1), present and fused to ribs (2). Paren-
theses indicate the occurrence in a group of a condition that is most simply interpreted as secondarily
derived, asterisk indicates characters that apply to more inclusive groups under different optimization
procedures. Sources: Parker, 1868; Marsh, 1880; Furbringer, 1888; Howes and Swinnerton, 1901; Lam-
be, 1917; Hoffstetter and Gasc, 1969; Currie and Zhao, 1993; Wellnhofer, 1993; Norell and Makovicky,
in press; Chiappe et al., submitted.
press), but is not otherwise reported in non-
avialan Coelurosauria.
The ventral segments on IGM 100/979 de-
finitively confirm the presence of these struc-
tures in nonavialan theropods, and they cor-
roborate the identification of these elements
in Deinonychus, at least one example of
which is similar in shape and has expanded
ends (Ostrom, 1969: fig. 52b). The absence
of these elements in other taxa may be an
artifact of ontogenetic sampling, preserva-
tion, or the manner in which they were col-
lected. In any case, the presence of ossified
ventral rib segments is a synapomorphy of
birds with a group including at least ovirap-
torids and dromaeosaurids among dinosaurs
(fig. 14).
The articulation of three ribs with the ster-
num inIGM 100/979 is significant in com-
parison with the typically larger number in
birds and the smaller number in more basal
theropods. In birds a variable number of ribs
articulate with the sternum, but with a single
exception it is greater thantwo. The number
of rib attachments to the avian sternum is
reported to range from 2 in some species of
Dinornithidae (moas) to 9 in, for example,
Cygnus (Furbringer, 1888: table 21). The
sternum of some moas is reported to have
facets for only two ribs, but those of other
species in this family are reported to have
three (Owen, 1879; Oliver, 1949). The rela-
tionships of moas, within Paleognathae (Lee
et al., 1997), imply that the condition of hav-
ing only two rib articulations represents an
evolutionary reversal from a larger number
of articulations, given that tinamous, neo-
gnaths, and basal avialans, where known
NO. 3265

Page 23
(e.g., Hesperornis and Ichthyornis, Marsh,
1880; Confuciusornis, Chiappe et al., sub-
mitted), have a larger number. In Archaeop-
teryx a sternum is preserved on only one
specimen (Wellnhofer, 1993), and it is too
poorly preserved to determine the number of
rib articulations.
In the few nonavialan theropods for which
this feature is known (Albertosaurus and Sin-
raptor), distinct facets for only two rib artic-
ulations are evident on the sternum (Lambe,
1917; Currie and Zhao, 1993). The sternum
is known in representatives of all of the other
major groups of dinosaurs (Sauropodomor-
pha, Thyreophora, Ornithopoda, and Margin-
ocephalia), but it is unclear how many ribs
attach (Weishampel et al., 1990). A specimen
of Velociraptor mongoliensis from Tugru-
geen Shireh (IGM 100/976) has three closely
appressed ventral ribs preserved adjacent to
the right side of the right sternal plate (Norell
et al., 1997; Norell and Makovicky, in press),
providing evidence that three ribs articulated
with the sternum in this taxon as well. The
articulation of more than two ribs with the
sternum in the oviraptorid specimen de-
scribed here and in Velociraptor therefore is
a synapomorphy of these two taxa with birds,
but the lack of information about the distri-
bution of this feature among other extinct
Coelurosauria greatly limits its implications
at this time.
In crocodylians (Parker, 1868; Hoffstetter
and Gasc, 1969), the first two thoracic ribs
articulate (via cartilaginous segments) with
the broad body of the cartilaginous sternum
(the praesternum of Parker, 1868), and the
following 6or 7 ribs articulate with a much
narrower posterior extension (the mesoster-
num of Parker, 1868). In extant birds, ribs
articulate only with the anterior part of the
lateral edge of the broad, ossifiedsternal
plate, and a structure similar to the meso-
sternum of crocodylians is absent (Parker,
1868; Furbringer, 1888). The ossified ster-
num of theropods (including birds) is there-
fore most comparable to the body (praester-
num) of the crocodylian sternum, and the
presence of two ribs in articulation with the
sternum in basal theropods and with the body
of the sternum in crocodylians in conse-
quence establishes this as the primitive con-
dition for Archosauria.
The precise phylogenetic relationships
among theropods is disputed, but all recent
studies (Currie and Zhao, 1993; Holtz, 1994;
Sues, 1997) indicate that oviraptorosaurs and
dromaeosaurids are more closely related to
extant birds than are tyrannosaurids, andtyr-
annosaurids are more closely related to a
group comprising these taxa than is Sinrap-
tor. The optimization of the number of rib
articulations to the sternum ona cladogram
of these phylogenetic relationships (fig. 14)
indicates that (1) two rib articulations with
the ossified portion of the sternum is ple-
siomorphic for Theropoda, (2) three rib ar-
ticulations with the sternum is a synapomor-
phy of dromaeosaurids, oviraptorids, and
Avialae (and perhaps some other coelurosau-
rians more closely related to them than to
tyrannosaurs and more basal dinosaurs), and
3) the higher number of sternal articulations
in many birds is an evolutionary increase.
The identification of the costal margin of
the sternum allows for a more precise un-
derstanding of the morphology of this struc-
ture in oviraptorids (see Barsbold, 1981, for
descriptions of other oviraptorid sternae).
The costal margin is in a position comparable
to that of most birds, on the anterior half of
the lateral surface, rather than posteriorly as
in crocodylians and lepidosaurs. Although
there is a great deal of variation among birds
in the morphology of the lateral edge of the
sternum there is often a lateral or posterolat-
eral process immediately posterior to the cos-
tal margin, termed the external xiphoid pro-
cess of the lateral xiphisternum by Parker
(1868) and Bellairs and Jenkin (1960) but
identified as the lateral trabecula byFurbrin-
ger (1888) and Baumel and Witmer (1993).
The posterior of the two lateral processes of
the sternum described above in IGM 100/979
is in this same position, and its similarity
with the structure in extant birds and the
presence of a similar process in some basal
avialans (e.g., Concornis; Sanz et al., 1995)
is sufficient to hypothesize that it may be ho-
mologous among these taxa. Theabsence of
such a process in alvarezsaurids (Perle et al.,
1994) suggests that this feature may have
been lost and regained in the course of avi-
alan evolution, however.
The articulation of the coracoid to the an-
terior edge of the sternum is a further feature

Page 24
that oviraptorids and some other nonavialan
theropods share with birds. In crocodylians
and lepidosaurs the coracoid articulates along
the lateral surface of the sternum, whereas in
birds it articulates along the anterior edge
(Parker, 1868). The sternum is poorly known
in dinosaurs, but in Ankylosauria (Coombs,
1990) and Iguanodon (Norman, 1980) the
coracoid contacts the anterolateral edge of
the sternum (Coombs, 1990) whereas in sau-
ropods it is unclear where the coracoid artic-
ulates (McIntosh, 1990). In Sinraptor (Currie
and Zhao, 1993), Albertosaurus (Lambe,
1917), and the dromaeosaurid Velociraptor
(Norell et al., 1997; Norell and Makovicky,
in press), as well as in other oviraptorids
(Barsbold, 1981), the articulation is with the
anterior edge of the sternum.
The presence of ossified uncinate process-
es in IGM 100/979 broadens the taxonomic
distribution of this character within Thero-
poda (fig. 14). Free uncinate processes as-
sociated with the thoracic ribs are present in
Velociraptor (Paul, 1988; Norell and Makov-
icky, in press) and in some basal avialans,
being especially well developed in Hespe-
rornis regalis (Marsh, 1880), Confuciusornis
(Chiappe et al., submitted) and Chaoyangia
(Hou and Zhang, 1993). In extant birds these
elements develop independent of the rib but
usually fuse to it, except in Apteryx and pen-
guins where they remain free (Parker, 1868;
Furbringer, 1888; Bellairs and Jenkin, 1960).
The incomplete elements preserved on this
specimen are similar to those of Velociraptor
but are more expanded ventrally. Those of
Hesperornis are as broad ventrally but are
shorter. Although the evidence presented by
IGM 100/979 for identifying these as unci-
nate processes is not definitive, owing to its
incompleteness dorsally, at least one other
oviraptorid specimen from Ukhaa Tolgod,
IGM 199/1002, a nearly complete articulated
skeleton, preserves similar elements inter-
laced with the ribs, corroborating this iden-
The evolution of uncinate processes in
diapsids is somewhat ambiguous, as they are
present and ossified in birds and the basal
lepidosaur Sphenodon, present but unossified
in crocodylians, and altogether absent in ex-
tant squamates (Parker, 1868; Howes and
Swinnerton, 1901; Hoffstetter and Gasc,
1969; Bellairs and Jenkin, 1960). Uncinate
processes are not reported in nontheropodan
diapsids nor in Archaeopteryx, but it is dif-
ficult to ascertain whether the apparent ab-
sence of these elements is actuallydue to the
vagaries of preservation because it requires
exceptional preservation to differentiate
these elements from the ribs proper. In any
case, the elements in IGM 100/979 are sim-
ilar to the elongate elements in basal birds
such as Hesperornis rather than to the short,
unossified elements of crocodylians, and the
distribution of elongate, ossified uncinate
processes indicates that it is a synapomorphy
of Avialae and a more inclusive group of di-
nosaurs including oviraptorids and dromaeo-
saurids (fig. 14).
In extant birds, movements of the rib cage
and sternum are critical to the passage of air
through the specialized respiratory system
(McLelland, 1989), and it is has been sug-
gested that this respiratory system was absent
in nonavialan theropods (Ruben et al., 1997).
The presence in oviraptorids of ossified un-
cinate processes, a furcula, ossified ventral
ribs in articulation with a broad, ossified ster-
num, and an anteriorlyplaced coracoid-ster-
num articulation, on the other hand, suggests
that these animals were capable of the move-
ments required by the avian respiratory sys-
tem. Cataloging the osteological components
of the avian respiratory mechanism does not
constitute a critical test of the biomechanical
capabilities of these structures, however, and
demonstrating the capability of a behavior is
not equivalent to demonstrating that the be-
havior was present. There is at present no
strong evidence for the detailedmorphology
of the respiratory system in nonavian dino-
saurs worthy of detailed consideration. In
any case, the assertion that ossified ventral
rib segments and a broad sternum are absent
in nonavialan theropods (Ruben et al., 1997)
is false, and the inference that a respiratory
system like that of avians was absent in these
taxa is not supported by any reliable evi-
dence (theinterpretation of incompletely pre-
pared soft tissue residue in Sinosauropteryx
The remains of the keratinous claws of the
manus are thefirst reported for an ovirapto-
rid, and indicate a highly curved claw
(Chiappe, 1997). The curvature of the kera-
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Page 25
tinous pedal claws of living birds and its re-
lationship to lifestyle was studied by several
authors, most recently Feduccia (1993), in an
attempt to interpret the lifestyle of Archae-
opteryx and other theropods. Feduccia noted
that in Archaeopteryx the curvature of the
pedal claws is similar to that of perching
birds, and the curvature of the manal claws
is similar to that of climbing birds. Using
Feduccia's method of measuring curvature,
the claw of digit II on the right side of IGM
100/979 spans a minimum of 1600, similar to
the manal claws of Archaeopteryx and the
pedal claws of climbing birds (Chiappe,
1997). Furthermore, the bony manal claws of
the dromaeosaurids Deinonychus (Ostrom,
1969) and Velociraptor (Barsbold, 1983; No-
rell and Makovicky, in press) are as strongly
curved as that of IGM 100/979. This sug-
gests either that Deinonychus and ovirapto-
rids were climbers, or that there was no cor-
relation between claw curvature and climb-
ing behavior in these taxa. Correlations be-
tween form and function are a dubious means
of inferring behavior, because form does not
always indicate behavior where this relation-
ship can be examined in extant taxa (Lauder,
1995), and we are unaware of any evidence
that tests critically the climbing abilities of
oviraptorids and dromaeosaurids. In any
case, the lack of curvature in the manal claws
of nonavialan theropods reported by Feduc-
cia (1993) is contradicted by this specimen.
The specimen described here presents rare
evidence of behavior in an extinct animal,
but the interpretation of behavior in fossils is
more speculative thanin living organisms.
Because behavior-self-initiated movement
of living organisms-cannot be observed di-
rectly in fossils it must be inferred, and these
inferences involve untestable assumptions
beyond those involved in observing behavior
in living organisms. However, the success of
studies of insect nests, spider webs, and writ-
ten languages demonstrates that the products
of behavior are interpretable, andin some
ways more easily interpreted than is the be-
havior producing them because they can be
observed repeatedly without being affected.
The position of IGM 100/979 strongly
evokes the posture taken by birds while sit-
ting on their nests, and the occurrence of four
specimens directly on nests among the first
thirty excavated oviraptorid skeletons indi-
cates that this association is the result of a
consistent behavior of these animals, so a
careful consideration of its implications is
necessary. We review other specimens here,
because a discussion of other specimens of
oviraptorids preserved on nests is critical to
corroborating the evidence provided by our
(1) AMNH 6517, the holotype of Ovirap-
tor philoceratops Osborn, 1924. The speci-
men is from the Djadokhta Formation at
Bayn Dzak. The skeleton is missing the hind
limbs, but the anterior part of the skeleton is
preserved lying on its side rather than in a
posture similar to that of IGM 100/979. Os-
born (1924) noted that the skull was pre-
served four inches above the nest, but the
precise position of the skeleton over the nest
is unclear because they were separated dur-
ing preparation. The nest from beneath the
skeleton (AMNH 6508) is incomplete, com-
prising only 15 eggs when collected (two of
which were not intact). The preserved por-
tion of the nest indicates that the eggs were
arranged in pairs and in at least three tiers,
and the preserved semicircular pattern sug-
gests the nest was originally circular.
(2) IVPP specimen V9608, described by
Dong and Currie (1996). Most of the skele-
ton is absent, but preserved are several ver-
tebral fragments and portions of the right
fore and hind limbs overlying six elonga-
toolithid eggs. There is no indication among
the preserved bones that the skeleton or nest
was incomplete before erosion, but the eggs
occur in only one layer. The limbelements
indicate the skeleton was in a posture similar
to that of IGM 100/979, with the arm around
the perimeter of the nest and the pes in the
center ofthe nest.
(3) An unprepared skeleton from Ukhaa
Tolgod, field numberMAE 95-97. As ex-
posed in the field, the specimen consists of
much of a skeleton (except the skull) over-
lying a nest that may be complete. Although
incompletely exposed, the eggs have discre-
tituberculate sculpturing on the poles similar
to thatof elongatoolithid eggs. A photograph

Page 26
of the specimen was published by Webster
(1996: 80).
In the most recent review of Oviraptori-
dae, Barsbold et al. (1990) listed the total
number of specimens known at that time
from all formations as 13, including the first
one ever collected, AMNH 6517. Dong and
Currie (1996: 632) reported that three spec-
imens of oviraptorids were collected from
the Djadokhta Formation at Bayan Mandahu
by the Sino-Canadian Dinosaur Project, in-
cluding IVPP V9608. The American Muse-
um of Natural History-Mongolian Academy
of Sciences expeditions in 1991 and 1992
collected three oviraptorid specimens from
the Barun Goyot Formation at Ikh Khongil
(also known as Nemegt) and Khermeen Tsav,
and in 1993 discovered the wealth of fossils
at Ukhaa Tolgod (Dashzeveg et al., 1995). A
complete census of oviraptorids from Ukhaa
Tolgod must await preparation of all of the
theropod material collected thus far, but the
two specimens overlying eggs collected in
1993 and 1995 were among the first 12 spec-
imens collected that were identifiable as ovi-
raptorid (including one embryo). Thus, the
four oviraptorid skeletons overlying nests
were among the first 30 adult specimens of
this family collected, a ratio of 13.3%. If
only the remains from the structureless sand-
stones of the Djadokhta Formation are con-
sidered, then the four specimens on nests are
among only 17 adult specimens collected be-
fore 1996, a ratioof 23.5%.
The state of preservation of IGM 100/979
indicates that it was little disturbed after the
death of the animal, and its posture is likely
that taken by the animal as it died (fig. 1).
The skeleton is remarkably complete and ex-
hibits no evidence of scavenging or other dis-
turbance after death that would have altered
the posture of the skeleton (other than the
worm burrows, which are unlikely to have
altered it significantly). This is unusual for
vertebrate fossils, which are often disarticu-
lated and show other evidence of transpor-
tation, such as hydrodynamic wear. Both the
skeleton and the nest areso little disturbed
as to leavelittle doubt that they were not
transported after death and, thus, that the po-
sition in which they are preserved reflects the
position of theskeleton when it died.
The sedimentology of the deposits from
which this specimen and the three other ovi-
raptorids directly overlying nests were col-
lected suggest sudden burial, and represent
an environment in which the animal could
plausibly have been living (rather than one
to which it was carried after death). All are
from similar facies of the Djadokhta For-
mation, a facies termed a structureless sand-
stone (Eberth, 1993). Although such sand-
stones often are continuous laterally with
crossbedded sandstones, indicative of sub-
aerial, eolian deposition, there is no evidence
of crossbedding within them. The lack of in-
ternal structure to these sandstones, which
may reach 15 m in thickness, has been in-
terpreted as the result of sudden accumula-
tions of wind-borne sand (Eberth, 1993). A
recent model suggests instead that these
structureless sandstones were deposited as
mass movements from standing dunes during
rain, rather than wind, storms (Loope et al.,
Regardless of which of these two deposi-
tional models is correct, the horizontal ori-
entation of the nest and skeleton, the lack of
disturbance to them, and their occurrence
within a single bed of structureless sandstone
indicate that they were in place before burial
and then covered by a flow. The common
occurrence of apparently undisturbed nests of
dinosaur eggs in the sandstones of the Dja-
dokhta Formation (Mikhailov et al., 1994),
and to a lesser extent that of undisturbed, ar-
ticulated skeletons (which, unlike the nest,
may be transported as a unit when the car-
cass has not decomposed), indicate that the
sandstones formed the substrate of the envi-
ronment in which the adult oviraptorids
The direct apposition of the skeleton on
the nest in IGM 100/979 provides strong ev-
idence that the nest was not completely cov-
ered. The adult skeleton is separated from the
eggs in most places by little sediment, and in
some areas (e.g., the right carpus, left pedal
digits, right fourth pedal digit, ischial sym-
physis, and sternal elements)they are in con-
tact or nearly in contact. The position of the
posterior ribs, pubes, and the medial part of
the right foot above sediments in the middle
of the nest indicate that the center of the nest
was not open.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to deter-
NO. 3265

Page 27
mine precisely how much of the nest was
buried, because the sediments forming the
nest are not distinguishable from those that
later buried them with the skeleton. Further-
more, although most parts of the forelimbs
are separated from the top of the nest by sev-
eral centimeters of sediment it is unclear that
this necessarily implies these areas of the
nest were covered by this sediment, because
it could have been deposited as the animal
was being buried. During burial it is much
less likely that sediment was removed from
between the skeleton and nest to bring them
closer together, rather than added to separate
them, so the separation of the skeleton and
nest probably indicate the minimal amount
of separation (except for the relatively minor
compaction of the sediments).
The precise relationship between the skel-
eton and nest is known at present for only
one other nesting oviraptorid, IVPP V9608.
Because several skeletal elements are at or
below the level of the eggs, Dong and Currie
(1996) infer that thenest was not buried.
They also infer from the position of the feet,
in the center of the nest but at the same level
as the top of the eggs, that the center of the
nest was filled in. Although the skeleton is
incomplete, the preserved portions are in po-
sitions similar to those of IGM 100/979, in-
dicating a symmetrical posture.
The symmetrical posture exhibited by
IGM 100/979 and by IVPP V9608 is similar
to the position birds take when they sit on
nests (Skutch, 1976; Campbell and Lack,
1985). Other oviraptorid skeletons from the
structureless sandstones of Ukhaa Tolgod
that are not on nests are not in thisposition,
lying instead on their sides with the limbs
extended in various positions (e.g., IGM 199/
1002). Indeed, we are unaware of any non-
avialan dinosaur specimens other than IGM
100/979 and IVPP V9608 preserved in pre-
cisely this posture.
The similarity between the posture of
these two specimens with the posture of birds
is clear, but the important question is whether
they are homologous-is this condition "the
same"l as a result of their close evolutionary
relationship? The inference of homology be-
tween behaviors shared among living organ-
isms is no more problematic than is the in-
terpretation of morphological homologues
(Wenzel, 1992; Greene, 1994), because both
are based upon thesimplest interpretation of
similarities shared among groups of taxa
(Rieppel, 1994). Because of its ephemeral
nature, however, behavior is more difficult to
document (e.g., Drummond, 1981; Miller,
1988). Sampling is a critical issue because
the condition in all relevant taxa-including
those supposedly lacking the behavior-must
be ascertained. These problems are exacer-
bated in the fossil record, because in addition
to the more speculative documentation of be-
havior it offers, sampling is biased by un-
known factors related to the genesis of the
geologic deposits in which they are pre-
served, and the taxonomic identity of the or-
ganism is often poorly resolved or, in the
case of trace fossils, conjectural. Neverthe-
less, these considerations should not neces-
sarily exclude theuse of fossil evidence of
behavior in comparative studies if they offer
reliable evidence of particular behaviors.
Among extant oviparous reptiles parental
care of eggs after deposition is common and
taxonomically widespread only in archo-
saurs. Parents remain close to their eggs after
they are laid, in some cases in direct contact
with them, in birds (Kendeigh, 1952), croc-
odylians (Magnusson et al., 1989; Thorbjar-
narson, 1996), and some squamates (Tinkle
and Gibbons, 1977; Shine, 1988) but not in
turtles (Shine, 1988) or Sphenodon (Moffat,
1985). Because parental care is pervasive in
mammals (although only one group is ovip-
arous) and is common and widespread
among amphibians (Duellman and Trueb,
1994), it may be primitive for the Tetrapoda.
Optimizing these conditions to a clado-
gram of tetrapodrelationships (fig. 15), the
condition in Squamata is critical to determin-
ing whether parental care of eggs was lost in
Reptilia and then re-evolved in some Squa-
mata and in Archosauria or whether instead
it was lost independently in turtles, rhyncho-
cephalians, and within Squamata. If the dis-
tribution of this feature among squamates
implies that it evolved in the common an-
cestor of the entire group, then the two al-
ternatives just mentioned are equally parsi-
monious. If, however, it is simpler to infer
that parental care was not present in the com-
mon ancestor of squamatesthen parental care
is most parsimoniously considered to have

Page 28
Brooding +
7 parents
brood eggs
parents do not
brood eggs
Fig. 15. Cladogram of relationships amongextant Reptilia illustrating character distributions and
inferences of homology discussed in the text, and the levelat which they are synapomorphous (under
DELTRAN optimization). Relationships are supported by the analysis of Eernisse and Kluge (1993).
Above: Presenceor absence of parental care of eggs after deposition. Note that this assumes the con-
dition in Squamata to be variable; it isone of two equally parsimonious optimizations if brooding is
inferred to be plesiomorphic for Squamata, the other being separate losses of brooding behavior in
Testudines, Rhynchocephalia, andsome Squamata. Below: Presence or absence of direct contact between
parent and eggs after deposition (i.e., brooding). Parentheses indicate the occurrence in a group of a
condition that is most simply interpreted as secondarily derived. Conditions refer only to oviparous taxa
(i.e., monotremes, all testudines, both species of Rhynchocephalia, most squamates, and all archosaurs).
Sources: Shine, 1988; Moffat, 1985; Collias and Collias, 1984.
been lost in the common ancestor of Reptilia
and re-evolved in the Archosauria (fig. 14).
Among Squamata, parental care of eggs is
known tooccur in Iguaninae, the scincid ge-
nus Eumeces, Anguidae, the teiid genus Tup-
inambis, Varanidae, Boidae, Colubridae, and
Elapidae (Tinkle and Gibbons, 1977; Shine,
1988). Unfortunately, because of the cryptic
behavior of most squamates it is unclear
whether the absence of reports of parental
care inthe other 98% of squamatespecies
(Shine, 1988) is due to the absence of this
behavior or to insufficient opportunities for
observation of these species. Taken at face
NO. 3265
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Page 29
value (i.e., assuming brooding is absent in
those groups for which it has not been re-
ported), the distribution of brooding behavior
in squamates implies that it evolved separate-
ly in each of these groups. However, the ac-
tual distribution of this behavior among squa-
mates is undoubtedly broader. It is therefore
uncertain whether parental care is plesiom-
orphic for Squamata, and this is how we have
treated this group in optimizing this character
to the relationships of amniotes (fig. 14).
If parental care is a synapomorphy of ar-
chosaurs, the crocodylian condition might
mistakenly be considered to represent the
primitive condition for the group. But the
primitive condition for Archosauria compris-
es only those features of parental care com-
mon to both crocodylians and birds that are
absent in outgroups. Thus, crocodylian pa-
rental care may include specializations of
Crocodylia, just as parental care of birds in-
volves specializations of Aves identifiable by
their absence in crocodylians and other avian
A specialized form of parental care is the
brooding of eggs, in which the parent brings
its body into direct contact with the eggs for
prolonged periods of time. In the two archo-
saur groups, only bird parents are known to
habitually brood their eggs, typically by rest-
ing directly on top of the nest (Skutch, 1976;
Campbell and Lack, 1985;Gill, 1995). Croc-
odylian eggs are instead buried en masse ei-
ther within a convex mound or a hole (Greer,
1970; Thorbjarnarson, 1996) covered by sed-
iment that in some cases is mixed with plant
debris. Although crocodylian parents (most
commonly the female) often stay near the
nest and, in some species at least, often lie
on the side of the nest (Cott, 1961, 1971),
they are not reported to lie directly on eggs
(which are buried) or with the body centered
on the nest (Magnusson et al., 1989). There
is, thus, no evidence for brooding, or even
for a consistent position or orientation of the
adult's body relative to the nest. Crocodylian
behavior is difficult to study in the wild, and
the possibility that thisparticular behavior
occurs occasionally cannot be dismissed en-
tirely, but sufficient field studies and numer-
ous observations of captive animals indicate
that in crocodylians, unlikein birds, sitting
on the center of the nest and covering the
eggs with the body is not a consistent part of
the behavioral repertoire.
Among birds, with a few interesting ex-
ceptions (e.g., megapodes), one or both par-
ents habitually sit directly on their eggs, and,
again with only a few interesting exceptions
(e.g., emperor penguins), take a characteristic
posture over the nest (Campbell and Lack,
1985). The body is centered over the nest
with the hind legs folded beneath, the ab-
domen contacts the eggs broadly, and often
the forelimb is folded back along the sides
of the body. In extant birds this behavior usu-
ally involves a brooding patch, a highly vas-
cularized area on the abdomen over which
the feathers are shed and body heat is trans-
ferred to the eggs more efficiently than else-
where on the body. Brooding behavior is pre-
sent in tinamous and ratites (although the lat-
ter lack a brooding patch) as well as in the
putatively most basal neognath taxa (Camp-
bell and Lack, 1985), and is therefore prim-
itive for modem birds.
Although it is possible that oviraptorid
nests were buried and occasionally uncov-
ered (a behavior exhibited by the Egyptian
plover; Howell, 1979), there is no compel-
ling evidence that any oviraptorid nest was
ever completely buried. It isunlikely that ev-
idence is forthcoming for specimens without
nesting adults, given the difficulty of distin-
guishing the sediments in which the nest was
deposited from those that later came to bury
them. In any case, because open nests are
present in basal ratites and neognaths (Col-
lias and Collias, 1984, appendix 1) and the
oviraptorid nest provides evidence that in
this group the nest was open at least some of
the time during the brooding period, it cor-
roborates the hypothesis that an open nest is
the plesiomorphic condition for extant Aves.
The presence of two oviraptorid adults di-
rectly on nests suggests that adults of this
taxon habitually sat on nests, but it does not
necessarily imply that they were endothermic
and provided heat to the eggs on a regular
basis, as birds do through their brooding
patch. There isno evidence available to test
this hypothesis, and the assumption that the
behavior associated with brooding and the
act of brooding itself was correlated in ovi-
raptorids is just that-an untestable assump-

Page 30
It has been suggested that the posture in
this specimen is similar to that occasionally
taken by crocodylians (Geist and Jones,
1996), but few similarities are apparent on
close comparison. Indeed, the differences be-
tween the many different postures taken by
crocodylians and that of IGM 100/979 are so
obvious-the latter lies over the center of the
nest in direct contact with eggs and with its
legs folded beneath it and its arms spread
around the perimeter of the nest-that this
suggestion is easily dismissed.
The decidedly nonrandom pattern in
which the eggs within oviraptorid nests are
arranged also provides evidence of the be-
havior involved in their deposition. The pair-
ing of eggs within nests of this type (i.e.,
elongatoolithid) strongly suggests that each
pair was laid simultaneously using both ovi-
ducts (Varicchio et al., 1997). The arrange-
ment of the pairs of eggs is also highly struc-
tured, much more so than the positions of
eggs in crocodylian nests. The pairs of eggs
are spaced around the perimeter of a circle
in two layers, with a central area devoid of
eggs. We considered the circular arrangement
of the eggs to be evidence of manipulation
by an adult after deposition (Norell et al.,
1995), but alternatively it could be the result
of highly precise positioning by the mother,
standing in the middle of the nest, during the
egg laying process (Dong and Currie, 1996).
It is unclear if there is any evidence that
could falsify either of these hypotheses.
It has beensuggested that the pairing of
eggs in oviraptorid nests is evidence either
that they were laid at intervals of one day or
more ("monoautochronic ovulation") or in a
much shorter period of time, but there is no
strong evidence against either alternative.
Deposition of the eggs onmore than one day,
as in birds, was advocatedby Varicchio et al.
(1997), who cited in support the pairing of
eggs in lizards and an abnormal duck that
laid pairs of eggs over long time intervals. It
is unclear why the pairing of eggs necessarily
precludes more rapid deposition, however,
given our lack of information about the re-
productive biology of oviraptorids. The al-
ternative scenario, in which the eggs were
laid at one time, is supported mainly by a
nest in which the pairs of eggs are arranged
in a spiral pattern, with gradual changes in
position between pairs (Dong and Currie,
1996). Although this pattern suggests conti-
nuity in the process of egg deposition, and is
plausible, it is also possible that the mother
(or mothers) simply aimed well when they
returned to the nest over time. It is again un-
clear that any evidence is available that could
refute either of these hypotheses.
The behavior of egg turning, in which
birds manipulate the eggs after they have
been laid, is common to nearly all living
birds and, as far as is known, to all that di-
rectly brood their eggs (Campbell and Lack,
1985; Deeming, 1991). It has been suggested
that the apparent partial burial of the eggs in
oviraptorid nests "preclude[s] the possibility
of egg rotation as in birds" (Varicchio et al.,
1997: 249), and indicates the absence of a
structure-chalazea, fibers that support the
embryo within the egg-correlated with this
behavior. As discussed above, it is uncertain
to what extent the eggs were buried while the
adult was alive, but in any case it is unclear
why burial of the eggs necessarily precludes
periodic unburying and rotation. The repeat-
ed burial of eggs by the Egyptian plover
(Howell, 1979) demonstrates the possibility
of this behavior, and although the large num-
ber of eggs in oviraptorid nests would require
a great deal ofactivity to rotate all ofthem,
there seems no reason to consider egg turn-
ing to have been impossible or improbable
in the absence of information about ovirap-
torid metabolism and behavior. Indeed,
which of the more unusual behaviors exhib-
ited by living animals would be deemed un-
likely if only their effects were known?
Stronger evidence against egg rotation is
the pairing of the eggs, because rotation of
the eggs would presumably disrupt this pat-
tern, assumingit to have been created when
the eggs were lain. It is of course possible
that the eggs were laid so soon before their
terminal burial that rotation had not yet taken
place, or that the pairing was due to precise
parental manipulation after egg turning, so at
best the hypotheses of paired oviducts and
egg turning are only weakly tested by the
observation of egg pairs.
There remain many obvious desiderata for
understanding these fossils. In addition to the
unanswered questions just surveyed, we do
not know the sex of the adults on the nests,
NO. 3265

Page 31
their precise genealogical relationship to the
eggs (e.g., whether more than one set of par-
ents contribute to the nest), how often and
for how long adults attended the nest, what
was the gestation period of the eggs, or how
long hatchlings stayed in the nest. It is tempt-
ing to speculate, but a more fruitful approach
is to continue searching the sands of Ukhaa
Tolgod and elsewhere for specimens that will
provide evidence that might address these
We thank Hans-Dieter Sues, Chris Mc-
Gowan, John Wenzel, Lowell Dingus, David
Loope, Michael Novacek, Darrel Frost, and
Anusuya Chinsamay for advice on this
work, andM. Kearney, E. Strong, and other
participants in the George Washington Uni-
versity systematics discussion group for
fruitful discussion. We thank Dong Zhi-
Ming for access to the Bayan Mandahu ovi-
raptorid, and C. Brochu and D. Weishampel
for their thoughtful reviews. The histologi-
cal preparations of the ribs were prepared
by Marco van Gemeran, Mineral Optics
Laboratory, and we thank the AMNH De-
partment of Mineral and Planetary Sciences
for the use of their microscope. The fossil
was skillfully prepared by Amy Davidson,
and the illustrations are by Michael Ellison.
Funding for this work was provided by NSF
grant DEB 9407999, the Frick Laboratory
endowment, IREX, and Richard, Lynnette,
and Byron Jaffe. Finally, we thank the other
members of the 1993 field crew of the Mon-
golian Academy of Sciences-American Mu-
seum of Natural History Expedition for their
help in collecting the fossil.
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