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Provinces o Cheenae

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In the context o Cheenese govrenment, a province (sheng), formally provincial level diveesion, is the heichest-level admeenistrative diveesion. The Fowkrepublic o Cheenae (FRC) currently admeenisters 33 sic diveesions, classifeed as 22 provinces, fower municipalities, five autonomous regions an twa special admeenistrative regions.[1]

Additionally, the PRC claims sovereignty ower Taiwan Province, but syne the Cheenese Ceevil War endit in 1949 this aurie haes been admeenistered bi the Republic o Cheenae (ROC) unner a province o the same name. The ROC admeenisters some affshore islands includin Quemoy/Kinmen (Jinmen) an Matsu (Mazu) an aw, which form Fujian Province, ROC. Thir wur pairt o an oreeginally unifeed Fujian province, which syne 1949 haes been dividit atween the FRC an ROC.

In the Fowkrepublic o Cheenae, ivery province haes a Communist Pairty o Cheenae provincial committee, heidit bi a secretary beside the twa special admeenistrative regions. The committee secretary is in chairge o the province, rather than the govrenor o the provincial govrenment.

Leet o provincial-level diveesions

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GB[2] ISO №[3] Province Cheenese Name Caipital Population¹ Density² Aurie³ Abbreviation/Seembol
BJ 11 Beijing Municipality 北京市
Běijīng Shì
Beijing 19,612,368 1,167.40 16,800
TJ 12 Tianjin Municipality 天津市
Tiānjīn Shì
Tianjin 12,938,224 1,144.46 11,305
HE 13 Hebei 河北省
Héběi Shěng
Shijiazhuang 71,854,202 382.81 187,700
SX 14 Shanxi 山西省
Shānxī Shěng
Taiyuan 35,712,111 228.48 156,300
NM 15 Inner Mongolie Autonomous Region
Nei Mongol Autonomous Region
Nèi Měnggǔ Zìzhìqū
Hohhot 24,706,321 20.88 1,183,000 蒙(內蒙古)
Měng (Nèi Měnggǔ)
LN 21 Liaoning 辽宁省
Liáoníng Shěng
Shenyang 43,746,323 299.83 145,900
JL 22 Jilin 吉林省
Jílín Shěng
Changchun 27,462,297 146.54 187,400
HL 23 Heilongjiang 黑龙江省
Harbin 38,312,224 84.38 454,000
SH 31 Shanghai Municipality 上海市
Shànghǎi Shì
Shanghai 23,019,148 3,630.20 6,341
JS 32 Jiangsu 江苏省
Jiāngsū Shěng
Nanjing 78,659,903 766.66 102,600
ZJ 33 Zhejiang 浙江省
Zhèjiāng Shěng
Hangzhou 54,426,891 533.59 102,000
AH 34 Anhui 安徽省
Ānhuī Shěng
Hefei 59,500,510 425.91 139,700
FJ 35 Fujian 福建省
Fújiàn Shěng
Fuzhou 36,894,216 304.15 121,300
JX 36 Jiangxi 江西省
Jiāngxī Shěng
Nanchang 44,567,475 266.87 167,000
SD 37 Shandong 山东省
Shāndōng Shěng
Jinan 95,793,065 622.84 153,800 鲁(齐)
Lǔ (Qí)
HA 41 Henan 河南省
Hénán Shěng
Zhengzhou 94,023,567 563.01 167,000
HB 42 Hubei 湖北省
Húběi Shěng
Wuhan 57,237,740 307.89 185,900
HN 43 Hunan 湖南省
Húnán Shěng
Changsha 65,683,722 312.77 210,000
GD 44 Guangdong 广东省
Guǎngdōng Shěng
Guangzhou 104,303,132 579.46 180,000
GX 45 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 广西壮族自治区
Guǎngxī Zhuàngzú Zìzhìqū
Nanning 46,026,629 195.02 236,000
HI 46 Hainan 海南省
Hǎinán Shěng
Haikou 8,671,518 255.04 34,000
CQ 50 Chongqing Municipality 重庆市
Chóngqìng Shì
Chongqing 28,846,170 350.50 82,300
SC 51 Sichuan 四川省
Sìchuān Shěng
Chengdu 80,418,200 165.81 485,000 川(蜀)
Chuān (Shǔ)
GZ 52 Guizhou Province 贵州省
Gùizhōu Shěng
Guiyang 34,746,468 197.42 176,000 贵(黔)
Guì (Qián)
YN 53 Yunnan 云南省
Yúnnán Shěng
Kunming 45,966,239 116.66 394,000 云(滇)
Yún (Diān)
XZ 54 Tibet Autonomous Region
Xizang Autonomous Region
Xīzàng Zìzhìqū
Lhasa 3,002,166 2.44 1,228,400
SN 61 Shaanxi 陕西省
Shǎnxī Shěng
Xi'an 37,327,378 181.55 205,600 陕(秦)
Shǎn (Qín)
GS 62 Gansu Province 甘肃省
Gānsù Shěng
Lanzhou 25,575,254 56.29 454,300 甘(陇)
Gān (Lǒng)
QH 63 Qinghai Province 青海省
Qīnghǎi Shěng
Xining 5,626,722 7.80 721,200
NX 64 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回族自治区
Níngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū
Yinchuan 6,301,350 94.89 66,400
XJ 65 Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区
Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū
Ürümqi 21,813,334 13.13 1,660,400
HK 91 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Xianggang Special Administrative Region
Xiānggǎng Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū
Hong Kong 7,061,200 6,396.01 1,104
MC 92 Macau Special Administrative Region
Aomen Special Administrative Region
Àomén Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū
Macau 552,300 19,044.82 29
TW 71 Taiwan Province 台湾省
Táiwān Shěng
Taibei 23,140,000 650.34 35,581


¹: as o 2010
²: per km²
³: km²
†: Since its founding in 1949, the People's Republic of China (PRC) has considered Taiwan to be its 23rd province. However, the PRC has never controlled Taiwan. The Republic of China (ROC, "Taiwan") currently administers Taiwan Area, consisting of the island of Taiwan, Penghu, as well as Kinmen and Matsu located off the coast of mainland Fujian Province, Republic of China.

Freemit airtins

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  1. "Administrative divisions of China". Archived frae the original on 20 Juin 2010. Retrieved 13 Julie 2012.
  2. GB/T 2260 codes for the provinces of China
  3. ISO 3166-2:CN (ISO 3166-2 codes for the provinces of China)