Adapteo Group

Adapteo Group


Solna, Stockholm County 2 702 följare

We offer adaptable buildings to the public and private sectors, always adapted to customer needs.

Om oss

Adapteo is the leading adaptable space partner in Northern Europe. We develop, build, rent out and sell adaptable buildings, that can be transformed, repurposed, scaled up and down based on our customers’ changing needs. By providing space for essential functions such as schools, daycares, care centers, offices and accommodation, we create value in society. Our modular solutions are rented out again and again creating circular flows that minimise the use of material and contribute to a circular economy. With our ambitious sustainability agenda we aim to lead the way to a more sustainable future for our industry. We innovate for sustainability, develop climate smart buildings and take responsibility through our value chain. That is how we build adaptable and sustainable societies. Adapteo has a portfolio of 1.4 million square metres and operates in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Lithuania. A majority of our revenues is generated by rental contracts from social infrastructure.

51–200 anställda
Solna, Stockholm County
Privatägt företag
Rental, Temporary space, Daycare, Schools, Office, Accommodation, Events, Adaptable buildings, Adaptable societies, Modules, Modular space, Pavilions och sustainability


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  • Visa organisationssidan för Adapteo Group, grafik

    2 702 följare

    At the heart of our mission is creating environments that support the well-being and growth of our communities. Using the Human Centric Lighting System is a great example of how Adapteo Deutschland prioritizes every child’s health and success. 

    Visa organisationssidan för Adapteo Deutschland, grafik

    1 121 följare

    Unsere Interimsschulen und Kitas nutzen das intelligente Human Centric Lighting System 🌞. Was das bedeutet? Das Beleuchtungssystem passt sich dem Tagesablauf der Kinder an: Ob Tageslichtbeleuchtung, die dem natürlichen Sonnenlicht nachempfunden ist, oder ein gedämpfteres Licht für kreative Unterrichtsstunden – das LED-System lässt sich je nach Bedarf steuern und ist leicht zu bedienen. Dass die Lichtqualität Auswirkungen auf das Wohlbefinden und die Konzentration der Schüler:innen hat, ist mit Studien belegt. 💡 Mehr erfahren Sie in unserem Fachartikel zum Thema unter #adapteo #humancentriclighting #hcl #lichtplanung #kita

  • Visa organisationssidan för Adapteo Group, grafik

    2 702 följare

    We're happy to be part of such a great network! Diversity Charter Sweden

    Visa organisationssidan för Diversity Charter Sweden, grafik

    6 779 följare

    ☀️This Friday, We are happy to welcome Adapteo Group as a new member of Diversity Charter Sweden.☀️   Adapteo redefine the built environment with space solutions for schools, hospitals, daycare centers, worker accommodations and beyond.    Åsa Daxberg Head of Talent Adapteo Group: “Signing and becoming a member of Diversity Charter is a statement. It shows that we’re committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s a way for us to take a stand and show the world that we care. On top of this, Diversity Charter is an incredibly large and helpful network. We can learn so much through them and through other companies that prioritize the same things as we do.“   🌟 Once again, a warm welcome to Diversity Charter Sweden❤️! If your organisation also wants to become a member in Diversity Charter Sweden, don´t hesitate to contact our secretary general Anna Carlsson Sigstedt or read more here https: #mångfald #inkludering #diversitychartersweden #medlemskap #nymedlem #affärsnytta #verksamhetsnytta #Spacesolution Syntolkning: Adapteos logga i blå skrift med punkt.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Adapteo Group, grafik

    2 702 följare

    Yesterday, our own Lina K Wiles (our Chief Sustainability Officer) participated in an online workshop organised by Arup focusing on Zero Emissions Construction Sites and High-Efficiency Building Design in the Nordics. Here’s what Lina had to say about it: 👉 “I found it both encouraging and frustrating that the participants are so aligned on both the possibilities and the barriers. However, when many of the barriers and bottlenecks stem from policy, knowledge, or attitudes, it means there is hope. Policies can be changed, and people can be enlightened and convinced. All of us on the call represent vital pieces of the solution puzzle for sustainable cities and construction. We have the solutions and know what needs to be done. Now, we are contributing to shaping the policy and collaboration landscape to unleash the full potential of those solutions.” Thanks to Arup for organising and thank you Claus Wilhelmsen at Copenhagen Municipality, Shabnam Homaie, SINTEF and Teis Francis Nørgård, Center for Offentlig-Privat Innovation (CO-PI) for great discussions.

    Visa profilen för Hannah Sutton, grafik

    Senior Sustainability Consultant

    🌍 Workshop #2: A Step Closer to Sustainable Construction Practices Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to today's workshop! This was the second in our series, bringing together representatives from academia, municipalities, suppliers, and industry leaders to shape the policy brief for COP 29 in Azerbaijan. Our focus: energy optimization in buildings, low-carbon construction, and sustainable construction practices. Key Presentations and Highlights: - Claus Wilhelmsen from Copenhagen’s Environmental and Technical Administration discussed Copenhagen's climate plan and the push for carbon neutrality by 2035. He outlined the city's efforts to reduce emissions in building projects and transition to emission-free non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). - Shabnam Homaie from SINTEF shared insights into Norway's journey towards emission-free construction sites by 2030, emphasizing the importance of regulations, support schemes, and technology in reducing the sector's 23% contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. - Lena Wiles from Adapteo highlighted how modular, movable buildings can significantly reduce carbon footprints through a circular business model, while addressing market challenges in Scandinavia. - Teis Francis Nørgård from the Center for Public-Private Innovation (CO-PI) focused on using public procurement to drive the adoption of zero-emission construction machinery, underscoring the need for subsidies, awareness, and time-bound roadmaps. Key Discussions and Takeaways: - Zero-Emission Projects & High-Efficiency Building Designs: Case studies like Stovner Bad showcased the success of emission-free construction, but barriers such as cost concerns and outdated norms were noted. - Barriers & Suggested Steps: A shift in economic perspectives, along with more incentives, stricter regulations, and common guidelines, were identified as critical to scaling sustainable construction practices. - Investment Needs: The call for low embodied carbon products, life cycle assessments, and predictable markets is clear. - Moving Forward: To drive progress, we will focus on pilot testing low-carbon construction methods, expanding collaborations, and normalizing circular economy practices. Stay tuned for more as we prepare for our upcoming sessions in August and September. For ongoing updates and discussions, follow the Nordic Mitigation Work for the Future group. #SustainableConstruction #LowCarbon #COP29 #EnergyOptimization #CircularEconomy #ZeroEmission #PublicPrivatePartnerships Peter Vangsbo Lina K Wiles Anders Østerskov Knudsen Nikola Gjorgjievski Jan Rasmussen Shabnam Homaie

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Adapteo Group, grafik

    2 702 följare

    We’re diving into summer with great enthusiasm as Adapteo takes on a pivotal role in helping shape future-fit leaders and businesses at the University of Cambridge.   Our Chief of Sustainability, Dr. Lina K Wiles, will be supervising postgraduates at the prestigious Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). She'll be guiding working professionals through the Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business (PCSB) program, a 9-month course designed to strengthen leadership skills, embed sustainability in organizations, and drive positive, transformative change across supply chains.   Why we’re so excited? By actively supervising and mentoring these professionals, Dr. Wiles and the other supervisors are directly contributing to the sustainable development and transformation of businesses— embedding sustainability into the business, growth plans and strategies.   At Adapteo, we’ve accomplished what few others have: championing a circular business model for the built environment. We’re passionate about sharing our insights, solutions and challenges, and we’re always open and eager to participate in workshops, lectures, or conferences. If you have an opportunity in mind, please reach out to our Head of External Relations:

    Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business (PCSB)

    Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business (PCSB)

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