Addnode Group ABs omslagsbild
Addnode Group AB

Addnode Group AB


Addnode Group acquires, operates and develops cutting edge enterprises that digitalise society.

Om oss

Addnode Group acquires, operates and develops cutting edge enterprises that digitalise society. We are a leading global provider of software and services for design, construction, product data, and facility management. We also support the public sector with document and case management solutions. By acquiring new businesses and providing a growth platform for our subsidiaries, we create sustainable value growth. Addnode Group has 2,700 employees and consists of around 20 companies with geographical presence in 19 countries across four continents. Net sales in 2023 amounted to SEK 7.4 billion. Addnode Group's Series B share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, in the Large Cap segment. For more information, please visit:

1 001–5 000 anställda
Publikt aktiebolag
Business critical IT solutions, Software, support and management agreements, Engineering software, Public sector, Facility Management, Construction, Product Lifecycle Management och Design Software


Anställda på Addnode Group AB


  • Symetri Europe has partnered with Severn Trent to enhance design efficiency and support sustainability goals in the water and sewage industry. Through supporting Severn Trent with advanced BIM solutions, flood forecasting, and drainage management tools, Symetri has helped optimize operations and drive innovation. Severn Trent, serving 4.6 million customers, is investing £6 billion in infrastructure to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030—setting new standards in sustainable water management. Watch the video below to see how this partnership is making a difference.

  • Visa organisationssidan för Addnode Group AB

    4 279 följare

    Ida Infront AB, part of the Process Management division, has partnered with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to digitalize and enhance the supervision process for producer responsibility in packaging management.   By customising the iipax case management system, Ida Infront has automated key processes such as fee calculations, invoicing, decision-making, and payment management. This initiative not only streamlines operations but also encourages sustainable packaging design, contributing to a more circular economy. 🌍

  • Learn more about the reasoning behind our recent acquisitions of congere it-konsult AB and Addoceo AB from Andrea K., CEO of Stamford AB, our subsidiary that now is incorporating these acquisitions into its offering.

    Visa organisationssidan för Stamford AB

    280 följare

    𝐍𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐢 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐨𝐦 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨̈𝐫𝐯𝐚̈𝐫𝐯 Två IT-konsultföretag som båda levererar tjänster till försvaret, som båda värdesätter långa kundrelationer, och som redan känner varandra tack vare tidigare samarbeten. Förra veckans nyhet om att Stamford AB nu får förstärkning av congere it-konsult AB kan inte ha förvånat någon i branschen, och vd Andrea K. beskriver mycket riktigt köpet som ett naturligt steg. – Stamfords och Congeres kompetens kompletterar varandra. Vi ingår i samma processkedja kopplat till logistik och underhåll av materiel, och när vi nu slår samman våra resurser kommer det innebära både nya utvecklingsmöjligheter och en större robusthet. Congere har varit framgångsrika i att attrahera och behålla duktiga medarbetare, och jag ser fram emot att få välkomna dem till oss nu, säger hon. Andrea ser köpet av congere it-konsult AB liksom affären med Addoceo AB förra året, som bra exempel på den förvärvsstrategi som präglar dagens Stamford. – Tidigare baserades vår tillväxt framför allt på teknologi, vilket innebar att vi kom in i och lärde känna ett antal nya branscher. För tillfället är vi nöjda med den breddningen och vill istället växa inom respektive bransch med fokus på i första hand försvarssektorn, infrastruktur, retail samt hamn och terminal. Båda de senaste tillskotten passar in väl utifrån vårt branschtänk men även storleksmässigt. Vi söker framför allt företag med mellan tio och upp till kanske 100 medarbetare, berättar hon. Nya förvärvskandidater ska alltså finnas inom rätt bransch och ha rätt storlek, men Andrea betonar också vikten av att ha samma typ av mindset gentemot kunden. – Stamfords grundidé är att framtidssäkra våra kunders IT-system. I samhällskritiska sektorer handlar det om långsiktiga åtaganden där vi moderniserar systemen varsamt utan att kompromissa med den viktiga funktionaliteten. De företag som vill bli en del av Stamford måste förstå och dela detta synsätt, avslutar Andrea Kösa. #Stamford #addnodegroup #congereitkonsultab #itsystem #itkonsult #företagsförvärv #itkonsultbolag

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  • ACQUISITION OF RAILIT IN SWEDEN Addnode Group announces today that it has acquired Railit Tracker AB (Railit), a SaaS company that strengthens the group's position in travel and public transport. Railit is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has net sales of SEK 14 m. "Within Addnode Group, we have a broad offering linked to travel and public transport, so it is therefore very exciting to now be able to complement it with Railit's products. I look forward to continuing to grow and develop our offering in this area together with Railit," says Andreas Wikholm, Division President Process Management, Addnode Group. 👉 Read the pressrelease: Below, representatives from Addnode Group and Railit gathered on the occation of the acquisition, from left to right: Marie Dagerholm, Björn Wulff, Magnus Robertson, Katarina Engdahl, Andreas Wikholm and Max Kihlborg.

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  • ACQUISITION OF CONGERE IN SWEDEN Addnode Group announces today that it has signed an agreement to acquire congere it-konsult AB (Congere), a supplier of digital solutions to the defence industry. Congere is based in Västerås, Sweden, has 22 employees and net sales of SEK 25 m. ”Our subsidiary Stamford AB, in the Process Management division, already has a successful collaboration in place with Congere, which now makes it extra exciting to welcome them to Addnode Group. With their expertise in system development and their extensive experience from the defence industry, Congere will be able to contribute to our work in supporting the development of a democratic society – something that is of utmost importance in the times we live in”, says Andreas Wikholm, Division President Process Management, Addnode Group. 👉 Read the full press release here: In the image below we have Andrea K. Kösa, CEO of Stamford in Addnode Group's division Process Management, and Congere’s former owners Thomas Persson, Magnus Leindahl, Håkan Lundgren and Albert Abirached

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  • Carl-Johan Ahde APPOINTED NEW CEO OF ADDNODE GROUP’S SUBSIDIARY SOKIGO IN THE PROCESS MANAGEMENT DIVISION. Anders Sundin, who has served as Sokigo’s CEO since 2017, has decided to leave the company. Since January 2024, Carl-Johan has been the business area manager for Sokigo's geodata solutions in GIS, mapping and planning, smart cities, and water management. Previously, he was the CEO of S-GROUP Solutions, a sister company within Addnode Group that merged with Sokigo at the turn of 2023/2024. “It feels inspiring and is a great honor to have the opportunity to lead and further develop Sokigo alongside my fantastic colleagues, who are both skilled and dedicated to transforming technology into societal value. Together, we will continue to help our customers develop and improve their operations,” says Carl-Johan Ahde. "We thank Anders for his great leadership and the strong foundation he has built at Sokigo. With Carl-Johan as the new CEO, we are confident his clear vision and leadership will take the company to the next level", says Andreas Wikholm, President Division Process Management, Addnode Group.

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  • In partnership with Glaston Corporation, TECHNIA is advancing efficiency and sustainability in the glass industry. With operations spanning multiple countries, Glaston sought to optimize resource usage while maintaining high-quality standards. To support this, Technia streamlined design processes, enhanced product data management, and introduced a global license pool. These solutions have supported Glaston in producing safe, energy-efficient glass for architectural, mobility, display, and solar applications. Read more about our sustainability cases at our website:

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