Congratulations First Nordic Metals (TSXV: FNM | OTC: FNMCF)!
A proud moment today as First Nordic Metals was officially listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm – marked by the traditional bell ringing ceremony! As legal advisor, it’s been a privilege for us at Advokatfirman Lindahl to support the company through this important milestone. Congratulations to the entire First Nordic Metals (TSXV: FNM | OTC: FNMCF) team on this achievement, and a special thanks to Augment Partners AB for their excellent work as financial advisor, DNB Markets for guiding everyone on the technical side as the custodian for the SDRs, and Stikeman Elliott LLP, the Canadian counsel. Also exciting to be back at Nasdaq for a bell ceremony as the IPO market is picking up speed again – with more to come! #IPO #FirstNordicMetals #FNM #NasdaqFirstNorth #Augment #DNB #Lindahl