iCore Solutions

iCore Solutions


Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County 2 083 följare

Connect any system or application! We are a leading provider of business integration solutions, tools and expertise.

Om oss

For the past 20 years we’ve been on a mission to transform complicated IT structures and difficult business problems into simple solutions. To help companies take control of their processes and unleash the power in their data. Today, we are a leading provider of business integration solutions, tools and expertise. We work with customers and partners to solve some of the toughest challenges out there. We reach the market through our own organisation, as well as a professional partnership network. Since our inception, we have worked with more than 1,500 companies in over 30 countries. Some of our customers include ASSA ABLOY, Cellbes, Hemtex, ESAB, Svedbergs, JULA, Royal Mint, Bergans, Vedum and many public organizations. We are also proud to collaborate with an extensive network of capable partners such as Unit4, Optimizely, Columbus, TietoEVRY, Capgemeni, Vendre, Navcite and M3CS. The result? We turn data into profit!

51–200 anställda
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County
Privatägt företag
Turning data into profit, Integration, Process automation, Data management, Project management, Service and support, B2B/EDI, e-commerce, API integration, Web services, Cloud integration och iCore Platform as a Service


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  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    📌iCore lanserar samarbete med Avensia Vi är glada att meddela att vi nyligen inlett ett samarbete med Avensia, experter inom modern handel. Avensia erbjuder företag skräddarsydda strategier och den mest relevanta teknologin för e-handel, omnichannel, kundupplevelser och informationshantering. Avensia hjälper B2C- och B2B-kunder över hela Europa, Nordamerika och APAC att accelerera sin tillväxt dagligen för att nå långsiktig framgång. Avensias globala team består av över 350 experter inom modern handel, med bas i Sverige (HQ), Norge, Storbritannien, USA och Filippinerna. 🤝Vi ser fram emot ett givande samarbete som kommer att öka värdet för våra gemensamma kunder och hjälpa dem att omvandla sina data till vinst! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📌iCoreiCore launches partnership with Avensia We are happy to announce that we have recently launched a partnership with Avensia, experts in modern commerce. Avensia provides businesses with tailored strategies and the most relevant technology for e-commerce, omnichannel, customer experience, and information management. Avensia helps B2C and B2B customers across Europe, North America, and APAC to accelerate growth each day for long-term success. Avensia’s global team includes more than 350 modern commerce experts based in Sweden (HQ), Norway, United Kingdom, United States and Philippines. 🤝We look forward to a rewarding collaboration that will bring increased value to our mutual customers and help them turn their data into profit! Avensia #partners #icore #avensia #systemintegration #ecommerce

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  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    🪄Omvandla din "bruksdata" till analytiskt guld! 💰📊 På iCore pratar vi ofta om processintegration och de stora vinster företag kan göra genom att integrera sina system och digitalisera och automatisera sina processer. En dimension som vi däremot inte diskuterar lika ofta är den om dataintegration, alltså hur man kan använda all den data som genereras i processerna för att skapa strategiska fördelar, analyser och insikter. 💡 Men det ska vi råda bot på nu 🩺, så häng med! 👉🏼 https://lnkd.in/dAnwMPB7 #icore #affärsprocesser #data2profit #dataintegration #automation

    Dataintegration #1 – Omvandla din ”bruksdata” till analytiskt guld | iCore – Business integration solutions

    Dataintegration #1 – Omvandla din ”bruksdata” till analytiskt guld | iCore – Business integration solutions


  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    💰 Kan en integrationsplattform sänka kostnaden för varje enskild integration i verksamheten? 🎤 Niloo Lopez, VD på Smarkify, pratar med Henrik Molin, Finance Manager hos iCore, om hur en integrationsplattform kan sänka kostnaderna med upp till 80 % över tid genom att återanvända kod och erbjuda unik funktionalitet för överblick och spårbarhet av all integration och data. 💡 Lästips: Affärsnyttan med ett moget data- och integrationsarbete -> En rapport om hur att lyckas jobba framgångsrikt med sin data. Framtagen i samarbete med den oberoende analytikerfirman Radar Group. https://lnkd.in/dXjKD3V8 #data #integration #systemintegration #digitaltransformation #icore #businessvalue #paas #saas

  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    Varför springer så många fort och fel❓ Om hur integrationer ofta blir en eftertanke 🤔 när företag köper nya applikationer eller system för att lösa omedelbara behov. 🎤 Rikard Karlsson, konsultchef hos iCore diskuterar tillsammans med Niloo Lopez, VD på Smarkify, om problemen med hur företag hanterar integrationer. Och hur man borde tänka för att inte springa fort och fel. 👍 Lyssnartips: 🎬I vår Vlogg utforskar vi begreppen integration och digitalisering från olika perspektiv. I säsong ett hade vi fokus på affärsutveckling och verksamhetens digitala utmaningar. I säsong två gräver vi djupare i tekniken bakom, och försöker svara på hur man praktiskt hanterar dessa utmaningar. https://lnkd.in/dss3Szcg #data #data2profit #systemintegration #digitaltransformation #icore #ipaas #saas

  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    📌 How to create business value through data. During the summer, we have published a series of building blocks your organization needs creating business value through data - > The most important thing to think about! ✅ Building Block #1 - A shared data and integration strategy ✅ Building Block #2 was a shared data store ✅ Building Block #3 addresses the role of data and integration issues your business and your corporate culture ✅ Building Block #4 describes how everything starts in your business processes 👉 So what characterizes the companies that manage to work successfully with their data? How far have Nordic businesses come in terms of data and integration maturity, what business benefit do they create with data, and what do the businesses that succeed best do differently compared to others? This and much more is addressed in the report, "The business value of data and integration maturity" which was produced in collaboration with the independent analyst firm Radar Group. 📃Download your copy of the Executive Summary here ➡️https://lnkd.in/dFvFHYGK Do you have questions or concerns about digitalisation, data and integration? Contact us -> https://lnkd.in/d39EPzyx #data #integration #systemintegration #digitaltransformation #icore #businessvalue #paas #saas #data2profit

    The business value of data and integration | iCore – Business integration solutions

    The business value of data and integration | iCore – Business integration solutions


  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    💡 "Det enda vi vet om framtiden är att allt förändras men vi vet inte hur!" I detta avsnitt av iCores Vlogg, där vi utforskar begreppen integration och digitalisering från olika perspektiv, träffar vi Malin Friberg, teamlead och ansvarig för Service Centret hos iCore. Om vikten av långsiktigt tänkande i integrationsarbetet, och vad framgångrika integrationer "are all about". 🎬 Tidigare avsnitt i serien "Integrationsarkitekten - länken mella data och affärsvärde" : #1 Kundens utmaningar inom integration #2 Kommer AI skapa mer affärsvärde inom data- och integrationsarbete? #3 Att analysera stora datamängder med AI #4 Ge verksamheten den data den behöver! #5 Fokusera på processerna, inte tekniken bakom! #6 Alltid tillgång til rätt data, här och nu! #7 Välj rätt lösning för dina integrationsbehov! https://lnkd.in/dh3ntY6Z #icore #data2profit #systemintegration #cloud #affärsvärde #data #integrationsplattform

    Att lyckas skapa affärsvärde från sin data by Integrationsarkitekten - länken mellan data och affärsvärde

    Att lyckas skapa affärsvärde från sin data by Integrationsarkitekten - länken mellan data och affärsvärde


  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    📌 Building blocks your organization needs creating business value through data - The most important thing to think about! The 4 most important attributes/building blocks that all mature businesses*) share that allow them to maximize business value from their data. Here's a quick summary with some key take-aways from all the building blocks! 🏗 ✅ Building Block #1 - A shared data and integration strategy The businesses that lack a data and/or integration strategy consider themselves to be losing efficiency and scalability. Therefore, developing a data and integration strategy is our first building block for you who want to create business value through data. ✅ Building Block #2 was a shared data store 20 percent more so-called "tech leaders" confirm that they have a common data warehouse as a cross-functional source in the organization, unlike "tech laggards". Therefore, if you want to create business value through data, you should establish a cross-functional data warehouse. It lays the foundation for data-driven decisions! ✅ Building Block #3 addresses the role of data and integration issues your business and your corporate culture Creating a data-driven mindset in the organization is largely about creating a clear role for data and integration issues in the organization. It is also about your culture and how it supports this. The culture can help or destroy your opportunities to create business value through your data and your integrations in the business - so put the right (data-driven) culture in your organization. ✅ Building Block #4 describes how everything starts in your business processes In order to translate data and integration strategies into actual business value, there must be clearly defined and digitized processes in the business. They must of course also be implemented and adhered to in order to reach the desired value. 💡 How you use your data can look different in all organizations. But we know the growth potential of mature businesses that manage to maximize business value from their data. So we hope you have taken with you several tips that you can implement and that will help you in your digitization journey! 👉 Do you have questions or concerns about digitalisation, data and integration? Contact us -> https://lnkd.in/d_sn-th9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) The independent analyst firm, Radar Group, conducted a study examining the current state and best practices for creating business value with data. 💰 During the study, Radar saw several typical attributes/building blocks of the businesses that had a strategic basis for their data and integration work. These were considered to be "more mature" businesses. #data #integration #systemintegration #digitaltransformation #icore #businessvalue #ipaas #saas

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  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    📌 Well-defined and digitized business processes ▶ Building-Block #4 The independent analyst firm, Radar Group, recently conducted a study examining the current state and best practices for creating business value with data. 💰 The business value in your data lies in your business processes and how digital and mature they are. In order to translate data and integration strategies into actual business value, there must be defined and digitized processes in the business. ✅ Building Block #4 - Well-defined and digitized business processes When the organization reaches a high process maturity, it is also much easier to start automating these processes. Scalability and efficiency lie largely in the degree of automation, so this point becomes extremely important for the whole. The consequence of increased process maturity is that even more data is created. Data-driven decisions are then facilitated even more in the organization and opportunities to exploit new data-centric business opportunities become both easier and more natural. 💡 Recommendation: Our fourth building block for you who want to maximize business value from your data is to focus on your business processes. Define, digitize, automate and roll out. 👉 Follow us for more building blocks on how to create business value through data. #data #integration #systemintegration #digitaltransformation #icore #businessvalue #ipaas #saas #data2profit

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  • Visa organisationssidan för iCore Solutions, grafik

    2 083 följare

    📌 Role in the organization and your culture ▶ Building-Block #3 The independent analyst firm, Radar Group, conducted a study examining the current state and best practices for creating business value with data. 💰 How does your culture affect the ability to create business value through digitization and data❓ Creating a data-driven mindset in the organization is largely about creating a CLEAR ROLE for data and integration issues in the organization. It is also about how your COMPANY CULTURE supports this. 💎 The culture can help or overturn your opportunities to create business value through your data and your integrations in the business. 💎 The right culture can strengthen the role of data and integration issues and also ensure strong compliance throughout the organization. ✅ Building Block #3 - The role of data and integration issues in the organization and your culture What mature businesses have in common is that they store their internal (internal processes) and external (customer and supplier) data in a common data warehouse. This makes it easier for these mature businesses to extract value through the use of data. Their ability to collect, store and distribute data cross-functionally across the organization is greatly enhanced through shared data storage. 💡 Recommendation: Our third building block is therefore that you should naturally and very early in your processes start from data when you create business benefits. It lays the foundation for a strong role for the issues and builds in the right culture. . 👉 Follow us for more building blocks on how to create business value through data. #data #integration #systemintegration #digitaltransformation #icore #businessvalue #ipaas #saas #data2profit

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