

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster

Vi förändrar världens IT-konsumtion till att bli hållbar.

Om oss

Dagens sätt att konsumera IT är ohållbart. Varje år genereras elektronikavfall som överstiger vikten av hela Kinesiska muren, den tyngsta kontinuerliga konstruktionen på jordens yta. We intend to change that. We are transforming the world's IT consumption to become sustainable. Through our expertise, we ensure that companies and organizations become part of the circular economy by offering world-leading circular IT services. We offer our partners and customers solutions aimed at efficiently and sustainably managing their tech devices such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets. Inrego is a privately owned company characterized by development, openness, and innovation. Our core values are: Upstanding, Big heart, Happy eyes and Strong will. These words infuse our entire organization and our way of working. Do you want to be a part of our journey? Check out our career page and open positions at

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster
51–200 anställda
Publikt aktiebolag
Återanvändning av IT, Hållbar IT, IT-utrustning, Livscykelhantering, Försäljning av begagnade datorer, mobiler och IT-produkter, Cirkulär ekonomi, Informationssäkerhet och Dataradering


Anställda på Inrego


  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    💻📱❗ When you buy brand new laptops and phones to the office you might unknowingly be supporting Russia’s influence on global resources. Russia supplies 40% of the world’s palladium and 20% of the EU’s nickel, both essential for making electronics like laptops, phones and catalytic converters for cars. By choosing locally refurbished IT-equipment from us and ensuring your old devices are reused, we can reduce reliance on these resources and contribute to a more sustainable and peaceful future 🌍 Join the circular economy today by buying or selling your used tech to us! #Reuse #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #TechForGood #CircularIT

  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    Cirkulärt nyhetsbrev ute nu! 🚀   ⚡ Så kommunicerar du klimatfördelarna vid återanvändning ⚡ Världsledande skåpsmoduler gör det lättare att återanvända ⚡ Nyckeln till att skala cirkulära affärer   Ta del av omvärldsbevakning och techvärldens cirkulära omställning i vårt nyhetsbrev. Trevlig läsning! Och du - glöm inte att subscriba 💯 😉

    Trendspaning: Cirkulär IT

    Trendspaning: Cirkulär IT

    Inrego på LinkedIn

  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    💧 Did you know it can take up to 190 000 liters of water to produce a single laptop? 💧 That’s not just the water used directly in manufacturing—this figure is an estimation based on Life Cycle Assessments of a modern computer, highlighting the immense amount of resources embedded in our electronics. In a world where water is a precious resource, this underscores the importance of making mindful choices with our IT-equipment. By choosing circular IT solutions, we can extend the life of existing hardware and significantly reduce the demand for new resources🌍 Let’s rethink our tech consumption. #CircularEconomy #SustainableIT #WaterFootprint #ITHardware #SaveWater #ResourceEfficiency

  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    Myth vs. Fact: Used tech edition, part 6 🔍 Myth: Used tech has a shorter lifespan. Let’s put this one to rest: how long a device lasts depends more on care than age. A well-maintained used gadget can go the distance, and our refurbished gear? It’s built to last, often just as long as the brand-new stuff. Pro Tip: Choose Wisely Need serious performance? Go for a pro-grade computer. These computers are built for heavy-duty work and can outlast and outperform regular consumer models—making them worth every penny. Why buy new when refurbished tech offers great performance, a smaller carbon footprint, and more value for your money? 💰 🔗 [Shop smart, shop refurbished!] 🔗 SE: 🔗 FI:

  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    How would you feel getting a reconditioned iPad from your company? ✨ 🔄 We’ve just received a large batch of iPads, and they’re ready to find their next home! Make sure to buy reconditioned if your company needs to upgrade. Switching to reconditioned IT-hardware in the workplace is a smart move because they are: ⚡ Cost-Efficient: Access top-tier technology at a fraction of the cost of buying new. 🌱 Environmentally Responsible: Extend the lifecycle of quality devices. 🔐 Quality Assured: Thoroughly tested and ready for action. Always with at least 1 year warranty. 🤝 Socially Responsible: You avoid supporting poor working conditions often associated with mining for new minerals. All our workforce operates under green, ethical conditions with fair wages in our local production. Ready to enhance your tech stack and be part of the solution? Choose to reuse! Find the link to our shop in the comments. #iPadsAtWork #OfficeProductivity #CircularIT #TechForTeams 🚀

    • Many reused space grey ipads stacked in a box
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  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    🎙 Vår grundare och VD, Henrik Nilsson, tar plats i dagens avsnitt av podcasten Sustainability Talks – missa inte! 🌍 Henrik, som startade Inrego redan 1995, delar med sig av nycklarna till en framgångsrik cirkulär affärsmodell. Han pratar om vikten av gedigen compliance och ansvarsfull hantering genom hela värdekedjan. Dessutom lyfter han behovet av att främja återanvändning på politisk nivå. "Sverige är det enda landet i världen som har en skatt på återanvända produkter. Alla är överens om att det är vansinnigt, men ingenting händer" säger han. Tack till Cordial AB, Elin von Liewen Wistrand och Nicole Hill Ruda för att vi fick vara med! Lyssna på hela avsnittet och lämna dina tankar och funderingar här i kommentarsfältet 👇 #hållbarhet #cirkulärekonomi #cirkulärIT

    Visa organisationssidan för Cordial AB, grafik

    4 995 följare

    Hur skalar man upp en cirkulär affärsmodell? För många företag är detta en svår utmaning som blir allt viktigare i takt med att jordens resurser ska räcka till en växande befolkning. I detta avsnitt av Sustainability Talks träffar vi Henrik Nilsson, grundare och vd för Inrego, som framgångsrikt har lyckats med just detta. Inrego är ett företag som specialiserar sig på att möjliggöra återanvändning av IT-utrustning för att främja en cirkulär ekonomi och minska elektroniskt avfall, utan att tumma på kvalitet och prestanda. Vi diskuterar resurseffektivitet, samarbete och självklart de nycklar som krävs för att skala upp en cirkulär affärsmodell. Här hittar du avsnittet: #hållbarhet #cirkuläraffärsmodell #cirkulärekonomi

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    🚀 Boosting Ourselves at Inrego! 🚀 At Inrego, we believe in continuous growth—both as individuals and as a team—which is why we have our annual Boost Yourself day, a fantastic opportunity to come together, learn from the best, and strengthen the bonds that make our team exceptional. At this year's Boost Yourself day Ami Hemviken kicked things off with an engaging session on the importance of trust, vulnerability, and authentic communication. She reminded us how crucial it is to praise our colleagues and build strong connections—because that’s what truly makes a team thrive. Jonas Eriksson brought us into the high-pressure world of professional football refereeing with his thrilling stories. He reminded us that teamwork really does make the dream work—success on the field was only possible through constant communication and trust with his entire team of referees. We also want to extend our gratitude to Tommy Lindström, Johan Solberg U&We, and our own Valentina Falconi for sharing their expertise and inspiring us. These sessions not only fueled our minds but also reinforced the strong culture we’re building at Inrego. What do you think is the most important ingredient for building a strong and successful team? We’d love to hear your thoughts! 💪🚀 #ContinuousLearning #Teamwork #Inspiration #Inrego #BoostYourself #CircularEconomy 📸 Tim Halvari

    • jonas eriksson on stage
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    • Ami Hemviken in striped blouse on stage
    • Inrego employeed in the audience
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  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 We have been nominated as one of three finalists in the Home Electronics category at the 2024 Market Awards! 🎉 This prestigious nomination is a recognition of our work in providing sustainable and circular IT solutions for both businesses and consumers. In a challenging market dominated by linear business models, we have successfully demonstrated that the circular economy is not only sustainable but also profitable. 💚 We look forward to Bonnier News' Market Awards gala at the Grand Hôtel Stockholm on October 10th, where the winners will be announced. A big thank you to our amazing employees, customers and partners for making our circular success journey possible. More information about the nomination in Swedish, can be found here: #MarketAwards2024 #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #Electronics #TechForGood

    Det cirkulära IT-företaget Inrego bäst inom hemelektronik detaljhandel

    Det cirkulära IT-företaget Inrego bäst inom hemelektronik detaljhandel

  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    Myths and facts about used tech: part 5 🔨 Myth: Used tech lacks modern features. Let’s talk about another common myth that needs to be put to rest! Even though technology evolves rapidly, most updates happen within a 1-3 year timeframe. This means that a tech product that's a few years old still has the majority of the modern features you'll find in newer models. Most users won’t even notice the difference, as the changes are often minimal, designed just to tempt you into purchasing the latest version. Earlier models sometimes even have better features than new ones. In fact, some older models come with features or ports that have been removed in newer versions, which can be a big plus for certain users. So, next time someone claims that used tech lacks modern features, you can say: "Really? My used gear has all the features I need—and sometimes more than the latest models!" 💻 🔗 SE: 🔗 FI:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Inrego, grafik

    5 622 följare

    We're proud to be the main sponsor of the 20th European Broker Meeting, the largest gathering of ITADs in Europe, arranged by The Broker Site! ⭐   This year, the event will be held in the beautiful Parklane, Cyprus, on October 10th and 11th. We're excited to connect with industry leaders and explore new opportunities for sustainable partnerships. 💭   We're looking forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones as we continue to grow and innovate together in the IT trading industry. 💻   #EuropeanBrokerMeeting Mario Biemans Rhody Plein Pepe Bermudez

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