

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster

Capitalize on your collective intelligence with digital twin technology.

Om oss

Ortelius AB, a Swedish consulting company, that ensures customers have structured databases. We enable companies to simulate potential opportunities through digital twin technology. By way of information modelling, Ortelius creates dynamic digital models of businesses for customers to visualize and understand their current and future scenarios. Ortelius provides the expertise in designing taxonomy and ontology based solutions – resulting in one “common language”, all while the customers’ legacy systems remain.

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster
11–50 anställda
Privatägt företag
market & competitor intelligence, strategy management & execution, Intellectual Property Intelligence, digital twin of an organization, digital twin technology, true reflection, 360 interaction platform, information modelling, continuous business transformation, build resilience, protect market value, master change, versatile database och collaboration platform



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  • Visa organisationssidan för Ortelius, grafik

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Ortelius, grafik

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    DUAL SPEED – DUAL CORES Complexity increase, change continuously hitting us and we have hard times to keep up the pace of innovation and transformation. Well, you need to establish dual cores for digital transformation! ·       One core that drives digital innovation. ·       One core that drives digital standardization.   The innovation core needs to be fast, agile and effective to support our tacit knowledge work, meeting the continuous changes in the business environment. The standardization core needs to be consistent and efficient to support our transactional knowledge work. Should these two cores rotate with no synchronization? No, absolutely not! In between the two cores there is a need for an “asynchronous” axis powered by a sustainable meta-data model, developed and governed in the digital innovation core. That’s why Jiri Polak from Ortelius/inorigo attend the Master Data & Data Governance Summit in Barcelona this week to explain where all this fits in. Sounds complicated? No, not really if you just know how to do it. Please reach out to us at Ortelius at www.ortelius.com or info@ortelius.com.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Ortelius, grafik

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    Exploring the Power of Information in Product Development Thrilled to share insights from our colleague Carl Algren's recent blog post on "Information as a Product." In a world where products evolve from mere ideas, Carl dives into the crucial role of information throughout the development journey. 🌐 Read the full article here https://lnkd.in/d68N-V9N Carl emphasizes the transformative nature of information, asserting that it's not just a predecessor but a valuable product in itself. From digital twins to iterative improvements, information remains at the forefront, adding value even before a physical form emerges. The post highlights the continued relevance of information even after the product takes shape. In an era where control over installed bases, maintenance, updates, and services is paramount, the digital twin persists, contributing to a product's lifecycle and beyond. Key Takeaways: ·      Information is a product with inherent value throughout the development process. ·      Digital twins play a pivotal role in simulations, tests, and ongoing product management. ·      Understanding and leveraging information models enhance the development, visualization, and improvement of information. Carl introduces the importance of "Feature-based design" and "Rule-based design," stressing the adaptability of Ortelius-built models that don't break but grow and expand. Join the conversation! Share your thoughts on how information shapes product development in the comments. Let's continue the dialogue on innovation, adaptability, and sustained growth. #ProductDevelopment #Innovation #InformationIsPower #DigitalTwins #Ortelius #TechTalk Kudos to Carl Algren for this insightful exploration! 👏

    Visa profilen för Carl Ahlgren, grafik

    Strategic Account Director at Ortelius

    Information as a product It has become clear that a product is not just the physical element produced in a factory. A product starts out as an idea long before it becomes physical. In the beginning of a product lifecycle there’s only information. The information is developed and refined as the idea moves towards a finished, physical object. Sometimes the product doesn’t take a physical form at all. It stays as information and is consumed as information. To control the product development you need to control the information and the development of information. Information is a product - in its own right. With information you can run simulations and tests in digital twins. You can iterate the information and create new and better functions. That’s why it’s so important to see information as product. Information has value long before it has a physical form. Information is something you will add value to during the development process. Once the physical form of the product is realised it will still be accompanied by information. Especially in a world where you need to have much better control on the installed base, preventive maintenance, software updates and services connected to the product. The digital twin of the product will live throughout the lifecycle of the product. Sometimes longer. To enable the information to be an integral part of the product development process, you need to understand what information is produced, when, where and by whom. You need to understand what value it generates in each step of the process. This is what an information model enables. The model will support the information to be developed, visualised, understood, and improved. If you operationalise the model through the platform inorigo® you will also be able to connect the model to real-time data from the organisation. “Feature-based design” or “rule-based design” is an important part of the process. Or it will be. This doesn’t stop you from modelling the process in which this activity will be a part. Regardless the process will have a starting point, with certain given data points. It will also have an end point with defined data points. There’s no problem to build the model of the process and add feature-based design to the model at a later stage. The models Ortelius build will not break and crash. They will grow and expand. 

  • Visa organisationssidan för Ortelius, grafik

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      Nya äventyr i Göteborg!   Igår fick vår kontorschef Olof Fivelsdal sällskap av vår kollega Martina Ohlsson från Malmö för att utforska vårt sprillans nya kontor i Göteborg efter informationsmodellering på SKF. Vi valde att testa United Spaces i Nordstan, och jag måste säga, vilket fantastiskt ställe. Många våningar fyllda med inspirerande arbetsutrymmen och en härlig atmosfär som verkligen satte tonen för våra kommande dagar här. Ser fram emot många fler minnesvärda stunder och produktiva dagar här i Göteborg! #Ortlelius #Göteborg #NyttKontor #UnitedSpaces

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Ortelius, grafik

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    Happy Friday, everyone! Check out the latest insights on digital transformation from our visionary leader, Ulf Jensen, Founder and CEO. Wishing you an enlightening read! 😊 #Transformation #DigitalLeadership #Innovation #Ortelius

    There is so much buzz about Digital Transformation. There are numerous conferences, white papers, blogs, thought leaders, experts, and technical solutions, etc.   What is the difference between Transformation and Digital Transformation? The difference is that we are supposed to transform by using information technology as part of the new way of working. That’s essentially it!   The big challenge is that information technology is about 'ones and zeros' – a skillset that is not common knowledge, especially among leadership teams. This creates a significant chasm between those responsible for leading the organization forward and those who will build the new ways of working, which include a lot of digital elements.   That's why you see many 'silver bullets' flying over your head, with digital solutions that are supposed to sift through your data and tell you how you are organized, or AI that hopefully will explain how you should operate your enterprise. If these are the solutions, then we can be sure that we will face even more difficult times in executing necessary transformations, and we even risk becoming irrelevant if computers start running the show.   I don’t believe in that approach. I think it diminishes our human capacity to imagine a bright, interesting, and fun future. I still believe in an approach where we humans engineer the future model and try our best to replicate this in reality as much as possible. We should learn from the deviations (with help from data science and AI) and reengineer in a continuous cycle towards excellence!   Organizations need to integrate a new digital capability into their traditional way of doing transformations. People responsible for its future progress must have the capability to engineer a model of the future and, without too much short-circuiting, be able to operationalize it in reality.   Have you made a real assessment of how effective and efficient your Transformation capability is and what can be improved?   The technology is here, it’s for business people to embrace and it’s actually great fun when you start understanding the underlying complexity and can start utilizing it as a competitive advantage😊

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Ortelius, grafik

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    Our senior manager, Jenny Malmqvist, shares her insightful perspective on McKinsey's CEO Priorities 2024, highlighting the imperative for CEOs to transform uncertainty into opportunity, focusing on critical issues like energy transition and technological shifts. Despite the clear goal of building agile organizations, common obstacles persist, including outdated processes and technology legacies. Shifting from a system-centric to an information-centric approach emerges as a key strategy to overcome these challenges and drive innovative solutions. www.ortelius.com- Information Management Experts   #Ortelius #Information Management #DigitalTransformation #BusinessStrategy #CEOInsights #InnovationJourney #McKinsey2024 #InformationCentric  

    Visa profilen för Jenny Malmqvist, grafik

    VD, Verksamhetschef och Affärsutvecklare

    Excited to share key insights from McKinsey's latest CEO priorities for 2024! 🚀 McKinsey paints a picture where CEOs are challenged to turn uncertainty into opportunity, as highlighted in their 2024 annual report. The focus on critical issues like energy transition, technological shifts, and geopolitical uncertainties sets the tone. In essence, the goal is crystal clear: CEOs and management teams must urgently build agile organizations to navigate uncertainty and technological shifts. However, this journey often faces common obstacles like outdated processes, technological legacies, communication gaps, and knowledge disparities, sometimes sprinkled with a touch of personal prestige. Reflecting on a decade in management across different industries, overcoming these hurdles has often felt like a mission impossible. Einstein's wisdom echoes – expecting different results from the same approach is counterproductive. Recently, I uncovered the root cause of repeated unsatisfactory outcomes in past attempts to drive innovation and digital transformation. The villain? Relying on the traditional systems-centric strategic approach for operational growth and flexibility in a fast-changing world where the unexpected is the norm. Whether implementing ERP, CRM, PIM-systems, BI-solutions, marketing automation platforms, launching e-commerce platforms, or adopting payment solutions, expenses often exceeded expectations and overall outcomes. Which led the organizations to adapt and create complex workarounds, often in advanced excel spreadsheets, resulting in further division and rigidity. The system-centric approach induced system and technology fatigue, leaving management teams puzzled about how to plan and act for different results. Now, I recognize that shifting from system-centric to information-centric is a key to solving these challenges and meeting the demand to embrace change as an opportunity. It's time to explore the potential of information-centric perspectives as a core strategic choice, initiating new approaches to drive innovation that truly propels organizations forward! Making the seemingly impossible both possible and comprehensible. #DigitalTransformation #BusinessStrategy #CEOInsights #InnovationJourney #McKinsey2024 #InformationCentric https://lnkd.in/ds9tWXFF  

    What matters most? Eight CEO priorities for 2024

    What matters most? Eight CEO priorities for 2024


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