Paindrainer ABs omslagsbild
Paindrainer AB

Paindrainer AB

Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter

Drug-free, evidence-based digital medical device demonstrating improved quality of life and alleviation of chronic pain

Om oss

Paindrainer AB is a company developing digital platforms and applications contributing to health and well-being. Paindrainer® is the first drug-free, evidence-based digital medical device demonstrating improved quality of life and alleviation of pain in individuals living with chronic pain. The solution is powered by leveraging advanced algorithms and is fully adaptive to each user, a feature called 360° patient-centricity©. This feature is protected by a patent granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) for the unique proprietary platform that enables patient-centric chronic pain management. The Paindrainer® mobile application enables each user to manage their pain and provides guidance on how to achieve a personalized activity balance to attain an improved functional level and alleviate pain. Together with Paindrainer Care Portal, Paindrainer offers a complete Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) solution for healthcare professionals to remotely monitor their patients’ treatment and rehabilitation plan. Paindrainer® (Paindrainer PD1) is an FDA registered Medical Device Class 1 (510k exempt), MDR compliant and CE certified. Paindrainer was founded in 2018 by Prof. Carl Borrebaeck, Dr. Maria Rosén Klement, and Göran Barkfors. The idea was born when Maria, after participating in several pain rehabilitation programs, realized that pain is affected by many more factors than the human brain can keep track of. To bring our innovation to the market, we have gathered a team that is characterized by a diversity of business, technical and academic experience.

Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter
2–10 anställda
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Paindrainer AB 4 rundor totalt

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902 014,00 US$

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