The Real Hero

The Real Hero

Företagskonsultation och företagstjänster

The Real Hero

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Vi hjälper dig upptäcka magin i ditt företags varumärke och kraften i ditt företags berättelser.

Företagskonsultation och företagstjänster
2–10 anställda


Anställda på The Real Hero


  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    Do you use #storytelling at dinner time? Or around friends? Perhaps over a coffee to give some big news to your mother in law....Of course you do. We all do. But do you use storytelling in your #leadership role? We're all born with the ability to tell stories. It's just that some of us practice this more than others. Although good business cases are developed through the use of numbers, they are typically APPROVED through the use of stories. Of course, not any story will do. It all depends on the purpose of the #narrative. Do you want to #inspire #action? Then tell stories about situations where obstacles were overcome, helping others see that they too can succeed. People should leave with the feeling “Just imagine if …..”. Do you want to #build #trust? Then reveal something personal about yourself, allowing listeners to understand your character and values People should leave with the feeling : "I didn’t know that about him….” Do you want to communicate who your #company is? Then tell a story told by a third party that shows how your company is delivering on the brand promise.  People should leave with the feeling : “Wow, I’m going to tell my friends about this!” Do you want to foster #collaboration? Then emphasize the importance of working together and often show how collective effort leads to better outcomes than individual actions. People should leave with the phrase “That reminds me of a time that….” Another useful aware if your audience has the time and the inclination to hear your story. Sometimes, as good as it may be, it's just not the right time nor the right place. Storytelling is part of being emotional intelligent. We all have it. We can all sharpen it to communicate better. #storytelling #branding

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

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    Are you focusing on your "why" in your marketing? Or are you simply defining demographics and hoping for the best? While conventional marketing approaches often focus on targeting specific demographic groups (age, gender, income level, etc.), brands that successfully articulate and leverage their "why" can attract a broad, diverse audience that connects with your brand's purpose on a more emotional and values-driven level. Being clear about and communicating your brand's why : 🔎 attracts the right customers who share the same values, not just the rational factors like price and functionality 🔎 can create a community of loyal customers who are emotionally invested in your brand's mission because you connect emotionally, not rationally 🔎 you can align your employees and attract talent that share the same vision and engagement as you. 🔎 while products may evolve or become obsolete, a brand that has a well-articulated purpose can maintain its relevance and customer loyalty even as it changes its offerings. A why is evergreen, a product may not be. We believe that purpose-driven brands can make positive impact in the world. We help companies explore, define and formulate their purpose so that they can more easily explain it to customers, employees, investors and themselves. Storytelling is our tool. Want to talk? Send us a DM for a complementary discovery session.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    Famous by association - can branding elevate your status? Strong branding is your business's secret sauce. It's what makes you stand out from the crowd, helps customers instantly recognize and trust you, and creates that emotional connection that keeps them coming back for more. When your brand is solid, people start seeing you as a leader—think of Patagonia, and you think of environmental stewardship right? A great brand not only draws in new customers but also turns the ones you already have into loyal fans. This kind of consistency across everything you do builds up a reputation that’s hard to beat, leading to a bigger slice of the market, dedicated customers and long-term success. Plus, a strong brand is a magnet for investors. Let’s be honest, people love to be associated with success. It’s part of our human nature to seek status—just like owning an Apple product says something about you, often more than having a Samsung does. Branding isn't an afterthought that you just tack on at the end, and it’s definitely not your logo. It’s the heartbeat of your business. A strong brand lays down the foundation for success, influencing everything from how your customers feel about you to how you position yourself in the market. #brand #clarity #status

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    Can a re-brand save a company from the effects of bad publicity? Well, that all depends. Changing the colours, fonts, logo and tagline won't make any difference unless the company has taken responsibility, is transparent and has committed to change. In the age of authenticity, trust is everything. Cosmetic changes just won't cut it. A well executed rebrand includes strategic shifts in company values, product offerings, customer engagement, communications and corporate responsibility. In essence it's about creating new and authentic stories and memories to replace the old ones. If done right, rebranding can help companies not only recover from negative perceptions but also emerge stronger and more competitive in their markets. #brand #strategy #rebrand #newstories

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    What brand stories are YOU preparing to tell this autumn? What product stories? Founder stories? Stories about customers? Brand values? How can they elevate your brand and inspire you? And what is their effect on the value of your company? If you'd like to practice and learn some tricks of the trade, we're running 2 online masterclasses in October: 1. Brand clarity - define, express, and formulate your brand. 2. Brand stories - connect with your audience through stories. Register here and learn to enjoy the art of brand storytelling : "After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” ― Philip Pullman #brandstories #strategy #connectingthedots

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    Does every company have to have a purpose other than making a profit? We get that question sometimes. And yes, it may seem strange to think that a random dry cleaning service, for example, would be interested in having a positive impact on the world, or a tax consultancy. How about a bank? Or a cheese shop? What else could companies be interested in other than making money and what use would having a purpose have on business? Our take is that having a clear brand purpose that goes beyond profit, is beneficial for ALL companies, regardless of sector. Having a broader purpose can enhance not only your company's profitability but also your impact and satisfaction in your work. It can also ✅ build trust and customer loyalty. Wouldn't you rather buy from a company that is doing good than one that is not, all things being equal? ✅ differentiate your brand. Customers that share your values will be attracted to work with you. ✅ increase employee satisfaction and retention. When employees feel that their work has a meaningful impact, they are more motivated and productive and are more willing to engage in the work. ✅ build community and have social impact. Your brand can play a role in broader society and build community and gain more business. ✅ keep you successful in the long-term. Purpose makes it easier to navigate challenges and to keep innovating. Integrating a meaningful purpose doesn’t mean you neglect profitability—it means you enhance it by creating more value for your clients, employees, and community. Purpose-washing could eventually be an issue but we're a very, very long way from all companies finding ways to do things to make a positive impact on the world, and lying about it, to worry about that. If you'd like help to explore, define and formulate your brand purpose, we're at your service. 😀

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    Building a company is about having a solid product, good operations, and a sound financial strategy. Building a brand is about creating emotional and relational connections that make customers love your company and stay loyal for the long haul. It's the personality, values, and experiences that make your company memorable and loved. Would you like us to help you build your brand? We're back from the summer holidays and ready to chat 😁

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    Storytelling has always been a part of the human experience and continues to be used as a tool to unite, divide, inspire, control or call to action. These days however, the narratives we are fed by the media and our politicians keep us mostly down, anxious and disappointed. That’s why we believe that purpose-driven brands that find their voice and can connect us through their expression of their #authentic “why”, can make a real difference in how we feel about the world. They can inspire us and give us hope, showing us that good things are being done by many to make things better. So as the summer holidays slowly come to a close and you’re pondering how to make the next five months of the year count, perhaps a masterclass in brand clarity or storytelling is exactly what you need - a chance to recalibrate your self and your brand to make your work count. Register in the link below. Hope to see you there☀️ #storytelling #branding

    Events — The Real Hero

    Events — The Real Hero

  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    The Swedish fashion brand Gina Tricot is in a bit of a PR pickle. This week the Swedish television network, SVT, revealed that the brand's campaign "Gina Tricot Forest", set to "increase biodiversity and reduce emissions" involved exactly 503 trees 🌳 and 2 bee hives 🐝 in a plot the size of 6 tennis courts. 🙄 The story gets worse : the influencer who fronted the campaign received several million kronor for fronting the campaign whilst the company spent just over 100 000 kronor on the trees and the 2 beehives. The company, and the influencer are now being accused of greenwashing. And rightly so. If your brand is defined as the perceptions, feelings and associations people have about your company, this is a branding nightmare both for Gina Tricot and for the influencer. Just as positive associations attract customers, investors and employees, this kind of negative publicity does the exact opposite. It will be interesting to see what these two players decide to do to redeem trust. Perhaps the influencer will plant her own forest with the millions she received? What could Gina Tricot do to redeem itself? The moral of the story? Authenticity matters. Values matter. #brandstories #trustoverlove #brandstrategy

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Real Hero, grafik

    371 följare

    På måndag kan du få öva på att ta fram ditt syfte och din vision så att det kan inspirera dig, dina anställda, dina investerare och dina kunder. Låt oss hjälpa dig att blir inspirerad så att du kan inspirera andra. Anmäl er här :

    Visa profilen för 🔍 Antonella Strömberg 💡, grafik

    I help companies become true brands that inspire loyalty and drive positive change. Co-founder of The Real Hero.

    Vad är ditt syfte? Varför finns ditt företag? Hur vill du att världen ska se ut om allt går som du vill? Igår satt jag med Kristin Nenzén och Anna-Lena Hernvall och diskuterade precis dessa frågor i förberedelserna inför en investerar-pitch och en kommunikationsplattform. Att formulera sig konkret och på ett inspirerande sätt är utmanande och man fastnar lätt i sin egen interna jargong. MEN, när man träffar rätt, då reser sig håren på armarna. Det är DÄR du vill vara med ditt varumärkeslöfte. #rysningar #shivers #brandstrategy #inspiration

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