Uman Senses omslagsbild
Uman Sense

Uman Sense

Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter

We have developed Stroke Alarm — a wearable aid for patients with elevated stroke risk.

Om oss

Our product: Stroke is the most common cause of permanent disability in adults, and the second most common cause of death in the Western world. Today, people who suffer a stroke can be cured if they receive the right treatment in time. Unfortunately, most arrive too late. We hope to change that with Stroke Alarm — a wearable aid for patients with elevated stroke risk. Do you manage patients with increased risk of suffering a stroke? Right now, we offer the Swedish healthcare the opportunity to let their patients test Stroke Alarm. Please visit our webpage for more information about Stroke Alarm, the pilot and how to sign up. Stroke Alarm is a medical device, developed and manufactured by Uman Sense AB in Sweden. Stroke Alarm is CE-marked as a medical device in Europe. . . . Our company: Uman Sense is an MedTech innovation company, a spin-off from Lund University. We work to improve the lives of people through modern mobile solutions to medical challenges. With the patient in focus, we create innovative solutions at the intersection of medicine, mathematics, and mobile technology. We believe that our strategy creates new opportunities for healthcare to offer the best possible health care. Uman Sense AB is ISO 13485 certified. Uman Sense is a registered European trademark (EUTM) and a registered trademark in the United States (USPTO).

Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter
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  • Uman Sense omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Johan Wassélius

    Docent på Lunds Universitet och överläkare på Skånes universitetssjukhus. Medgrundare till Uman Sense AB

    Excellent presentation by Dr Alex Solich on how they transformed the stroke service in Örebro from the worst to the best in Sweden and among the best in Europe at the Let’s raise the bar - meeting in Milan in front of a large audience of neuroInterventionalists from all over Europe.

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1 173 746,00 US$

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