For those that have missed it, here is a reminder that Widefind is nowadays a fully integrated part of Mobilaris Industrial Solutions' Locating & Sensing business area! Our UWB-based positioning system "Widefind WISPR" - engineered to be the world's best solution for reliable and accurate positioning underground - has been further enhanced and now goes under the name "Mobilaris Precision". Check out the below example of how Widefind's vision and legacy live on within Mobilaris and continue to drive digital transformation in the mining industry. Follow Mobilaris to stay tuned! Boliden #undergroundmining #miningtechnology
Great news! Mobilaris Industrial Solutions and Boliden collaborate in Boliden's project to enable a fully electrified production system in Rävliden, part of the Kristineberg mining area. With our UWB-based IoT solution Mobilaris Precision™, Boliden will have access to reliable real-time positioning information, to get necessary information about the location of machines and trucks underground. Initially, the data will be used to evaluate the transports and the battery charging of the electrified machines and vehicles. Read full press release (in Swedish):