
Sentient is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that publishes stories and solutions to explain factory farms and their effect on climate, animals, public health, politics and more.

Find out how to pitch us here.


Tessa Altman

Social Media Coordinator & Production Assistant

Ana Bradley

Executive Director

Julieta Cardenas

Editorial Fellow

Grace Hussain

Staff Writer

Ross Kinghorn

Content Producer

Rachel Krantz

Editorial & Outreach Manager

Taylor Meek

Development & Project Coordinator

Seth Millstein

Staff Writer

Katherine Noble

Director of Partnerships & Training

Jasmine C. Perry

Content Producer

Jessica Scott-Reid

Features Writer

Rafael Simões

Senior Digital Strategist

Gabriella Sotelo

Editorial Fellow

Jenny Splitter


Board of Directors


Sentient Media is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2018. Our work is made possible by the generosity of individual and institutional donors. We retain full authority over editorial content and our news judgments are made independent of donor support. We make public all donors totaling $5,000 or more per year. Please see our most recent 990 form, which includes the following donors: 

  • Builders Vision 
  • Connolly Family Fund
  • Craigslist Charitable Foundation  
  • Foundation Source Philanthropic 
  • Stray Dog Institute 
  • Summerlee Foundation 
  • The Effective Altruism Animal Welfare Fund
  • The Greenbaum Foundation 
  • The Quinn Foundation 
  • Vanguard Charitable

Find out how you can support our work here.

Founding donors include the Järvenpää Foundation, the Effective Altruism Animal Welfare Fund and the Open Philanthropy Project.


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