SEOTesting Features

We excel at SEO testing, but we do a lot more than just that...


Time Based SEO Tests

Create a simple SEO test that compares weeks before the change, to weeks after.

SEO Split Tests

Easily setup a control group and test group of urls so you can SEO split test the results over the same time period.

URL Switch Tests

Run time based SEO tests where a change of URL occurs between the control and test period. Really useful for testing the publishing of topic clusters.

Test Historically

Test start dates can be back dated so you can run tests on historical data.


Content Decay Report

The Content Decay Report will show you the pages on your site that have declining traffic from a peak position over the last 13 months.

Brand vs Non-Brand

The Brand vs Non-Brand Report will give you an overview of how your site is performing in the Google search results from a Brand and Non-Brand query perspective.

Content Groups

Track the performance of a group of urls. Great for agencies that work on separate pages across a large site, or when you are optimizing topic clusters.

End of Month Report

The End of Month Report in SEOTesting gives you a Month-on-Month and Year-on-Year overview on your site's performance in Google.

Page and Query Details View

Easily dig into the data behind each url and query. Optimize your content by including queries your page appears for.

Algorithm Updates

Annotated Google algorithm updates are on site, page and query graphs to help see the impact.

Custom Annotations

Add custom annotations to Google Search Console data through SEOTesting to remember key events that impacted traffic.

Long Tail Keyword Reports

Reports to uncover long tail keyword opportunities for your sites.

CTR Opportunities

Uncover queries that have a low CTR. Work on titles and meta descriptions to get more clicks. Click here to learn more about improving your organic click through rate.

New Page Alerts

Get a daily alert when new URLs from your site show up in the search results. Read more about our Google Index Alerts.

New Keywords Report

Check the New Keywords report to find out what your site has just started ranking for. Get lots of new keyword ideas.

Top Queries Missing

Find out which pages do not have their top queries in page titles and meta descriptions. Easy fixes bring more clicks.

Page Content Optimization

Continually optimize and improve page content by reviewing queries it is ranking for. Create new sections and headings based on data from Search Console.

Thin Content Report

Test 1,000s of urls in a sitemap.xml to uncover thin and low quality content.


Find keyword cannibalization issues across your site where pages fight for the same ranking.

Winners and Losers

Get 7 day snapshots of which keywords and pages have had the best and worst gains.

Questions Report

Find out which questions people are searching, that your site appears in Google for. This includes 'People also ask suggestions'.

Striking Distance Keywords

Use the striking distance keywords report to show high value keywords just on page 2 or 3. Get them on page 1 for a nice CTR improvement.


Google Chrome Extension

The SEOTesting Google Chrome extension displays your Google Search Console data within the browser as you view your own sites. It also has on-page SEO assistance and tips to help improve your pages and content.

Google Data Studio Connector

The SEOTesting Google Data Studio connector allows you to display the SEO tests running in an existing or new Google Data Studio dashboard.

Other Highlights

Daily Email

Get a daily alert each time Search Console updates with key metrics listed in it.

Filtered Dashboards For Each Site

Add dashboards filtered by country, brand filters etc. All site reports then based on those filters.

Quick Links For Content Research

One click links to check searchers intent in Google, and for content ideas in Reddit and Quora.
