First run of the Experiential Learning Deisgn Level #1 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and grateful for the support of BINUS University for the venue. With 11 participants, it is a nice cosy group to work with and grow the learning together. Thank you, Professor Colin Beard for braving the adventure of the Southeast Asia Tour together! It has been an amazing journey, and we are already preparing to plan the next sessions. We have received request from Temasek Polytechnic for Professor Colin Beard to come back in September 2025, to keynote and conduct sessions, and we are considering whether to host a Level #1 Experiential Learning Design Certification in the same period. If you are keen/interested to participate in the Level #1, drop us a DM to let us know, and we can update you, once we have the specific date/s and time/s.
About us
Be Compassionate, Have Hope, Be Courageous We are reminded through these values to be; because we are human beings, not human doings. Our Passion is in Humanity: the quality of being humane, towards self, others and environment. Our Why (Why do we exist and what do we want to achieve) To support the human side of transformation in the digital era Our How (How will we get there and how will we behave) By developing emotionally aware individuals anchored on strong human values, while adept in mastering and leading the future Our What (What are the products and services we will deliver) Facilitate conversations that raise awareness and discuss what is truly important to us, as individuals, teams, organisations and/or a nation Conduct experiential learning programmes that focus on igniting and developing human values and personal leadership Coach and mentor individuals and teams through the change, as they grow and develop
- Website
External link for Chrysalists Pte Ltd
- Industry
- Professional Training and Coaching
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Singapore
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2014
- Specialties
- Personal Development, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Coaching, Facilitation, Consulting, Creativity, Humanistic Approach, Experiential Learning, and Training
Jurong West Avenue 1
Singapore, 640427, SG
Employees at Chrysalists Pte Ltd
Today completes the last day of the first Southeast Asia Tour for the Experiential Learning Design. It has been an amazing adventure, with ups and downs, highs and lows, and finishing off, with lots of learning. Grateful to be on this experiential journey with Professor Colin Beard and bring this curious and exciting programme to friends, in Singapore, in Malaysia and in Indonesia. We are looking at potentially having a run (not sure where yet) of the Level #1 in November 2025, and/or March 2026 (specific dates to come, when we are ready, perhaps some time in late May/early June 2025). If you are keen to find out more about the programme, please do drop us a dm. We will reach out, once we have more info! Thank you friends who have joined us in Malaysia : Marion Ng Gwendolyn B. Carol Lim Dr Lee Kwan Meng, PhD radzfar suaib NURUL NISHA MOHD SALI Ahmad Shahrin bin Juhar 🙏🏽 looking forward to receiving your assignments 😊
Level #1 Experiential Learning Design Certification in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, completed! Nice cosy group, to kickstart our adventures here in Malaysia. The community has shared that there is a need to step up the learning, understanding and competency of the practitioners and educators in Malaysia in relation to experiential learning in the country, so that there is growth and development for the industry. It isn’t just about conducting activities, it is about allowing learning to transpire, to be co-created, to flourish. And the people also need to be able to see, how their roles and responsibilities within the education, training and facilitation industry can evolve and be enhanced. Thank you radzfar suaib, Ahmad Shahrin bin Juhar, NURUL NISHA MOHD SALI, Dr Lee Kwan Meng, PhD, Marion Ng, Gwendolyn B. and Carol Lim for being with Professor Colin Beard and I, for this first run in Malaysia! Looking forward to how you might be applying the concepts and learning to your work, and also, excited to see what you will be sharing through your assignments!
It was an amazing 2 days with the inaugural Level #2 in Singapore! 13 participants, rich and intense learning, and the discovery continues after the programme is over 😬 We look forward to the application of the learnings, into the work that each of you do! Assignments ahead 😬 gambate! Gerauld Wong Sin Hon Peow Michael Ong Aifa Ahmad M. Ibnur Rashad (一诺) 🕊️ Societal Futurist and Climate Inventor Rachna Johri Loh Gin Hin Dr Jonathan Chee Alden Toh Lay Khee TAN Imran Tahir Zhang Pengchi Sylvia Ng
Inaugural Level #2 Experiential Learning Design Certification is a wrap for 2025! Celebrating the wonderful people who came and learn with Professor Colin Beard and us over 2 days : Aifa Ahmad, Imran Tahir, M. Ibnur Rashad (一诺) 🕊️ Societal Futurist and Climate Inventor , Gerauld Wong, Michael Ong, Sin Hon Peow, Sylvia Ng, Alden Toh, Loh Gin Hin, Zhang Pengchi, Dr Jonathan Chee, Rachna Johri, Lay Khee TAN Thank you for your presence, thank you for your participation, thank you for contributing and learning together! Now, we are looking forward to receive the submission of your assignments, to level up from the certificate of attendance, to certificate of completion of Level #2.
First time in Malaysia, Level #1 Experiential Learning Design! Grateful for these adventurous and dedicated friends from Singapore and Malaysia, to join in the session! It is amazing to notice the sharing and exchange amongst the participants during the session, and how much notes and information that they took while Professor Colin Beard shared the concepts of the Holistic Experiential Learning Theory and the application of the processes to their context in education, training and facilitation. We are excited to see how these may translate into your work and impact in your respective fields! Please do share your journey with us, and we are happy to continue to support and grow the awareness and understanding around H.E.L.T.!! #experientiallearning #experientialeducation #letthelearnersdothelearning #letthelearnersexperiencethelearning
Brand new day, brand new start, Level #1 Experiential Learning Design Certification in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is the first time we are bringing this to Malaysia, and we are excited to have friends from Singapore and Malaysia joining in! An excellent experience so far, in the Leadworkz Talent Development Advisory (TDA) in Shah Alam! It is all about creating an experience, and we are off to a good start! More to share later!
Day #2 of Experiential Learning Design Level #2 Certification course in Singapore. More depth, more complexity, more discoveries. Grateful for those who joined us on this inaugural run, in Singapore, in the world. Thank you for embarking on this adventure together, and also advocating and believing in Experiential Learning. Experiential learning isn’t just activities, it isn’t just putting in reflections. It isn’t just putting in activities and reflections. It is so much more; it is the unfolding, the awareness, the consciousness around the human condition, and then weaving it in a design, in support of learning and development. It is a series of techniques and tools, and it is also also how we experience our lives and our being. And we aspire to bring that into our classrooms, into our meetings, into our workplaces. We reflect upon our own experiences and transform that into teachable moments. We look into the meaning and purpose of each step and through meaningful design, craft an experience. Off to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a Level #1 experience tomorrow!
Day #1 of Level #2 Experiential Learning Design Certification, done yesterday, and the participants have immense learning from Professor Colin Beard! Thoughtful questions, diligent note-taking, practice and action, experiential learning in its element! Everyone was engaged, even in the quiet moments, because the brain is constantly processing, making sense and reflecting upon application. There were quite a number of “aha” moments, and you can see the eyes and mind lighting up. There were also moments of cross-sharing of experiences, from participants, who span from polytechnic lecturers, corporate trainers, personal branding coaches and content creators, executive coaches and innovation specialists, experience and content designers, adult learning facilitators, parents, etc. We are midway into Day #2 now, and the ante has gone up significantly. When you are curious, about this programme, drop us a message!
The journey through the region has started. Welcoming Professor Colin Beard to Singapore as a part of the tour. Starting with Temasek Polytechnic lecturers, and then leading on Level #2 later this week ✨ #experientiallearning #experientiallearningdesign #holisticlearning
Preparing for 4 programmes back-to-back this Thursday to next Wednesday. Two in Singapore, and lands on Friday & Saturday, and another two on Monday and Wednesday, overseas in Malaysia and Indonesia. And then a bit of rest, before the Train-The-Facilitators (TTF) programme on 1-2 May 2025. We have 3 pax for the TTF for now. Hoping to have a class of at least 10 pax, before it is meaningful from a learning perspective to start. Check out link in bio to register for TTF. All our participants will also receive these limited edition notebooks and files/folders, to consolidate your learning 😊 #facilitation #facilitationbydesign #facilbydesign #lifeofafacilitator #facilitateqithpurpose #facilitateintentionally #facilbydesign #chrysalising #teaching #training #education
Excitement is yellow! And it “brightens ur skin” says Clarice Song 🤣🤣 Excited for tomorrow’s webinar with Impact Play Fest, and with guests Xi-Wei Yeo of Living Theories and Matthew Kreutter of Games for Change. Grateful for joining in the play-full-ness and being game to have it a fully experiential process! Who says webinars need to be boring and death by PowerPoint? Who says that it is just the speakers sharing? There is collective wisdom in the room! So come and join us and play together! Exploring play and games in education and reflection! Active reviewing at its best! To register : See you tomorrow, Wednesday, online, 8pm - 9.30pm! Let's playfully!!