Earlier this week, Deme (Malaysia) was honoured to host HE Peter Van Acker, Belgium Ambassador to Malaysia, Mr Pierrick Massaux, Deputy Head of Mission for Belgium Embassy, together with YBhg. Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hashim Paijan, Chief Executive of SEDIA and Ir. Anthony Teoh Teik Thiam, Managing Director of WCT Berhad, in Kota Kinabalu, for a Project Sharing Reception and a visit onboard of our TSHD Breughel, which was working on sand stockpiling works for the Sapangar Bay Container Terminal Expansion Project. During their time with us, both HE Peter Van Acker and Datuk Haji Hashim engaged with our company’s employees and also the project team members. Their visit onboard of TSHD Breughel provided valuable insights to the vessel crew. They also expressed appreciation to our Captain (Breughel), Ruben Prins, and his crew, as the team shared our commitment to safety, sustainability, and excellence during operation.