classic Sina pitching LL like it's the work of his life (spoiler: it is indeed *a* work of his life). join him and a bunch of hardcore founders like him, there are only upsides to being surrounded by such cracked founders
i've been looking to onboard 30 additional founders to over the past week. so far I've onboarded 6 out of 30 and they're brilliant. definitely check out LL (LearningLoop dot com) if you haven't. the members and their startups are at their peak yet (just the beginning) and the energy of the community is like nothing i've personally seen outside of san francisco in any startup hub (yes I'm comparing LL with cities, not online communities!!) if you're a founder (whether stealth or building full-time), this is the best time yet to join LL. unbelievably smart, resourceful and ambitious founders (mostly in singapore but we have members in malaysia, hong kong, US and elsewhere too), super helpful and low-ego when they're in the community, and by far the most honest no-BS space when it comes to people talking about work/numbers/their reflections. founder psychology is a big part of startup success. you wanna be surrounded by a bunch of people who are bullish on you who support you where they can, vs people who constantly doubt/question you. every founder i know has struggled with building and managing a network of people who are their level or slightly higher who are bullish on them and dont waste their time. LL is the perfect place for that. i personally call and onboard all incoming members to make sure we never take in non-founders (we never have and never will). if you or someone you know are interested, comment or DM and i'll onboard you! if you're intrigued but not sold yet and wanna just chat to get a sense of the vibe and caliber of people on LL i can call u for 10min and screenshare. (it's natural for founders to be skeptical of "founder communities" since most founder communities suck, especially the ones operated by non-founders, which is 99% of them. every founder naturally wants to make sure he/she join groups of people as hardcore as themself or more hardcore, and im confident LL is precisely that at this point in time, whether you're is bootstrapping or VC backed!) super excited for this year and everyone on LL. please react to this to help more founders hear about this opening