

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing

Železniki, Železniki 4,314 followers

𝗗edication - 𝗢pportunity - 𝗠indset - 𝗘mployee - 𝗟eadership / Growing together to shape a better future

About us

𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐥 is a global development supplier of electric motors, vacuum motors, blowers and components. Our dedication to innovation has positioned us as a driving market force in several key technology areas such as universal vacuum motors, brushless DC blowers, brushless DC motors, EC motors, including ultra-premium efficient permanent magnet synchronous motors. We create motion in professional & home appliances, mobility, industrial applications, medicine and healthcare. Our motors power over 300 million devices worldwide in premium and consumer markets. Founded in 1946, the company is headquartered in Slovenia, Europe and supplies products to all continents around the world. Domel Group has 6 production sites in 3 countries and about 1.400 employees. We enable employee to acquire, improve, and maintain job related knowledge and skills, offer quality working places and hire new employees. The main Domel’s benefits for its employees are: - Financial benefits: the company pays its employees additional supplementary pension insurance in the amount of € 40 per month, collective accident insurance, payment of transport costs to work, payment for a hot meal in the maximum legally allowed amount, payment of rewards for special achievements or successfully completed projects, payment of a prize on the recommendation of a new employee, an award for innovation…; - Christmas Bonus and recourse above average; - Rental of holiday facilities - Enabling co-participation in various sports & health activities (swimming, skiing, massage, sauna, entry fee for recreational runs, etc); - Possibility of education, learning foreign languages, additional training within the Domel Academy - Possibility of working from home up to 3 days a week - Scholarships, internships, seminar and diploma theses etc.

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Železniki, Železniki
Privately Held
universal vacuum motors, vacuum motors, brushless DC blowers, permanent magnet synchronous motor, EC motor, EC motors, Electronic Manufacturing, motor components, research and development, industry 4.0, automation, digitalization, sustainability, innovation, laboratoryequipment, centrifuges, and labsolutions


Employees at Domel


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    [Employee well-being] In today’s fast-tempo, high-stress world, we are all looking for ways to improve our lives. One excellent answer is also becoming one of the most popular: cycling to work. It is not only environmentally friendly, but also has numerous positive effects on employee health, mood and productivity. We are proud to encourage our employees to cycle not only to work but also between our production locations. 🚲 To make this easier, we have set up safe and convenient E-TURE Bikebox, which provide 100% secure parking and e-bike charging. 🚲 Safe e-biking with #Domel 🌐 Together, we are creating a better working environment and a sustainable future! 💚 #Domel #ETure #bikebox #ebike #eCult #poweredbyDomel

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    [Srebrno priznanje 🥈] Ponosni smo, da smo bili ponovno prepoznani kot eno izmed najbolj inovativnih podjetij. Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije je v okviru Dneva inovativnosti na Brdu pri Kranju že dvaindvajsetič podelila nacionalna priznanja najbolj inovativnim podjetjem in inovatorjem. Na letošnji prireditvi, ki je potekala pod sloganom 𝒊𝒛𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒊 𝒔𝒎𝒐 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒋𝒏𝒐𝒔𝒕, se je za najvišja priznanja potegovalo tudi naše podjetje, ki je za razvoj ZKG motorjev prejelo 𝐬𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐞. 🤗 Nova družina motorjev, ki je izredno trajnostno naravnana, je že dobila svoje mesto na najzahtevnejših skandinavskih trgih in s svojo energetsko učinkovitostjo predstavlja nov trend na področju prezračevalnih naprav. Oglejte si več 🌐 Več informacij pa je na voljo na naši spletni strani 🌐 Vsem nagrajencem iskreno čestitamo! 👏 ************** [Silver Award 🥈] We are proud to have been recognized again as one of the most innovative companies. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia awarded national recognition to the most innovative companies and innovators for the 22nd time during the Innovation Day event at Brdo pri Kranju. At this year’s event, held under the slogan "we chose sustainability", our company also competed for the top awards and received the 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 for the development of ZKG motors. 🤗 The new family of motors, which is highly sustainability-oriented, has already found its place in the most demanding Scandinavian markets and, with its energy efficiency, represents a new trend in ventilation devices. #Domel #GZS #inovativnost

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    [Industry Fair 2024] Domel China proudly participated in the International In-house Industry Fair 2024 in Changzhou, Jintan, marking our second consecutive year of involvement. Represented by Bostjan D., General Manager of Domel China, and Vivienne Xiang, we showcased Domel’s continued commitment to innovation and international cooperation. 🤝 We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the German team in Jintan, the Sino-German Changzhou Innovation Industry Park (#SGIP) team, and the local government of Changzhou for their unwavering support. Your efforts in strengthening cooperation between Europe and China are truly valued. 🤝 #Domel #IndustryFair

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    [SALES CONFERENCE 2024] As is tradition, we gathered this year with the sales and marketing teams, along with leadership, to analyze the sales and marketing processes for the previous year, review product workshop activities, and stay updated on the trends in industry. The participants were addressed by our CEO and the Director of Sales and Marketing, while the sales program managers presented their areas of expertise. Jaka Kavčič, Director of Sales and Marketing, focused primarily on strategic sales goals and challenges for the 2025-2030 period. 📈 We continue to prove that, with the right team, everything is possible, and we are excited about the challenges ahead. 📈🤝 #Domel #Sales #Marketing #conference

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    [ZAPOSLIMO] Postani del naše gasilske ekipe 🚒 Na lokaciji v Železnikih iščemo več kandidatov za mesto poklicnega gasilca. Če si izkušen gasilec in želiš postati del podjetja, ki ceni strokovnost, sodelovanje in varnost, te vabimo, da se pridružiš naši ekipi. Razpis je na voljo na naši spletni strani: 🌐 Če želiš prispevati k varnosti in zaščiti v podjetju, ki ceni svoje zaposlene, te vabimo, da oddaš svojo prijavo do 15. 9. 2024 prek spletne strani #Domel #jobopportunity #joinus

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    [ZAPOSLIMO] IŠČEMO KONTROLORJA (M/Ž) 🔍 Na lokacijah v Škofji Loki iščemo natančnega in odgovornega kandidata za prosto delovno mesto na področju kakovosti. Imate izkušnje z mehanskimi meritvami in vas veseli stalno izboljševanje kakovosti? Vaše naloge bodo med drugim vključevale: 🔧 izvajanje mehanskih meritev, 🔧 skrb za stalno izboljševanje kakovosti v skladu s standardi, 🔧 ugotavljanje povzročiteljev slabe kakovosti, 🔧 analiziranje in evidentiranje rezultatov, 🔧 priprava poročil in sodelovanje pri reševanju reklamacij, 🔧 izdelovanje, ažuriranje in arhiviranje dokumentacije. Vabimo vas, da do 30. 09. 2024 oddate prijavo z življenjepisom na spletni strani 🌐 in se pridružite naši ekipi. #Domel #jobalert #jobopportunity #DomelTeam

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    [Our employees] More than 30 children of our employees took their first big step into the world of education yesterday! To mark this special occasion, we prepared a small gift for these young learners, helping them transition smoothly into this exciting new chapter. 🎒 We understand the importance of family and strive to support a healthy work-life balance. That’s why we offer our employees a day off on their child's first day of school, ensuring they can be there for their little ones during such a significant moment. May our youngest explorers enjoy every adventure and embrace all the new challenges that come their way. 🌞 #Domel #firstdayofschool #BackToSchool #CompanyCulture

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    [Solastništvo zaposlenih] Kako motivirati zaposlene, da predano soustvarjajo prihodnost podjetja? In kako jih obenem dovolj in pravično nagraditi za njihovo delo, ki vodi do odličnih rezultatov podjetja? Med podjetji Dewesoft, Halcom, INEA in Tiko Pro d.o.o., bo naše izkušnje na dogodku delil predsednik uprave Domel Holdinga, mag. Matjaz Cemazar. Ali se solastništvo zaposlenih obrestuje? 🔍 Pridružite se nam na dogodku v živo in najdite odgovor. Prijavite se na povezavi: Veselim se srečanja z vami in izmenjave izkušenj! #Domel

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    Poznate Domel in njihov sistem solastništva zaposlenih? Domel je v letu 2022 presegel prodajo 200 mio evrov in zaposluje več kot 1500 ljudi. Lastniška struktura izvira iz procesa lastninjenja v 90-ih letih. Domel Holding d.d. je bil ustanovljen v letu 1998 na osnovah družbe pooblaščenke, kjer so zaposleni vložili svoje lastninske certifikate. Povod za ustanovitev družbe pooblaščenke je bil poskus sovražnega prevzema s strani ameriške korporacije, pri čemer so del vodstva in zaposleni strnili svoje vrste in ohranili podjetje slovensko. Kako pa sistem solastništva zaposlenih deluje danes? Kaj so prednost, kaj izzivi in kaj pravijo rezultati? O tem bo govoril mag. Matjaž Čemažar, vabljeni: Več informacij in prijave:  »Aktivnost se izvaja v okviru JR Start-up konzorcij in jo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj v okviru Programa evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju od 2021 do 2027.«

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    [Študentsko delo] Zaradi povečanega obsega dela iščemo dodatne okrepitve - iščemo študente za delo v proizvodnji 📢🤝 Na lokacijah v Železnikih in Škofji Loki iščemo večje število študentov za opravljanje lažjih del v proizvodnji, predvsem v mesecu septembru, z možnostjo podaljšanja ali dela za vikende. 🤗 𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐕𝐊𝐀 𝐙𝐍𝐀Š𝐀: 👉🏼 dopoldan in popoldan: 8,20 EUR bruto 👉🏼 nočno delo: 11,00 EUR bruto Prijave sprejemamo preko povezave 🌐 P.S.: Veselimo bomo, če objavo delite! 🤗 #studentswork #jobalert

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    [e-Mobility] Commuting to work: How do you get there?🚴♂️ In today's fast-paced world, how we commute to work plays a significant role in our daily productivity, well-being, and environmental impact. While many still rely on cars, there's a growing shift towards more sustainable and healthier transportation options like cycling. 🚴♂️ The main reasons for that are environmental responsibility, improved efficiency, health and wellness, cost-effective and time-saving way of transport, especially in congested urban areas. E-bikes have become a transport sensation that not only make people happy, but are also good for the planet. Conscious of all the benefits that they bring, we decided to put our weight behind sustainable objectives while focusing on the health and well-being of our employees. Last year, more than 120 of our employees bought Domel e-bikes. Company bikes are the first step in encouraging employees to make cycling to work a permanent feature of their lives. A booking, rental and repair notification system must first be set up. There also needs to be a way of storing bikes in a secure but accessible way. Furnished with a logo and decked out in the official colours, the bikes can also be used to promote your company. The option of purchasing a Domel-driven e-bike bearing your company’s logo provides an additional incentive for increasing physical activity. Did you know that we offer personalised bikes? 🤗 👉🏼 #Domel #ebike #eCult

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