Slavica Tadić in še devet Nikšićank ter deset Rožajčank so dobile priložnost za delo z zdravilnimi in aromatičnimi zelišči🍃 v okviru projekta EKOS »Izobraževanje in ekonomsko opolnomočenje ranljivih skupin žensk in deklet v Črni gori«🚺, ki ga izvajamo Zavod KROG, NVU Impuls in NVU Runolist ob finančni podpori🤝 Ministrstva za zunanje in evropske zadeve RS. Vabljeni k prebiranju🖱:
Zavod KROG - Institute Circle
Philanthropic Fundraising Services
Ljubljana, Slovenia 538 followers
A non-profit, non-governmental organization active in human rights, humanitarian work, development cooperation.....
About us
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External link for Zavod KROG - Institute Circle
- Industry
- Philanthropic Fundraising Services
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2008
Ul. Hermana Potočnika
Ljubljana, Slovenia 1000, SI
Employees at Zavod KROG - Institute Circle
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Zavod KROG - Institute Circle ⭕️ in opolnomočenje žensk v Libanonu
"Vsako leto 8. marca v približno 100 državah praznujemo mednarodni dan žena🚺. Slednji pomeni praznovanje ekonomske, politične in socialne enakopravnosti in dosežkov žensk, ki so med drugim vidni tudi na področju kmetijstva oziroma na podeželju. Prispevek kmetic in podeželskih žena je v ospredju zlasti pri trajnostnem kmetovanju, varni oskrbi s hrano🌾, pomembno vlogo pa imajo tudi pri zmanjševanju revščine na podeželju." #zavodkrog #mednarodnidanzena
FROM PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT TO EMPOWERMENT: THE SUCCESS OF INDIVIDUAL MENTORING IN THE EKOS PROJECT After the successful completion of the Academy on Gender Equality, Violence Prevention, and Promoting the Economic Independence of Vulnerable Groups of Women and Girls, we continued with a targeted mentoring and coaching👥 program as part of the EKOS project in Montenegro. The participating volunteers of the EKOS network required professional support to enhance their psychological and communication🗣 preparedness for assisting vulnerable groups. Twelve of the most active participants of the Academy, including three men, received tailored online counseling through a six-month individual online coaching program, with one hour of personalized support per month. They had access to various topics, including📃: • Personal development and self-confidence • Effective communication and interpersonal skills • Stress management and emotional intelligence • Positive psychology • Counseling skills The program delivered remarkable results🙌—participants gained valuable strategies for personal and professional growth and readiness to lead 16 interactive workshops in rural areas, where they shared their acquired knowledge. Together🤝, we are fostering the psychosocial and economic empowerment of vulnerable individuals. The project EKOS "Education and Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups of Women and Girls in Montenegro"🚺 is implemented by the Zavod Krog/Institute Circle, NVU Impuls, and NVU Runolist with financial support by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. #EKOSproject #education #womenempowerment #genderequality #coaching #zavodkrog
OD OSEBNEGA RAZVOJA DO OPOLNOMOČENJA: USPEH INDIVIDUALNEGA MENTORSVA V PROJEKTU EKOS Po uspešno zaključeni Akademiji o pravicah enakopravnosti spolov, preprečevanju nasilja in spodbujanju ekonomske neodvisnosti ranljivih skupin žensk in deklet smo v sklopu projekta EKOS v Črni gori nadaljevali s ciljno usmerjenim mentoriranjem👥 - coaching programom. Vključeni prostovoljci in prostovoljke mreže EKOS so potrebovali strokovno podporo za učinkovitejšo psihološko in komunikacijsko🗣 pripravo za pomoč ranljivim skupinam. 12 najaktivnejših udeležencev Akademije, med njimi tudi trije moški, je skozi 6-mesečni individualni spletni coaching prejelo mesečno uro prilagojenega spletnega svetovanja. Na voljo so imeli različne teme, kot so📃: • Osebni razvoj in samozavest • Učinkovita komunikacija in medosebne veščine • Obvladovanje stresa in čustvena inteligenca • Pozitivna psihologija • Veščine svetovanja Program je prinesel izjemne rezultate🙌 – udeleženci so pridobili dragocene strategije za osebni in poklicni napredek ter pripravljenost za vodenje 16 interaktivnih delavnic na podeželju, kjer so prenesli pridobljeno znanje. Na ta način skupaj spodbujamo🤝 psihosocialno in ekonomsko opolnomočenje ranljivih posameznic. Projekt EKOS »Izobraževanje in ekonomsko opolnomočenje ranljivih skupin žensk in deklet v Črni gori«🚺, izvajajo Zavod Krog, NVU Impuls in NVU Runolist s finančno podporo Ministrstva za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije. #EKOSprojekt #izobraževanjeodraslih #opolnomočenježensk #enakostspolov #coaching #zavodkrog
Podpora ženskam na poti do ekonomske neodvisnosti na Projekt podpira Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve Slovenije.
EKOS – Supporting Women on Their Path to Entrepreneurship! As part of the EKOS project, we have successfully developed business plans for 20 of our mentees! This initiative supports them on their journey toward economic independence and self-confidence. Before this, the mentees from Nikšić and Rožaje participated in training on cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants, receiving various seedlings and planting tools, with some also obtaining greenhouses. With the support of local mentors, they successfully planted herbs and began their agricultural activities. While they all grow medicinal and aromatic plants🍃, each has the opportunity to develop her own products (e.g., teas, spices, cosmetics💆♀️, essential oils, natural soaps) or create experiential offers such as workshops. The business plans include key aspects of marketing, financial planning📊, and establishing their own businesses, enabling the mentees to realize their entrepreneurial ideas and gain better market access. They outline sustainable♻️ business strategies for the cultivation and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants, tailored to local conditions and market needs. The project 🚺EKOS "Education and Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups of Women and Girls in Montenegro" is implemented by the Zavod KROG/Institute Circle, NVU Impuls, and NVU Runolist with financial support by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Together, we are building a future where local cultivation turns into a successful entrepreneurial story! #EKOSproject #education #womenempowerment #genderequality #businessplan #institutecircle
EKOS – podpora ženskam na poti do lastnega podjetja! V okviru projekta EKOS smo uspešno pripravili poslovne načrte za 20 naših mentorirank! S tem smo jih podprli na poti k ekonomski neodvisnosti in samozavesti. Pred tem so mentoriranke iz Nikšića in Rožaj sodelovale v usposabljanju o gojenju zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin🍃, kjer so prejele različne sadike in orodja za sajenje, nekatere tudi rastlinjake. Ob podpori lokalnih mentorjev so uspešno zasadile zelišča in začele svojo pridelovalno dejavnost. Čeprav vse gojijo zdravilne in aromatične rastline, ima vsaka priložnost razvijati svoje izdelke (npr. čaje, začimbe, kozmetične izdelke💆♀️, eterična olja, naravna mila) ali izkustvene ponudbe, kot so delavnice. Poslovni načrti vsebujejo ključne vsebine o trženju, finančnem načrtovanju📊 in vzpostavitvi lastnega podjetja, kar mentorirankam omogoča uresničitev podjetniških idej in boljši dostop do trga. V njih so opredeljene trajnostne♻️ poslovne strategije za pridelavo in predelavo zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin, prilagojene lokalnim razmeram in potrebam trga. Projekt 🚺EKOS »Izobraževanje in ekonomsko opolnomočenje ranljivih skupin žensk in deklet v Črni gori«, izvajajo Zavod KROG, NVU Impuls in NVU Runolist s finančno podporo Ministrstva za zunanje in evropske zadeve. Skupaj gradimo prihodnost, kjer lokalna pridelava postane uspešna podjetniška zgodba! #EKOSprojekt #izobraževanje #opolnomočenježensk #enakostspolov #poslovninačrt #zavodkrog
Within the project »Dignity and peaceful coexistence of conflict affected communities in Darfur through improved Food Security, WASH, and GBV services« safe drinking water💧 is being provided to internally displaced families in the new Harira and Ed Alteen IDP centres. The centres are located in Gadaref province, where a large number of people have found refuge due to the ongoing war in Sudan🇸🇩. Due to the absence of existing drinking water sources in the centres, the project has provided two water tanks and transportation of quality drinking water for about 2500 people. The project »Dignity and peaceful coexistance of conflict affected communities in Darfur through improved Food Security, WASH, and GBV services« is implemented in cooperation🤝 with our partner organisation HOPE Sudan and with the financial support of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. #dignity #righttowater #humanitarianassistance #Sudan #institutecircle