Posts tagged SOTR Yevick

As she was a bit angry after school, Leonie simply came to her brother’s room to insult him. Look at her, she seems so proud of herself !

The Corvia-Francoeur family, four years later !
I was too impatient to play with children, so… the “twins”, as their parents call them, are now older ! Ivan still have a bad temper, when is he is not slamming the doors, he desperately try to play his...
The Corvia-Francoeur family, four years later !
I was too impatient to play with children, so… the “twins”, as their parents call them, are now older ! Ivan still have a bad temper, when is he is not slamming the doors, he desperately try to play his...

The Corvia-Francoeur family, four years later !

I was too impatient to play with children, so… the “twins”, as their parents call them, are now older ! Ivan still have a bad temper, when is he is not slamming the doors, he desperately try to play his violin (he wanted a guitare, but…). Leonie is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, but she is basically afraid of everything, especelly if it’s filthy. But she try to overcome this, and she will have to if she want to be a doctor.

Yecick now work as a manager in a small compagny, specialised in green energy. He his fighting for the same cause as before (when he worked for a local politician), but it’s less stressfull ! His wife’s second book was almost best seller, so even if he earn less money, they managed to enlarged the house so everyone can have his own bedroom. Dorothée is now wirting a screenplay for the local theater compagny. She is taking acting classes there (in game, it’s a club where people have to interact), and wish to be on stage when her play will be performed !

And as you can see, there is a new member in the mamily : Bastien is a curious toddler, exploring the most hidden corner of the house and the garden, when his parents don’t have an eye on him !

See Yevick’s story from the beggining.

If you are following me, you know that I don’t often post about my sims’ life. And when I do, these posts gets much less notes than my other posts. I totally understand that, most of you started fowlling me thanks to my CC, or maybe for my buildings or sims.

But I’m a bit curious, I have some questions for my follower about these in-game posts. Are you interested by these gameplay screenshots (I can totally understand, if you don’t, no worries !) ? Do you simply look at the pictures, or do you read the text too ? If you do, is it… interesting, or do you want me to develop my characters’ story a bit more (I try my best, but it’s a bit hard in english ^^). Do I post too many screenshots at once ? Would it be better to post less images, but more often ?

I’m not really familiar with this, as I mostly post buildings and custom content, so I’m really interested by your opinion. ;)

Can’t wait to see the twins growing up, so I can play with the last stuff pack ! The is already some interactions available with them, but I think it will be a lot more interesting with children. I love the build content; through ! 

Yevick spend is day off playing with Leonie and Ivan. The evening before, he had a discussion with his wife, about his career : working with politicians was a nice experience, but he think it’s not what he want to do for his entire life…. but as his wife is expecting a new baby, this will have to wait.

Dorothée is about to finish her second book.  But with two toddlers asking for her attention, it’s a bit hard to work at home ! Leonie definitivly adopted her half-brother, she and Ivan are already best friend.

See Yevick’s story from the beggining.

Thanks to the amazing Phyre, in managed to change my graphic setting to get rid of the lag. (have a look at the notes on my last post, if you are interested) :D

Dorothée finally gave birth to a little girl, named Léonie. Some month after, Marine knocked at the door with a gift for her ex-boyfriend Yevick : a little boy, Ivan (yep, I simply wanted two toddler, so I created him in CAS, adding Marine to the household and using the Play with Genetics). It was a shock for Dorothée, but as the mother leaved the town, she decided to raise the young Ivan like her own baby.

The family now live in a bigger house. Yevick is glad to see everyone get along so well !

Sorry for the lack of content lately, I don’t really have any cc project I’m working on ! I will be really busy this month it seems, so don’t expect a lot of post (yep, I know, I already don’t post too often !)

See Yevick’s story from the beggining.

Some other screens of Yevick ! After breaking-up with Marine, he finally choose Dorothée (you can download both of them here). Everything is going well between those two, as she is already pregnant ! Yep, it was fast, but I can’t wait to play with a toddler ;p

Yevick is progressing rapidly in his career and in his Frien of the World aspiration (it’s two easy to make friend with the charisma skill, the bonus traits, and the political interactions !). Dorothée was an art critic, but decided to end her career to work as a writer at home.

By the way, I have a little issue with my game, maybe someone can help me. Because my lots in Savidal are full of decorative items, my game lag a lot when I zoom out. The only options to hide what is inside my neighbors’ houses is to set the Object setting in the graphical menu to low. But his setting also decrase the quality of the objects inside my own house. Is there any way to change your graphical setting a bit more precisly ?

See Yevick’s story from the beggining.

For the first time in a while, I simply played my game. No cheats, no real story, only Yevick, a sims trying to become a politician, working hard to finish renovating his home, and looking for his soulmate.

So, yep, nothing exiting ! I have no content project for the moment, and I’m almost done with my houses for Savidal’s families.

I stoll have a little story project I need to work on (if you remember, I builded this abandoned lighthouse for this), but I’m still not sure I will do it !

See Yevick’s story from the beggining.
