We dressed up for the gala 💃🕺 This year #DYNAMIK was also a partner of the Construction Ball, organized by the Association of Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave). Traditionally, students had fun together with representatives of the faculty and companies from practice and as usual the mood was great 😊 #DYNAMIK #ConstructionIndustry #StavebnaFakultaSTUBA #ConstructionWithRefinement
Nitra, Nitra 1,837 followers
Úspešný profesionálny hráč na slovenskom stavebnom trhu.
About us
DYNAMIK HOLDING is one of the most successful construction companies in Slovakia since its establishment in 1990, it operates in a field of construction, sales of building materials, production of concrete, investment and real estate development. Behind the company´s success is high technical professionalism, the ability to meet customer requirements at agreed times and high quality (ISO). ➡ More than 500 projects with a value of more than 1 billion EUR ➡ During the main construction season more than 800 people working on a projects ➡ DYNAMIK HOLDING offers the following services within the whole territory of the Slovak Republic: ✓ Realization of turnkey projects ✓ Construction of industrial buildings ✓ Construction of industrial parks ✓ Construction of investment units ✓ Construction of apartment buildings ✓ Engineering activities ✓ Residential development ✓ Development of administrative offices ✓ Development of industrial and logistic halls ✓ Development of brownfield industrial sites ✓ Development of larger territorial units Feel free to contact us: 037/314 15 00 (reception), info@dynamik.sk, www.dynamik.sk
- Website
External link for DYNAMIK HOLDING
- Industry
- Construction
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Nitra, Nitra
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1990
- Specialties
- Construction, Building Materials, Real Estate Development, Turnkey Solutions, Investments, Building Industry, Project Management, and general contractor
Štúrova 22
Nitra, Nitra 949 01, SK
🏆 The Ceremony of #KristaloveKridlo Awards are coming up - keep your fingers crossed! Tomorrow night we'll find out who will take home the prestigious #KristaloveKridlo award for 2024! And we'll be watching Slovak TV on "Jednotka", because among the nominees in the Economy category is also the CEO of #DYNAMIK, Vladimir Vikor Jr. The nomination is awarded by an expert jury of 50 top professionals, so just being among the nominees is a great recognition. 📺 Fingers crossed and stay tuned for the live broadcast on March 15th on TV! #DYNAMIK #ConstructionIndustry #KristaloveKridlo #Economy #Leadership
🏗️ Five completed projects, one great team and a joint celebration of success! 🎉 Nothing comes easy in the construction industry - behind every completed project are months of planning, challenges and solutions to be found on the fly. But when you manage to deliver five builds in the space of a few months, it's time to take a short break and remind yourself of what's behind it all. Last week we gathered at #DYNAMIK to celebrate the handover of 5 projects led by project managers Martin Smrek, Miro Kolár, Karol Okrajek and Patrik Haring While the celebrations are nice, we are even more pleased that other projects are already in full swing. So... here's to the #DYNAMIK team and to new challenges! 💪 #DYNAMIK #Construction #Structure #ProjectFame #Teamwork
Every good project must be based on solid foundations. For the #LaurinDvor residential project, that foundation is definitely a strong partnership with investor Sympatia. Thank you Branislav Haban for the complimentary words about our work. Because when an investor says that #DYNAMIK is a guarantee of precision construction, it's a commitment we work with every day to create a place where it's good to live and live. 😉 Watch how this project is turning into a reality! #DYNAMIK #LaurinDvor #ConstructionIndustry #Sympatia #CreatingHomeTogether"
CEO at Sympatia | Real Estate Investment & Development | Managing €400M+ in High-Value Projects Across Central Europe
Viete, kedy ste skutočne vyhrali? 🏆 Keď máte ten správny tím. V realitnom developmente nestačí mať dobrý projekt – musíte ho vedieť dokončiť správne a načas. A na to potrebujete tých správnych strategických partnerov: banku 🏦 a stavebnú firmu 🏗️. Ak si ich zvolíte správne, polovicu úspechu máte istú. Pomôžu vám s realizáciou projektu podľa plánu a zvládnu výzvy, ktoré sa počas výstavby objavia. 📹 Pozrite si aktuálne zábery z dronu 🚁 - prelety nad stavbou odhaľujú, ako sa formuje budúcnosť bývania v srdci Bratislavy. Laurin dvor nie je len projekt, ale miesto, kde sa kombinuje moderný dizajn, výborná dostupnosť a vysoký štandard bývania. 🏡✨ 📊 Laurin dvor sa stal jedným z najatraktívnejších rezidenčných projektov v Bratislave, pričom už viac ako 60 % bytov máme predaných, a pritom sme ešte len v polovici výstavby. Tento projekt ponúka moderné bývanie, ktoré spája výhody mestského života 🏙️ s kvalitnou architektúrou a zelenými plochami 🌿. 🔑 Na čom záleží najviac pri výbere nového bývania? Lokalita📍, kvalita 🏠, stabilný developer a samozrejme primeraná cena 💰. A práve to ponúka Sympatia spolu s našimi strategickými partnermi - stavebnou firmou DYNAMIK HOLDING 🏗️ a financujúcou bankou UniCredit Bank CZ & SK 🏦. 🔨 DYNAMIK HOLDING je zárukou precíznej výstavby a vysokého stavebného štandardu, pričom ich skúsenosti s veľkými developerskými projektmi sú pre nás neoceniteľné. Ich odborný prístup nám umožňuje realizovať projekt efektívne a kvalitne. 💰 UniCredit Bank CZ & SK nám ako financujúci partner poskytuje stabilnú a spoľahlivú podporu pri financovaní výstavby. Ich dôvera v náš projekt je dôkazom jeho hodnoty a kvality, pričom nám umožňuje plynule pokračovať v realizácii a dodržať všetky záväzky voči našim klientom. 🤝 Ďakujeme za vašu dôveru!
🌳 Did you know the project Revitalization of the Old City Park in Nitra was nominated for the prestigious Building of the Year 2024 award? 🏆 The Nitra park is competing among 17 other constructions from all over Slovakia, and we are proud that #DYNAMIK, as the general contractor, played an important role in the realization of this project. 🌟 If you like the park too, help it compete for the People's Choice Award! You can vote by clicking on the link HERE: https://lnkd.in/edv2PPdV It is an honor to present the results of our collaboration with #MestoNitra and others involved in the project. We extend our gratitude to the designers from #AtelierKrejcirik, the furniture supplier #MmcitéStreetFurniture, playgrounds supplier #Gardensta and the garden planting supplier #Greenery for their invaluable work and effort. We believe this project deserves your support. The park has undergone the biggest revitalization in the last 150 years and now serves the people of Nitra as a modern, sustainable, and beautiful space for relaxation. #DYNAMIK #ConstructionIndustry #ParkNitra #ASB.SK #StavbaRoka2024
👷♀️👩💻 Women in #DYNAMIK. On the construction site, in the office, and in the warehouse. In everything that we do. Apparently, construction is a "man's world". We at DYNAMIK know that's no longer the case. One in three colleagues on our team is a woman. They are part of the top management, project construction works, manage processes, take care of finances, communicate with clients and contractors, design interior design, sell... And yes, you will also find them on the construction site. 💪 So, dear colleagues (and all the other women), thank you for all you do and we wish you a wonderful day - not just tomorrow, but every day of the year! 🌸 May you have the space to do what you love, seize every interesting opportunity, and achieve everything you care about. 💐 The whole #DYNAMIK team wishes you a wonderful day! #DYNAMIK #WomenInConstruction #ConstructionIndustry #Respekt
🏗️If you would like to look for a DYNAMIK department with a solid foundation, it would be our #DYNAMIK concrete plant! 👷 The head of the concrete plant, Slávko Bohumel, has been at the forefront of its beginnings for an incredible 32 years, ensuring that concrete that meets all the standards and the most demanding certifications is sent out into the world from here. Just to give you an idea - this team produced 18,700 m³ of concrete in 2024. If we lined up all the mixers that took it away from the centre, they would form a convoy more than 20 kilometres long! 🚛🚛🚛 DYNAMIK Concrete Plant produces more than 40 types of concrete mixes that are used for: ✅ Construction of houses 🏡 ✅ Paved areas and roadways 🚧 ✅ Industrial flooring, exterior and interior 🏭 ✅ Waterproof, frostproof and high-strength concretes ❄️💪 Concrete from the DYNAMIK Concrete batching plant is used not only on our own projects but also on many of the region's major construction projects. So, if you're ever walking around Nitra, it's quite possible you're walking on concrete that has passed through the hands of our team! #DYNAMIK #ConcretePlant #Construction #DynamikTeam
🎂 Can you grow up in 3 years? In our opinion, it goes like nothing... After all, our #DYNAMIK branch in Košice has just celebrated its 3rd birthday It's come a long way in that time. And as a 3 year old "adult", it already knows what it wants and how to get it. 💪 Well, the branch has a strong team and successful projects behind it. We wish our colleagues in Košice to keep enjoying their work, their projects are successful and their energy does not leave them - at least for the next 3x10 years! And what would you wish them? Let us know in the comments! #DYNAMIK #Kosice #Birthday #TeamWork #ConstructionIndustry
🔥 This year DYNAMIK is again among the TOP 10 in the Best Employer poll in category of Construction Industry! What got us there? 🔥 Being a good employer is not just about benefits. It's not just about a 13th salary, expensive team buildings or flexible working hours. It's about company culture, how employees feel at work. And it is thanks to our people that DYNAMIK has traditionally been among the best in the #BestEmployer poll organized by Alma Career Slovakia. 📊 What do the numbers say? ✅ 79.5% of our voters value the team and the people ✅ 47.7% consider fair pay and benefits important ✅ 43.2% of employees said that DYNAMIK's leadership style plays a big and positive role for them It is the last point that is worth reflecting on. Company culture is not slogans on the walls or formal values in a brochure. Corporate culture is born in the day-to-day functioning, in how leaders communicate with the team, whether decisions are fair and whether employees have trust in the company. Company culture needs to be worked on in the same way as projects - systematically, with a clear vision. And above all - with people, not just for people. That´s how we think about that. #DYNAMIK #ConstructionIndustry #BestEmployer #AlmaCareerSlovakia #CompanyCulture #EmployerBranding
When Builders Pick Up Brushes and Paint… 🎨🏗️ No, this isn’t an art workshop on-site. But when our colleagues start tidying up, even the #DYNAMIK construction site containers don’t escape their attention. The result? Clean, freshly painted in company colors, with a bold DYNAMIK logo front and center. And the best part? No one told them to do it. The initiative came directly from the construction team led by Project Manager Martin Smrek. 👉 Why are we sharing this? Because this is company culture in action. Brand identity isn’t just a logo in an email signature — it’s when employees naturally take ownership of the brand and ensure its visibility beyond office walls. Marketing isn’t just about campaigns; it’s about the environment you create within the company. When it’s done right, great ideas can come from anywhere. #DYNAMIK #CompanyCulture #Construction #ConstructionIndustry #BrandBuilding