Triangles: 14.3k
Vertices: 10.1k
More model informationMessing around with refractive materials!
The Mosquito scan (415k tris) is from Geoffrey Marchal.
- The scan was first remeshed with mmgs and baked to a lighter version (11k tris).
- The amber fragment was roughly sculpted in blender (“I have no clue what I’m doing” style), keeping the main face flat (clay strips + flatten brushes).
- The small fragments inside the amber were done by splitting all the main fragment edges and applying the “shrink/fatten” tool, followed by a random Displace modifier. Exterior fragments were then removed with a boolean modifier.
The important parts are the roughness and normal maps, which are a mix of PBR textures (rougher edges, smoother main face), while the refractivity is just a product of tweaking Sketchfab settings: opacity set to refractive and using the object’s roughness.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Apr 8th 2018