Mod compatibility

This page shows all known SMAPI mods and (incompatible) content packs, whether they work with the latest versions of Stardew Valley and SMAPI, and how to fix them if not. If a mod doesn't work after following the instructions below, check the troubleshooting guide or ask for help.

The list is updated every few days (you can help update it!). It doesn't include XNB mods (see using XNB mods on the wiki instead) or compatible content packs.

{{}} mods shown ({{visibleMainStats.percentCompatible}}% compatible or have a workaround, {{visibleMainStats.percentBroken}}% broken, {{visibleMainStats.percentObsolete}}% obsolete).
No matching mods found.
mod name links author compatibility broke in code  
{{mod.Name}} (aka {{mod.AlternateNames}}) {{mod.Author}} (aka {{mod.AlternateAuthors}})
SDV only:
⚠ {{warning}}
source (source) no source # PR [dev note]