EUCAP Somalia

EUCAP Somalia

International Affairs

Mogadishu, Banadir 18,851 followers

Official account of the European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia.

About us

Official account of the European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia. Our organisation contributes to make Somalia a safer place for its people, so that economic development can flourish. Our Mission works for the resilience and capacity building of Somali federal and regional maritime civilian law-enforcement capability. Our aim is to advise the Somali federal and regional authorities in the development of the normal suite of coast guard and maritime policing functions in the coastal zone on land and at sea. EUCAP Somalia provides strategic-level advising, mentoring and some specialised training, which includes specific rule of law and security niches, such as police-prosecutor cooperation and law-drafting. European experts work for the Mission in Mogadishu, Garowe, Hargeisa and also in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, focusing on the development of a resilient and sustainable maritime security architecture. In fact, the Mission cooperates with the Federal Government of Somalia, in addition to the Puntland and Somaliland authorities, whilst developing relationships with other Federal Member States.

International Affairs
Company size
51-200 employees
Mogadishu, Banadir


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    Mogadishu, Banadir 0025, SO

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    EUCAP Newsletter is out!   Read more about: Head of Mission’s editorial -         New HoM and EUCAP’s future direction EUCAP People – Maritime Assistant Fardus -         Insights from a National Mission Member Project: Green Building -         How to plan and implement an ecological housing concept Mogadishu by Night: The Resilience and Revival of Lido Beach -         The terrorists cannot suppress the heart of the city’s social life Recent Events in EUCAP Somalia -         What we have been up to lately See the complete September Newsletter:

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    Command, control, and communication are the fundamentals of effective police work. The EUCAP Police Unit’s C3 training prepared participants to work in the Operational Command Centre at Banadir Police HQ in Mogadishu. The Centre will support the Banadir Police in overall operational planning. "This training is about building a proper system and organization for the Banadir Police to face all the challenges in their line of duty. We provide the participants with tools and a deeper understanding of the importance of good situational awareness and planning for decision-making", explains Senior Police Adviser Fredrik Henriksson. ***   Nidaamka Hagidda Macluumaadka, Xakamaynta & Isgaarsiinta ee C3 ayaa ah aasaaska shaqada waxtarka leh ee booliiska. Tababarkan nidaamka saddex-geesoodka ah (C3) ee uu soo qaban-qaabiyay Unugga Booliska EUCAP Somalia ayaa ka qeyb qaatay tayeynta saraakiisha ka hawlgeli doonta Xarunta Taliska Ciidanka ee Booliska G/Banaadir ee Muqdisho. Xaruntu waxay Booliska Banaadir ka taageeri doontaa qorshaha guud ee hawlgelinta.   "Tababarkan ayaa ku saabsanaa sida loo dhisi lahaa nidaam iyo hannaan sax ah oo Booliska G/Banaadir ay ku wajahaan dhammaan caqabadaha hortaagan waajibaadkooda shaqo. Waxaan siinaa ka qaybgalayaasha qalab iyo faham qoto dheer oo ku saabsan muhiimadda ka war-qabka xaaladda taagan markaasi iyo qorsheynta go'aan qaadashada", ayuu yiri La-taliyaha Sare ee Booliska Fredrik Henriksson.

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    The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is a worldwide system for automated emergency signal communication used for safety and rescue operations at sea. EUCAP trained officers of the Maritime Rescue and Coordination Center (MRCC) and the Somali Police Force in Mogadishu on this life-saving system. -         After this course, we have trained the entire staff of the MRCC to use this vital system. The ability to use GMDSS is the backbone of their work, as it enables them to communicate with ships in distress, said EUCAP Maritime Adviser Paolo Margadonna. #SafetyAtSea #GMDSS #EUCAP #MaritimeRescue #Somalia *** Nidaamka Dowliga ah ee Badbaadada, Samata-bixinta iyo Ka jawaabidda Dhibaatooyinka ka dhaca Badda (GMDSS) waa nidaam caalami ah oo loogu talagalay isgaarsiinta degdegga ee tooska ah oo loo isticmaalo hawlgallada badbaadinta iyo samata-bixinta dhibaatooyinka ka dhaca badda. EUCAP ayaa saraakiisha Xarunta Badbaadinta & Isku-xirka hawlgallada Badda (MRCC) iyo Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed ee Muqdisho ku tababaray nidaamkan badbaadinta nolosha. - Waxaan tababarnay dhammaan shaqaalaha Xarunta MRCC si ay u isticmaalaan nidaamkan muhiimka ah. Awoodda isticmaalka Nidaamka GMDSS ayaa laf-dhabar u ah shaqadooda, maadaama uu awood u siinayo inay la xiriiraan maraakiibta dhibaataysan, ayuu yidhi La-taliyaha Arrimaha Badda ee EUCAP Paolo Margadonna. #BadqabkaBadda #NidaamkaGMDSS #EUCAPSomalia

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    Improving the Somali maritime capacity! EUCAP facilitated a two-phased #IORIS training for officers of Somali maritime agencies, carried out by #CRIMARIO II. The Indo-Pacific Regional Information Sharing (IORIS) platform is a secure and neutral maritime coordination and information-sharing tool for national and international multi-agency use. The first phase was a week-long Training of Trainers for selected, already experienced IORIS users. The second phase was a foundational course for new IORIS users, where the Training of Trainers course graduates acted as trainers, with guidance from an IORIS instructor. - This training concludes our efforts here in Somalia, and from now on, the Somalis will be self-sufficient with IORIS. They now have the skills and trainers to use the platform independently, but of course, we will be available if further assistance is needed, said Senior IORIS Instructor Bjorn Beirens. The 27 graduates represent a broad range of Somali maritime institutions, with participants from the Somali Navy and Coastal Guard, Somali Police Force Department of Coast Guard, Maritime Joint Rescue and Coordination Center, Somali and Puntland Ministries of Fisheries and Blue Economy, and the Puntland Maritime Police Force. *** Tayeynta Hay'adaha badda Soomaaliya oo ay gacan ka geysatay EU CRIMAIO II! Hawlgalka EUCAP ayaa fududeeyay tababarka Madasha #IORIS ee Isku-xirka Badaha oo la siiyay saraakiisha Hay'adaha badda Soomaaliya. Madal-wadaaga Macluumaadka Gobolka Indo-Pacific (IORIS) waa aalad ay maalgeliso EU oo loogu talagalay isku-xirka xarumaha badda heer qaran iyo caalamiba. Wajiga koowaad ee Tababarka Tababarayaasha (TOT) oo socday muddo toddobaad ah ayaa la siiyay xirfadlayaal khibrad iyo aqoon sare u leh isticmaalka madasha IORIS. Wajiga labaad ee koorsada aasaaska ah ayaa loogu talagalay isticmaalayaasha cusub ee IORIS, halkaas oo ay xirfadlayaashaToT ka ahaayeen tababarayaal, iyaga oo uu hagaya macalin ku takhasusay IORIS. -Tababarkani ayaa soo gebagebaynaya dedaalka aanu ka wadnay halkan Soomaaliya, wixii hadda ka dambeeyana, Soomaalidu ayaa isaga filnaan doonta isticmaalka madasha IORIS. Hay'adaha badda Soomaaaliya ayaa hadda leh xirfado iyo tababarayaal si madax bannaan uga faa’ideysan karo Madasha Isku-xirka Badaha, laakiin dabcan, diyaar ayaan u nahay haddii loo baahdo taageero dheeraad ah, ayuu yidhi Macallinka Sare ee IORIS Bjorn Beirens. 27-ka arday ee qalin jabiyay ayaa ka kala socday hay’ado kala duwan oo ka tisan hay’adaha badda Soomaaliya, waxaana ka soo qeyb galay saraakiil ka kala socotay Ciidamada Badda iyo Ilaalada Xeebaha Soomaaliyeed, Waaxda Ilaalada Xeebaha ee Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed, Xarunta Badbaadinta iyo Isku-xirka hawlgallada Badda (MRCC), Wasaaradaha Kalluumeysiga iyo Dhaqaalaha Buluuga ah ee Soomaaliya, heer federaal iyo Puntland, iyo Ciidanka Badda iyo Ilaalada Xeebaha Punland (PMPF).

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    Proudly sharing EUCAP Somalia’s brand-new promotional video! 🎥 ➡️ Get an inside look at how we support Somali security institutions from sea to land: ➡️ Check out our information sheet for the latest facts on our Mission: A big thank you to all our Somali and international partners who make this possible! 🙏🇸🇴 ***** Waxaa sharaf noo ah in aan idiin la wadaagno muuqaal cusub oo soo koobaya waxqabadka EUCAP Somalia! 🎥 ➡️ Muuqaalkan kaga bogo taageerada aan u fidinno hay’adaha amniga Soomaaliyeed bad ilaa berri: ➡️ Ka akhriso xaashidan warbixinnada rasmiga ah iyo xaqiiqooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ee Hawlgalka EUCAP: Waxaan u mahadcelinayaa dhammaan saaxiibada Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa caalamiga ah ee suurtageliyay arrintan!🙏🇸🇴 ***** European External Action Service, European Union Naval Force - Operation ATALANTA, CRIMARIO II, MSB (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency), CMC Finland, ZIF - Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze gGmbH, Politie Nederland, European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management, Politi

    EUCAP Somalia Promotional Video 2024

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    EUCAP is committed to developing the Federal Darwish, a robust police force intended to play a crucial role in Somalia’s security architecture. The completion of the three-week-long Training of Trainers course for 24 Somali officers was a significant step forward. Since the participants were already experienced in their fields of expertise, the course focused on enhancing their instructional and planning competencies. These officers will serve as the backbone of the training once the Federal Darwish training program is fully launched. **** EUCAP waxaa ka go'an in ay horumariso Daraawiishta Federaalka, oo ah ciidan booliis xoog leh oo loogu talagalay in ay door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan qaab dhismeedka amniga Soomaaliya. Dhamaystirka koorsada Tababarka Tababarayaasha (ToT) oo muddo saddex toddobaad ah u socday 24 sarkaal oo Soomaali ah ayaa ahayd tallaabo horumar leh. Maadaama ka qaybgalayaashu ay horeba khibrad ugu lahaayeen xirfadahooda, koorsadu waxay diiradda saartay kor u qaadista awoodooda aqoon-gudbinta iyo qorshaynta. Saraakiishan ayaa laf-dhabar u noqon doona tababarka marka si buuxda loo bilaabo barnaamijka tababarka Ciidanka Booliska ee Federal Darwish.

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    The internship program for Puntland Maritime Police Force's Legal Department in Bosaso is progressing smoothly! Launched in January 2024 with EUCAP Somalia's support, it blends practical and theoretical training, equipping interns with key maritime law and legal reform skills. Read the full story➡️ *****   Waxaa si habsami leh u socda barnaamijka tababarka la siinayo Waaxda Sharciga Boosaaso ee Ciidanka Badda iyo Ilaalada Xeebaha Puntland (PMPF)! Ayadoo taageero laga helayo EUCAP Somalia ayaa barnaamijkan tababarka oo daboolaya dhinacyada la taaban karo iyo aragtida cilmiyeysan la bilaabay Janaayo 2024 si loo baro ciidanka xirfadaha dib u habeynta sharciga iyo qaanuunka badda ee muhiimka ah. Akhri sheekada oo dhameystiran➡️

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    EUCAP Somalia’s Field Office Puntland has launched a new initiative to strengthen the Puntland Maritime Police Forces' (PMPF) technical capabilities. This training program covers both practical and theoretical aspects of engine boat maintenance, ensuring the PMPF is well-equipped for maritime security operations. Read the full article ➡ ***** Xafiiska EUCAP Somalia ee Puntland ayaa bilaabay hindise cusub oo lagu xoojinayo awoodaha farsamo ee Ciidamada PMPF. Barnaamijkan tababarka ah ayaa daboolaya dhinacyada la taaban karo iyo aragtida cilmiyeysan ee dayactirka doomaha ku shaqeeyo matoorka, ayadoo la hubinayo in Ciidanka PMPF uu si fiican ugu qalabaysan yahay hawlgallada amniga badda. Akhri maqaalka oo dhameystiran ➡

    Enhancing PMPF's Technical Capabilities for Engine Boat Maintenance and Repair

    Enhancing PMPF's Technical Capabilities for Engine Boat Maintenance and Repair

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    On 03 August, #OperationATALANTA ESPS NUMANCIA conducted a Local Maritime Capacity Building exercise with Puntland Maritime Police Forces (PMPF) in collaboration with EUCAP Somalia. 🔎 The exercise consisted of a tactical simulated situation in which trainees discovered a suspected vessel using the Indo Pacific Regional Information Sharing (IORIS) platform and performed a Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS). They also conducted personnel identification procedures. It was also an opportunity for the EUNAVFOR ATALANTA Force Commander, Rear Admiral Alvargonzalez, to meet with the Director General of the PMPF, Mr. Abdirabbi Abdisamad Mohamed. Armada #MaritimeSecurityProvider

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    The Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF), Maritime Police Unit Coast Guard Group, celebrated the completion of a six-month training on coast guard functions with a certificate ceremony for 10 participants. This training, led by PMPF trained by our advisors, was honored by the presence of Brig. Gen. Lacle and senior PMPF officials. We wish them continued success for the second training phase in 2024.   ***** 23-kii July, Kooxda Ilaalada Xeebaha ee Ciidanka Badda Puntland (PMPF) ayaa u dabbaaldegay xidhitaanka tababar lix bilood ah oo ku saabsan xirfadaha ilaalinta xeebaha, waxaana la qabtay xaflad shahaadooyin lagu guddoonsiinayay 10 kaqeybgale. Tababarkan oo ay hogaaminayeen Ciidamada PMPF oo ay horay u tababareen la-taliyayaasheenna, ayaa waxaa goob joog ahaa Sareeye Guuto Lacle iyo saraakiisha sare ee PMPF. Waxaan u rajaynaynaa dadaal iyo guul wejiga labaad ee tababarka 2024.

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