Spark Release 3.3.2

Spark 3.3.2 is a maintenance release containing stability fixes. This release is based on the branch-3.3 maintenance branch of Spark. We strongly recommend all 3.3 users to upgrade to this stable release.

Notable changes

  • [SPARK-38697]: Extend SparkSessionExtensions to inject rules into AQE Optimizer
  • [SPARK-40872]: Fallback to original shuffle block when a push-merged shuffle chunk is zero-size
  • [SPARK-41388]: getReusablePVCs should ignore recently created PVCs in the previous batch
  • [SPARK-42071]: Register scala.math.Ordering$Reverse to KyroSerializer
  • [SPARK-32380]: sparksql cannot access hive table while data in hbase
  • [SPARK-39404]: Unable to query _metadata in streaming if getBatch returns multiple logical nodes in the DataFrame
  • [SPARK-40493]: Revert “[SPARK-33861][SQL] Simplify conditional in predicate”
  • [SPARK-40588]: Sorting issue with partitioned-writing and AQE turned on
  • [SPARK-40817]: Remote spark.jars URIs ignored for Spark on Kubernetes in cluster mode
  • [SPARK-40819]: Parquet INT64 (TIMESTAMP(NANOS,true)) now throwing Illegal Parquet type instead of automatically converting to LongType
  • [SPARK-40829]: STORED AS serde in CREATE TABLE LIKE view does not work
  • [SPARK-40851]: TimestampFormatter behavior changed when using the latest Java 8/11/17
  • [SPARK-40869]: KubernetesConf.getResourceNamePrefix creates invalid name prefixes
  • [SPARK-40874]: Fix broadcasts in Python UDFs when encryption is enabled
  • [SPARK-40902]: Quick submission of drivers in tests to mesos scheduler results in dropping drivers
  • [SPARK-40918]: Mismatch between ParquetFileFormat and FileSourceScanExec in # columns for WSCG.isTooManyFields when using _metadata
  • [SPARK-40924]: Unhex function works incorrectly when input has uneven number of symbols
  • [SPARK-40932]: Barrier: messages for allGather will be overridden by the following barrier APIs
  • [SPARK-40963]: ExtractGenerator sets incorrect nullability in new Project
  • [SPARK-40987]: Avoid creating a directory when deleting a block, causing DAGScheduler to not work
  • [SPARK-41035]: Incorrect results or NPE when a literal is reused across distinct aggregations
  • [SPARK-41118]: to_number/try_to_number throws NullPointerException when format is null
  • [SPARK-41144]: UnresolvedHint should not cause query failure
  • [SPARK-41151]: Keep built-in file _metadata column nullable value consistent
  • [SPARK-41154]: Incorrect relation caching for queries with time travel spec
  • [SPARK-41162]: Anti-join must not be pushed below aggregation with ambiguous predicates
  • [SPARK-41187]: [Core] LiveExecutor MemoryLeak in AppStatusListener when ExecutorLost happen
  • [SPARK-41188]: Set executorEnv OMP_NUM_THREADS to be spark.task.cpus by default for spark executor JVM processes
  • [SPARK-41254]: YarnAllocator.rpIdToYarnResource map is not properly updated
  • [SPARK-41327]: Fix SparkStatusTracker.getExecutorInfos by switch On/OffHeapStorageMemory info
  • [SPARK-41339]: RocksDB state store WriteBatch doesn’t clean up native memory
  • [SPARK-41350]: allow simple name access of using join hidden columns after subquery alias
  • [SPARK-41365]: Stages UI page fails to load for proxy in some yarn versions
  • [SPARK-41375]: Avoid empty latest KafkaSourceOffset:
  • [SPARK-41376]: Executor netty direct memory check should respect
  • [SPARK-41379]: Inconsistency of spark session in DataFrame in user function for foreachBatch sink in PySpark
  • [SPARK-41385]: Replace deprecated .newInstance() in K8s module
  • [SPARK-41395]: InterpretedMutableProjection can corrupt unsafe buffer when used with decimal data
  • [SPARK-41448]: Make consistent MR job IDs in FileBatchWriter and FileFormatWriter
  • [SPARK-41458]: Correctly transform the SPI services for Yarn Shuffle Service
  • [SPARK-41468]: Fix PlanExpression handling in EquivalentExpressions
  • [SPARK-41522]: GA dependencies test faild
  • [SPARK-41535]: InterpretedUnsafeProjection and InterpretedMutableProjection can corrupt unsafe buffer when used with calendar interval data
  • [SPARK-41554]: Decimal.changePrecision produces ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • [SPARK-41668]: DECODE function returns wrong results when passed NULL
  • [SPARK-41732]: Session window: analysis rule “SessionWindowing” does not apply tree-pattern based pruning
  • [SPARK-41989]: PYARROW_IGNORE_TIMEZONE warning can break application logging setup
  • [SPARK-42084]: Avoid leaking the qualified-access-only restriction
  • [SPARK-42090]: Introduce sasl retry count in RetryingBlockTransferor
  • [SPARK-42134]: Fix getPartitionFiltersAndDataFilters() to handle filters without referenced attributes
  • [SPARK-42157]: spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR should provide FAIR scheduler
  • [SPARK-42176]: Cast boolean to timestamp fails with ClassCastException
  • [SPARK-42188]: Force SBT protobuf version to match Maven on branch 3.2 and 3.3
  • [SPARK-42201]: build/sbt should allow SBT_OPTS to override JVM memory setting
  • [SPARK-42222]: Spark 3.3 Backport: SPARK-41344 Reading V2 datasource masks underlying error
  • [SPARK-42259]: ResolveGroupingAnalytics should take care of Python UDAF
  • [SPARK-42344]: The default size of the CONFIG_MAP_MAXSIZE should not be greater than 1048576
  • [SPARK-42346]: distinct(count colname) with UNION ALL causes query analyzer bug
  • [SPARK-38277]: Clear write batch after RocksDB state store’s commit
  • [SPARK-40913]: Pin pytest==7.1.3
  • [SPARK-41089]: Relocate Netty native arm64 libs
  • [SPARK-41360]: Avoid BlockManager re-registration if the executor has been lost
  • [SPARK-41476]: Prevent from triggering CIs
  • [SPARK-41541]: Fix wrong child call in SQLShuffleWriteMetricsReporter.decRecordsWritten()
  • [SPARK-41962]: Update the import order of scala package in class SpecificParquetRecordReaderBase
  • [SPARK-42230]: Improve lint job by skipping PySpark and SparkR docs if unchanged
  • [SPARK-41863]: Skip flake8 tests if the command is not available
  • [SPARK-41864]: Fix mypy linter errors
  • [SPARK-42110]: Reduce the number of repetition in ParquetDeltaEncodingSuite.random data test
  • [SPARK-41415]: SASL Request Retries
  • [SPARK-41538]: Metadata column should be appended at the end of project list
  • [SPARK-40983]: Remove Hadoop requirements for zstd mention in Parquet compression codec
  • [SPARK-41185]: Remove ARM limitation for YuniKorn from docs

  • [SPARK-35542]: Fix: Bucketizer created for multiple columns with parameters splitsArray, inputCols and outputCols can not be loaded after saving it
  • [SPARK-36057]: SPIP: Support Customized Kubernetes Schedulers
  • [SPARK-38034]: Optimize TransposeWindow rule
  • [SPARK-38404]: Improve CTE resolution when a nested CTE references an outer CTE
  • [SPARK-38614]: Don’t push down limit through window that’s using percent_rank
  • [SPARK-38717]: Handle Hive’s bucket spec case preserving behaviour
  • [SPARK-38796]: Update to_number and try_to_number functions to allow PR with positive numbers
  • [SPARK-39184]: Handle undersized result array in date and timestamp sequences
  • [SPARK-39200]: Make Fallback Storage readFully on content
  • [SPARK-39340]: DS v2 agg pushdown should allow dots in the name of top-level columns
  • [SPARK-39355]: Single column uses quoted to construct UnresolvedAttribute
  • [SPARK-39419]: Fix ArraySort to throw an exception when the comparator returns null
  • [SPARK-39447]: Avoid AssertionError in AdaptiveSparkPlanExec.doExecuteBroadcast
  • [SPARK-39476]: Disable Unwrap cast optimize when casting from Long to Float/ Double or from Integer to Float
  • [SPARK-39548]: CreateView Command with a window clause query hit a wrong window definition not found issue
  • [SPARK-39570]: Inline table should allow expressions with alias
  • [SPARK-39614]: K8s pod name follows DNS Subdomain Names rule
  • [SPARK-39633]: Support timestamp in seconds for TimeTravel using Dataframe options
  • [SPARK-39647]: Register the executor with ESS before registering the BlockManager
  • [SPARK-39650]: Fix incorrect value schema in streaming deduplication with backward compatibility
  • [SPARK-39656]: Fix wrong namespace in DescribeNamespaceExec
  • [SPARK-39657]: YARN AM client should call the non-static setTokensConf method
  • [SPARK-39672]: Fix removing project before filter with correlated subquery
  • [SPARK-39758]: Fix NPE from the regexp functions on invalid patterns
  • [SPARK-39775]: Disable validate default values when parsing Avro schemas
  • [SPARK-39806]: Accessing _metadata on partitioned table can crash a query
  • [SPARK-39833]: Disable Parquet column index in DSv1 to fix a correctness issue in the case of overlapping partition and data columns
  • [SPARK-39835]: Fix EliminateSorts remove global sort below the local sort
  • [SPARK-39839]: Handle special case of null variable-length Decimal with non-zero offsetAndSize in UnsafeRow structural integrity check
  • [SPARK-39847]: Fix race condition in RocksDBLoader.loadLibrary() if caller thread is interrupted
  • [SPARK-39857]: V2ExpressionBuilder uses the wrong LiteralValue data type for In predicate
  • [SPARK-39867]: Global limit should not inherit OrderPreservingUnaryNode
  • [SPARK-39887]: RemoveRedundantAliases should keep aliases that make the output of projection nodes unique
  • [SPARK-39896]: UnwrapCastInBinaryComparison should work when the literal of In/InSet downcast failed
  • [SPARK-39900]: Address partial or negated condition in binary format’s predicate pushdown
  • [SPARK-39911]: Optimize global Sort to RepartitionByExpression
  • [SPARK-39915]: Dataset.repartition(N) may not create N partitions Non-AQE part
  • [SPARK-39915]: Ensure the output partitioning is user-specified in AQE
  • [SPARK-39932]: WindowExec should clear the final partition buffer
  • [SPARK-39951]: Update Parquet V2 columnar check for nested fields
  • [SPARK-39952]: SaveIntoDataSourceCommand should recache result relation
  • [SPARK-39962]: Apply projection when group attributes are empty
  • [SPARK-39976]: ArrayIntersect should handle null in left expression correctly
  • [SPARK-40002]: Don’t push down limit through window using ntile
  • [SPARK-40065]: Mount ConfigMap on executors with non-default profile as well
  • [SPARK-40079]: Add Imputer inputCols validation for empty input case
  • [SPARK-40089]: Fix sorting for some Decimal types
  • [SPARK-40117]: Convert condition to java in DataFrameWriterV2.overwrite
  • [SPARK-40121]: Initialize projection used for Python UDF
  • [SPARK-40132]: Restore rawPredictionCol to MultilayerPerceptronClassifier.setParams
  • [SPARK-40149]: Propagate metadata columns through Project
  • [SPARK-40152]: Fix split_part codegen compilation issue
  • [SPARK-40169]: Don’t pushdown Parquet filters with no reference to data schema
  • [SPARK-40212]: SparkSQL castPartValue does not properly handle byte, short, or float
  • [SPARK-40213]: Support ASCII value conversion for Latin-1 characters
  • [SPARK-40218]: GROUPING SETS should preserve the grouping columns
  • [SPARK-40228]: Do not simplify multiLike if child is not a cheap expression
  • [SPARK-40247]: Fix BitSet equality check
  • [SPARK-40280]: Add support for parquet push down for annotated int and long
  • [SPARK-40297]: CTE outer reference nested in CTE main body cannot be resolved
  • [SPARK-40362]: Fix BinaryComparison canonicalization
  • [SPARK-40380]: Fix constant-folding of InvokeLike to avoid non-serializable literal embedded in the plan
  • [SPARK-40385]: Fix interpreted path for companion object constructor
  • [SPARK-40389]: Decimals can’t upcast as integral types if the cast can overflow
  • [SPARK-40468]: Fix column pruning in CSV when _corrupt_record is selected
  • [SPARK-40508]: Treat unknown partitioning as UnknownPartitioning
  • [SPARK-40535]: Fix bug the buffer of AggregatingAccumulator will not be created if the input rows is empty
  • [SPARK-40562]: Add spark.sql.legacy.groupingIdWithAppendedUserGroupBy
  • [SPARK-40612]: Fixing the principal used for delegation token renewal on non-YARN resource managers
  • [SPARK-40660]: Switch to XORShiftRandom to distribute elements
  • [SPARK-40703]: Introduce shuffle on SinglePartition to improve parallelism

Dependency Changes

While being a maintenance release we did still upgrade some dependencies in this release they are:

You can consult JIRA for the detailed changes.

We would like to acknowledge all community members for contributing patches to this release.

Spark News Archive
