SAI begins sports activities in Delhi's JLN and National stadiums

Sports activities resumed in Delhi with the Sports Authority of India opening up the stadia under its charge in adherence to social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

Published : May 26, 2020 19:29 IST

Sports activities resumed at JLN Stadium in pre-booked one-hour slots.

Sports activities finally resumed in the national capital with the Sports Authority of India opening up the stadia under its charge on Tuesday in adherence to social distancing and hygiene guidelines issued by the Sports and the Home Ministries earlier this month.

However, only non-contact sports with minimal sharing of equipment have been allowed at the moment. The Shyama Prasad Mookerjee Swimming Complex remains closed. Archery, table tennis, badminton and tennis have been approved at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium and the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium.


While Nehru Stadium is the first off the block, with activities resuming from Tuesday afternoon in pre-booked one-hour slots, SAI is still working on the logistics of opening up Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium and Karni Singh Shooting Range.

All stadia have been disinfected and deep sanitized, thermal checks for every trainee and any accompanying guardian and mandatory masks that can be removed while performing.
