About CEN

The European Committee for Standardization is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.




Reference EN 1337-5:2005
Title Structural bearings - Part 5: Pot bearings
Work Item Number 00167005
Abstract/Scope This part of EN 1337 specifies the requirements for the design and manufacture of pot bearings which will be used for operating temperatures between - 40 °C and 50 °C. This part of EN 1337 does not apply to pot bearings made with other materials than those specified in clause 5. Bearings which are subjected to rotation ad greater than 0,030 rad (see Figure 2) under the characteristic combination of actions or which incorporate elastomeric pads larger than 1500 mm in diameter are beyond the scope of this document. Depending on the climatic region where the construction work is located the bearings can be designed to one of the following classes related to minimum operating temperatures (the minimum shade air temperatures): - 25 °C or - 40 °C. When required to accommodate translational movements, pot bearings may be combined with sliding elements in accordance with EN 1337-2. NOTE The minimum shade air temperature for a location should be obtained from meteorological data appropriate to a 120 year return period. Consideration should be given to adjustment of this temperature for height and local divergence such as frost pockets and sheltered low-lying areas if the data obtained applies to a general area rather than to a specific location.
Reference Document
date of Availability (DAV) 2005-03-09
ICS 91.010.30 - Technical aspects
Special National Condition(s)  


Directive(s) 305/2011, 89/106/EEC
Mandate(s) M/104
Citation in OJEU C 259 (2014-08-08) for Directive 305/2011, C 319 (2005-12-14) for Directive 89/106/EEC

Implementation Dates

date of Ratification (DOR) (1) 2004-06-04
date of Availability (DAV) (2) 2005-03-09
date of Announcement (DOA) (3) 2005-06-30
date of Publication (DOP) (4) 2006-12-31
date of Withdrawal (DOW) (5) 2006-12-31


(1) Date of ratification (dor) date when the Technical Board notes the approval of an EN (and HD for CENELEC), from which time the standard may be said to be approved

(2) Date of availability (dav) date when the definitive text in the official language versions of an approved CEN/CENELEC publication is distributed by the Central Secretariat

(3) Date of announcement (doa) latest date by which the existence of an EN (and HD for CENELEC), a TS or a CWA has to be announced at national level

(4) Date of publication (dop) latest date by which an EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement

(5) Date of withdrawal (dow) latest date by which national standards conflicting with an EN (and HD for CENELEC) have to be withdrawn

(6) This list of normative references is purely indicative. The only official list of normative reference is the list of the published standard.

In the case of undated standard, a link to the last dated version is provided.

In the case of series, a link to each standard identified in the series is provided.

We also invite you to check (via the website) whether corrigenda and/or amendments shall be read in conjunction with the main standard.


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