Reference Date Title CEN/TS 17188:2018 2018-06-13 Materials obtained from end of life tyres (ELT) - Sampling method for granulates and powders stored in big-bags CEN/TR 17511:2020 2020-07-08 Materials obtained from End-of-Life Tyres - Odour of ELT granulates - Origin and remediation possibilities CEN/TS 16916:2016 2016-03-16 Materials obtained from End of Life Tyres - Determination of specific requirements for sampling and determination of moisture content using the oven-dry method EN 14243-2:2019 2019-02-13 Materials obtained from end of life tyres - Part 2: Granulates and powders - Methods for determining the particle size distribution and impurities, including free steel and free textile content EN 14243-1:2019 2019-02-13 Materials obtained from end of life tyres - Part 1: General definitions related to the methods for determining their dimension(s) and impurities EN 14243-3:2019 2019-02-13 Materials obtained from end of life tyres - Part 3: Shreds, cuts and chips - Methods for determining their dimension(s) including protruding filaments dimensions CEN/TS 17189:2018 2018-06-13 Materials obtained from end of life tyres (ELT) - Determination of the true density of granulates - Method based on water pycnometry CEN/TR 17509:2020 2020-07-08 Materials obtained from End-of-Life Tyres - Granulated rubber - Determination of textile fiber content by visual index (qualitative method) CEN/TS 17308:2019 2019-04-03 Materials produced from end of life tyres - Steel wire - Determination of the non-metallic content CEN/TS 17307:2019 2019-03-27 Material derived from End-of-Life tyres - Granulates and powders - Elastomers identification: Gas-chromatography and mass-spectrometric detection of pyrolysis products in solution CEN/TS 17045:2020 2020-10-07 Materials obtained from end-of-life tyres - Quality criteria for the selection of whole tyres, for recovery and recycling processes CEN/TS 17510:2020 2020-10-07 Materials obtained from end-of-life tyres - Determination of the specific surface area of powders - Method based on krypton adsorption