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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 2103.98 +251.3 +13.57% 4733
August 2024 1852.66 367.14 +24.71% 5279
July 2024 1485.53 -448.98 -23.21% 3115
June 2024 1934.50 -721.30 -27.16% 3987
May 2024 2655.80 -518.16 -16.33% 5801
April 2024 3173.97 2082.87 +190.90% 5674
March 2024 1091.09 403.53 +58.69% 4558
February 2024 687.56 -210.62 -23.45% 1315
January 2024 898.18 -13.44 -1.47% 1844
December 2023 911.62 309.02 +51.28% 1877
November 2023 602.60 47.91 +8.64% 1076
October 2023 554.69 31.70 +6.06% 1347
September 2023 522.99 -10.89 -2.04% 1307
August 2023 533.88 -23.35 -4.19% 1148
July 2023 557.23 26.70 +5.03% 1166
June 2023 530.53 -143.54 -21.29% 1207
May 2023 674.07 -82.32 -10.88% 1558
April 2023 756.39 -129.35 -14.60% 1788
March 2023 885.74 -468.70 -34.60% 2039
February 2023 1354.45 -178.85 -11.66% 3271
January 2023 1533.30 -776.52 -33.62% 3758
December 2022 2309.81 - - 7272
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