

CS 1.6 Has Over 7k People Playing? Why?
Like don't get me wrong I'm glad but why does it show that many people on it? Did something happen recently to boost it's popularity again or?
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where did you get this number? 1.6 had between 15k-20k players on avg in the last 3 years
That's just a small % of its real population, most players still use a non-steam version instead. Quite hard to estimate but definitely within hundreds of thousands on a daily basis.
Originally posted by LOKI DEATHMATCH:
where did you get this number? 1.6 had between 15k-20k players on avg in the last 3 years
It was just based on what Steam said the active player count was at the time I wrote the post.
cs 1.6 is dead 5on5 unplayable no irc no mm

fastcup last option full of turkish & russian cheater
BogdaN 27 Jan @ 3:54pm 
We need Gather Network back for 5v5, that was fun times in 2010-12
Qwertyiop 27 Jan @ 7:49pm 
Originally posted by Mag Smrodu:
Like don't get me wrong I'm glad but why does it show that many people on it? Did something happen recently to boost it's popularity again or?
The zoomer cries out pain as he strikes y0u
Last edited by Qwertyiop; 28 Jan @ 6:09pm
Originally posted by BogdaN:
We need Gather Network back for 5v5, that was fun times in 2010-12

valve just could add a MM mode for 1.6... but nooooo they create skins for this gamble ♥♥♥♥
i think more 50-60k players with non-steam users
Something 28 Jan @ 11:55am 
I'd honestly be happy if they just added built-in bot support so I can play by myself when I get the itch instead of having to jack into the social nyetwork every time I wanna feel that hit of nostalgia.
puplic is no fun for players like .. get kicked so often cause im just to good
Originally posted by Mag Smrodu:
I'd honestly be happy if they just added built-in bot support so I can play by myself when I get the itch instead of having to jack into the social nyetwork every time I wanna feel that hit of nostalgia.

Zbots work, that's the only way I play. The Condition Zero bots, they work in CS 1.6. There's a tutorial here, very simple. They're basically the "official" bots.

If not, you could go with Podbot MM or Yapb, but they require Metamod, which is kind of a pain to set up. Good bots though, probably better than Zbots. I prefer Zbots myself though. Or you could play Condition Zero, I guess. CS Source has bots too, which are more or less greatly improved Zbots.
Last edited by Hellektronic; 28 Jan @ 5:39pm
Originally posted by Hellektronic:
Originally posted by Mag Smrodu:
I'd honestly be happy if they just added built-in bot support so I can play by myself when I get the itch instead of having to jack into the social nyetwork every time I wanna feel that hit of nostalgia.

Zbots work, that's the only way I play. The Condition Zero bots, they work in CS 1.6. There's a tutorial here, very simple. They're basically the "official" bots.

If not, you could go with Podbot MM or Yapb, but they require Metamod, which is kind of a pain to set up. Good bots though, probably better than Zbots. I prefer Zbots myself though. Or you could play Condition Zero, I guess. CS Source has bots too, which are more or less greatly improved Zbots.

I said built-in not some bot program I gotta get off some backwater mediafire link.
It's pretty much just Condition Zero files that replace the equivalent 1.6 files in a certain way that makes the bots work. CS 1.6 and Condition Zero are very similar, most things that work for one work for the other too. Valve should've already included these bots in 1.6, but didn't.
Last edited by Hellektronic; 28 Jan @ 8:05pm
Kalibri 29 Jan @ 11:07am 
Originally posted by Mag Smrodu:
Like don't get me wrong I'm glad but why does it show that many people on it? Did something happen recently to boost it's popularity again or?
:steamhappy: it's a legendary game that gives people the emotion of their childhood
Last edited by Kalibri; 29 Jan @ 11:10am
Zeports 30 Jan @ 1:17pm 
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